Candy Cane Cocktail

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Candy Cane Cocktail Page 5

by Kitty Barstow

  “When does the party start?”

  “Seven-thirty. But it isn’t far from here so you have plenty of time to shower and change. We can show up fashionably late if you want to take a cat nap.”

  And put his business deal in jeopardy? No way. I could handle one night with only five hours of sleep. The caffeine from my afternoon coffee was already kicking in. I entered my apartment and tossed my keys on the side table near the door.

  “I’m going to need the whole hour! Can you entertain yourself while I shower and dress? The remote is on the coffee table. I have Netflix too. Or you can put music on the stereo. I’m old school.”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  I turned to go, but he caught my hand and pulled me close for a kiss that rocked my world.

  “I missed you today. Did you enjoy your treat from Santa?”

  My lips twitched. “How do you know about that?”

  He winked and my heart did that fluttery thing. I was floating high above the sky on a cloud of happiness. Tonight was a fairy tale and I would cherish every minute.

  “Hurry and get dressed.”

  I heard the television click on as I entered my bedroom, but then the rest of the world ceased to exist while I showered and pampered myself. By the time I was finished, Michael would be drooling when he saw me. After blowing my hair dry, I pulled it up into a fancy knot while leaving my bangs swooped to one side. The back of my dress was stunning so I wanted my hair out of the way. I took care in putting on my make-up and decided on fake eyelashes to really make my eyes pop.

  When the last swipe of mascara was on, I leaned back from my mirror and smiled. If this didn’t have Michael panting at my knees, nothing else would. I slipped into my satin halter dress and fastened the faux diamond collar at the back of my neck. One wide band of material covered in glittering faux diamonds cascaded down to my shoulder blades and then split into two tiers: one looping right and the other left to my sides, leaving my lower back bare. The silk gown covered my entire ass but it was daringly low.

  Finally, I strapped on a pair of peep-toe stilettos with rhinestones. Red was my favorite color so my toes were already sparkling with glittery polish. I spritzed on my perfume and headed for the living room, but before I even got to the door, it opened.

  “Are you almost—” Michael stopped and stared, his gaze sweeping the full length of me. “Sweet baby Jesus!”

  An ear-splitting grin broke out on my face. He loved the dress! I patted his cheek. “I’m ready to go. Close your mouth before you drool all over my dress.”

  He chuckled and swatted my ass as I strutted by.

  The Christmas party was being held at the Anders’ sprawling estate on Rocky Basin Lake. I’d been to Grace Rosewood’s estate enough times not to stare doe-eyed at the luxury surrounding us when the hired butler let us in and took our coats.

  An older gentleman with gray streaks in his brown hair lifted a hand in greeting. “Michael, so glad you could come!” He wended his way through the crowd and clasped Michael’s hand. “Who is your lovely guest? I’m glad you decided to bring someone along after all.”

  “Susie Alvin, meet Hayworth Anders.”

  The older man’s eyes brightened. “You’re Donald Alvin’s daughter?”

  I nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  A delicate boned woman sidled up to him. “Good evening. Who do we have here? I’m Jillian Anders, Hayworth’s wife.”

  “This is the young man I told you about—Michael Clause and his date, Susie Alvin.”

  “Oh, wonderful to have you here!” Jillian took my hands in hers and squeezed. “Your mother and I were one grade apart in high school. Lovely woman. I see you inherited her grace.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So how do you two know each other?” Hayworth asked Michael.

  He smiled down at me. “We met at the mall while I was shopping for the pink elephant gift.”

  Jillian giggled and I elbowed him in the side.

  “White elephant,” I clarified, wiggling the wrapped gift in my hand.

  Michael’s neck suffused with a pink tinge. “White … I meant white elephant. Sorry, I’m not supposed to give any hints of what’s inside. My bad.”

  “I’m intrigued.” Jillian wrapped her arm around her husband. “If Susie chose the gift, then I’m sure it will be delightful. Remember that packaging for later, dear. Please come in and have something to eat. The food is in the dining room. We have a bar in the basement along with a band. I’m sure you know several of the others here, Michael, so introduce them to Susie and have fun!”

  “Thank you,” I said. “Happy holidays.”

  “Drink?” Michael asked once our host and hostess walked away.

  “Yes, followed closely by food. I’m famished.”

  The basement was bigger than most people’s homes and lavishly furnished with leather and fur throws. A band played jazzy holiday tunes from the corner and hired staff tended the well-stocked bar. After securing two glasses of white wine, we found the dining room and filled our plates with surf ‘n’ turf.

  The whole evening was beautiful. We mingled with the other guests, kept our wine glasses full and danced whenever a slow song played. Michael’s pink boa-fringed slippers were the hit of the party, switching hands the maximum number of times to Jillian’s utter dissatisfaction. But that was probably for the best so Michael wouldn’t think about his client’s wife wearing the slippers. Instead, the slippers were going home with a burly man who planned to pass them on to his grandmother for Christmas.

  By the time Michael carried me up the stairs to my apartment, it was one o’clock in the morning and I was beat. He carefully undressed me and pulled all the pins from my hair before undressing himself. I flipped back the covers, inviting him to join me. He wrapped me in his arms and made sweet love to me, worshipping every inch of my body with his kisses before joining us together in that primitive dance. As soon as the last vestiges of my orgasm abated, I closed my eyes and fell instantly asleep.


  I awoke the next morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. Michael was nowhere to be found in my bedroom. After pulling on a robe, I padded into the kitchen with a yawn. It was eight o’clock and time for me to shower for work soon.

  “I hope you like scrambled eggs and bacon,” Michael said from his spot at the stove. He was stirring a spatula in one of my frying pans and the man looked like he knew what he was doing.

  “One of my favorites,” I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee. Black. I sat at the table and sipped the heady brew. “But you didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

  “I know.” He filled two plates and brought them to the table. “Just didn’t want you to go to work starving. You haven’t gotten much sleep the last two nights. Can’t have you cranky with the customers.”

  “I’m never cranky. But thanks. This is very sweet of you.”

  We ate in silence. He glanced at me a few times and I thought he might say something, but then he didn’t. Was he thinking the same thing as me? The fun was over. I didn’t want to say goodbye. But the reality was that he lived in Chicago and me in Rockville. He was here on business for one weekend. My throat clogged with unshed tears, but I managed to push past the emotions churning inside me and finish the meal he had prepared.

  “I would ask you out to dinner tonight but Grace Rosewood mentioned you have a family holiday party after work,” he finally said.

  I threaded my fingers through his. “Under any other circumstances, I would love to go. But I can’t miss my family holiday party, and we don’t bring guests unless we’re in a serious relationship. Otherwise, I’d invite you in a heartbeat.”

  A boyish grin lit his face. “Yeah, not going into that lion’s den. Maybe we can see each other after?”

  I shook my head. “My parents will expect me to stay the night. Tradition and all that.”

  He nodded and took my hand fully into his. “So, this is goodbye.”

his is goodbye,” I whispered, hating the finality of those words.

  “Thanks for showing me around Rockville. I had a wonderful weekend, Susie. Far better than I was expecting when I arrived on Friday morning.”

  “When will Mr. Anders announce who won the deal?”

  “Tomorrow, first thing. My flight is at eleven.”

  “Good luck. I’ll be cheering for you to win.”


  He stood and I walked him to the door. I still had to shower and dress for work or I’d be late. That wasn’t acceptable. So, I got on my tippy toes and kissed him soundly. He smiled at me warmly. I held his face in my hands and smiled back.

  “If you’re ever in town, you know where to find me.”

  And then he walked out of my life. I refused to cry. The weekend had been one of the best of my life. I knew from the onset that this was a fling. Guiltfree. Why exchange numbers when he lived so far away? Our paths had been meant to cross for a few blissful days. Somehow, I would learn to accept that truth.


  Christmas and New Year’s Eve flew by just as they had every other year. I was still happy and loved spending time with my friends and family. But there was something spicy missing from my life since that day Michael walked out my door. He was a kindred spirit and that sort of thing was rare. Something to celebrate and enjoy.

  I wondered what he was doing in Chicago. Where he spent his evenings and who with? Did he think about the girl in the Santa’s Helper suit? Had he washed his gray pants or did he keep them smelling like his grandmother just to keep the memory of me alive?

  Rolling over on top of my bed, I sniffed the sheets. I hadn’t washed them yet because I could still catch a faint whiff of him when I concentrated really hard. He wasn’t coming back. Once his scent was completely gone, I would have to accept the truth. But for now, I kept the dream alive with a smile on my face.

  My smartphone rang and I scrambled to the edge of my bed where it laid. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Susie, Amber here from The Hot & Frothy. Sorry to bother you but there is a guy here complaining about the noise from above. Could you keep it down?”

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at the phone number. Was this a prank call? I wasn’t making any noise.

  “I’m sorry, Amber. Are you sure this guy is right in the head? I’m all alone up here.”

  “Um … he said he could hear really loud thumping. Like a headboard banging against the wall,” Amber whispered.

  Dusche bag. Who complained about that even if it was true? The guy must be a grandpa or something. Easily offended.

  “Tell grandpa he needs a new hearing aide. I’m up here alone and there are no headboards banging against the wall. Believe me, if there were, I would not have answered the damn phone.”

  “He isn’t a grandpa, Susie. The guy is hot as fuck. Haven’t seen him around before. I think he’s a tourist. No worries, I’ll tell him it won’t happen again.”

  “Wait!” My heart suddenly pounded in my chest. “Does he have dimples when he smiles. Black, wavy hair? Six feet. Trim waist. Late twenties or early thirties?”

  “That’s him.”

  “I’ll be right down and tell him off myself!”

  I hung up and jumped off the bed, diving for the jeans at the end of my bed. Could Michael truly be here? This would be just like him to tease me. If he wasn’t there waiting for me, I might cry. Hell, I would probably cry if he was there too!

  Without bothering to put on my coat, I raced down the stairwell and pulled open the door to the street. The cold air blasted through me, but I didn’t care. I ran around the corner and pushed through the door to the coffee shop. Amber stood at the counter and pointed to a table where a single man sat with his back facing me. Thick, black tresses. Broad shoulders. Tears prickled the back of my eyes as I marched to his table.

  “You have a problem with loud thumping noises?” I asked from behind him.

  He turned and grinned at me with those perfect dimples. My Michael. “Only if I’m not the one making them.”

  “You could’ve rung my doorbell.”

  His laughter filled my ears. “Where is the fun in that?”

  I scooted into the seat beside him, my stomach in knots. “Why are you here?”

  “I was hankering for a caramel mocha latte.”

  “So you flew from Chicago to get one?”

  “No,” he said with a smile as he caressed my cheek. “I walked from my apartment down the street. Do you want to come over and see it?”

  “Your what?”

  He cupped my face and drew me closer for a kiss. “Apartment. Do you need a hearing aide?”

  Tears began to trickle freely down my cheeks. “Explain.”

  “Mr. Anders offered me a position with Dreamscape long before I came to seal this deal. I didn’t think a small town would hold my interest after living in Chicago. He challenged me to come and visit. So, I did. Turns out I was wrong. Rockville has a lot to offer, Susie Alvin.”

  And that was the year Santa granted me two Christmas wishes.


  THANK YOU for reading Candy Cane Cocktail. Please consider writing a short review on Amazon here. It can be as simple as “Wow! That was amazing.” or “I couldn’t put this one down. The chemistry between these two was fantastic!” You get the picture.

  Kitty Barstow is a lover of books, rescue dogs, and vanilla ice cream…but that’s the only vanilla thing about her. She writes sexy stories by day and works as bartender extraordinaire at nights. Many of her stories are inspired by the high jinx at the bars she’s worked.

  From steamy to panty-melting, she’s got stories for everyone with plenty of gorgeous AF heroes and sassy heroines!

  Hope you enjoy her stories and sign up for Kitty’s newsletter for news, updates and exclusive content.



  ROCKVILLE NIGHTS SERIES: Welcome to the fictional small-town of Rockville where the premiere nightclub, Naughty Nights, serves up tasty alcoholic beverages and tantalizing fantasies. All Rockville Nights stories have a central romance that ends with a happily ever after or happy for now. Here is just a sampling… Check out these titles available on Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited.

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  Everyone says Officer Riker is a stickler about upholding the law in Rockville. But I know he has a sweeter side. I saw it once when my sugar level hit rock bottom and he rescued me. Literally. I dream about him all the time now; the hot and dirty variety. But I can't get him to notice me. So tonight I'm going for a little swim near the 'No Skinny Dipping' sign ... in my birthday suit. He'll have to come in if he wants to cuff me.


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  An' ye harm none, do what ye will. This is the Wiccan way of life. I've lived by these words. I'll die by these words. Where's the harm in brewing a little love potion on Halloween? My co-worker just needs a nudge in the right direction; straight into my arms. Tonight, we're all heading to Naughty Nights for drinks and dancing after work. Wish me luck. Witch's Brew is on the cocktail menu!

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