Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three Page 2

by Betty Legend

  “You got that right,” Killian agrees.

  Resigning to my new commitment, I meet their gazes.

  “If I’m to stay here, I’ll need my cell phone, my laptop, and for fuck’s sake, some clean clothes.” Glancing down, I finger the thin t-shirt. “What the hell am I wearing?”

  “My clothes,” Griffin replies. “We’re the closest in size.”

  “Explains why I smell like sweat, sand, and salt. Please get my cologne as well.”

  Cyrus chuckles, a brow rising. “I assume everything you need is already here. Kristo delivered a suitcase yesterday.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Two days,” Cyrus replies. “Selene kept you asleep, so she could cast the barrier spell and visit Ancor.”

  “How much did her magic grow while I was at Kristo’s?”

  Griffin clicks his tongue in his cheek. “A hell of a lot. She’s been practicing every elemental magic daily, except blood magic.”

  “Her magic is strong.” Killian tosses his empty beer aside and grabs another. “She’s fearful of it sometimes, but when she gives in to it, it’s a sight to see.”

  “Has she tried blood magic at all?”

  “No.” Cyrus shakes his head. “She hasn’t. She wants you to teach her once you’ve bonded.”

  Disappointment is a cluster of prickling needles in my chest, hearing we haven’t bonded fully.

  “Can she feel it inside her?”

  Emeric smirks. “Yeah, every time we fuck.”

  Grimacing, jealousy nags at me. “I’m surprised she can feel your dick at all.”

  “Oh, she can feel it all right.” With a snicker, he tilts his beer and wipes his lips. “All nine inches of it.”

  “Of course, you would exaggerate an inch… or six,” I crack back.

  Killian laughs as he lowers his beer.

  “You’re not so bad when you’re not losing your shit for blood.”

  My smile fades. “They starved me for days, maybe longer. I lost track of time.” Pressure on my chest builds as I recall the memories. “They threw acid on me and electrocuted me regularly. A vampire can only take so much before we become slaves to our hunger for blood. Every civilized characteristic is suppressed in exchange for survival. We become rabid, animalistic. I never wanted to hurt Selene. Before my abduction, I had plans to apologize and work on building our bond. The bastards took that from me and turned me into a monster.” The fire crackling fills the silence as I lower my head. “I’ve done nothing but push her away and nearly kill her, yet she hasn’t given up on me. No one has ever cared that much for me, not even Vivian.”

  Emeric tosses his empty bottle next to Killian’s. “Maybe now you’ll understand why we love her.”

  My back stiffens, my gaze meets theirs. “And you’re all comfortable with sharing her?”

  “Most days,” Killian quips. “There are days we want her to ourselves. We try to be considerate of the time we each have alone with her.”

  “What about sex?”

  They’re all grinning. Bastards.

  “If you’re asking if we share her during sex, the answer is yes.” Killian stands and stokes the fire with his boot. “We’ve all been with her at the same time. Recently, as a matter-of-fact.”

  Jealousy gnaws at my insides nearly as viciously as my hunger did.

  “She likes it,” Emeric’s mouth quirks. “A lot.”

  Griffin lowers his beer, a memory glimmering in his eyes. “Her magic lit up like the Northern Lights.”

  Cyrus tosses another log onto the fire. Behind his glasses, his eyes are shimmering with silver. “Afterward, we all slept in the same bed together.”

  My fangs have descended, a low growl vibrating my throat.

  “Quit boasting.”

  “Why?” Emeric asks, tilting the hand holding his beer. “She enjoys getting fucked by all of us, and we enjoy fucking her.”

  Cyrus rolls his eyes. “It’s more than just fucking.”

  “No shit, Sherlock, but making love isn’t a part of my vocabulary.”

  “Not a lot of words are,” Griffin jokes, the side of his mouth lifting.

  “Fuck you.” Emeric laughs and kicks dirt at Griffin’s feet.

  “You all seem chummy,” I grimace.

  Killian angles his body to face me better. “Why is this hard for you? Vampires have covens.”

  “We don’t share our women, at least not vampire women.”

  “Get used to it. Selene won’t choose any one of us over the other. She’s made that perfectly clear.”

  As much as I hate hearing it, I believe that’s the truth. She’s had months to bond with them, and by their willingness to support her in helping me, it means their bonds are deep.

  “When will she return?”

  “When she’s ready,” Emeric replies, his tone defensive. “And don’t ask for us to call her here because we won’t.”

  “Not much has changed since university. You’re still the asshole I remember.”

  Emeric expands his wings as if to stretch, his grin impish. “Such flattery.”

  “Jokes aside,” Killian interjects. “There are a few things you should know.”


  “It was us, Selene, Kristo, Leo, and a few other vampires who rescued you from the Holy Accolades. We killed the entire group that night, and they killed Leo,” he informs me, his tone full of sympathy.

  Shoulders slumping forward, I lay my head in my hands as the discomfort of the news takes hold.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Killian’s voice sounds sincere.

  “Kristo didn’t tell me, not that I was in a condition to be told.” Swallowing hard, I stare at the dress shoes on my feet, the only thing I’m wearing that’s mine.

  “Did Kristo have a royal service for him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s fine,” I sigh heavily. “I’ll ask when I get in touch with him.”

  “We’re going in to have dinner.” Killian stands from the chair and dips his chin. “You’re welcome to hunt the woods, then join us after.”

  Giving him an acknowledging nod, I remain by the fire as the four of them head inside. Once I’m alone, I bury my head in my hands. Everything in my life is a jumble of chaos. From this moment on, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn Selene’s trust.



  Stepping out of the portal, I walk to the front door and see a diminishing fire with chairs and beer bottles scattered around it. It’s nice to know my guys were hanging out together. I hope Phoenix joined them. Through the door, I’m greeted with whistles, hoots, and hollers from four heavily intoxicated males.

  Cyrus stands from the chair, a bit wobbly. “We didn’t expect you tonight.”

  Dropping my bag by the door, I chuckle at them. “I see you’re having a guys’ night.”

  Cyrus swoops his arms around me, squeezing my ass to him. “We’ll make an exception for you.”

  As he backs me into the living room, Emeric pulls both of us onto the couch. Landing, my ass is on Emeric’s lap with my arms still around Cyrus.

  “Then I have some catching up to do.”

  Emeric hands me his beer, the bottle still chilled.

  “How was your trip?” Palming my back, he rubs, his glistening eyes focused and full of desire.

  Cyrus caresses my thigh, silver shimmering in his eyes. Killian comes nearer and kisses me before sitting on the coffee table on my right. Griffin, who was already standing behind the couch, leans over it and kisses me. Their nearness is comforting, and by the look in their carnal gazes, they all want me—naked. Remembering how incredible it was to have all four of them over a week ago, my arousal is rising, imagining it happening again.

  “It was fun and relaxing. Rachel and I practiced magic together. My aunt Molly came over too. We all ate, drank, and laughed.” Glancing at the loft, concern pinches my brows. “Where is Phoenix?”

  Killion points a finger to
ward the door. “Hunting in the woods.”

  “Oh, how is he?”

  Cyrus leans back on the couch, his hand caressing farther up my thigh. “After he drank the elixir, his pain subsided, and he seemed stable.”

  With a breath of relief, I lean back on Emeric’s chest. The front door opens, and I pop right up, staring as Phoenix walks through the threshold. He takes in the sight as he closes the door behind him. Everyone is silent, which adds to the tension tightening my shoulders.

  “Welcome back.” Killian gives him a welcoming nod, and the corner of Phoenix’s mouth rises. Seeing the exchange loosens my tight nerves.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you, Selene.”

  “You too.”

  The unique pale-blue of his eyes are visible, and it gives me a reprieve. His whole demeanor reminds me of when we were in the basement bedroom of his original home, and he was showing me a better side of him.

  “Would you mind if we spoke privately?”

  Handing Emeric the beer back, I rise off his lap. The guys watch with intent stares as I join Phoenix, and we walk outside onto the porch.

  The awkward tension between us is palpable. We keep our distance, him against the railing while I sit in one of the wooden porch chairs Killian built.

  “You seem more yourself.”

  Hands in his pockets, he meets my gaze, and for a brief moment, his suffering is visible.

  “I am, thanks to the elixir you had made for me. It has taken away the agonizing hunger pain. I’m grateful you thought of it.”

  “I should have brought you home the night we rescued you.”

  Phoenix looks off in thought, then returns his attention to me.

  “No, it’s best you didn’t. I was a monster and needed caged.”

  The way he says the words pains me.

  “You’re not a monster, Phoenix. You’ve been tortured, and from what I understand, vampires lose their human-like characteristics when starved of blood.”

  “It’s true, but—”

  “Do you want to hurt me now?”

  Withdrawing his hands from his pockets, he slowly comes closer, his features anguished.

  “No, I never wanted to hurt you.” Taking the seat next to me, he leans forward but avoids contact. “I’m drawn to you like no other. I have to learn to control my bloodlust for you.” His fingers graze mine, and the contact sends pleasured goosebumps across my skin. “I want to learn to control it.”

  “It’ll take remaining here and feeding from me in small amounts often.”

  His gaze is pleading. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

  “Does this mean you want to bond with me?”

  “I’ve wanted you from the moment I first laid eyes on you.” His fingers curl through mine. “I’m done fighting it.”

  “All I ever wanted was for you to let me in so we could bond.”

  “I know.” Bringing my fingers to his lips, he kisses them tenderly. “I apologize for being cruel to you because of my stubborn refusal to accept our bond.”

  “I like this side of you.”

  The corner of his mouth rises. “I’m not all beast.”

  “I always believed that was the case.”

  “I suppose it took finding my beauty.”

  The surprise sweeps over me. “You know fairytales?”

  Phoenix sits back in the chair, his demeanor more relaxed. With my hand still in his, he rubs his thumb across it.

  “I’m full of surprises.”

  “I believe it.”

  Looking into the woods, I listen to the crickets and the rustling of small animals scurrying across fallen leaves.

  “What’s it like hunting?”

  “I enter the forest, listen for movement, and follow scent trails. Once I narrow in on an animal, I use my vampire speed to catch it. I make the kill quick to alleviate any suffering.”

  “What about with humans? I’ve only experienced you feeding from me, and two out of five times, it was unpleasant.”

  “The experience is the same for other humans. Depending on the vampire, drinking from a human can be quick, efficient, even pleasurable. When we lose control, the bloodlust is overpowering, and the feeding violent.”

  When I turn my head toward him, he meets my gaze, his eyes brimming with too many emotions to identify. Caressing my hand, his mouth slants, a smile forming.

  “Being around you is giving me some peace.”

  “What are you feeling? You can talk to me.”

  “Remorse, a great deal of it, for the hurt I’ve caused you and for the deaths of Leo and Vivian.”

  “All caused by the hands of the Holy Accolades.”

  Leaning toward me, he cups his free hand over our joined hands.

  “Thank you for coming for me. Without your refusal to give up on me, I might be dead.”

  “I need to admit, I haven’t stopped thinking of you. I crave bonding with you.”

  Phoenix lifts my hand, kissing the top of it, his fangs visible.

  “I’d like to build trust between us.”

  Turning my palm up, I give him access to my wrist.

  “Only a little. You lose control, and I’ll have to use my magic.”

  With a kiss on my wrist, he keeps his eyes locked on mine as he bites into my skin. Blood trickles down the side as he pulls back, closes his eyes, seeming to regain control, then lowers to drink more. The puncture sting blends with the pleasure, traveling from the movement of his lips, up my arm, and across my shoulders and back. My palm fills with the violet essence of our blood magic, swirling as if it has a mind of its own, a living entity growing in power. Purplish-red magic escapes his body, the ethereal essence a glow around him. Moaning in pleasure, he pulls himself back from my wrist, his eyes matching the magic whirling around him. Wiping his lips, he rises from the chair, bringing me up with him.

  “My exquisite rose.” With a finger under my chin, he raises it, nearing my lips to his. “Go inside, please.”

  Briefly, his lips press to mine, sending a pulse of pleasure to my core. When I open them, he’s gone.



  Killian reaches around my side, kisses me on the cheek, then gathers the spatula off the grill side table. “He showed great control last night.”

  “Where do you think he is now? He would have needed protection to sleep.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” He flips the burgers, the meat sizzling. “He can take care of himself. He’s probably in my woodshop. He’d be well protected in there.”

  “I should go look for him.”

  Emeric curls an arm around my waist. “I don’t think so, babe.” Enclosing me in his wings, he keeps me tight to his chest as he trails kisses along my cheek and neck. “Showing control doesn’t mean he’s fixed.”

  Lifting his chin, Killian sniffs the cool evening air, his amber eyes glimmering a golden bronze.

  “He’s fine. He just went in the front door.”

  “Your sense of smell is amazing.”

  Mouth curling, he gives me a wink. “It sure does have its advantages.”

  Chuckling, Emeric caresses his hands over the curve of my hips, his fingers trailing my waistband. “Now you can relax.”

  “Yeah.” Leaning into him, I stroke his feathers, and he quietly moans against my ear. With his wings wrapped around us, I reach behind me, rubbing over his growing erection. Adjusting his hold on me, his muscles tighten, then he lifts into the air, his wings carrying us over the roof of the house toward the woods.

  The cool breeze grazes my skin, the sight below me a magnificent view of fall-colored leaves. I’m flown over the trees, his warm body keeping me comfortable and warm. Descending, he lowers us to the same spot Killian took me the night we met, the cliff overlooking a beautiful landscape of reds, browns, and oranges.

  “You know, this is Killian’s spot,” I tease.

  “It’s also the best view and has space for us to be alone.”

  Turning in h
is arms, I place my arms around his neck. “I don’t mind having some time alone.”

  Slipping his hands under my sweatshirt, he raises it. “Good, because I need you to myself for a while.” My sweatshirt falls to the ground, and he lowers me to sit on it. Lowering between my legs, he unbuttons my jeans, removing them off my hips. The cool evening air raises goosebumps on my arms, and he notices. A red-orange glow of magic bursts out around us, heat emanating from it and his body.

  “I’ll keep you warm.”

  With a salacious grin, he takes hold of his erection, lining up with my opening as he ignites passion between our lips. Each thrust and kiss takes me on a rising high, his firm grip leverage to push deeper.

  “I love you.”

  “You’re my world, Selene. Never forget that.”

  The heat between us is scintillating, our bodies warm with passion and need. Head falling back, each thrust and kiss he gives draws moans from my lips, the pleasure intoxicating.

  “I won’t because I feel it in my heart too.”

  Fingers curled around my neck and into my hair, his other hand holds my hip, his thrusts more passionate than carnal. This is Emeric making love, breaking his soul open, and revealing what’s in his heart.

  “I love you, my beautiful witch, my soul mate.”

  I’m unable to answer as his fervent kiss burns with intensity on my lips. Between my legs, another fire is erupting, my orgasm radiating throughout my body. My knees clench around his hips, and he smiles against my mouth.

  “I love how your body melts beneath me.”

  With seductive, slow thrusts, he drags out my pleasure until he reaches his own orgasm, his face burying in my neck with a sated sigh. With our legs intertwined, he lies on his side, placing brief fiery kisses along my neck, shoulder, and chest.

  “I could spend the day here with you, fucking and loving on one another.”

  “I could too.”

  “Except we can’t. The other guys will come looking for you, eventually.”

  There’s more than just irritation in his tone.

  “What’s wrong?” Leaning toward him, I caress my hand into his wild black and blond hair.


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