The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 58

by Lindsey Powell

  I do that to her.


  Her hands move to the tops of my thighs and my cock gives a twitch at her hands being so close. She glides her palm across my thigh and wraps her fingers around the bottom of my cock. I break my lips from hers and I take in her glazed eyes and flushed cheeks.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want me to creep away?” I whisper to her, teasingly.

  “No way, Waters,” she says against my lips, running her tongue along my bottom lip, making my body tingle. I watch her as she lowers herself onto my cock, taking me all the way. She slowly begins to rise and fall, making each plunge inside of her deliciously torturous.

  I take her nipple into my mouth and suck, causing her to groan loudly. Her hands fly to my head, holding me against her breast. I flick her nipple with my tongue and then move to the other breast to repeat my actions.

  I feel Stacey tighten around me, and it makes me want to take charge, but I don’t. It’s always hard for me to hold back and let her control our movements.

  I will never get enough of her.

  She speeds up slightly as her body shudders, and I know that she is close to her release. I place my thumb over her clit and move it in small circles. Her eyes connect with mine and she whispers my name. I hold the nape of her neck to stop her from looking away from me. I love watching her come. It’s the most erotic thing that I have ever seen.

  My release is building slowly, and I remove my hand from her clit, so that we can reach our heights at the same time. With her hips grinding and her breathing becoming laboured, her movements become quicker. Just when I think that she is about to come, she lifts herself up and slams down on me, causing my release to rush to the surface. I call out her name as she slams down on me again and then I am unfolding inside of her.

  She cries out on the third slam and I feel her convulse around me, making my climax more intense. She moves one last time, and then her body collapses on top of mine.

  I hold her shaking body close and bury my face in her neck as I catch my breath. Stacey lets her hands run up and down my arms, sighing with satisfaction.

  “Now that is much better,” she says against my ear.

  “So, I take it that I am free to creep about the place in future then?”

  “If it results in pleasure like that every time, then feel free to creep about all you like, Mr Waters.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Jake and I are sat at the dining table, enjoying a cooked breakfast that I made for us before we both have to go to work. As I finish my food, I pick up mine and Jake’s cups and make us another coffee. When I return, Jake has finished eating and is looking at his phone.

  “Thanks,” he says as I place his cup of coffee in front of him. I resume my place on the other side of the table and sit back in the chair.

  “Everything okay over there?” I ask him, seeing that his brows are furrowed.

  “Yeah,” he replies, placing his phone on the table. I raise one eyebrow at him to question his answer and he sighs. “I tried to phone Brad yesterday and got no reply about going for drinks Saturday night. I also sent him a message about it, but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet.”

  “Okay,” I say slowly, wondering why Jake is worrying over Brad not texting him back. “Maybe he’s just busy with work or something?”


  “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Lydia has invited us over for dinner on Thursday night,” I say, diverting the conversation away from any mention of Brad.

  “I know, Paul told me. I went to see him last night, before you had your wicked way with me in the bath tub.” He winks at me and I smile at him, understanding why he never mentioned speaking to Paul before now. As soon as we got out of the bath and got dried, we went to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

  “How was it when you saw him?”

  “It was fine. He told me what had pissed him off and that’s it.” He shrugs his shoulders and sips his coffee. It always amazes me that blokes can move on from things quickly. If only it was that easy for us women.

  “So, you’re okay with going round there on Thursday?”


  “Okay then.” My phone beeps to alert me to a text and I see that Martin has replied to the message that I left him yesterday. I stopped by his office after seeing Jake yesterday, but he wasn’t there, so I sent him a text asking if he was free to come out on Saturday night.

  Hell yeah, I’m free! What’s the plan?

  Martin x x

  I send a text back informing him that I will pick him up and he can come to my house for drinks beforehand. Martin is yet to see where I live, so I figure it’s about time that I show him around the place. I get a reply from him seconds later, and it seems that he can barely contain his excitement at coming to see the house. I laugh at his reply and Jake looks at me, clearly wondering what has made me chuckle.

  “Martin is coming out on Saturday with us. It seems he is a little bit excited about me inviting him here first.”

  “Oh lord, he’s going to inspect the place with a fine-tooth comb, isn’t he?”

  “Probably,” I say, smiling.

  “Listen, I have been thinking,” Jake says, changing the subject. “I know that we talked about going away a while ago, but we haven’t sorted out any dates yet.”

  “Well, I guess we could do something in a couple of months’ time?” I say, not really wanting to up and leave when I haven’t long gone back to work.

  “A couple of months? I was hoping we could go before that.”

  “It’s a nice thought, Jake, but I can’t take time off from work again. I’ve only been back there a few days as it is, and I need to start interviewing people, to employ someone to take Lydia’s place. There is no way that she can work the bar after what happened to her the other day.” Jake sighs in frustration. I reach across the table and place my hand on his. “I would love nothing more than for us to get away for a break, but right now, it just isn’t feasible.” I give his hand a little squeeze and he gives me a slight smile.

  I know that he is disappointed with my answer, but he can’t expect me to drop everything, just like I wouldn’t have thought that he would be able to with his business. I stand up, picking my plate and cup up at the same time, so that I can load them into the dishwasher.

  When I return to the table to get Jake’s plate, he grabs my hand and turns, so that he is facing me. I look down at him and am instantly captivated by his caramel pools.

  “You are such a stubborn woman,” he says in a low voice.

  “I prefer the term assertive to stubborn,” I reply with a shrug of my shoulders. He laughs, and I smile at the sound that it makes. He stands up and his tall frame means that I have to tilt my head slightly to look at him.

  “You know, when we do go away, it’s going to be the best fucking holiday ever. Just the two of us. Work always used to come first in my life, but all that has changed. You come first now, and I can’t wait to spend some time away from reality with you.” How does he always know just the right things to say?

  “You know it’s my birthday in a couple of months’ time?”

  “Yes, Stace, I know when your birthday is.” He furrows his brow, clearly not seeing why I am bringing this up.

  “Well, why don’t we go away then?”


  “Yes. Really.” I smile at him and a warmth spreads through me at the grin that spreads across his face.

  “Done. I will book it today. Anywhere in particular you want to go?” he asks me, looking ridiculously excited.

  “Surprise me,” I whisper. He cups my face in his hands and brings his lips to mine. My phone ringing interrupts our embrace and we both groan in unison at having to pull apart. I walk to the kitchen island and see that Lydia is calling me.

  “Good morning, Lyd. How’s things?” I say as I answer the phone.

  “Uh, are you free for a chat this morning?” She
sounds a little nervous.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just need to speak to you. Can you come round to mine?”

  “Okay, I can be with you in ten minutes.”

  “Great. I will have the coffee waiting.” She clicks the phone off and I wonder why she sounds so cagey.

  “I have to go,” I say to Jake. “Lydia needs to see me.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know as she didn’t say much. I hope that nothing is wrong with the baby.” I grab my handbag and give Jake a quick kiss. “What time will you be home?” I ask him.

  “Not sure. I have a meeting at three this afternoon which could go on for a while.”

  “Okay, well, I will see you later then.” I am not down to work tonight, so at least we will be able to spend some time together. I start to walk from the room, only to be stopped by Jake calling my name. I stop walking and turn to look at him.

  “Let me know how Lydia is when you have spoken to her.”

  “Will do.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too,” I say as I blow him a kiss. I rush out of the front door to my car and hope to God that Lydia is okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I get to Lydia’s and she ushers me into her flat, and through to her lounge. I take a seat on the sofa and see that she has coffee and biscuits laid out on the table. Lydia sits on the chair opposite me and I stare at her, waiting for her to speak.

  “Thanks for coming round,” she says.

  “No problem. Now, what’s the matter?” I don’t beat around the bush.

  “Paul has asked me to move in with him,” she says quietly.

  It takes me a few moments to answer her. I thought that she was going to tell me some bad news, but from what I can see, this is a good thing.

  “Okay,” I say slowly. “And that is a bad thing because?” She’s going to have to help me out here as I am a little lost as to why she looks so downcast.

  “Oh my gosh, I don’t even know where to start.” She sounds exasperated as she speaks. “Do you not think that it is too soon? What if I move in with him and everything goes to shit? My track record with men isn’t great. What if I do something to mess our relationship up? What if I live with him and he decides that he doesn’t want me anymore?” Lydia is rambling so fast that I almost can’t keep up with her.

  “Lyd, slow down. One question at a time.”

  “Sorry. I guess I’m just freaking out a little.”

  “A little? I would say that you are freaking out a lot,” I point out to her.

  She puts her head in her hands and sighs. “I just… I don’t want to screw this up. I love Paul, and I don’t want to do something to make him hate me.”

  “Why on earth would you ever make him hate you?”

  “This is me, Stace,” she says, her voice rising a little. “Nothing ever runs smoothly with me. I just keep thinking that, one day, Paul is going to wake up and wonder what the hell he ever saw in me.” She has tears in her eyes when she looks at me, and my heart goes out to her.

  “Stop that right now,” I say firmly. “Stop putting yourself down, Lydia. Paul loves you, and he just wants to be with you. You guys are having a baby together for goodness sake.”

  “Exactly. What if he is just asking me because of the baby?” Oh jeez.

  “Lydia, you need to calm down and take a breath.” She actually does take a deep breath as she looks to me for answers. “Paul wouldn’t ask you to move in if he didn’t want you with him. You need to have more faith in yourself. Yes, you have had the misfortune of being with men who are assholes, but is there anyone who hasn’t?” She doesn’t answer me, but I can see that she is thinking about what I am saying. “Plus, you’re going to be a little family in the near future. Do you really want to live in separate places when the baby is here?”

  “I guess not,” Lydia says.

  “And who is to say that it is too soon? What happened to the hopeless romantic that is my best friend?”

  “She got wise.”

  “Well, maybe she needs to remain wise but let that romantic spark back in. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Do you think?” She still sounds uncertain, but she doesn’t look as downcast as she did when I first arrived here.

  “Yes. Don’t let your past experiences affect what you have now.”


  “Do you not think that maybe, there is the slight possibility that your hormones are all over the place right now?”

  “No. Why would my hormones have anything to do with this?” Lydia says, jumping on the defence rather quickly.

  “Well, you are pregnant, as if that isn’t stating the obvious, so you could just be overthinking things due to being hormonal.”

  “Well, I’m not,” Lydia replies matter of factly. “You sound just like Paul. He said the same thing to me last night when I got annoyed that he hadn’t picked a towel up off of the floor. I mean honestly, talk about an overreaction on his part.” Lydia rolls her eyes and picks up a biscuit. I stifle a laugh as I hide my face behind my coffee cup. Yes, hormones are definitely playing a factor in all of this, but I am not going to be the one to argue that with her. If there is one thing that you should never do, it’s piss a pregnant woman off.

  “Listen, Lyd, whilst I’m here, I might as well tell you about the plan for work.”

  “The plan?”

  “Yes. I thought that it would be a good idea for you to be paperwork based for the time being.” I can see that she isn’t overjoyed by this idea, but she needs to understand that she needs to be more careful now.

  “Paperwork? But it’s so boring.”

  “Believe me, I know, but it wouldn’t be forever.” Lydia goes quiet and it is at this moment that I hear her front door opening and closing. I turn my head to look at the hallway and see Nick appear a few seconds later. He leans against the door frame, hands in his pockets and a big grin on his face.

  “Morning, ladies,” he says, looking smug.

  “Morning, Nick,” I reply.

  “Morning,” Lydia says. “And I presume that the dopey look on your face is due to some piece of skirt that you spent the night with?” she asks him, not hiding the disgust in her voice.

  “Oh, come on, sis, lighten up, will you?” Nick says, and I take that as my cue to leave.

  “Lyd, I need to get to The Den. Think about what I said, and I will speak to you later.” I stand up and walk over to give her a hug before turning to leave the lounge. Nick is still leaning against the door frame and I have to squeeze past him as he clearly doesn’t want to move.

  “See ya later, Stace,” he says to my back as I walk towards the door. I wave without turning around and can hear Lydia shouting at him as I close the front door. With her moods all over the place, I don’t envy Nick for the bollocking that I am sure she is giving him right now.

  I walk out of the building and head to my car, only for my attention to be grabbed by a white piece of paper under my wind screen wiper. I frown as I approach the car and take the piece of paper out. It is folded in half, so I unfold it to see what it says.

  Just to let you know that I am missing you already.


  My first thoughts immediately go to Jake. He would be the only one to leave me a note like this. I smile at his thoughtfulness, even though it would have been easier for him to just text or ring me.

  He must have been passing by this way for a meeting or something.

  I fold the note back up and place it on the passenger seat of the car as I sit in the driver’s seat. I push all thoughts of nice notes and naughty thankyou’s out of my head as I drive to work. I have a busy day ahead and I can’t let myself be distracted.

  I am making today my mission to advertise for new bar staff.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I have no idea where the last few days have gone. It has been nothing but a whirlwind, what
with setting things up ready to interview potential new staff members as well as doing my bar shifts at The Den. I have also been showing Lydia all of the paperwork side of the business which has added to my workload.

  I have barely seen Jake for the last few days. He has been busy trying to acquire another new deal, and by the time that I have arrived home from work, I am so tired that I have fallen asleep as soon as my head has touched the pillow. I am looking forward to tonight though. Jake and I are going to Lydia’s flat for the evening and I can’t wait to just unwind and spend some quality time with the people closest to me.

  As I sit at my desk, I let out a loud groan. Lydia looks at me, raises one of her eyebrows and allows a smirk to grace her face. She is sat next to me, at my desk, and has been helping me conduct interviews for the past two hours.

  The way that I am feeling right now, I would rather employ a couple of trained chimps than anyone that has walked through my office door.

  “It’s no good you smirking, Lydia.”

  “Oh, come on, Stace, even you have to admit that the last guy we interviewed was funny.” I think that Lydia may have taken leave of her senses for a moment, but then she bursts out laughing and I can’t help but laugh along with her.

  The last guy we interviewed had said that he had previously worked at a hotel bar and had plenty of customer service skills. What he actually meant was that he had worked in a strip club some years ago, and by customer service skills, what he actually meant was that he knew how to spout cheesy chat-up lines and that is about it.

  “Okay, the situation was kind of funny, but the guy himself, not so much.”

  “You mean you didn’t like his opening line of, “Baby, did you fall from heaven, or am I dead?”” Lydia says in a badly put on male voice before she erupts into more laughter, wiping away the tears streaming down her face.


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