Seabound- the Beginnin

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Seabound- the Beginnin Page 2

by Maira Dawn

  Sonora plopped onto the ground and grabbed up a handful of sand. Staring at the rolling ocean, she recalled the many times her mother teased her over her love of the sea. Too much for someone named after the desert, she'd always said. Sonora snorted. It might be true. Her entire family took every beach opportunity they could, but Sonora outdid them all.

  From the time she was small Sonora had plied her Aunt Claire, who worked at the local Marine Center and Museum, with questions until her aunt would take her little face in her hands, gently squeeze her cheeks and plead for her to stop.

  When Sonora started driving, she spent long hours after school either in the water or the Marine Center despite her friend's pleas, and jeering, over her resistance to join them at their many parties.

  Now she worked as hard as she could to save money for college. Her whole life had been about getting into that water, and somehow she’d make it her career.

  Sonora stood and brushed the sand off herself. She would reapply for financing and make a better budget when she got home, saving every penny, no matter how long it took. Until then, she'd be content with snorkeling. It was free and always an adventure. What treats would it hold for her today?

  The Shadow

  Chapter Four

  Sonora waded into the water, anticipating the force of the warm waves before they banged against her legs, swirling around her. She wiggled her toes and adjusted her stance for the gritty sand's slow suction beneath her feet.

  Something appeared on her left, and Sonora startled. Smaller fish were the norm in this area. Maybe the thing was only a piece of driftwood. She took a step toward it, and it sped away. She frowned. Not driftwood then. A sea turtle?

  Sonora smiled when she saw the quick flash of a sleek, grey dolphin rolling in a wave just a few feet away from her. So, that's what it was.

  Bringing her mask close to her lips, she gathered some saliva and spat into the goggles. She wiped the spit around the glass with her finger, getting all the edges so her mask wouldn’t fog. After adjusting both the mask and snorkel to her face, Sonora took a few steps and slid into the sea. As the water smoothed over her body and enfolded her, she moved from one world and into the next. All the weights and cares of the topside washed away, to be forgotten during the precious hours below.

  She dove, investigating the small sea creatures around her, coming up only when she needed air. Sonora listened for the hollow thunk of the water leaving her snorkel before taking a breath and again retreating into the muffled ocean.

  After a while, she rose to float, bouncing lightly with the sun-warmed water as tiny ripples rolled like silk over her shoulders and down her back, while others teased her feet.

  A small group of colorful, little fish darted here and there below her on their endless quest for food, while other larger species slowly swam across her field of vision. A little crab scurried across the ocean floor on a mission known only to him. Sonora held back a chuckle. This was better than TV.

  After diving to the shallow ocean floor, Sonora examined some treasures the small reef provided. She picked up the small crab, and he fearlessly tried to pinch her thumb, which was twice as big as him. Sonora let him think he won and settled him back on the sandy floor where a half-buried starfish lay. After waving the remaining sand off the creature, she gave it a few light strokes.

  Sonora avoided the colorful coral but petted and gently prodded what was safe as she kicked her way from one area to another. To her right, a school of fish startled and swam to the deeper part of the ocean. It seemed darker than it should be. Sonora looked above her and filled with disappointment. She'd been down here longer than she thought. It was time to go home.

  Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. The shadow. The same one she’d seen for three days in a row now. Sonora narrowed her eyes. She'd been curious at first, but now she was getting worried.

  The first day, the shadow was no more than a flash, and Sonora had talked herself into thinking it was only a trick of the light. The second day, it hovered behind her. When she turned, the shadow quickly disappeared, but she still hadn't been too worried. It could've been a shy fish.

  But a third day? A third day of a shadow purposely staying out of her eye line? This was no longer some random incident, nor was it the behavior of fish.

  This was the behavior of humans, most likely some creep. Despite the warm water, a chill shot down Sonora's spine. How long had this been going on?

  There may have been a beach full of people above her, but down here, Sonora was alone. She looked at her empty hands and the deepwater surrounding her. For the first time in Sonora's life, she felt threatened in her beloved sea.

  Sonora tensed to swing toward the shadow. But before she made a move, it was gone, like a flash of light as if it knew her plan. The same way it had disappeared the previous two days.

  Sonora relaxed. If it followed the same pattern, that would be the last she would see of it today. She surfaced and cleared her snorkel. Sonora took in the sun sitting low on the horizon, and with a heavy heart, started swimming for shore.

  Jata Ara

  Chapter Five

  Keeping to the shadows, he watched as the woman turned and kicked her way back to shore. She was out later today than usual, it would start getting dark soon. It was good he'd been here to watch over her. She had a habit of coming to the water by herself. He didn't like it. It could be dangerous for humans.

  The woman's long, blonde hair rippled in a fan behind her. It reminded him of the sun's rays shining down from the world above.

  Something about the woman drew him to her over and over again. At first, he'd rebelled, but soon thoughts of her drove everything else from his mind. He knew what the stories said, what his parents to his great-great-grandparents and as far back as he could remember would call the person who drew him.

  What would the woman call it? Mate, partner, consort, spouse, wife, lover. But those were human names. They didn't measure how deeply his people felt about the one they spent their life with. They knew all those words but also more. And for that reason, in his language, they called their mates Jata Ara, or as humans would say Intended, from the moment they met them.

  For humans, intended merely meant a person they planned to marry. He scoffed at that definition. There was so much more to it than that. Jata Ara meant the person you were purposed to be with, someone who matched you flawlessly, who was undeniably, unquestionably yours. One's true partner.

  And his people quickly recognized their Intended. One look was all it could take. Some called it the Valltrik or Knowing. Why his people had this ability, they weren't entirely sure. Though it was thought they had developed an extreme kind of empathy.

  But what would he know? He'd searched for decades and never found his Intended. Most men found theirs within a year or two of searching, but not him. Even though he had scoured all the kingdoms of the sea. Although he had met many lovely women, he had never known a pull to one specific person, never felt that knowing that someone was indisputably his. So, even as he watched friend after friend find their Intended, he had stopped believing.

  Until now. All the old ones had told him not to give up, that his time would come, and when she was found, it would be life-changing. They were right. This connection had been instant, deep and sharp at the core of his being. This woman belonged with him.

  But there was a problem. His eyes trailed the girl as his chest tightened. He swallowed hard, still unable to believe that this had happened.

  A true mate came from the sea, always.

  Not human, not ever. Never in all the legends, in all the stories did someone like him ever have a human Jata Ara. In cautionary tales, his people may settle for humans on a rare occasion, but they never had a real bond. Hence, the cautionary part of the tale.

  And yet here he was looking at a human. He grimaced, wondering why he didn't flee.

  Not that he wasn't human, he was, but his kind were superior. The same model but with extra abilit
ies. Atlantian.

  And she was... just human. He almost pitied the young woman. The Atlantian ran a hand over his face. Just look at her.

  He straightened. He needed to seek the girl's good qualities. If she was his Jata Ara, there had to be a reason.

  She was lovely to look at, there was no doubt about that. Her body was lithe, that lovely hair billowed around her in the water. Although he hadn't been very close to her, if he wasn't mistaken, her eyes were a bright blue. She seemed healthy enough, but she was so small compared to Atlantian women. And that wasn't the only problem.

  He winced. That clumsy way she propelled through the water. Tiny Atlantian children moved better than that. He tipped his head. Was that even called swimming?

  He groaned as the woman prodded another sea creature. What was she doing now? Doesn't she know that could be bad... for it?

  This couldn't be his Intended! He tried focusing on her ignorance and lack of grace to lessen his attraction, but it didn't work. The pull continued, the Knowing refused to go away. Instead, he felt his heartbeat quicken. He wanted this clumsy girl more than he had wanted anything in his whole life.

  How did he convince the human she belonged at his side under the sea? The Atlantian couldn't see this going well, not at all. But he had to try. The alternative, well, he didn't want to think of that.

  He had thought through all the scenarios. Bump into her on land and ask her back to his place. No, creepy. Get to know the girl until she trusted him, then spring it on her. No, she'd think him insane and run away screaming. He ran a hand through his hair.

  The Atlantian hoped the woman understood, that on some level she could have feelings for him too. But, for him, this wasn't going away. He knew what he had to do.

  Rogue Wave

  Chapter Six

  Sonora paddled toward shore, berating herself once again for getting further out to sea than she intended. Her mother would soon be wondering why she was gone so long. In the middle of her self-censure, a heavy watery weight bashed her back. It steamrolled over her and slammed her to the ocean floor.

  Sonora spun out of control, a swirl of arms and legs. When her flailing limbs scraped the coral, and the turbulent water tinted red. The tide changed direction, now dragging her away from the beach. Heart hammering her ribcage, Sonora grasped at anything to stop the frenzied plunge toward the depths.

  But there was nothing, only wild water, and beads of air gushing through her fingers.

  The snorkel ripped from her mouth, and the remaining air in her lungs would no longer sustain her. Her body screamed for her to inhale.

  The turmoil of the surface looked so far away. Trembling and almost hopeless, Sonora gave one last effort to rise toward the air. Using every bit of strength, she worked against the push and pull of the tide.

  Every muscle strained even as her body begged for a single breath to accomplish what Sonora asked of it. But it was no use, she was powerless against this small, but ruthless rogue wave.

  Defeated and exhausted, tears left her eyes and mixed with the salty water killing her. She was going to die here.

  Out of the dark, swirling sea came an impossibly large hand. A man's hand, strong and broad with a slight scar running down the back of the right one. It turned palm-up and opened.

  It had to be him. The shadow, the creep. Yet, he offered her help. It was Sonora's only chance at life, and she took it.

  She reached out, taking comfort in his size and strength as his massive hand closed over her small one and pulled her to him. Then her last breath faded, and darkness overtook her.

  Sonora woke with a start to a calmer watery scene. She shuddered at the odd feeling of waking under water. Sonora's hand flew to her face as she took a breath and the regulator clicked and whooshed. She took another deep breath as if to assure herself that she could.

  Above her, the water still swirled, and pieces of wood and debris floated on its surface. Sonora looked to her left and saw the ocean, and then to her right and saw him. She jerked back and tried to swim away. He tightened his grasp on her arm, and Sonora realized he was the reason she hadn’t floated to the top.

  This was the person following her for days now. It had to be him. What do you say to a creeper who saved your life?

  He pointed to Sonora and made an OK sign, then shook his head yes.

  Sonora looked at him for a moment. Well, she'd almost drowned, thought she died and woke up with the strange man who has probably been stalking her for who knows how long. But yes, she guessed she was OK. Sonora returned his nod.

  The man just looked at her, as if waiting for something. If he’d thought she would throw herself into his arms, he had another thing coming.

  Sonora glanced down. Wait a minute! She reached up and touched her mask, then slowly raised her eyes to his face. She put a hand to her head as comprehension burst through her. This man wore no regulator. No, that couldn't be, she must be delirious from the lack of oxygen.

  Sonora's eyes drifted from his handsome face to his bare muscular chest. It was still, so very still. Was he breathing at all? How could he be breathing underwater and yet how could he not be?

  Sonora tapped her regulator again. Perhaps the scene was wrong. Maybe she was not underwater at all but instead laying on the sunny beach in some kind of unsettled mental state. But the regulator was solid to the touch, and she could hear the rush of air as her breath quickened.

  Sonora stared at him, examining him from head to toe. He was tall, at least six and a half feet, if not more. His black hair would have been shoulder length but for the currents that lifted it. His darkly tanned skin looked so healthy, it was almost luminescent. A shimmering tattoo ran up over his powerful bicep and turned to disappear over the back of his shoulder, emphasizing his muscular physique. The symbols were some kind of lettering Sonora had never seen before. The swimwear on his lower half skimmed his body, and a thin, though Sonora suspected heavy, copper-colored belt circled his waist.

  Sonora slowly brought her eyes back up to his. His grey eyes captured and held hers. One corner of his mouth raised in a little smirk, as if he was used to the appreciation he'd seen in her gaze.

  And he probably was. He was the most amazing specimen of a man she had ever seen, but Sonora had other things on her mind. During her entire inspection, his chest still had not moved even once. Her eyes grew rounder, and she tensed. What was happening? She couldn't wrap her head around any of it.

  The man's grin turned to wariness as if he sensed her unease. Tentatively, Sonora reached a hand out toward him. When the man gave her a slight nod, Sonora laid a trembling hand on his chest. He was solid. There was no denying he floated right in front of her.

  Rather than soothe her, the knowledge alarmed her. Because how could this incredible, not-breathing man be real?

  You’re OK

  Chapter Seven

  Sonora's mind flew through the options. Extreme water-sports of some kind? But wouldn't she have heard of that? A scientist studying… studying something? Not a merman, she didn't even want to go there. Besides, mermen would have tails, and he had legs.

  But that's it. It's all I've got. This is just too weird. Well, thank you very much, whoever you are. I must get home now.

  Sonora tried to tug her arm out of his grip, but the man didn't let go. Sonora started to swim away. He still hung onto her, and she just boomeranged right back to him. A hard pit started in Sonora's stomach. The more he held onto her, the more she wanted away.

  Sonora pointed at his hand wrapped around her arm and waved her hand. Maybe he would understand that. The man stared at her for a minute, and slowly, it seemed almost regretfully shook his head.

  Sonora set her jaw, pointed again at her arm, and pushed the middle of his chest. He shook his head again. Sonora's heart sped up. What did he think was happening here? She needed away from him now.

  Without thinking, Sonora raised her feet and pushed against his body as hard as she could, twisting and turning her arm, to convey h
er seriousness. Bubbles flew from Sonora's regulator as she exerted herself. Her hair swirled around her face with her movements. A look of irritation came over the man's face, and he once again denied her.

  Anger and panic flooded Sonora, and she began to struggle harder. This time kicking at him and striking at him the best she could, but the water made her efforts no stronger than that of a small child.

  The man frowned and tugged on her arm. Sonora's legs fell, and her body turned. Her back was to him now. He used one arm to bring her close to him. With the other, he repeatedly made the "You" and "OK" signs.

  So he wasn't asking, he was telling her. Well, she wasn't OK. She was alone underwater with a non-breathing creeper. That is what he was, a creeper! And she didn't even know how long he'd been spying on her.

  Sonora continued to pummel the man in whatever way she could. She tried to gouge at his eyes, but his height made that problematic. The most she accomplished was raking her nails down his face. Sonora kicked at him, trying to stun him with a strike to the groin.

  Against Sonora's back, the man's chest expanded. "Stop," he roared.

  Sonora froze, the hair on her neck lifting. Had she heard that or felt it? Her body had vibrated with his voice. The sound had seemed all around and through her at the same time.

  Air bubbles rushed out of Sonora's regulator, reflecting her fast and uneven breathing. The man signed "You OK" one more time.

  After whatever that was, she would not argue. Sonora nodded. But she didn't believe it, not for a minute.

  The man held her still for a moment, testing her. Then released her enough to move them, not toward Sonora's beloved cove, but to the dark part of the ocean. She couldn't just meekly go along with him! Again, Sonora started to battle, but the man wrapped his arms around her until she gave up.


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