Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three Page 12

by Betty Legend

  “The vampire you are now, I knew he was in there. This is who I wanted to meet.”

  “I wanted to apologize to you and make things right before I was abducted. I knew I needed you. I wanted you. That chance was stolen from me. I wouldn’t have hurt you like that.”

  “I believe it. It’s why I never gave up on you.”

  He kisses my fingertips again, the gesture tender and loving. “Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  Between us, violet essence, dark and light, escapes, swirling in a magnificent glow of light. It surrounds us, spinning in beautiful chaos. We watch it, mesmerized by the dance of magic.

  “Phoenix,” I whisper.


  “This is us, our bond.”

  Looking down at me between the glow of magic, his violet eyes glimmer with love.

  “It’s as beautiful as you are.”

  We bring our lips together, sealing the love passing between us. We stay together, kissing, hugging, and caressing long into the night.



  A repeated wave of heat accosts my face before I snap open my eyes to see the cause. Above me on the bed, Selene is floating in some kind of sleep-like trance as chaotic swirls of magic whip around her in a transition of five colors—the colors of her magic.

  My hand extends to touch her, but as the strands of her hair graze my hand, I sense the power emanating from her. Rushing from the bed, I open the door wide.

  “All of you, get in here. Now!”

  Moments later, they’re all in Selene’s bedroom, different expressions of confusion, concern, and wonder as they watch her float in a supine position with her magic transitioning and swirling around her.

  “What happened last night?” Griffin looks at me not with an accusation but with genuine concern and curiosity.

  “We bonded… fully.”

  They all look at me, then back at her.

  “This is it,” Cyrus announces, exhilaration in his tone. “The curse is being broken.”

  “What’s happening to her?” Emeric reaches out, but Cyrus stops him.

  “I don’t know yet. Until we do, don’t touch her. It could affect whatever’s taking place.”

  Cyrus circles around the bed, studying her and the magic. “How’s her heart rate?” he asks me.

  “Only slightly elevated.”

  “Good. Killian, how about your mate bond?”

  “I can feel it—strong and steady.”

  Slowly bringing a palm toward the swirls of magic, he stops, testing the feel of the magic.

  “Griffin, can you get any glimpses of images or feelings?”

  Griffin closes his eyes and focuses, his ears twitching.

  “She’s talking to someone… a woman. She’s not scared. She’s… fascinated.”


  “They’re worried about you.”

  Cataleya is no more than four feet in front of me, her ethereal figure almost solid but still glimmering with a translucency. Around us is a forest much like the Fae forest of Mordeeves Island. The sun is shining despite the sense that it’s actually night outside of this vision or dream.

  “I know, I can hear them, but I’m not ready to go back. I have more questions.”

  The burgundy red dress, billowing out around her ankles, lifts in the warm breeze as she nods in understanding.

  “Those supernatural men love you dearly.”

  “I love them just as much.”

  Effervescent blue eyes close momentarily, and her brows furrow as if she’s remembering something.

  “Hold on to that, Selene. It will get you through the most difficult hardships.”

  “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

  “I am. Evil is always out there, waiting, wanting, planning. Keeping your loved ones close and your magic strong will help you defeat any adversary.”

  “Will the devil come for us now that the curse is broken?”

  “Yes, he will. He’ll want your power, just like he wanted mine. He’ll want to exploit it, to use in his own malicious schemes.”

  “How do I stop him?”

  “Destroy all gateways he’s created. Bind him to hell.”


  “You can’t do it alone. You’ll need the strength of bonded magic.”

  There’s an unexpected energy pull at my core, and I grimace from the pressure. Cataleya’s spectral head tilts to the side as she studies me.

  “Your mate is fearful for you. He’s trying to reach you.”

  Closing my eyes, I attempt to communicate through the same energy tugging at me.

  I’m all right. I’m safe.

  The pressure releases and I release a breath in relief.

  “His magic is strong, stronger than he realizes.” Cataleya smiles. “All of your magic is stronger than each of you know.”

  “Ancor said I haven’t come close to reaching my full potential.”

  “It’s true. You haven’t.” Blue eyes sparkle with knowledge I have yet to learn. “You’re a daughter of druid magic. My blood is your blood.” She raises a ghostly hand and points at everything around us. “You and I are as connected as you are to the world around you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Through every birth, we pass on parts of our magic to the next child of magic. In you, lies a part of your mother, your grandmother, and so on.”

  Worry tightens my chest as my palm covers my belly.

  “You worry for your unborn child.”

  “Yes. I’m scared of fighting the devil. I’m afraid he’ll somehow kill any one of the men I love or hurt me or my child.”

  “You’re strong, Selene, as a woman, a druid witch, and as a mother. I know you’ll prevail against evil.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because you’re the daughter of my magic, the daughter of my blood.” Her solidity fades in and out, her body no longer as defined. “Our time is running out.”

  “What do I do now that the curse is broken?”

  Outstretching her arm, it’s as if she wants to touch me. I reach out my hand, but when I meet hers, it slides right through her ghostly form.

  “Live, Selene. Live.”

  Cataleya’s body fades into air, her form completely gone. I close my eyes, prepared to wake in my bed, but nothing changes. The sweet aroma of the flowers around me still reaches my nostrils. I touch the large leaves of the bushes, and that’s when I see him—my father. Emerging into a nearly solid form, he stands before me, a bright smile below his similar blue eyes. He’s dressed in the last outfit I remember him wearing, a black polo and dark gray pants.

  “My little fairy painter, you’ve grown into a beautiful woman.”

  Tears well in my eyes as I stare at him. I could never bring myself to ask Ancor how he knew my father’s nickname for me, the memories too painful. I always assumed Ancor saw the images. I didn’t mind him using my father’s nickname. It brought a little of him back to me.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I know, my sweet girl. I’ve missed you too.”

  Tears trickle down my cheeks, and he extends a hand to wipe them away, but his hand loses form, unable to. With sad eyes, he frowns, then his attention lowers to my belly, and he smiles.

  “I’m going to be a grandfather.”

  “You are.” Heartache tightens my chest, wishing so much he could be a part of my child’s life. “I’m scared, Dad.”

  “It’s okay to be afraid. Fear reminds you, you’re alive. It helps you prepare for challenges, and my little girl has never been afraid of conquering challenges.”

  A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. “You’re right.” I wipe my face. “I wish Mom could be here to see you.”

  “I visit her sometimes.”

  “You do?”

  “In her dreams. She invites me in, and I walk in her dreams, talking with her, reminding her how much I love her.”

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  “Your mother tried to avoid magic, but it’s still alive in her.”

  “I always wanted to have magic like the beautiful stories you told me. Now I do.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when you were young. I thought we had more time.”

  “It’s okay. Everything worked out. I have the love of five incredible, supernatural men.”

  “I’m aware,” he smirks.

  “Weird, isn’t it?”

  “It’s all a matter of perspective.”

  “I love them.”

  “I know, and they love you, which I’m grateful for.”

  “It makes me feel so good to hear you say that.”

  “Would you like to know a secret, fairy painter?” My father’s mischievous grin splits his lips.

  “Yes,” I squeal. He used to ask me the same question when I was little. I loved the feeling I was so important to my dad, he’d tell me his treasured secrets. Now, I know the secrets weren’t fairytales—they were real. “What?”

  He points to my belly. “I’ll have a grandson soon.”

  I suck in a breath. “Really?”

  “Yes, I’m certain.”

  “A boy.” More tears stream down my face. “I’m having a boy! Whose child is it?”

  My dad’s chest rises and falls as he laughs. “I can’t share all my secrets at once.”

  My heart fills with affectionate memories. It’s the same thing he’d say when I begged him for more secrets and stories.

  “Will I have more children?”

  “What will be, will be, my sweet girl. Don’t be so eager for the future that you forget to live in the present.”

  “Ancor said the same thing—what will be, will be.”

  “Ancor is a wise and magically gifted man, one I trust to look after you.”

  “He’s been good to me.”

  My father lifts his hand toward my face. Eyes focused, he narrows them, and a silver glow emerges in his hand. Skin becoming solid, he caresses his hand against my cheek. Tears come harder as I lean into his cool touch.

  “I’ll always be with you, Selene. Always.”

  His form fades in and out.

  “Please don’t go, Dad.”

  “Always, my sweet girl.”

  Tears pour down my cheeks as his form fades into air.

  “I’ll miss you.”

  Dropping to my knees, my face falls into my hands as I cry. The same pressure I felt pull at my core earlier comes back with more intensity. Yielding to the pressure, I close my eyes.

  The bedroom ceiling comes into view as my body slowly lowers, my back touching a blanket and mattress as magic bleeds from my skin in chaotic motions. Blinking back tears, I gather my strength and focus on the magic. As if responding to my mental command, it dissipates, the bright colors fading into my body. All five of my men stare at me with concern and wonder, then swoop in, finding space around me on the bed.

  “What happened?” Cyrus asks. Sitting next to me, his hand caresses my face, wiping away my tears.

  “I met Cataleya and saw my dad.”

  “Damn, babe, are you okay?” Emeric strokes my feathered tattoo, our magic connecting before he takes my hand in his.

  “I will be.” Sitting up, I push a pillow behind me. “Cataleya told me how to stop the devil.”

  “How?” Phoenix asks, his hand rubbing my leg.

  “She said we have to close all of his gateways, then bind him to hell. She emphasized the we part. She said it requires bonded magic.”

  Cyrus nods in understanding, his tone confident. “I’ll work on the binding spell.”

  Griffin gives my other leg a comforting squeeze. “I’ll help him.”

  Emeric glances at Cyrus, then me. “I can work on finding and closing gateways. They’ll be demon hotspots.”

  Killian dips his chin at Emeric. “I’ll help you kill demons.”

  “I’ll stay with Selene,” Phoenix insists. “We’re taking a visit to see her mother. I can join her while seeing the doctor as well.”

  “I want to be there,” Emeric tells him. “At the doctor.”

  “So do the rest of us,” Griffin shares.

  “Speaking of that.” A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. “My dad shared a secret about our baby.”

  The guys seem energized by my words.

  “What’s the secret?” Killian presses.

  “It’s a boy.”

  Grins and excited energy buzz among them.

  “One of us is going to have a son,” Killian says to them all.

  Shared excitement and comprehension pass between glances and smiles. I understand every one of them hopes it’s their son and worries it won’t be. My heart aches for the four who will be disappointed.

  Griffin pats my leg, his eyes glimmering with turquoise as he studies me. “Let’s get you dinner, then make plans. A lot is going to change now that the curse is broken.”



  With the evening sunset, Phoenix and I portal to the back patio of my childhood home. Before entering the sliding glass door, I give his hand a squeeze as tension tightens his features.

  “Don’t worry, my mother and Rachel will love you.”

  “Did you tell them how poorly I treated you?” Guilt coats his words as they leave his lips.

  Turning him to me, I gather his hands in mine.

  “I told Rachel some, but not all of it. I wanted her to understand what you’d been through with Vivian’s passing.” A shadow of pain darkens his eyes. I know being reminded of her still hurts him. “I’m sorry to bring her up.”

  “It’s all right.” Lifting my hand, he brings it to his lips. “I appreciate your confidence in us and that you don’t feel jealous when she’s mentioned.”

  “Of course not.” Putting my arms around his neck, I rub my fingertips through his hair. “She was an important part of your life. You have every right to feel her loss.”

  Pulling me in closer, he awakens our magic as his tongue slips between my parted mouth and stirs my arousal.

  “You’ve given me a new life and love to be grateful for.”

  “I’m just as grateful for you.”

  Violet essence dances around us like firework sparklers, the reflection of light brightening Phoenix’s eyes.

  “Our magic is quite responsive to our desire.” Lowering his head to my neck, he scrapes his fangs along my skin, sending a rush of pleasure to my core. “We’ll never be able to hide how we feel from the other.”

  “I never want to hide how you make me feel.” Lowering my hand, I rub over the lengthening bulge in his pants.

  Backing me into the darkness, he pins me to the fence.

  “Meeting your mother and Rachel will have to wait.”

  As he lifts my legs, I clench around his waist and release a pleasured groan as he pushes his erection against me.

  “They could come out at any moment.”

  Another thrust and I struggle to think straight as his heated breath teases my ear.

  “Then we’ll find a better location.”

  The door of the patio clicks, then slides, and I freeze in his arms. Letting my legs down, he keeps me hidden behind him in the darkness.

  My mother looks around, her gaze landing on us. She blinks, her eyes narrowed as if she’s trying to make out the objects. Phoenix takes my hand, and we emerge from the shadows. Jolting, my mother puts her hand to her chest.

  “I’m sorry. It’s been years since I’ve seen a vampire.”

  “I understand. We can be startling in the dark.” Phoenix stands tall and regal as he extends his hand to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Claire.”

  My mother takes his hand and smiles.

  “It’s great to meet you, Phoenix.” She waves her hand toward the door. “Please, come in and make yourself comfortable.”

  “Thank you.” Motioning for her to go first, he takes my hand and ushers me forward, coming in behind us. As the door closes, Rache
l enters the kitchen with a larger belly than when I saw her last.


  We rush forward, hugging each other.

  “Rachel,”—I place a hand on her shoulder—“this is my boyfriend, Phoenix. He’s a vampire.”

  “It’s great to meet you.” Rachel shakes the hand he extends.

  “Likewise. Selene has had many wonderful things to say about the two of you.”

  Sliding under Phoenix’s arm, I put mine around his back. Leaning over, he kisses my head, and Rachel’s attention lingers on his mouth. I’m sure she got a glimpse of his fangs.

  My mom sets a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the counter.

  “I apologize, Phoenix. I run my own bakery, and I’m used to baking for guests, but I wasn’t sure what to prepare for you.”

  “It’s all right, Claire. I had dinner before we came.”

  Rachel grimaces, and I laugh.

  “Vampires don’t have to drink from humans,” I tell her.

  Sitting on one of the stools, she pulls a cookie off the plate.

  “What happens when you do, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “It’s fine,” Phoenix assures her. “It can be quick, leaving the human with little to no memory of what happened.”

  “Do you put them in a trance?”

  “Something like that.”

  Grabbing the plate of cookies, my mom points to the living room.

  “Let’s move in there, so we can be comfortable while we get to know one another.”

  Leading the way, she sets the cookies on the baby blue coffee table before she takes a seat in one of the chairs. Sitting on the couch, I snuggle close to Phoenix.

  Pulling the blanket off the back of the other sitting chair, Rachel settles into it.

  “Where are the rest of the guys?”

  Phoenix stays quiet, allowing me to share how much or little I want.

  “Cyrus and Griffin are working on a complicated project, and Killian is helping Emeric with a security job.”

  My mom lifts a cookie off the plate. “It’s great they’re working so well together. What is it you do, Phoenix?”

  “I’m the next-in-line to become the patriarch of the Artino vampire family.” Mom’s and Rachel’s eyes widen. “The Artino family dabbles in several industries: resorts, real estate, art dealing, and more. I personally am a fan of art collecting and dealing. I have numerous works from an extraordinarily talented painter by the name of Selene Delavore.” Putting an arm around me, he winks above a gorgeous smile. Leaning toward him, I give him a quick kiss.


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