The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 72

by Lindsey Powell

  “I know.” Eric then excuses himself to go and find Grace.

  Stacey steps to me and places her hands on my shoulders.

  “You ready to get out of here, Waters?” she says, her voice seductive and sending signals straight to my cock.

  “You bet I am.” I place a kiss on her nose and then take one of her hands in mine and lead her towards the ballroom doors. I know that we should say goodbye to everyone, but I think they will understand. Well, the ones that matter will understand, anyway.

  We successfully make it out of the ballroom without being stopped. Once we are at the bottom of the stairs which will take us to our room for the night, I pick Stacey up so that I can carry her to our room. She squeals in response.

  “There’s no need to rush,” she says playfully.

  “Oh, I don’t intend on rushing,” I respond as I start to climb the stairs. Stacey nibbles on my ear lobe and I let a low growl escape my lips.

  “Good, because I want to savour every moment. I never want to forget the night that I became Mrs Jake Waters.” The sound of her taking my name is so fucking hot.

  Her tongue starts to trail its way round to my mouth and it takes every ounce of willpower for me not to make love to her, here, on the hallway floor.

  “I promise that there will be no forgetting tonight,” I say as I finally reach the door to our room. I open the door and carry Stacey in, placing her on her feet when we get inside, closing the door behind me and locking it.

  If anyone tries to disturb us tonight, then I am likely to lose my cool.

  Stacey turns to face me and the look in her eyes is one that says she is hungry for me.

  I walk towards her and she slowly starts to back away. She is luring me further into the room and I know that she is building up the anticipation between us. Her legs keep moving backwards until she is stood in front of the bed. I stop just in front of her and I signal for her to turn around, so that her back is to me. She does as I ask, and I move so that I am stood right behind her, but not touching her. I can hear her breathing quicken as she senses my close proximity.

  I lower my head, so that my lips connect with her shoulder before I move her hair to one side and trail kisses all the way to her neck and then up to her ear.

  “Are you ready to scream, baby,” I whisper to her, mimicking the words from one of our previous night’s together.

  “Yes,” she answers, breathless.

  “You sure you’re ready for me?”

  “Born ready,” she replies, cottoning on to the fact that I am building up memories of our previous trysts together before I completely shatter her world with what I am going to do her tonight. I allow my hands to rest on her hips as I pull her back, so she is flush against my chest.

  “You’re a bad girl, Mrs Waters.”

  “Only for you,” she replies as she moans at the feel of my teeth on her ear lobe. Her hand reaches up and caresses the back of my neck. “If you don’t get a move on, Waters, then I may have to think of another sexual revenge plan to inflict upon you.”

  I laugh at her words as I turn her around, so that she is facing me.

  “Okay, okay. Although the thought of another one of those plans would be quite welcome,” I reply, the image of her sat on the chair in our bedroom with her legs spread wide from her previous plan is a welcome sight.

  “Pants off,” she says with a raise of her eyebrows.

  I smile and obey her wishes.

  After all, what kind of man would I be to deny my new bride such a simple request?

  Chapter Nineteen


  I am in Jake’s car, being driven back to the house, so that we can pack our things as we need to leave for our honeymoon in the next couple of hours.

  As Jake drives us back home, I let my mind replay the events from yesterday. It was truly a wonderful day. Everything ran smoothly, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. The ceremony was beautiful, the wedding breakfast was delicious, and the evening reception was so much fun. The amount of people that turned up to celebrate with us still amazes me.

  I hum along to the radio, and I have to say that it would take something catastrophic to wipe the smile off of my face today.

  As I stare at the scenery passing us by, I feel Jake place his hand on my knee. I look to his hand and my eyes fixate on his wedding ring. I feel a jolt of excitement rush through me at the fact that he is officially mine. I place my hand over his and rest my head against the seat as I turn to look at him.

  “You okay over there?” I ask him.

  “I’m better than okay,” he replies with a smile.

  At this point in time, I still have no idea where Jake is taking me on our honeymoon, so I decide to try and delve once more to see if he will tell me anything.

  “So, what exactly do I need to pack for our trip?” I ask him, hoping that I’m not being too obvious. Jake chuckles and I know that he has seen right through my failed attempt of being sly.


  “Oh, ha ha, very funny, mister.” I remove my hand from his and cross my arms over my chest. “I need to know what to pack, Jake. Do I need warm clothes? Do I need summery clothes? What types of evening dresses do I need?”

  “You don’t need warm clothes.” I feel a smirk grace my lips at this little piece of information. “But that’s the only clue that you’re getting.”

  “You don’t play fair.”

  “Trust me, you are going to love it. Now stop digging and get your fine ass out of the car.” It is at this point that I realise that we have pulled onto the driveway of our house. I sigh and open the car door, getting out and making my way to the front door.

  Jake comes behind me, unlocks the door and opens it for me. I walk in and run up to the bedroom, so that I can start sorting through the clothes that I want to take. I am immersed in the walk-in wardrobe when Jake comes waltzing in. In the few minutes that I have been in here, I have already picked out my evening dresses to wear.

  “Jeez, you don’t waste any time, do you?” Jake says as he eyes the pile of clothes that I have hung on the door.

  “Well, I hardly think that the plane is going to wait for me to finish packing, so I need to get a move on. I suggest that you do the same, Waters,” I say as I continue to rifle through my clothes.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jake says as I see him salute me out of the corner of my eye. “I should have known that marrying you would make you more bossy,” he says playfully.

  “Damn straight. Now get a move on.”


  I sit back and relax with a glass of scotch in my hand as Stacey sleeps peacefully next to me. We have been on the plane for a couple of hours and there are still a fair few to go before we reach our destination. Stacey still has no idea where we are going as I managed to keep it from her when we were checking in. I booked us seats in business class, so that we would be able to relax comfortably.

  I am hoping that I made the right choice when I chose our honeymoon destination. I think that Stacey will love that we are going to the Maldives. It seemed perfect as it is remote with beautiful scenery, and it will give us a chance to be on our own, seeing as Stacey will be leaving in a few weeks for America. I sigh at the thought.

  I understand that she needs to go, and I know that I haven’t been that thrilled about it at times, but it is only because she is going to be gone for such a long time. I am already looking at scaling back my schedule, so that I can fly out as much as possible but running a multi-million-pound business doesn’t allow for too many extended breaks. I am already toying with the idea of taking more of a back seat, but it is hard to fully convince myself to do that.

  I have built my business up from nothing, so to just hand it over to someone else to run would be bloody difficult.

  I run my hands through my hair as the idea rolls over in my mind. I haven’t said anything to Stacey about my business yet as I know that she would try and discourage me. She is the one person that has never asked me to m
ake more time for her. She is also the only person that I have considered doing it for, without her saying anything. She knows how important my career is, and I know that I need to come across as more supportive of hers. I need her to see that I am incredibly proud of her for what she has achieved. I just wish, selfishly, that her career didn’t take her away from me quite so much.

  I take her hand in mine and she stirs in her sleep. I look at the rings that don her finger, and I smile.

  She is mine.

  We belong together, and I know that we can get through anything that is thrown our way.

  Chapter Twenty


  This is the life.

  I am sat outside our own secluded pad, with a cocktail in my hand and the sun beating down on me. It is absolutely glorious in the Maldives. Jake made absolutely the right choice when he chose this as our honeymoon destination.

  My husband is led next to me, dozing on the lounger, and I watch as fish swim beneath us. Our resort is like something out of a fairy tale. I am so sad that this is our last day here. We have had the most amazing week.

  We haven’t done a lot other than enjoy each other’s company, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Jake has paid all of his attention to me, and it is exactly what I needed before I am whisked away from him in a few short weeks. It has been made even better by the fact that neither of us brought our mobile phones with us. We have been shut off from the world for a little while, and it is so peaceful.

  Jake has made arrangements for us to eat our last meal together tonight, in the exact spot that I am sat in now. Just outside of our accommodation, so that we can enjoy the view for one last night. I sigh contentedly and take another sip of my cocktail.

  I see Jake stir and I decide to spice up our last afternoon in this picturesque place. I put my cocktail down and quietly get off of my lounger before moving over to Jake. I put my legs either side of him and lower my face to his.

  I see him smirking and I lightly trail my lips over his face. His hands move and rest on the tops of my thighs.

  “Hey, handsome,” I say in my most seductive voice.

  “Mmm. Now this is how I think you should wake me up every day,” Jake replies, opening his eyes.

  “Play your cards right, Waters, and that just might happen,” I say before placing my lips on his. I take my time as there is no need to rush anything. I slowly move my lips against his and let out a small whimper as his tongue merges with mine. Jake’s hands stroke up and down my legs, causing goose-bumps to appear, and I shiver with delight as his fingers graze the inside of my thighs.

  “Maybe we should move this into the bedroom?” I say, not wanting to be caught out by anybody.

  “No one can see us here, Stace. That’s the beauty of it being private and secluded,” Jake replies as he brushes against my sex.

  “We can’t, Jake. What if one of the staff come round here?”

  “They won’t,” he says as he continues to rub me through my bikini bottoms.

  “You are making it very hard to resist you, Mr Waters.”

  “Then don’t,” he whispers as he captures my mouth with his. And I am afraid that any restraint that I have at the idea of having sex out here vanishes.


  I am waiting on our private balcony for Stacey to join me for dinner. It is our last night here and I have a gift to give her to make this night even more special.

  The staff have set a table up out here, complete with candles. The atmosphere is romantic, just as I wanted it to be. There is the sound of the gentle waves in the background, but the tranquility around us is exactly what I was hoping for.

  I take a sip of my beer and watch as Stacey emerges from inside our room. She is wearing her hair loose and she has gone with the natural look this evening. She truly is beautiful, as I tell her as often as I can without coming across as too much of a soppy sod.

  She is wearing a floor length, red evening dress that has lace running down the sides, affording me a glimpse of her skin beneath. It also allows me to see that the cheeky minx isn’t wearing any underwear.

  I smirk as she sits down and picks up her wine glass that I filled for her a few moments ago.

  “Mmm,” she mumbles appreciatively as she takes a sip. “You know, I could literally stay here forever,” she says, voicing thoughts that I had earlier.

  “That could be arranged,” I say with a wiggle of my brows.

  “If only.” She places her wine glass down and then the hotel staff appear with our evening meal. I have no idea what it is as the chef decided to keep the food a surprise from us on our last night here. The staff seem to love the fact that we are a newlywed couple, seeming to want to make our honeymoon even more special.

  Our food is placed in front of us and then the staff leave us in peace. I lift the cover off of my plate and am greeted by the sight of some sort of fish and rice dish. It smells delicious.

  “This looks good,” Stacey says as she places her cover on the floor beside her. She picks up her fork and begins to eat. I decide that we should eat our meal before I give her the gift that I have for her.

  We eat and chat between mouthfuls about the amazing week that we have had here.

  “Can you believe that we have been married for a week tomorrow already?” she says to me.

  “I know, it’s flown by.” Time always flies when you’re enjoying yourself, and I am slightly dreading having to return to reality tomorrow.

  We finish our food and it isn’t long before the staff return to clear our plates and serve us our pudding. An exotic fruit cocktail is set before us, consisting of every tropical fruit that you can imagine.

  “Thank you for bringing me here, Jake,” Stacey says with a smile across her face.

  “It has been my pleasure, Mrs Waters.”

  “Hmm, I love the way that sounds.”

  “Not as much as I do, I can assure you.” This earns a chuckle from her and I think that now is the time for me to give her the gift that I have kept hidden for the last few weeks.

  I sit forward and push my dessert to one side. Stacey pauses and puts her spoon down, frowning at me. I move her dessert away too and take her hands in mine.

  “You okay?” she asks me.

  “Yeah, I just… I have something for you.” I let go of one of her hands to reach into my trouser pocket. I place the small ring box on the table between us and place her hand back in mine.

  “What’s that for?” she says, her curiosity peaking.

  “I’ve had this for a few weeks now, but I have been waiting for the right time to give it to you.” I remove my hands from hers and push the box towards her.

  “Jake, you don’t need to get me anything. You have done enough for me already.”

  “Just open it,” I say as I sit back and await her reaction.

  “You spoil me way too much,” she says as she reaches for the box. She stares at it for a few moments and then slowly opens it.

  “Oh my God,” she exclaims as her hand comes rushing up to cover her mouth. Her wide eyes look back to me, and I see the unshed tears glistening. “Jake, how did you… Where…” Her voice fades off as emotion overwhelms her.

  “It took me a while to find them, but I wasn’t going to give up until I did. They were found in some back-street pawn shop a few miles from home. I told you that I would get them back for you.” She looks flabbergasted as she takes her parents wedding rings out of the box and looks them over. “I hope you don’t mind, but I had them cleaned before giving them to you.”

  “Mind? Of course I don’t mind.”

  I stay quiet as I watch the emotions flicker across her face. She puts the rings back in the box and closes it before standing up and walking around to me. She bends down and places the most delicious kiss on my lips and I pull her onto my lap.

  “You are the most kind-hearted man,” she says between kissing me. “I don’t deserve you.” I nuzzle my nose against hers and then we sit there in contended silence.r />
  Stacey rests her head on my chest and we look out to the ocean before us. It’s like our own little slice of heaven here, and we will definitely be coming back.

  And I am going to make sure that we make the most of our last night here…

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Fucking asshole,” I shout as Chloe updates me on the latest goings on since I have been away. I have only been back home an hour, and I am already wishing that I was a million miles away from here.

  “Calm down, Stace,” Chloe says down the phone, trying to get me to be rational.

  “Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to do that when that asshole is trying to portray me to be some gold-digging whore?” I snap at her.

  “Look, I’m doing damage control. Try not to worry. And for God’s sake, don’t look at the internet,” Chloe warns me.

  Yeah, like I am going to listen to that piece of advice.

  “I will call you tomorrow. I will discredit this, Stacey. You just have to trust me.” The line then goes dead and I hope that Chloe means what she says. She needs to get this shit sorted, and quick.

  “What’s going on?” Jake says as he enters the kitchen, clearly having heard me shouting.

  I sigh and throw my phone onto the kitchen island.

  “Fucking Charles.”

  “Charles? What about him?” Jake asks looking puzzled.

  “He has only gone and sold a story about me––”

  “He’s done what?” Jake says, interrupting me.

  “Yeah, that was my reaction too. I haven’t actually read what he has said yet, but to quote Chloe, apparently he has said that I am gold-digger that cheated on him and left him heartbroken.”

  “Please tell me that you’re joking?”

  “Really, Jake?” I say a bit too sarcastically. “Do you really think that I would joke about this?”

  “Of course not. Sorry.”


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