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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

Page 17

by Betty Legend

  “Ha,” my mom laughs. “Grandpa Kristo, bet he loves that title.”

  Rachel giggles between bites of her cookie.

  “You can’t tell that man he’s getting old,” my mother quips.

  “Nope, but Phoenix likes to, anyway.”

  My mom laughs as she removes the oven mitt. Edric flies into the kitchen, coming down on his feet and resting his wings on his back. Devon comes running in behind him.

  “Grandma, can we have a cookie?”

  Placing my hand on Edric’s dark hair, I caress his head. Looking up at me with bright blue eyes, he smiles.

  “Love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, too, my little angel.”

  Edric scrunches his nose. “Mom, I’m not little.”

  “I know, but you’ll always be my little angel.”

  My mom slides the plate of cookies closer for Edric to reach them. He grabs two, handing one to Devon. “Let’s go!” They run off, and we watch them, mesmerized by their joyful innocence and their friendship.

  “So, where are Killian and Kaiden?” Rachel asks.

  “Killian took him to visit his cousins, the Redwood pack. Lexi’s older son is the same age as Kaiden. They play together as well as Edric and Devon do.”

  “That’s wonderful.” My mother beams. “All of you have done a wonderful job of raising my grandbabies.” Reaching over the counter, she squeezes my hand and pats the top of it with her other hand. The gesture makes me smile, my heart warmed by the affection.

  “How about Griff and baby Giselle?” Rachel asks. “And Cy and Cayson?”

  “They are home on diaper duty. Mommy needs a break.”

  Opening the refrigerator, my mom pulls out the mix she made for pina coladas. Pouring some into three glasses, she hands one to each of us.

  Taking a drink of the delicious icy treat, I point a thumb at myself. “No more babies for this gal. I told my guys, one baby each is enough. After Giselle was born, I had my tubes tied.”

  “Poor girl.” Rachel chuckles. “She’s the baby sister of four older brothers.”

  Pointing to Rachel’s belly, my mouth tilts. “Poor girl. She’ll be the only girl between two brothers.”

  Rachel’s eyes widen. “It’s a girl?” Rachel’s excited tone has me smiling from ear to ear.

  “Yep,” I confirm. “I saw an image of her and Giselle playing together.”

  Rachel claps her hands together. “I’m so happy it’s a girl! I want a girl!”

  “Do you have any names picked out?” My mom asks.

  Taking another drink, I lean back on my stool to check on the boys. They’re buzzing around the living room, laughing. Looking back at Rachel’s rosy cheeks and bright eyes, I await her answer.

  “Lucas and I like the name Sarah.”

  “I love it.”

  “Me too,” my mom agrees.

  Edric walks into the kitchen and takes another cookie off the plate.

  “Can I have some of that?” he points to my drink.

  “Nope, this is an adult drink.”

  “I’ll get you something.” His grandma tells him. “What would you like? Chocolate milk, juice, or tea?”

  “Chocolate milk,” he mumbles, his mouth full of cookie.

  I give him a pointed look, and he grins.

  “What?” Finishing his cookie, he climbs atop the stool between me and Rachel. “When is Dad getting here?”

  Devon climbs atop the stool on the other side of Rachel and reaches for the plate of cookies. She slides it closer to him.

  “Your dad and Uncle Lucas should be back soon. Lucas is teaching your dad how to fish.”

  “Dad, fishing?” Edric laughs as he takes the cup my mom slides toward him. “I’d like to see that.”

  “It’s supposed to be relaxing. He’ll probably enjoy it.”

  Edric brushes a hand through his dark hair, exposing the strip of white hair from his temple to his ear. “I bet dad threw the fishing pole in the water.”

  All of us laugh. “We’ll see how it went when he gets here.”

  As Edric and Devon finish their cups of chocolate milk, Emeric and Lucas step through a portal on the back patio. Fishing poles, tackle box, and a cooler in hand, they’re smiling and laughing as they come through the sliding glass door.

  “Babe! I caught a trout!” Emeric points to the cooler. “We’ll have it for dinner tomorrow.”

  “Sounds like the fishing trip went well.”

  Lucas pats Emeric on the shoulder. “It was a little rough at first, but he got it.”

  He and Lucas exchange a comical glance as Emeric drops his gear. Coming to our side of the counter, Emeric bumps fists with Edric before he puts his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

  “Missed you, babe.”

  “Missed you too.”

  Putting my fingers on his chin, I angle him to face me better and kiss him, slipping my tongue between his lips.

  “Eww,” I hear Devon groan.

  “They do it all the time,” Edric informs him. “You get used to it. Dad!”

  Emeric winks at me, those sultry eyes teasing me. Pulling his sexy gaze away, he gives Edric his attention.

  “Yeah, son?”

  “Will you and Uncle Lucas play video games with me and Devon?”

  “Yep.” Stealing my drink, he takes a few swallows. “Get ready to have your butts kicked.”

  “Yes!” Edric and Devon run into the living room.

  “We’ll be right in after we put the fish in the freezer,” Lucas tells them.

  “Okay!” Devon shouts back.

  Putting his arms back around me, Emeric teases my ear with his lips, then whispers. “The guys and I have something special planned for you tonight.”

  With a quick and teasing lick of my ear lobe, he pulls away and winks when he sees the goosebumps on my arms.

  “Ma, can I get some of that pina colada?”

  “Of course, Emeric.”

  As I watch his ass round the counter, I grin. I’m so looking forward to whatever the surprise is.

  Emeric puts an arm around my mom and gives her a chaste kiss on her cheek. “Have the boys been behaving for you?”

  “They have. I love having them here.”

  Opening the refrigerator, she pulls out the pina colada mix, and Emeric steals the pitcher from her.

  “Don’t you dare drink from that!” Emeric smirks and slides out of her reach. She throws a hand on her hip. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Eh, you still love me.”

  The rest of us laugh as Emeric pours the mix into his mouth and wipes the slush from his lips. My mom grabs a kitchen towel and whips him with it. Emeric jumps away from the fabric the second time she swings.

  “Okay, okay, Ma, you win! I’ll get a cup.”

  “That’s right, you will.”

  Emeric points a thumb at my mom. “I see where you get it from, babe.”

  My belly rumbles as Emeric raises his hand and the pitcher up in a sign of mercy. Opening the cabinet, he gets a proper cup.

  My mom opens the oven enough to check the cookies and the casserole. “Dinner will be ready in a half-hour,” she tells us.

  “Hear that, boys?” Emeric calls to them. “We have a half-hour of gameplay.”

  “Then get in here,” Edric calls back.

  “That’s my cue.” Emeric puts the pitcher back in the refrigerator before he and Lucas join the boys in the living room.

  “He’s a great father.” My mom smiles at me. “Despite being mischievous himself.”

  “He is. He loves Edric so much, but he doesn’t let Edric get away with any bad behavior, and neither do his other fathers. As soon as Edric does something out of line, they all have a talk. It definitely sets a precedence when five fathers sit you down and discuss your behavior. Same goes for Pierce and Kaiden.”

  My mom pulls the last batch of cookies from the oven. “Phoenix told me on his last visit with Pierce, he and Edric are competitive.”

  I rub
my hand over my face. “Everything’s a competition with those two. It’s exhausting. A druid angel and a druid vampire, they test their magic, test each other, and test my patience. And don’t get me started on what it’s like when their dads join in.”

  Rachel bites her lip as she laughs. “Do they still butt heads?”

  “Of course, but it’s bound to happen with all the testosterone in the house.” Finishing my drink, I sit forward, relaxed from the alcohol. “I’m grateful Cyrus decided to leave the university and do homeschooling. He’s an amazing teacher, and the boys like it. Edric says Cyrus keeps things interesting and lets them practice their magic.”

  My mom and Rachel stare at me, joy on their faces.

  “You’ve made your family work, and it’s a delight for me to witness.” My mom’s words pull my lips back in a smile.

  “Thanks, Mom. I love my family. We’ve worked hard to create a balance.”

  Rachel points toward the living room. “It shows.”

  When the oven beeps, my mom covers her hands in oven mitts. Removing the casserole, she sets it on the stovetop to cool.

  “Five minutes until dinner!” she announces.

  “We’ll be there,” Emeric calls back.

  Rachel and I set the table with plates and silverware as my mom gathers cups for drinks. Edric is the first to enter the kitchen.

  “Smells great, Grandma.”

  “It’s your father’s favorite.”

  Edric’s brows pinch inward. “Why is that?”

  Emeric enters behind him and places his hands on Edric’s shoulders.

  “Because it was the first meal I ate with your mom, aunt Rachel, and your grandmother. It was also the day your mother told me she would have a child with me and probably the day you were conceived.”

  “Eww, gross, dad!”

  Emeric pats his shoulder. “What’s gross about me loving your mother so much, I wanted you?”

  “Point made.” Edric slides into the chair next to his dad and picks up the glass of tea in front of him.

  Caressing his hand over Edric’s hair, Emeric pats his back. “Love you, son.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Glances pass around the table between us women. It’s adorable watching them two. Mom puts the casserole in the center of the table.

  “Ladies first.” She grins.

  “Always,” Lucas agrees.

  Edric tries to dip his finger in the casserole, but Mom swats his hand away.

  “We raise gentlemen and use manners in this house.”

  “Yes, Grandma.”

  Edric puts his hands in his lap and waits his turn. On the other side of Emeric, I watch my son create an orb in his hands. According to Emeric, he possesses a lot of Celestia’s gifts. It’s been fascinating watching him grow into his powers, except the invisibility one. That was a nightmare through the toddler years. I had to attach a bell to him, so he couldn’t play hide and seek anymore.

  One thing Emeric and I agreed on is he’ll never know who his biological grandfather is. He knows his grandfather as Ancor, an amusing old man Edric loves, who teaches him to use his powers with care, and a warlock who passed away before he was born. When I took Edric to his grandfather’s tree, I remember him standing there, drifting off in a daydream-like state, and when his attention finally returned to me, he told me he’d met Grandpa Dane and really liked him. I cried almost the entire walk home.

  Emeric catches me admiring our son and takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. Leaning over, he whispers, “I do it, too. He continues to amaze me.”

  Kissing him, I smile in agreement. He lets go of my hand and rubs my back. Once all the plates are covered with casserole, we dig in.



  Emeric and I step through the portal into our living room on Mordeeves Island.

  “What’s this special plan you all have?”

  Emeric takes my hands and pulls me toward the stairs.

  “We planned for all the kids to be with family for the weekend.”

  “All weekend?” Excitement tingles through my belly.

  “Yeah, baby. All weekend.”

  Emeric leads me to the stairs, then smacks my ass.

  “Upstairs, bedroom, now.” He winks.

  Not wasting time, I shed clothing on my way there, and so does Emeric. Grabbing my hand in the hallway, he pins me to the wall, lifts my thighs, and wraps them around his waist. My hands cup his face as his tongue delves into my parted mouth. The heat of his touch obliterates all thought. I’m all feeling, wanting more, wanting the pleasure he gives my body.

  Adjusting his cock, he centers it on my pussy lips, kissing me into a needy beast as he teases my center.

  “Fuck me, baby.”

  Thrusting into me, he holds me up with one hand on my ass, the other around the back of my neck, a barrier to protect me each time his hips drive me into the wall. Heated breaths escape us as we ride the high of pleasure.

  “I love you, babe, so damn much.”

  “I love you just as much.”

  Licking my neck, he travels up and nibbles my ear, pulling it between his teeth, his tiny fangs scraping my lobe. Another hard thrust and my body reaches its peak of pleasure. I come, moaning and gripping his shoulders as I indulge in the euphoria.

  Teasing my lips with his thumb, he studies my face, crimson tingeing his black eyes.

  “Was that enough, or do you want more?”


  “I knew you would. That’s why everyone else is waiting in our bedroom.” A wicked grin creases his scar as he lets my legs down. “I just had to have you first.”

  Kissing him, I release his bottom lip between my teeth. “I’ll always love the demon in you.”

  Slapping my ass, he chases me down the hall to the stairs leading to the rooftop bedroom. Grabbing me, he stops me on the stairs, kissing my neck as he massages my breasts.

  “And I’ll always love how hot I make you.”

  Smiling, I put my hands over his, applying more pressure to his massage of my breasts.

  “Are we going to make it up the stairs?”

  Bending me over the stairs, he gathers slickness from my pussy and fingers the outside of my ass.

  “Not yet.”

  Sliding a finger into my backside, he thrusts in and out, massaging my breast as I moan. Moving his hand from my breast to my hair, he pulls me to a standing position, then cups his hand on my chin, angling my face to his. Kissing me hard and fierce, he smothers my moans.

  “I want you ready. I’m claiming anal first.”

  Griffin descends the stairs, his naked body turning me on even more. With his hand on his cock, he watches us and pumps his fist harder. Continuing down the stairs, he sits a step above ours.

  “Give her to me.”

  Griffin kisses me, his movement slow but sensual as I straddle his lap. Leaning an elbow on the step above him, he takes me with him, keeping our kiss going. Lifting my hips, I slide onto him and thrust my hips forward, riding him as he squeezes my ass.

  “That’s it, my love, ride me.”

  Emeric’s hand curls around the edge of my neck and shoulder. Putting his cockhead to my ass, he slides in. With one hand on a step and the other around me, he matches our rhythm, fucking my ass as I ride Griffin.

  Back and forth, they pass me for kisses, running their free hands over my body. The pleasure is the ultimate—a contrast between fire and water—one man giving my body sensual love while the other burns me with the heat of his desire.

  Squeezing Griffin’s shoulders, I come as I moan out a long sigh of satisfaction.

  “You both feel so damn good.”

  “This is just the beginning, baby. We have you to ourselves, all… weekend… long.”

  Emeric pulls out, and I collapse on Griffin’s chest. Caressing my back, he draws out our kiss, his tongue twirling around mine in a slow dance of love and appreciation.

  “Keep going up the stairs, love. Th
ere’s more waiting for you.”

  Sliding off him, I admire his impish grin. With my hand sliding out of his, I continue up the circle of stairs. Griffin and Emeric follow me, giving me mischievous grins when I look back at them. As I reach the top of the stairs, Killian is waiting for me. Naked in his glory, his Adonis belt pointing to his erect cock, he pulls me up the last step, then lifts me, putting my legs around his waist. As he leads me to the door to our bedroom, he massages my ass.

  “That’s where I want my cock.”

  Hands around his neck, I stare into his bright amber eyes, the need for me evident.

  “Good, that’s where I want it.”

  Leaning in, he claims my lips as he takes us through the bedroom door. Placed on the bed, I look up at Cyrus. Caressing my hair and face, he leans down and kisses me, his soft lifts turning my mind to mush.

  “I want you both.”

  Cyrus lies back on the bed, and I climb atop him. As soon as I slide onto his cock, he grinds my hips forward and back, and we moan from the pleasure. Killian is on his knees behind me. Pulling my head to the side, he kisses up my neck, bites my ear, then turns my chin to give me a heated, passion-filled kiss.

  Releasing me, he applies pressure to my back, pushing me down to Cyrus’s chest. Behind me, he teases his tip along my backside. Sliding two fingers further down, he gathers my wetness, then uses it to finger my ass. After several thrusts of his fingers, he pulls them out and pushes his cock in. My moans grow louder as the two of them alternate their thrusts.

  Reaching a new high, I climax, my body trembling between them. They touch, caress, and stroke as I relish in the ecstasy.

  “I love having you both at once.”

  Killian lifts me off Cyrus’s chest, his hands caressing my breasts as his thumbs toy with my nipples.

  “We love seeing the pleasure on your face.”

  They pull out, and we’re all on our knees as they take turns kissing and touching me. The curtain on the arch opens to Phoenix’s naked body. My eyes follow the abs of his stomach down to his cock. Stroking it in his hand, he comes to the side of the bed. Putting his hand out, I take it, meeting the hunger in his violet eyes.

  Closing the curtain behind us, he takes me to the blankets and pillows laid out by the burning fire in the firepit. Laying me down beneath him, his hand caresses from the edge of my pussy up to my breast, around my nipple, then to my face. Goosebumps rise across my skin, and he smirks at the sight of it.


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