The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 43

by Lindsey Powell

  Tonight, I stand here as the new manager of The Den. I have had complete control of the refurbishment that I have been working hard on, all week long. Now that this place is under new management, I thought that it would be good to put my own stamp on the place.

  I had various workers in here early in the mornings, who then worked late into the night, so that the place was ready for tonight, the opening night. Being able to manage this place has brought out a drive in me that I didn’t expect at all. I have actually quite enjoyed myself, even if it has been a little stressful at times.

  The Den’s makeover has given the place more of a modern feel. The walls are now black and white monochrome, and the sleek new furnishings have helped to give a sexy but hip vibe. The black enamelled tables and chairs look great in contrast to the grey flooring.

  The dance floor has been made up of black and white squares, which has added a retro aspect. Lydia and Martin thought that the place looked fantastic. The energy filling this room tonight is infectious, but I can’t fully absorb it as there is something missing.

  Actually, what I should say is, there is someone missing.


  He had to go away on a business trip a week ago, meaning that he hasn’t been able to make the opening tonight. He actually went the day after I moved in with him.

  Talk about shitty timing.

  What makes it even worse is that I have only spoken to him a couple of times since he has been gone as we keep missing each other’s calls. Either he has been in meetings or I have been busy getting this place ready. I have no idea when he is due back either.

  Apparently, the deal that he is trying to negotiate is taking much longer than expected. I miss him like crazy. It doesn’t feel right for him to not be here.

  I sigh, blowing a lock of my hair out of my eye and see Martin making his way towards me, so I force a smile.

  “Baby girl, this place is banging. You have done a fabulous job.”

  “Thanks, Mart,” I say, mustering up as much cheeriness as I can.

  “Why the sad eyes? I thought that you would be pleased with the number of people that have turned out tonight to see the place?”

  “I am pleased,” I reply. “I just miss Jake, that’s all.” I sigh.

  “Ahhhh, look at you. I never thought that I would see the day when you became a love-sick puppy,” Martin teases.

  “Fuck off,” I retort.

  “Oooo, bitchy.” It’s a good job that Martin and I understand each other’s sense of humour. He knows that I am only playing with him.

  “Want some more champagne?” I ask as I make my way behind the bar before Martin can answer. He is bound to say yes, so I don’t know why I bothered to ask in the first place.

  I take a bottle of the finest champagne from the fridge and return to Martin, who is now sat on one of the bar stools. I grab two glasses from behind the bar and place them in front of us.

  “Is it on the house?” Martin asks me.

  “Yes, Mart, it’s on the house.” I pop the cork and pour us each a glass.

  “I knew that there was a reason why I became friends with you,” he says, winking at me. I poke my tongue out at him and he starts to laugh. We clink our glasses together and I take my first sip. This is the first drink that I have allowed myself so far tonight. I didn’t want to drink alcohol too early on as I know that I am here until closing time, and I moan quietly in appreciation as the bubbles slide down my throat.

  I spot Paul weaving his way through the crowd, heading towards Martin and me. I grab another champagne glass and by the time he has reached us, I have poured his drink and am holding the glass out to him.

  “Thanks, Stace,” he says as he takes the glass, sits down on a bar stool next to Martin, and takes a big gulp of his drink. “That’s some good shit,” he comments, taking a sip this time.

  “Ah, a man who appreciates the finer things in life,” Martin says as he turns to Paul. Martin is always flirting with Paul, but Paul doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, the two of them are forming quite a bromance.

  “Hey, Paul?” I cut in before they start a full-blown conversation about whatever random topic they decide to debate today. “Have you heard from Jake today at all?”

  “Nah. He’s busting his balls to close whatever deal it is that he has gone to negotiate. I guess he’s too busy to bother with us little people right now.” Paul laughs, clearly cracking a joke, but I flinch a little at his words. He quickly sees that I am not amused and abruptly halts his laughter. “Oh God, I was only joking, Stace,” he says, looking panicked.

  “I know, I guess I’m just a little sensitive at the moment,” I reply, trying to brush off my reaction to his comment.

  “Have you not heard from him then?” he asks, looking a little shocked at having to ask me this question.

  “I had a text from him this morning to wish me good luck for tonight. Apart from that though, I haven’t heard a thing from him.”

  “Oh, Stace, you know that he wouldn’t miss tonight if this deal wasn’t really important.” I know that what Paul is saying is the truth, but I still feel disappointed that he isn’t here.

  “I know, I know,” I say, dismissively. I really did think that he would have been back by now though. It better be a great fucking deal that he is negotiating. “It just doesn’t feel right with him not being here. I miss him.”

  “Oh, baby girl,” Martin chimes in. “He’s the one who is missing out tonight. I mean, look at you. Talk about rocking the sexy-boss-lady vibe. You got it going on.”

  I frown as I look down to my clothes. I have no idea what Martin is talking about. I picked the simplest outfit for tonight, consisting of black leather trousers, a black sleeveless shirt that is tucked into the front of my trousers with the back hanging down loose and dark grey shoe boots. I raise my eyebrows at Martin. He must be more pissed than I thought.

  “You’re clearly more pissed than I realised,” I say to Martin as I voice my opinion out loud.

  “Seriously, you are one hell of a hot boss and you don’t even realise it. That makes the vibe that you are giving off even more sexy.”

  “He’s got a point,” Paul says, making me feel a little awkward that he is in agreement with Martin.

  “You guys are both being ridiculous.” I walk away before they can comment on my appearance any more.

  I walk out of the main room and go to my office, which just happens to be the room that Jake fucked me senseless in not so long ago. I unlock and open my office door, closing it behind me once I have walked in. I can still picture Jake and I, against the back wall, passion controlling our encounter. A shiver of delight goes through me at the thought. I smile and make my way over to my desk to check my phone. I unlock the screen and see that I have no new missed calls or texts. The smile quickly disappears from my face and turns into a scowl.

  I fire off a quick text to Jake.

  Hey, babe. I miss you like crazy. Tonight is going

  well, but it’s not the same without you. I know

  that you have to work, but hurry up and

  come home! I love you.

  Stace xxx.

  I put my phone back on the desk and leave my office, closing and locking the door behind me. I walk back down the corridor and stand at the entrance to the main room, scanning my eyes around the place to make sure everything is still running smoothly.

  The dance floor is packed, and the crowd go wild as the DJ starts to play Another Level, “Freak Me.” I smile and tap my foot in time to the beat.

  I watch as Lydia and Paul start to bump and grind together. They seem to be getting things back on track between them which is brilliant. My eyes find Martin next, and I break out in laughter as I see that he is basically humping a bar stool. His dance moves leave a lot to be desired.

  The staff are still busy at the bar, and it will be interesting to see how much money we have taken tonight. I am about to go and give them a hand behind the bar, when I feel two hands grip my waist
from behind.

  I freeze, and my heartbeat starts to accelerate.

  I go to turn my head, but a hand comes up and grips me by my nape, meaning I have to stay facing forward.

  I am gently pulled backwards so that my back comes into contact with a firm, hard chest.

  I keep my head facing forward as the hand that was holding my nape trails down the side of my neck, sweeping my hair to one side.

  Heated breath warms my skin and teeth start to nibble at my ear lobe.

  The hand returns to my waist and two arms lock around my midriff.

  I moan as light kisses are placed along my neck and back to my ear.

  “Hey, baby. Did you miss me?” Jake’s voice purrs in my ear.

  I reach one hand up and place it behind his neck, turning my face to look at him. I smile as I drown in his caramel depths.

  He’s here! I can’t believe that he’s here!

  Butterflies are going crazy in my stomach and I feel a little light-headed. I pull his head down and angle myself, so that I can feel his lips on mine.

  Our lips connect and nothing else in the room exists.

  I open my mouth to him and let our tongues dance together. His hands loosen around my waist and I take that as my cue to turn my body to face him. Lips still connected, I turn in his arms and he clamps me to his body.

  I love the feel of him against me, and I love that I know that he is just as turned on as I am right now.

  His effect on me is powerful.

  I feel him smile against my lips and I pull my head back from him.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says, his eyes sparkling.

  I bury my face in his chest and enjoy just being held by him. I can’t begin to describe my joy at him being here. He brings one hand to my chin and moves my head, so that I am looking up at him.

  “I missed you so much,” I say to him.

  “I can tell.” He grins, and I melt. The effect he has on me is still as strong as the day that I first met him.

  “How come you didn’t tell me that you were coming back tonight?” I ask.

  “You know that I like to surprise you,” he says with a wink.

  “Oh, Mr Waters, you are going to get so lucky when we get out of here.”

  “I was counting on it.”

  Chapter Two


  Jake and I are the last ones to leave The Den at just gone half three in the morning. It has been such a fantastic night, made all the better by Jake’s surprise return. Everyone that I care about came to celebrate with me, and I couldn’t be happier right now.

  Eric is waiting by the limo as usual, when we approach.

  “Good evening, Miss Stacey,” Eric says, his normal greeting for me.

  “More like good morning. I hope that he is paying you well, Eric, dragging you out at this time,” I say playfully. This earns me a smack on my ass from Jake, and I hear Eric laughing as I climb into the limo.

  Jake follows me and as soon as he is sat down, I straddle him. Luckily, the partition is up, meaning that Eric can’t see my desperation for the man who is currently trapped between my legs.

  “Someone’s keen,” Jake says with a cheeky smirk.

  “And you’re not?” I retaliate.

  “Oh, babe, it’s been a week, I’m gonna blow your mind.” My lips part at his suggestion and my whole body becomes aroused. Jake presses the button for the intercom and starts to speak to Eric. “Eric, would you mind driving around for a while?”

  “No problem,” Eric replies, his voice booming back through the speaker in the door.

  “Why aren’t we going straight home?” I question, frustration apparent in my tone.

  “I can’t wait until then. I need you, now.”

  Oh my, Jake is certainly the sexiest predator that I have ever had the fortune to meet.

  “In here?” My eyebrows raise as I contemplate the thought of sex in the limo.

  “That’s right. Unless you don’t want to?” Jake nibbles at my earlobe and I know that there is no way that I can resist him.

  His hands fondle my breasts over my shirt, and I arch my back. Jake traces his tongue down my neck and comes to a stop when he reaches my breast bone. He looks up at me with a wicked glint in his eyes and I melt.

  Fuck, I really do love this man.

  He smiles, which makes me quiver, and I can’t wait any longer, I start to unbutton his shirt, needing to feel his bare chest. When his chest is exposed, I lean down and gently lick and suck his nipples in turn. I can hear a low rumble in his throat which turns me on even more.

  I move my hands to his trousers and unbuckle them as I slide my body down, so that I am kneeling on the limo floor. I gaze up at him and see that he is trying to calm his breathing. I smile and snake my hand into his boxers, freeing his erection before wrapping my hand around the base and beginning to move up and down in gentle strokes.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Jake mutters. He closes his eyes and his head rolls back.

  I lower my head whilst he isn’t looking and take him in my mouth. He groans in pleasure as I circle his tip with my tongue and then plunge his full length deeper into my mouth, taking him all the way.

  “Ah, Jesus, that’s good.” His words do things to my insides.

  I don’t think that I will ever get my fill of this man.

  I increase my speed and his breathing quickens, and I moan around his cock as I get ready to taste him. Just when I think that Jake is about to reach his climax, he pulls me off of him and gently shoves me onto the seat opposite. I whimper at the loss of him in my mouth, but before I can ask why he stopped me, his mouth crashes onto mine, rendering me speechless.

  Our embrace becomes frantic as we both crave the feel of each other after a week apart. Our tongues entwine, and our hands roam each other’s bodies. He finally undoes my trousers and shimmies them down my legs, taking my knickers with them. I don’t have any time to prepare myself as he plunges his length into me, hitting my core and making me cry out from the feel of him inside me.

  My body is on fire as he pounds into me. With his powerful body on top of me, and his punishing rhythm hitting me just where I need it to, my climax gathers force. My hands fly into Jake’s hair and my fingers tangle with his silky locks.

  I close my eyes as sensations tingle through me. Jake’s heated breath is on my face and his lips find mine, kissing me as if our lives depend on it.

  “Eyes, baby. Let me see your eyes,” Jake says, inches from my face. As hard as it is to open my eyes, I do, and I am penetrated by his heated stare. His jaw is tense, and I know that he is close to his release.

  My hands move up to his face, cupping his cheeks, his light stubble grazing against my palms. I tilt my head and place a soft kiss on his lips.

  The moment is so tender, despite our erratic love making.

  Jake groans as I pull my lips away.

  “I love you,” I whisper, emotion pulsing through me.

  “Oh God,” he says, holding my gaze as I feel his release pump inside of me. This triggers my own climax, and together, we ride out the height of our pleasure. Jake buries his face in my neck as we both lie there, panting, trying to catch our breath.

  That was awesome.

  As I lie there, in my post orgasmic state, I run my fingernails up and down Jake’s back, enjoying the feel of goose-bumps rising on his skin.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” I say, suddenly embarrassed at my actions. Jake pulls his head up and places a kiss on the end of my nose.

  “Well believe it, babe. I’m going away more often if I get a welcome home like that every time.” I swat Jake’s arm with my hand and I hear a rumble of laughter deep in his throat.

  “It’s not funny, Jake. What if Eric heard us?”

  “So what if he did?” Jake seems completely unfazed.

  “I’ll never be able to look him in the eye again. I blame you for this.”

  “You blame me?” Jake raises his eyebrows in question.

/>   “Yes. It’s your fault for being so bloody handsome,” I say, knowing that he will love that answer. He gives me the most gorgeous smile, and if we hadn’t already had sex, then that smile would most definitely make me do naughty things to him, despite my embarrassment at the possibility of us being heard.

  I feel his cock twitch within me and my eyes widen in surprise.

  He can’t possibly be ready to go again?

  “Maybe we should get back home now,” Jake says, pulling out of me. He sits back on the opposite seat to me as I sit myself up and start to make myself look presentable.

  “I think that is a good idea,” I reply.

  Jake speaks to Eric through the intercom and asks him to take us back to the house, he then switches the intercom off and looks at me, heat blazing in his eyes. “When we get home, I’m going to take my time with you. I want to taste every inch of you.”

  I gasp and my sex, which hasn’t calmed down from round one yet, tingles in anticipation. Jake gestures for me to sit on his lap, and I happily comply.

  I place my arms around his neck and Jake cups my face in his hands. “I’m going to make love to you, worship you, and make you scream.”

  I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. Jake’s eyes are hungry, and I am sure that the same feeling is reflected in mine. He runs his tongue across my bottom lip and I shiver with delight, imagining what he is going to do to me when we get home.

  “I can’t wait,” I whisper.

  Chapter Three


  I am up, showered and dressed before Jake is awake. I have only had a few hours’ sleep, and as much as I want to spend longer in bed with Jake, I have to go to The Den. My limbs ache, but in a good way. Jake wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was going to worship me and make me scream last night. I lost count of how many times he brought me to orgasm.

  We made love in the hallway, in the shower, and in our bed. Jake took his time with me, almost torturing me with desire. Our love making last night was deeper and more meaningful than it has been before. I’m not quite sure how, it just was. Jake and I have always had an amazing sex life, but last night surpassed every other time.


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