I Am Gamer III

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I Am Gamer III Page 5

by Gabriel Rathweg

  “Open your eyes.” Sage commanded.

  I did and looked at the globe of perfectly clear and pure water in my hand. It was the size of a tennis ball and floated just an inch above my palm.

  “Excellent, you now know Water Magic.” Sage said.

  Arun came to then and had a pensive look on his face, breaking my concentration and causing me to drop the ball. It splashed on the fire dousing it and causing steam to hiss. But the old man had already turned back to look at Arun.

  “Ah, you are back nephew. Take Law and Cunning Wolf to clean themselves, you as well you stink, and get some food. I will meet you all there after I take care of some things.” Sage said, then turned and walked out the back of the lodge.

  “Thanks!” I called, to the man’s back, shaking the wetness from my hand.

  My periphery lit up again, I decided to check the first one.



  The first spell in the realm of the element of Water. By accessing your magical connection to the Water, you are now able to infuse the agility of the water directly into a person, place, or thing. Depending on how much agility you infuse into your target, you will use the amount of MP equal to your infusion. Once your MP is exhausted, your infusion will stop increasing and last for thirty minutes. You will have to wait for your MP to regenerate before using the skill again.



  Using your ability to access and manipulate the natural energy given off by Fire, Earth, and Water you have successfully used more than two elements. You are now able to use more than one elemental skill at a time, until you exhaust your MP. Your level and magical ability will limit how long, and how much you may use your skills. This ability allows you to manipulate the elements of Fire, Earth, and Water.

  “He certainly has a strong personality.” I said with a grin, closing my messages for now, I’d finish them later. I had learned Water Magic and leveled skills, super dope!

  “You have no idea, but you will.” Arun said with a laugh. “Now, let’s go clean up and get some food. I’ll give you the tour on the way.”

  The three of us followed after the big man. Instead of getting back on a boat we walked to the bathing area, there was a network of pathways and connecting bridges that made it easy to get around. He pointed places of interest out as we walked. The river forts were all named after their respective rivers. There were a pair of lodges for the warriors, on another hill were small cabins for the married couples and some of the older folk.

  Across from those was a lodge for single women and children without family. They had a community parenting thing going on, Arun explained, not in those exact words but I got the gist. I got excited when he pointed to a giant blacksmithing area and thoughts of how to exploit that ran through my mind. That was for later though, we made it to the main hall that was on the largest hill in the center of the settlement. The double doors were wide open and most of the people from the town looked to be here, except those on guard duty and those working on other tasks.

  There was a huge animal of some type on a spit over a large cooking fire in the center of the area, with benches and rough tables set around it for eating and relaxing. Arun waved us on through and with my mouth watering, Freaks and Cunning Wolfs as well, we went around the main lodge and continued to the bathing area. A not so secluded spot on the back side of the hill. They had directed the water from the rivers into a half dozen medium sized pools lined with river stones. It was ingeniously setup, so the rivers currents were continuously moving water through the pools, a constant cleaning of the bathing pools.

  Arun wasted no time stripping down and entering the water of the closest pool. Cunning Wolf and I followed his example while Freak just dove in and began splashing around enjoying himself. The three of us laughed at the giant tiger, who had grown at least three feet longer and added on about forty pounds of muscle after his level up. Then we cleaned up with some actual river sponges and some type of what smelled and looked like lye soap.

  It was glorious. The course and somewhat acrid soap cleaned so much grime off of me I felt like a new person. Even Cunning Wolf looked a hundred times better. Arun was even lighter than I had thought, I imagined it had something to do with the soap itself, it felt like it had some bleaching properties. That would explain the Norse Ojibwe’s more cream and coffee skin, as opposed to our more bronzed. The big man led us to a wood and hide yurt like structure, which when we entered, I realized was a sauna. I grinned at the superheated air inside and sat on a rough wooden bench with a hide covering on it. Cunning Wolf and Arun took seats on their own benches and then the Viking dumped some water on the hot rocks in the center of the room.

  “That’s what I needed.” I sighed, sitting back against the hide and wood wall, letting my muscles suck in the steam and relaxing my whole body.

  Cunning Wolf and Arun grunted in agreement and we all just sat there quietly. Freak poked his head in at some point but left just as quickly, he was not a sauna kind of kitty. After a little while, I wasn’t sure how long, being so relaxed from the sauna, Arun stood up and stretched.

  “Let’s wash off again then go eat, I’m starving!” The big man said, then turned motioning for us to follow.

  Cunning Wolf and I trailed him out and then cleaned off in another pool, the water just cold enough to be refreshing after the hot sauna. It was the tail end of summer and the beginning of autumn, so the weather was nice, not to hot or cold, the water though was already getting chilly. I imagined it got extremely cold come winter but for now it was just right. A few minutes later and the four of us were heading back to the main lodge and more importantly, food.

  We arrived back at the outside eating area. Most of the people who had been here earlier were gone, with only a couple of the locals still left. My crew had passed us on our way, they were heading to the bathing area, accompanied by a half dozen local men and women. They looked to be having a good time and getting along well with the Norse Ojibwe, which was good considering they were now part of our coalition. Although, the way some of the women and men were hanging on each other, if the Norse Ojibwe were like The People or the Jicarilla, I imaged an orgy happened in the near future. I turned my attention away from that line of thought and to the delicious smells of the here and now.

  An ancient grey-haired woman tended a giant spit of roasting meat, while a trio of younger helpers tended to other cooking tasks. The helpers, two girls and boy, were all extremely cute and they looked to be Dusk and Dawn’s age. I foresaw some teenage romance blooming in the future.

  “Grandma, that smells amazing!” Arun called, going to the old cook and giving her a big bear hug.

  The handsome old woman grinned slightly, then smacked the big warrior on the back of the head with a wooden spoon that I hadn’t realized she was holding.

  “Ouch! What was that for?” Arun whined, setting the elderly woman down.

  “How many times have I told you, don’t pick me up you bear of boy, besides it’s not like my little spoon hurt you. Quit your whining.” She said, her tone full of mirth belaying any sign of real anger.

  “That is a formidable woman.” Cunning Wolf whispered to me, his face smiling and his eyes taking on a glazed look.

  I recognized that look and tone, horny old goat.

  “Now, introduce me to your friends.” She commanded.

  Arun rubbed his head where the cook had hit him and growled, giving her the stink eye. The woman raised an eyebrow and then threatened him with her spoon again, the big man feigned cowering than the two shared a laugh and he introduced us.

  “Lawrence, Cunning Wolf, this is my grandma.” He said, gesturing back and forth.

  The woman rolled her eyes and smacked Arun on the back of the head again with her spoon.

  “Ouch! What the heck grandma. It doesn’t hurt but it stings something fierce.” He whined.

  “Silly boy.” She sc
offed, then turned her gaze upon the two of us, looking first at me as if searching for something and studying me like an insect at the same time. Then, she nodded to herself and looked over Cunning Wolf, her eyes raising approvingly at the old man. When she was done, she addressed us.

  “What my slowwitted grandson meant to say, is that I am Frigg White Dawn, the Chieftess’s mother, the old Chieftess of the Norse Ojibwe.”



  “Knock it off Winston! You too, you bully of a bear!” I said, exasperated.

  The massive war bear gave me a mock hurt look and Winston whinnied and then calmed down a bit, not quite relaxing but at least he wasn’t overtly hostile anymore. That was a start. I shook my annoyance away as I stood between the two beasts. It was time to take a different track as my fiancé would say.

  “That’s it, we don’t have time for this, both of you get your shit together or I swear to all the gods and goddesses I will fuck both your shits up, comprende? You, selfish pricks!”

  The two animals didn’t really understand my words exactly, but my tone and intimation got my point across loud and clear. The big warhorse and giant warbear gave each other the stink eye one last time, then straightened up and studiously ignored one another, focusing their attention on me.

  “Good, now let’s get a move on, we have much to do and little time to do it.” I said, nodding approvingly to myself, satisfied with my two companion’s reactions.

  Then I realized both were eyeing me and I got the feeling that they were posturing for which one I was going to ride. Well shit always a new problem, then a shout caught our attention and I turned to see a group of Riders heading our way. A couple of them were riding double which was perfect, saved by the Riders.

  “Over here!” I called.

  I walked towards them, coming out of the little gully where the caves entrance way was located and waved to my Riders. My two mounts following me side by side, each jockeying for position. I would need to figure this out and soon. Luckily, I wouldn’t have to make the final decision and pick one.

  “First Rider, we’ve been looking for you for a while we have some visitors.” Dancing Lion said, reigning in her horse and stopping about ten feet away, the riders with her following suit. “Holy fuck a monster bear!”

  Dancing Lion and the other Riders pointed their weapons at the huge animal.

  “Oh, put your weapons down. This is Hasteoltoi’s pet bear Fuzzy and he is going to be with us for a while. Now, Soaring Sparrow hop down from there you are going to ride Winston back. Let us hurry, I have some important news as well and we can talk about it on the way.” I commanded, patting Winston on the head and mentally thanking him for his help.

  He whinnied in response and trotted over to the woman who was just sliding down off her rides back. I turned and went over to Fuzzy, patting his side then mounting him by hopping up and vaulting onto his back. The Riders put their weapons away, but they still kept a wary eye on Fuzzy. Dancing Lion shook her head and motioned to the Riders.

  Soaring Sparrow eyed Winston, a bit put off, but the big warhorse did his thing and bumped her with his head until she began petting him and eventually became comfortable with the giant horse. When she was ready, she mounted him, Winston stood stock still letting her make her way up and ease herself into position. Once she was settled, her posture one of complete unease and not a little fear, she nodded at Dancing Lion and me.

  “Let’s ride!” My second in command called.

  The other girls took off, Winston quickly taking the lead while Soaring Sparrow held on for dear life, grunting and yelling as she tried to hold on in terror. Dancing Lion held back with me and we chuckled to ourselves.

  “By the way, who are our visitors?” I asked, as we began trotting after the others. Dancing Lion’s horse keeping a liberal distance from Fuzzy.

  “Yes, we have received some members of the Cheyenne, they have asked for our assistance.” She answered.

  “Hmm… this timing is too perfect to be coincidental.” I mused, speaking more to myself than my companion.

  “What do you mean?” Dancing Lion asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

  I relayed what happened in the cave and underground lake area and she listened intently, then was quiet for a few moments while we trotted towards Crow’s Nest.

  “You are right. We need to keep a close eye on these Cheyenne.” She finally replied.

  “We don’t know for sure what their intentions are. Let us see what they want and why they are here. If they are here to join The People, we will welcome them with open arms. If they are here as spies and minions of the Skinwalkers and other monsters, well my fiancé has a saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Though, with the information I received from Hasteoltoi I highly doubt their good intention.” I said.

  “The War Shaman is a font of wisdom.” She said, nodding to herself as she said the saying under her breath.

  “Ha, ha, don’t let him hear you saying that. His confidence is already high enough, besides his head is big enough.” I replied with a grin.

  “Ah, but wouldn’t you want his head to get bigger?” She replied, in a deadpanned voice and a raised eyebrow, but the suggestive leer on her face intimated her true meaning.

  I shook my head and then we shared a laugh and urged our mounts to a gallop, hurrying back to our base and the newcomers.

  About fifteen minutes later we trotted through the gates to Crow’s Nest. The other Riders must have let the guards know about Fuzzy, because they saluted with looks of fear but not surprise, that was impressive I figured they’d shit their pants. Though, stares followed us all the way to the old Chief’s, now my, yurt. A pair of guards stood at the entrance they saluted and moved out of the way as I approached. We entered the yurt and as soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I studied the trio of men who sat inside.

  They were sitting in lotus position around the small firepit in the center of the yurt, drinking our weak maize beer and eating fruits and dried meats. All three saw us enter but none got up to greet us. Instead, stayed sitting and laughing while ignoring us almost completely. This was already getting off to a bad start. I gave Dancing Lion a meaningful look and she shrugged in response. I rolled my eyes and then cleared my throat. The men looked over at us again, the largest one and I presumed their leader gave me an up and down stare that was so blatant if Law was here it probably would have earned the big man a quick death. I glared back at him and scowled. When he was done looking at me like a piece of meat, he smiled an oily smile then spoke.

  “Ah good, finally, I thought the Chief was never going to send us companions.” The large man joked, his two companions grinning at us and elbowing each other while waggling their eyebrows and licking their lips.

  Dancing Lion bristled at that and started to draw her saber. I glanced at her weapon information.



  DURABILITY – 90/90

  CLASS – Unique

  UPGRADES – Burning Blade, Fire Resistance

  WEIGHT – 6lbs

  DIMENSIONS – 1” by 36” handle 6” by 1”

  The Fiery Cavalry Saber is infused with Fire Magic, and imbued with an internal Magical Power, this weapon has enough charge for the blade to burn for ten minutes. The ability will charge every thirty minutes unless wielder has MP. If wielder has MP the weapon will use their MP to charge for attacks. This Damage Stacks with other abilities and weapons. The weapon's blade is curved for the better ability to strike from horseback.

  I closed the information screen, grabbed her wrist, and shook my head in the negative. She stopped but continued her look of bloody murder at the men.

  “I am the First Rider of the Riders of Earth and Sky, also the current leader of Crow’s Nest and of its people. You would do well to watch how you speak and act towards me and mine.” I said, calmly but my voice iron hard.

  The large m
an gave me a different more appraising look but still demeaning then gestured for his companions to stand as well. He then turned back to me and bowed his head and then an even deeper bow at the waist. I narrowed my eyes at the man, as he did so, the condescension and mocking in the way he did it could not be ignored.

  “I apologize for our rudeness. I am Bull Bear, son of Chief Four Bears the leader of the Cheyenne. We are not accustomed to a woman being in charge.” Bull Bear said, but his voice held no remorse, and plied on even more disdain then he had earlier.

  I nodded at the response and walked up to the man, studying him in detail as I did. He was tall, not as tall as my fiancé but bigger than most. Muscles covered him from head to toe and his face was handsome. Long black hair was done in a braid with ornamental feathers and other badges of honor weaved in. He was a weak man at heart though and being the son of a Chief I imagined he had gotten whatever he had wanted for most of his life. Considering what I knew of the Cheyenne, they were a very patriarchal society, he probably thought less of women than most. My father had told me stories of Chief Four Bears from his youth. They were not good tales. Well, things change and now it was time to show him who was boss.

  “What do you want and why are you here?” I said, walking by the trio and sitting in the old Chiefs chair, Dancing Lion coming to stand by my side.

  My move forced the men to turn to look up at us, as the chair was higher than the floor of the yurt. I could tell this rankled Bull Bear as he didn’t even try to hide the sneer that overcame his face. I suppressed a snicker, Dancing Lion wasn’t as successful, and the three men bristled at her snort. Bull Bear raised his hands as his men took a step forward and waved them down then gave me a withering glare. I imagined it must work on his people, but it had zero effect on me.

  “My father has sent me to ask for the Crow Tribes aid to fight off an army of Nirumbee, led by Wendigo. He invokes the pact that our Fathers made. Will you honor it?” He asked the last part, as if it was a forgone conclusion and my answer was just semantics.


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