Saved by a Sinner

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Saved by a Sinner Page 8

by A G Henderson

  “Don’t you dare lump me in with that filth,” he spat roughly, standing tall and proud. “Have I done anything to threaten your safety? Anything at all?”

  I stared hard at him, surprised by his vehemence and by the obvious admission he at least had some knowledge of my past. Later, I would analyze how I felt about that but now wasn’t the time.

  “Answer me.” His fists were clenched so tightly the veins were popping out.

  I slowly shook my head from side to side.

  He cracked his neck and exhaled, the businessman returning as the crime boss faded into the background. “Have the Sinner that had your back at the club tail us for all I care. But never believe for a second that I would ask something like that of any woman, you especially.”

  There was nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Carlos was either the best liar I had ever met, or he was telling the truth.

  Gradually, I relaxed and straightened. I pinched my index finger and thumb together, flashing the universal signal for okay.

  One dinner.

  One unknown condition.

  Also a chance for three answers of my choosing.

  I could handle this.

  CHAPTER 7 - Carlos

  Slow and steady wins the race.

  I reminded myself of that particular truth no less than three times in the last ten minutes, and it was basically playing in my head on a loop at this point.

  Once, when she walked off to retrieve some things from her office, giving me a front row seat to her long legs and tight ass swaying from side to side in form fitting black jeans.

  Once, when we stepped into the elevator together and her warm, citrus scent hit my nose and about knocked my head back.

  Once more, when I held the car door open for her and she actually gave me a polite smile. Maybe it was an exaggeration to call the slight twitch of her lips a smile, but the end result was the same. My dick had filled so quickly it throbbed as I went around to the front of my sleek, dark Aston Martin and climbed in across from her so we could get going.

  After three days of being painfully aware of her nearness, having her so close was testing the bonds of my restraint.

  My cock was on its way to being raw from how hard I stroked it when I finally left the office each night. Yet my hunger for her was impossible to sate. The number of times I had already envisioned bending her over a desk and burying myself to the hilt in her tight, wet pussy bordered on insanity. Especially considering how far away that day remained.

  But not as far as I initially feared, given the way she focused on my lips in the break room.

  Slow and steady. I took a deep breath to relax myself.

  A mistake, given how much of her scent floated into my lungs. I absently ran a hand across the stubble on my face, suppressing a groan as I glanced across at Sylvia.

  She was staring out the tinted windows into the night, body rigid and tense. The occasional streetlight illuminated what I could see of her tight features in the reflection of the glass, glinting off her piercings.

  A grimace pulled at my lips. I hated to see her uncomfortable, but for now, we both had to bear it. If tonight went well, some of the distance between us would ease and I would be one step closer to making her mine.

  We rode in relative silence, leaving the city proper. At least until the thick gray clouds that had been lingering since the other night finally decided to open up and unleash their ordinance. Fat drops of rain hit the vehicle, starting in a soft patter and quickly turning into a downpour. My ears perked, catching a soft sigh, and I looked her way in time to see the upturned tilt to her lips as she finally relaxed into the leather seat.


  I took a mental snapshot and looked away before she caught me staring. If she liked the rain so much, I was content to let her enjoy it in peace. In an effort to give her some space, I slid my phone from my breast pocket and shot a quick text to Manny and Isaac with our destination. They would know without further instruction I was asking them to clear any of our people from the area.

  The last thing I needed was to have to deal with some Cartel bullshit while we were together. Her icy wall was finally melting enough to give me a peek at what was inside. No way I was risking another deep freeze.

  We slowed to a stop in front of an all-night diner tucked in between several industrial buildings, bright red sign painting the rain that fell close to it crimson for brief moments. Sylvia glanced over at me, surprise clearly written on her features.

  I grinned, throwing the car into park. “Let me guess. You were expecting some snobby, five star restaurant with a waiter whose name you can’t pronounce and seven different forks laid out on the table?”

  She nodded, lips doing another of those tiny twitches, and my heart did a flip. When I eventually managed to extract a real smile from her, there was a good chance I would need medical attention.

  “Believe me, I avoid those places as much as I can. Half of them expect you to spend a car payment for an amount of food that would leave a toddler hungry. It’s straight up robbery.”

  Sylvia’s nose scrunched and she grabbed the white board from between her feet. “I think you can afford it.”

  I tsked, shaking my head. “Affording it is not the point. Being disappointed by the entire affair is. Wait here.”

  It surprised me when she listened.

  I swiftly moved around the car and held her door open, not giving a shit about the rain soaking into my clothes. Sylvia stepped out within inches of me and the urge to put my hand on the small of her back as we headed towards the double doors was strong enough I had to stuff my fists into my pockets to override it.

  Losing a finger, or more, would certainly put a damper on the evening.

  We made it to the awning that extended out over the sidewalk and provided shelter from the rain. I shook wet droplets from my face, trailing in close behind Sylvia. What could I say? The sight of her ass was something I would follow to the ends of the earth. Before we could make our way up the steps to the diner, the door flew open and a full bodied figure filled it.

  Mama L was five and a half feet of brown skin, attitude and an afro big enough I never knew how her neck supported it. She was also the enthusiastic owner of the diner, along with her husband.

  “I knew I recognized those headlights coming down the street,” she exclaimed jubilantly. The same way she did everything else. “I leaned over and said to Tony, ‘Watch, here comes Carlos.’ And do you know that old fool actually doubted me?” She leaned back in through the door and raised her voice, heedless of the other occupants inside. “Tony! I told you I knew what I was talking about!”

  “Woman!” A deep voice called back and I laughed at the irritation Tony packed in that one word. How they remained married I had no idea. “If you don’t get your butt out the doorway and let that boy inside! It’s raining cats and dogs out there!”

  Mama L turned back to us with a huff but she was grinning. “He never admits when I’m right. Now get your skinny butt in here Carlos.” Her attention landed on Sylvia, blatantly eyeballing her from head to toe. “You’ve got some introductions to make.”

  Damn, I hate I missed her face for that, I thought as we stepped inside.

  I smelled coffee and bacon immediately as I glanced around the old school place with its faded, red, pleather booths and torn bar stool. Back when I first really started doing well for myself, I had offered to help her renovate the interior. I never asked again after the way she'd chewed me out, going on about not wanting to replace the energy. I wasn’t sure what energy had to do with it but she had been in business when I was in diapers.

  Her idea must've been sound, because the place was still around and busy most times of the day. Tonight though, I was grateful for the light crowd and grateful to see none of the nosier regulars in attendance. I didn’t think my girl was ready for the Grand Inquisition worth of questions. Mama L was a storm of personality by herself, so it was worth seeing how Sylvia would react there before
exposing her to the entire circus act.

  A few waves came our way and I nodded to each in turn. I also discreetly flipped off Mr. Cole, who was leering at Sylvia over the edge of his beer. He got the hint without me having to escalate, turning his head towards the old tv in the corner playing reruns of a black and white show.

  Being an almost eighty year old man with whispy hairs barely clinging to his nearly bald head helped keep me from wanting to pluck his fucking eyeballs out.


  I adjusted my sleeves, shaking off the violent urges. “Sylvia, this is Mrs. Lafayette. She-”

  Mama L scowled at me. “Unless you suddenly started working for the tax man, I better not hear my full name come out of your mouth again, boy. You hear me?”

  I nearly choked on a laugh, trying to smother it while my girl watched with wide eyed fascination. “Yes ma’am.”

  “Now run it back,” she ordered. “And get it right this time before I conveniently misplace that bottle of honey in the kitchen.”

  Sylvia was looking at me like I had two heads and it made it difficult to keep the laughter from bubbling up.

  I smoothed my expression as best I could. “Sylvia. Mama L. Mama L. Sylvia.”

  “So nice to meet you, dear.” Mama L smiled, grasping Sylvia’s hands before I could warn her. I tensed, but thankfully no knives came glinting into existence. “Carlos never brings any company except for those two brothers of his, and they all try their best to eat me out of house and home. You’ll leave me some scraps to feed myself, won’t you?”

  Sylvia nodded, a small grin on her lips, and the older woman let her go.

  “I should mention that she doesn’t really talk.”

  Mama L popped out her hip and shot me a droll look. “Do I look blind to you? Huh?” She leaned closer, standing on her tiptoes to get up in my face. “You see any cataracts?”


  “No what?”

  “No ma'am.”

  “I didn’t think so.” She dropped back down, shaking her head. “The girl ain’t said a word and she’s walking around with a white board tucked under one arm. I’ll have you know my math is just fine, Carlos. I can figure out two plus two, thank you very much.”

  A soft, unfamiliar laugh registered in my ear, poking my soul. I whipped my head to the side but Sylvia was facing the other way.

  Did she just…

  “Go. Sit.” Mama L shooed us towards my usual booth. “Before I decide to add up how much more I should be charging you. Hmph.” She turned away and stalked towards the swinging door dividing the countertops, muttering under her breath.

  I got the feeling she wasn’t singing my praises.

  Sylvia lifted her board, one word stretched across it and underlined. “Wow.”

  “Yeah. She can be a bit intense.” I waved towards our spot in the far corner, right next to a window. I had somewhat of a pattern for seating arrangements. “After you.”

  She nodded and crossed in front of me, marker moving. As we sat down and settled in I briefly debated folding down beside her. After all, I was fairly sure she was laughing in my presence a moment ago. Slow and steady, I reminded myself, sitting opposite her instead. She lifted her board, showing me what she was writing.

  “What was all that?”

  I was ecstatic she was asking and very careful not to show it.

  Without realizing it, Mama L had stacked the chips in my favor. In one interaction, she did what I’ve been trying to figure out how to accomplish for days. She helped humanize me.

  If Sylvia was ever going to see beyond the face I put on for the rest of the world, the one she so clearly disliked, I had to show her there was more to me than the crime boss and the businessman.

  I grabbed the laminated menu propped on the edge of the table and slid it towards her. “Is that one of your questions?”

  Her eyes narrowed in a way I was coming to recognize, adore and crave. I lived for every expression she made. As long as she was feeling something, including annoyance, it meant she at least held me in some regard. I had nightmares of seeing those silver orbs cold and empty of any emotion.

  I smirked, knowing it would bug her. “You didn’t think I was going to make this easy, did you? I believe I’ve made a large enough concession with my offer.”

  Sylvia chewed on her lip for a moment and my dick surged back to life. Thank the Lord we were sitting down.

  “Fine, count it. I still have two left.”

  Mama L popped over to us, a coffee pot and two mugs in hand. She set them both on the table and poured mine, topping me off. She glanced at Sylvia and I cut in.

  “That coffee we had back at the office? She makes it all right here.”

  The silent Sinner raised her brows at the older woman. “Seriously? It’s delicious. Best I’ve ever had.”

  “Ain’t it just?” Mama L beamed, pouring the second cup. “I have to give some credit to Mr. Big Shot over here.” She hooked her finger my way and it was a conscious effort to try and keep my expression humble. “He put the idea in my head that Tony and I should start bagging our beans and shipping ‘em out. Hardly even need to keep this place open anymore.”

  Sylvia’s focus returned to me, her look assessing. I met her stare evenly, giving away nothing.

  Still worse than a rabid animal, diosa?

  “You want the usual, Carlos?” I nodded. Sylvia held up two fingers. She had no idea how much food she was subjecting herself to. “Good thing I told Tony to start getting you ready. I'll be back with those. Y'all holler if you need me.”

  “Mama!” someone called from the other side of the diner. “I could use a refill while you’re up!”

  She spun on her heel and started marching away, shoulders set in a way which spelled trouble and possibly a frying pan. “What have I told you about learning some damn manners?”


  “That’s more like it.”

  Never change, Mama L. Never change.

  An easy silence lingered for several minutes after her departure. Somehow, the overt tension from the ride over here was gone. Sylvia watched Mama move around the diner and in and out of the kitchen while I watched her, committing every detail to memory.

  She was so beautiful it was painful, and I wasn't even sure she knew it. I wanted to reach across the table and sweep my thumb along the delicate curve of her jaw. I wanted to lick the column of her throat and get drunk on the taste of her skin.

  Her attention returned to me and my intentions must have been plainly visible in my eyes because she froze, breath catching before it skittered out over the most kissable lips I had ever seen. I had no intention of hiding how hungry I was for her. One way or another, she would learn not to question my desire.

  She glanced out the window at the rain. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  Her annoyed huff was worth everything. “I'm not playing this game. Answer my question. What is this place to you?”

  I leaned back in the booth, stretching one arm out along the top of it as I considered how to best answer her. Assuming everything went according to plan, I wanted there to be no secrets between this woman and I.

  Unfortunately, there were things involving my family and this diner I wasn't quite ready to share. There were many things I wanted from her. Pity wasn't one of them.

  “Mama L is a pillar of the community on this side of the city,” I said finally. “You might not have been able to tell through the rain, but this isn't the nicest part of town. They've been through a lot over the years. When the snowstorms and hurricanes blow into the city, they get the least attention and are basically left to fend for themselves.”

  Sylvia watched me patiently, gaze navigating across my face like I was a puzzle she was trying to put together but there were pieces missing. I hoped that was a good thing.

  “This place has been one of the only constants people could rely on and everyone is welcome. Snowed in and can't make it anywhere
outside of walking distance? Mama's is open. There's a tree in the roof and eight inches of rain in the living room? Mama's is open. Whether they need milk at three in the morning or just a place to sleep, Mama’s will be open.”

  Sylvia took a sip of coffee, casual as can be. Except for the pinch to her face as she wrote. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve called it something close to sorrow or regret. Only I wasn't given much time to analyze it.

  “Have you needed that?”

  I winced before I could hide it. Her question was innocent enough but the memories it brought back weren't. Four words were enough to throw me back in time to when my brothers and I didn't have a roof over our heads. To when he had to pool together the little bit of money we had in order to buy a grilled cheese and split it between the three of us.

  It was harder to keep my composure, and I glanced out the window at the pouring rain, jaw clenching. “Is that your second question?”

  I felt more than heard her soft sigh, but she didn’t press. Thank fuck, because I wasn’t quite willing to get into that conversation on an empty stomach.

  “That was more of a follow up than anything. It shouldn’t count.”

  “Keep trying to negotiate. I’ll dock you a question and still exact my price.”

  Mama L showed up with her arms full of plates, and none too soon.

  By the glower on Sylvia’s face, and the butter knife her hand was inching towards, she was reconsidering the truce we had.

  CHAPTER 8 - Sylvia

  A tiny stab would be acceptable, right? He deserved it. Arrogant prick.

  I leaned back as plate after plate of delicious looking food came sliding onto the table. Maybe I should’ve looked over the menu when I had the chance. Seriously. Was he feeding an army on the march?

  There were golden brown waffles, grilled sausage links, cheesy, scrambled eggs, hash browns with what looked and smelled like jalapenos, and buttered toast.

  “You two enjoy,” said Mama L, already bolting off. For an older woman on the plus size side of things, she could really move when she wanted to. “Remember, just holler!”


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