Polarian-Denebian War 5: Our Ancestors From the Future

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Polarian-Denebian War 5: Our Ancestors From the Future Page 13

by Jimmy Guieu

  The faint light of dawn chased away the night from the Paris skies. The effects of the paralyzing rays were finished. Able to move, the Parisians hugged one another in fear, anxiously asking what had just happened.

  Was it a new torture by the Denebians? What had they invented to hurt and humiliate the Earthlings?

  Some people dared to go outside. Reassured by the calm in the city they joined other neighbors and friends and wandered through the streets that were slowly waking up. Soon a group of men and women, disheveled and in pajamas and bathrobes, came running down Avenue Gabriel, shouting at the top of their lungs.

  “They’ve come back! They’re here in the Place de la Concorde! Come on everyone! We’re saved!”

  Intrigued by the commotion people started looking out their windows, stumbling down into the street, wavering between fear and hope—a mad hope, they thought—and walking toward the place. In less than an hour the Place de la Concorde was chock full of Parisians from all corners of the capital.

  A squadron of ten flying saucers, shining like aluminum in the sunlight, was surrounding the obelisk. The cockpit of one of the spaceships slid open, revealing Zimko, Kariven, Yuln, Dormoy, Angelvin and their wives. One after another all the Fimn’has cockpits were open with the Earthlings who had remained loyal to the end to the Earth-Polarian Alliance.

  In the Place de la Concorde and in the streets around it, tens of thousands of onlookers shouted for joy. They had recognized the particular form of the Polarian spaceships and were waiting impatiently for their crews to appear.

  Zimko and his friends, dressed in uniforms now—blue and dark red bodysuits—looked around at the huge crowd come to greet them. With a big smile Zimko saluted the crowd by raising his right hand.

  He brought a microphone to his mouth and in a deep, warm voice, declared, “Earth Friends, the Polarians and their loyal companions of the Alliance salute you! We forgive you for the massacre of our brothers and sisters because you were fooled by the Denebian trickery. You were wrong, however, to blindly accept the so-called revelations of these power-hungry, bloodthirsty monsters. Their goal in blackening us with crimes was only to remove your suspicions… which you hadn’t even shown.

  “These hideous green creatures were about to destroy your race by debasing it with their own. This would have created a new race of unbelievable ferocity that would have wiped out the last humans and replaced them with their masters all over the planet.

  “The frightening adventure is over. The Denebians, the monsters you put up with for so long, have been defeated. In their thirst for conquest and domination they sowed bloody death in seven solar systems. We can no longer let them continue their abominable crimes.

  “Therefore, two hours ago a giant sphere in which the criminals are imprisoned left Earth. The guided spaceship is almost entirely built of negative matter23. Emitting a strong, repellent magnetic field, no weapon will be able to destroy it. Right now it is entering the Omynk solar system, the Denebian Empire. In a little while, near the planet Ptopa, the seat of the abhorrent green race, its outer walls of neutral matter will fall away and leave open the inner sphere of negative matter. When it gets close enough to the ‘positive’ planet Ptopa, the negative matter will undergo an atomic transformation and in an apocalyptic explosion of cosmic energy it will wipe out Ptopa and the race of green monsters!”

  The crowd broke out in a loud ovation. Zimko raise his hand asking for silence and continued:

  “Freeing the seven solar systems enslaved by the Denebian mercenary colonists will only take a few days. The freed races will finally be able to enjoy the fruits of liberty and benefit from our aide.

  “Earth, likewise freed and finally united, will see an era of joy and love. The specter of war, planetary or interstellar, is banished forever. We Polarians have educated, helped and protected countless races in solar systems all over the Galaxy. Now we’re going to devote our efforts to help humans who are our close relatives since they’re descended from the first Polarians who came into this solar system a long time ago. You will enjoy the immense benefits of our civilization. Your ills and your suffering, moral and physical, will be eased thanks to our biological and neurological sciences. The constant imbalance that still exists on your planet between technical, moral and spiritual evolution will disappear, bringing men into a righteous stage where he will understand the machine in ways that have so far been wanting.

  “This will not happen overnight but clear progress will be seen even before the end of this year. Around ten years from now we hope to see humans out of their rut. Then they will race down the path to Wisdom and Love, the two inseparable qualities that should unite all thinking peoples in the Galaxy.

  “A huge task lies before us, Earth Friends. I’m sure that our sister races are finally going to experience the serenity and happiness that God created them for.

  “The Time of trials and tribulations is over.

  “A new dawn is rising for your civilization…

  “Peace on Earth and good will to men!”


  1 See Volume 1.

  2 Ministry of Internal Affairs. (Author’s Note)

  3 See prevous volumes.

  4 The case of the pilot Mantell; the case of 3 fighter jets broken apart in mid-air in California; the case of the transport plane struck down in India. Read Flying Saucers Come from Another World by the same author. (Author’s Note)

  5 SeeVolume 1.

  6 See Volume 1.

  7 Experimental base of the US Air Force located in Southern California. It is now Edwards AFB.

  8 See Volume 1.

  9 See Volume 1.

  10 I don’t know.

  11 See Volume 1.

  12 Another reference to Nous, les Martiens.

  13 This refers to Le Monde oublié.

  14 See Volume 1.

  15 Dewavrin’s “bold, constructive plan” called for the adoption by the free nations of a common army, a common foreign policy and a common economy. As his first recommendation, Dewavrin urged that France become the 49th state of the United States of the World. He was frank enough to say that “the U.S.A. would not derive any initial advantage from the fact that the American Constitution would be used as the cement, the 48 American states as the foundation and France as a cornerstone,” but was careful to point out that “the 49th state would receive the same rights as the 48 American states.” Dewavrin added that “unless the Americans are concealing imperialistic aims (and this plan for a United States of the World could help as a test) they should approve of it, even though the representatives of the 48 states would soon cease to enjoy a majority in the United States of the World’s parliament.”

  16 Défense Aérienne du Territoire, Territorial Air Defense. (Author’s Note)

  17 To err is human. (Author’s Note)

  18 Giant observatory and laboratory for the study of flying saucers created in Canada in August 1954. It took two years to build and set up. (Author’s Note)

  19 A camera that reacts automatically to the magnetic field of flying saucers to take pictures when they pass by. With the optical system is coupled a spectrograph that analyzes the ship’s light. It is a camera specifically designed to observe flying saucers. (Author’s Note)

  20 An aromatized wine, a variety of apéritif wine.

  21 Get thee behind me, Satan!

  22 French National Center for Scientific Research.

  23 See Space Commandos.


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  102 Alphonse Allais. The Adventures of Captain Cap

  02 Henri Allorge. The Great Cataclysm

  14 G.-J. Arnaud. The Ice Company

  152 André Arnyvelde. The Ark

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  61 Charles Asselineau. The Double Life

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e Olotelepan

  130 Barillet-Lagargousse. The Final War

  180 Honoré de Balzac. The Last Fay

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  23 Richard Bessière. The Gardens of the Apocalypse

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  173 Pierre Boitard. Journey to the Sun

  92 Louis Boussenard. Monsieur Synthesis

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  98 Emile Calvet. In A Thousand Years

  40 Félicien Champsaur. The Human Arrow

  81 Félicien Champsaur. Ouha, King of the Apes

  91. Félicien Champsaur. The Pharaoh’s Wife

  133 Félicien Champsaur. Homo-Deus

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  03 Didier de Chousy. Ignis

  166 Jacques Collin de Plancy. Voyage to the Center of the Earth

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  17 C. I. Defontenay. Star (Psi Cassiopeia)

  05 Charles Derennes. The People of the Pole

  68 Georges T. Dodds. The Missing Link and Other Tales of Ape-Men

  125 Charles Dodeman. The Silent Bomb

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  146 Jules Gros. The Fossil Man

  174 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 1

  175 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 2

  176 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 3

  177 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 4

  178 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 5

  179 Jimmy Guieu. The Polarian-Denebian War 6

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  32 Jules Lermina. The Secret of Zippelius

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  170 Restif de la Bretonne: Posthumous Correspondence 1

  171 Restif de la Bretonne: Posthumous Correspondence 2

  172 Restif de la Bretonne: Posthumous Correspondence 3

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  62 Albert Robida. Chalet in the Sky

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  95 Albert Robida. The Electric Life

  151 Albert Robida. Engineer Von Satanas

  46 J.-H. Rosny Aîné. The Givreuse Enigma

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  48 J.-H. Rosny Aîné. Vamireh

  44 J.-H. Rosny Aîné. The World of the Variants

  47 J.-H. Rosny Aîné. The Young Vampire

  71 J.-H. Rosny Aîné. Helgvor of the Blue River

  24 Marcel Rouff. Journey to the Inverted World

  158 Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert. The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets

  132 Léonie Rouzade. The World Turned Upside Down

  09 Han Ryner. The Superhumans

  124 Han Ryner. The Human Ant

  181 Han Ryner. The Son of Silence

  122 Pierre de Selenes. An Unknown World

  19 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 1. News from the Moon

  20 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 2. The Germans on Venus

  63 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 3. The Supreme Progress

  64 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 4. The World Abov
e the World

  65 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 5. Nemoville

  80 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 6. Investigations of the Future

  106 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 7. The Conqueror of Death

  129 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 8. The Revolt of the Machines

  142 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 9. The Man with the Blue Face

  155 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 10. The Aerial Valley

  159 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 11. The New Moon

  160 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 12. The Nickel Man

  162 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 13. On the Brink of the World’s End

  164 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 14. The Mirror of Present Events

  168 Brian Stableford (Ed.). 15. The Humanisphere

  42 Jacques Spitz. The Eye of Purgatory

  13 Kurt Steiner. Ortog

  18 Eugène Thébault. Radio-Terror

  58 C.-F. Tiphaigne de La Roche. Amilec

  138 Simon Tyssot de Patot. Voyages and Adventures of Jacques de Massé

  104 Louis Ulbach. Prince Bonifacio

  53 Théo Varlet. The Xenobiotic Invasion (w/Octave Joncquel)

  16 Théo Varlet. The Martian Epic; (w/André Blandin)

  59 Théo Varlet. Timeslip Troopers

  86 Théo Varlet. The Golden Rock

  94 Théo Varlet. The Castaways of Eros

  139 Pierre Véron. The Merchants of Health

  54 Paul Vibert. The Mysterious Fluid

  147 Gaston de Wailly. The Murderer of the World

  Nos Ancêtres de l’Avenir (Fleuve Noir Anticipation No. 62, 1956) 2016 by The Estate of Jimmy Guieu. English adaptation Copyright 2016 by Michael Shreve.

  Cover illustration Copyright 2016 Genkis.

  Visit our website at www.blackcoatpress.com

  ISBN 978-1-61227-555-0. First Printing. September 2016. Published by Black Coat Press, an imprint of Hollywood Comics.com, LLC, P.O. Box 17270, Encino, CA 91416. All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The stories and characters depicted in this novel are entirely fictional. Printed in the United States of America.


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