Dab Kinzer: A Story of a Growing Boy

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Dab Kinzer: A Story of a Growing Boy Page 30

by William Osborn Stoddard



  Conversation did not flourish at the supper-table that Friday evening.There was a puzzled look on the faces of Mrs. Myers and her daughter,and their three boarders seemed to be running a kind of race with eachother as to which of them should make out to be the most carefullypolite. As for poor Dick Lee, out there in the kitchen, the nearest hecame to breaking the silence was in a sort of smothered groan, and ahalf-uttered determination to "git up good and early, an' dig demfellers de bes' worms dey is in de gardin."

  There was talk enough in the room up stairs in the course of theevening; but the door was closed, and there was no chance for any one inthe passage outside, no matter how silently he or she might go by, tohear a distinct word of it.

  "You see, boys," said Ford Foster, at the end of some extended remarks,"I'm not at all mean or exacting. My father only pays Mrs. Myers threedollars a week, and all she agreed to give was board. I can't expect herto be any kind of an aunt, too, and let me go a-fishing. I'll take itall off her hands, and let myself go."

  "It's hard on Dick, though," said Dab, "and she's kind o' got the rightof it."

  "I s'pose she has. But if he isn't earning all he gets, I'm mistaken.Boys, if she puts any more work on him, what'll we do?"

  "Eat," said Dab: "that's the only way we can make it up."

  "We can't do it, Dab. Not unless the price of corn-meal goes up. Thinkof eating another three dollars' worth of hasty-pudding every week!"

  Their landlady came out in all her smiles at breakfast, and hoped theywould have good success with their fishing.

  "Only," she added, "I'm not very fond of fish, and I never take thetrouble to clean them."

  "We will try and catch ours ready cleaned, Mrs. Myers," said Ford. "Now,boys, if you're ready, I am."

  They were ready, bait and all, thanks to Dick; and the breakfast hadbeen an early one. Dab thanked Mrs. Myers for that, even while he wishedhe had Ford Foster's tongue to do it with.

  In fact, he had been noticing of late that his ideas came to him alittle slowly. Not but what he had plenty of them, but they seemeddisposed to crowd one another; so that whenever there was any thing tobe said in a hurry, Ford was sure to get ahead of him, and sometimeseven quiet Frank Harley.

  "Must be I'm growing, somehow," he said to himself, "or I wouldn't be soawkward."

  The north road from Grantley led through a region that was, as the oldfarmers said of it, "a-goin' back," and was less thickly peopled than ithad been two or three generations before. There had once been prettywell cultivated farms all around some of the little lakes that were nowbordered by stout growths of forest; and the roads among the hills worea neglected look, many of them, as if it had ceased to profit anybody tokeep them in order.

  There was "coming and going" over them, nevertheless; and the boysmanaged to get a "lift" of nearly five miles in a farmer's wagon, sothat they reached the vicinity of Green Pond sooner than they hadexpected, and with much less fatigue. The same farmer, in response toanxious questioning by Dab, informed him,--

  "Fish? Wall, ye-es. Nobody don't ketch 'em much nowadays. Time was whenthey was pretty much all fished out, but I heerd there was some fellersturned in a heap of seedlin' fish three or four year ago. Right awayarter that, my boys went over, and put in three days a hand runnin', butthey didn't get nothin' but pumpkin-seeds. Plenty of them yit, Is'pose."

  That was encouraging; but Ford at once remarked,--

  "Pumpkin-seeds? A fine-looking fish, are they not? I know them. Somewhatdepressed, and extended laterally?"

  "Guesso. You're 'tendin' school at the 'cadummy, ain't ye?"

  "Yes, we're there."

  "Thought so. Ye-es. We-ell, it's a good thing for the 'cadummy. Hopeyou'll ketch some o' them seedlin' fish. Ef ye do, you kin jest stuff'em with big words, and bake 'em. They do say as how fish is good forthe brains."

  "Don't we turn off somewhere along here?" asked Dabney.

  "Ye-es. Green Pond's right down there, through the woods. Not more'n amile. See't ye don't lose yer way. What bait have ye got?"

  "Bait? Angle-worms. Are they the right thing?"

  "Worms? Ye-es. They'll do. Somebody told ye, did they? 'Twon't take yelong to larn how to put 'em on."

  There was not a great deal to be made out of that old New-Englandfarmer; and his good-natured contempt for a lot of ignorant young "cityfellers," in good clothes, did not require any further expression.

  They left him with a wide grin on his wrinkled face, and followed hisdirections over the nearest fence; but with ideas concerning theirprobable string of fish, that were rather "depressed" than "extended."

  It was a long mile, but it did not contain any danger of getting lost;and at the end of it they had quite enough of a surprise to pay them fortheir trouble.

  "Why, Ford, it's a beauty!"

  "Dab, do you s'pose as nice a pond as that hasn't any thing in it butpumpkin-seeds?"

  "No boat that I can see," remarked Frank.

  "We'll fish from the shore," said Dab. "There's a log that runs away outin. Rocks too."

  Rocks and trees and natural ruggedness all around, and some ten or adozen acres of clear, cold, beautiful water, with little brooks andsprings running into it, and a brook running out on the opposite shorethat would have to grow considerably before it would be fit formill-turning.

  "Boys," said Dabney, "we've missed it!"

  "How's that?" asked Ford.

  "Put on the smallest hooks you've got, right away, and try for minnows.There must be pickerel and bass here."

  "Bass? Of course! Didn't he say something about seed-fish? That's whatthey put in; and they weren't as big as pins when his boys came for'em."

  "Minnow-poles," as they called them, could be cut from the bushes at themargin, and little fish could be taken at the same time that they weretrying for large ones. They found too, before long, that sometimes avery respectable perch or bass would stoop to nibble at one of the"elegant worms" with which Dick Lee had provided them.

  "No turn of the tide to wait for here, Dab," said Ford, "and no crabs tosteal your bait off. Hey! There comes one. Perch! First game for myhook."

  "We'll stay till dark, but we'll get a good string. Frank, your cork'sunder."

  "Never fished with one before," said Frank. "I'll soon get the hang ofit."

  That was a capital school for it, at all events; and they learned thatit might be a good thing for a little lake like that to have a badreputation.

  "Fished out years ago. I understand now," said Dab.

  "Understand what?"

  "Why, those fellows in the village that sent me out here were playing ajoke on us,--a good deal like one of Joe and Fuz Hart's."

  "Best kind of a joke. But if we tell about it when we get home, thewhole village'll be over here next week."

  "Then we won't tell. Hurrah! I'll get him in. Steady, now. If he isn't atwo-pounder! see him run? Boys, this is going to be fun."

  They did not neglect their minnow-catching; and before a great whilethey were varying their bait, very much to their advantage. How they didwish for a boat, so they could try the deeper water! They worked theirway along, from point to point, looking for the best spot, if such therewere; and Dabney at last found himself quite a distance ahead of hiscompanions.

  "Boys! Ford! Frank! A boat! Come on!"

  Lying behind the trunk of a tree that had fallen into the water,--notmuch of a boat, to be sure, and without any oars or even rowlocks; butwhen the water was tipped out of it, and it was shoved in again, itactually floated.

  "Careful, Ford," said Dab. "Remember Dick Lee. The old thing may come topieces. It wasn't made yesterday."

  "Look's as if Christopher Columbus owned it, and forgot just where heleft it. We can paddle with pieces of bark, as far out as we need go."

  Now the fun was doubled; and some of the pickerel they pulled inreminded Dabney of small blue-fish, while the bass and perch were every
way as respectable as ordinary porgies and black-fish, except for size.He had even to confess that the sea itself contained a great many smallfish, and that he had often had much poorer luck in his own beloved bay.

  The boat was a great acquisition; but when they were paddling ashore forthe fourth time, "to turn her over and let the water out," Dabneyremarked,--

  "It's after dinner-time, boys. Could either of you fellows eat anything?"

  "Eat?" said Frank. "I'd forgotten that. Yes, let's have lunch. Butthere's more cold johnny-cake than any thing else in the basket."

  "There's plenty of salt and pepper though; and it won't take any time atall to make a fire, and broil some fish. Didn't you ever go on achowder-party, and do your own cooking?"

  "No, I never did."

  "Nor I," said Ford very reluctantly. "Can we do it?"

  "Do it? I'll show you. No kettle. We'll have to broil. You fellows makea fire, while I clean some of these fish."

  It was every bit as good fun as catching those fish, to cook them thereon the shore of that lovely little lake. Dabney did know all about it,as became a "'longshore boy;" and he took a particular pride in showingFord and Frank how many different ways there were of cooking a fishwithout an oven or a kettle or a gridiron.

  It was another fine point to discover, after they had eaten all theycould, including the cold johnny-cake, that they did not seem to havemade their strings of fish look perceptibly smaller.

  "Tell you what, boys," said Dabney: "next time we come out we'll bring ahammer and nails, and some oakum, and I'll calk up that old punt soshe'll float well enough. Only it won't do to dance in her."

  "Then," said Ford, "I move we don't try her again to-day. If we've gotto carry all these fish, it'll be a long pull home. We're not half sureof catching another ride."

  "We can pole our fish, though, and make it easy carrying."

  "How's that?"

  "I'll show you. Cut two poles, hang your strings half way, shoulder thepoles, and take turns carrying. One boy getting rested, all the while,and no cords cutting your hands."

  That was as sensible as if his own mother had told him; and it was agood thing he thought of it, for they did not "catch a ride" till theywere half way home. All the wagons were coming the other way, of course,on Saturday afternoon; but the one chat then caught up with them hadbeen carrying a new stove home, and was returning empty.

  "Fine strings of fish," remarked the stove-man as they clambered in."Where'd you catch 'em?"

  "Over in one of the lakes."

  "Did ye though? You don't say! Guess I know the place. You must have hadan all-killin' walk, though. I declare! I'm goin' to try that pond firstday I get away."

  "Want some of these?"

  "Wouldn't rob ye,--but you've got a-plenty--that pickerel? Thank ye,now. Oh!--and the bass tew? You're good fellers."

  He seemed to be another; and Dab warned him at parting, that, "when hewanted to get a string of fish, if he'd come to him he'd tell him justwhere to go."

  "All right. Glad I had the luck to ketch up with ye."

  "Dab," said Ford as they reached the outskirts of Grantley, "I know it'slate; but we must walk through the village with these fish, if it's onlyto have the whole town ask us where we caught them."

  "That's so. I'm rested now too. Let's get right out."

  They were nearly at the southerly end of the village, and there wasquite a walk before them.

  "Dab," said Frank, "we've more fish than we'll need at our house, if wehave 'em for breakfast and dinner both."

  "I've been thinking of that. Let's vote on it now. What do you say? Onestring for the minister?"

  "Yes," said Ford, "a bass for Mr. Fallow, a small pickerel for Mrs.Fallow, and a perch or a pumpkin-seed for each of the six littleFallows."

  "All right; and that big pickerel I caught, for Dr. Brandegee, and thebiggest bass in the lot to keep it company. Let's make him up a primegood mess."

  "One that'll stand an examination," said Ford.


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