Alex Opalstone and the Window of Heaven's View: Life 101 Part 1

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Alex Opalstone and the Window of Heaven's View: Life 101 Part 1 Page 15

by T. M. Meek

"So how did it go? Did you guys get a good start on your project?" Meredith asked Alex as they both buckled up their seat belts in the car.

  "So far, so good," Alex replied as she pressed the button to make sure all of the car doors were locked.

  "Well, I'm glad for you. When it's a subject you really enjoy, you'll generally tend to be pretty good at it," Meredith said encouragingly.

  "Are we going to meet Uncle Samuel at work now?" Alex asked excitedly.

  "We sure are!"

  As Alex and Meredith pulled up to the Linda Wise office building, Meredith coached Alex on more manners. "Alex, if anything in this building looks expensive, it probably is so don't touch it. If you see something that you like, you can compliment it as you look at it, but don't touch it. Understand?"

  Alex looked deep in thought for a few moments and then replied, "So if I see a beautiful crystal tea cup, I shouldn't just drop kick it like a football?" She tried to ask in a way as if to show she might not really know the answer.

  "Now I can't tell if you're being sarcastic and if you are, that's disrespectful." Meredith half-scolded.

  "I'm not meaning to be disrespectful. I know not to touch anything or start a game of football with any of the interior decorations. You just seem a bit nervous and so I thought I'd lighten things up," Alex assured her.

  Meredith looked a bit embarrassed yet relieved. "Now where did you inherit your Uncle's sense of humor from, huh? You're only blood related by me. Not him. So try acting more like that family fact, okay?" Meredith jested as she lightly patted Alex's head as if to chide her. Alex chuckled. "Just promise me you won't touch anything, all right?"

  "Okay, okay. I promise not to touch anything."

  Meredith sighed. "You're right. I am nervous. It's just that this is the biggest contract job your Uncle Samuel has ever had and I don't want to make a poor impression with his biggest client."

  "Who's his biggest client?"

  "The woman we're here to meet. The ultimate mega-millionaire of money herself: Linda Wise."


  "Actually, she's a billionaire," Meredith sighed. "Millionaire. Billionaire. They're still rich. So what's the difference?" Meredith shrugged.

  "More zeroes," Alex smiled slyly. Meredith smiled in wonder of the seemingly constant "money on the mind" perspective of her thirteen-year-old wonder of a niece and continued driving. She then drove into the entrance to the parking lot of Linda's office.

  Linda Wise held many successful investments and owned several highly profitable businesses. She had found that a business that is sincerely motivated to best serve its clients while providing a product or service that uplifted the lives of the employees and others around them were usually businesses who were more honest than those that justified the production or sale of products and services that ultimately harm people. But she was always careful not to give into the temptation to buy too many investments or businesses before she could really handle the proper management or supervision of those who had pioneered the businesses she would buy.

  She had been featured on the cover of various well known financial magazines, interviewed dozens of times for various financial articles, television and radio programs and was often noted for her philanthropic interests. "Earn well and give well" was a motto she coined for her life.

  The office building owned by Linda Wise was located in an especially clean part of town and the building itself was twelve stories high with each floor consisting of 2500 square feet. Although the building was over forty years old, Linda had purchased it just after the whole building was updated and renovated ten years earlier. Ten years earlier it was considered her new corporate headquarters as her company had expanded and needed a much larger building to handle her growing company.

  Every square inch of it still appeared polished and new. With four other locations nationally in states like New York, Texas and California, her corporate firm had become a multibillion dollar success. Just two years earlier, she had opened up three other offices to accommodate her international relations. One in London, one in Tokyo and another in Sydney. But despite all of her success, it was time for her to turn in her key and retire. She was ready for something new.

  “Wanna hear something interesting about how successful she is?” Meredith asked Alex with a sly smile.

  “Definitely!” Alex replied eagerly.

  “She just recently turned over her firm to her vice-president while she maintains her status as President and CEO. The plan is that in one year, she’ll be officially retired and her now vice-president will buy out her remaining interest in her company and then become president. Guess how much money she’s getting up front to sell to her VP?”

  “A hundred million!” Alex guessed confidently.

  “Eight hundred million dollars,” Meredith smiled. Alex was in shock.

  “No way!”

  “Yes way!” Meredith nodded with a smile. She was enjoying surprising her little financial whiz of a niece. “Eight hundred million as cash up front with a stream of income over the next twenty years to pay her a total amount of 2.5 billion.”

  “That would certainly be plenty of money for Linda to retire comfortably on.” Alex sighed in awe.

  “Well, she’s worked long and hard to build up the global success of her firm and she didn't want to leave it in the hands of someone she didn't really trust. So she chose her vice-president to be the one who would continue to properly care for the well established corporate assets since a significant portion of the profits were set to be given to one of her favorite charities over time.”

  “That’s so cool,” Alex said as she watched from the front passenger window seeing them pull up to Linda’s office building.

  "We're here! So we’re finally going to meet Ms. Wise and the people she's working with for her museum research project. And hopefully your Uncle Samuel is somewhere nearby," Meredith said as she began to look around as she parked.

  Shortly after she parked, Meredith received a text message from Samuel: "100 feet to your left. C U." She turned to her left and saw Samuel waving to her in the distance at the front of a tall, modern building with a three-story glass and chrome entrance. He began to walk towards her as she and Alex unbuckled their seatbelts and stepped out of the car.

  "I'm glad you decided not to wear a glittering evening gown," Samuel smiled.

  "I figured it wasn't formal but I wasn't totally sure," Meredith replied. She then gave him a kiss. What Meredith wore was certainly nice, but not glittering in high priced fashion.

  "Hello, Alex. I'm glad you didn't wear a formal dress either."

  "If I did, it would be a lot harder to drop kick anything," Alex said.

  Samuel looked confused. "What?"

  Meredith cleared her throat. "Alex has agreed to be respectful of Linda's property including all decor while we're here," Meredith jeered at Alex.

  "Yes. I will exercise the highest degree of self-restraint and decorum with her decor," Alex joked in a stuffy tone.

  "All right you two. Enough with this banter and onto the party," Samuel jested.

  "It's okay if I slurp stuff really loud, stuff my mouth with hors d'oeuvres and talk with my mouth full, right aunt Meredith?" Meredith gave Alex a sly look.

  "Oh. I see what's happening. You think Alex might accidentally do something that might show bad manners. Am I right?" Samuel asked Meredith. But he didn't wait for a response. "Well, I think that goes along with Alex's views on foul language. She's a good kid. She has a far more mature view on communication than most kids in fact, she's even more mature than many adults I think we can trust her not to..." he thought for a moment, "…say, start a game of football with anything expensive inside," Samuel winked at Alex.

  Alex smiled at Samuel and said, "Don't worry Aunt Meredith. If Uncle Samuel can get her as a client, he can keep her as one too. None of us is going to mess that up." Meredith looked a bit embarrassed.

  "I knew it!" Samuel said looking at Meredith. "Honey, just relax
and enjoy the evening. We'll mingle for awhile, say goodbye and head back home where you can relax and Alex can drop kick anything she wants." He smiled more.

  "Yay!" Alex cheered. Meredith wasn't amused. "Just kidding," Alex recanted.

  Linda was introduced to Samuel by Pastor James at the First Congregation of Christ Church just over two months earlier. Samuel was so highly recommended that Linda wouldn't settle for hiring anyone else for such an important project. She wanted only the best and she was confident Samuel would provide it. Samuel and Meredith attended worship services under Pastor James and Linda would also worship at his church whenever she wasn't away on business. Although Samuel and Meredith had attended his church for several years, just as had his own parents, Linda had only begun attending about a year earlier.

  Although she was retiring from her firm, she had no intentions of resting on her laurels. Linda's retirement would be spent finishing a project her own father, Jacob, had begun working on but did not complete before his recent death. It was a project she was surprised to learn her father had begun. It was research. Intensive research. But not the normal research on law that he was so well known for and even more well paid for as he had been a successful trial lawyer for well over forty years.

  This research he aptly titled: "The Ultimate Trial of Our Lives: Will We Be Both Hearers and Doers of the Word of God as Believers with Faith in His Son Jesus Christ?" He had a side note that he attached to the title that read: It will be our own life's testimony that will bring upon ourselves our eternal verdict at God's merciful and just bar of judgment.

  After checking in with the security desk, they got on the elevator. The ride up the elevator was fast as it lifted them up to the top floor. As the doors opened, they stepped out into a vast marble foyer that led to large double glass doors that revealed a large, nearly chest-high front desk where Linda's personal secretary, a woman, and her secretary's assistant, a man, sat working. Both the secretary and her assistant were nicely tailored and manicured a fitting impression for such a high class, professional environment. As Samuel opened the door for Meredith and Alex, the assistant secretary greeted them as a nearby security guard watched.

  "You must be the Andrews," he said with a charming smile as he stood up and walked over to meet them.

  Samuel shook his hand. "That's right. I'm Samuel Andrews. This is my lovely wife, Meredith, and my adorable niece, Alex."

  "Well it's nice to meet you all. If you will please follow me, I'll be happy to show you to the conference room." The man then led them down the hall to a large conference room in the corner where several other guests were already mixing and mingling. A buffet table was laid out in an elegant trim with various hors d'oeuvres and there was a fountain on each end of the table. One was a cascading beverage fountain of pink sparkling punch and at the opposite end was a chocolate fondue fountain that made Alex's heart leap. A few waiters and caterers were on hand to serve up beverages and keep things running smoothly.

  Meredith saw Alex looking at the chocolate fountain and asked, "Alex, do you want to go on ahead and eat while Samuel and meet with some people? I could help fix you a plate so you can get off of your crutches for awhile."

  Alex thought for a few moments and replied, "Actually, I think I'll wait and eat with you when you're done talking with people. Otherwise, if I stay here and eat, maybe some stranger or two will try and strike up some conversation with me that I don't want to have. You know?"

  "I get it," Meredith smiled understandably. "Well, then let's see who's here."

  Samuel spied out Linda who was talking with one of the guests across the room. Linda was a tall brunette woman who was Caucasian with flashing brown eyes and a disarmingly warm smile whose natural beauty was often the envy of other women. Although she was in her early sixties, she looked as if she had barely turned fifty. Her dark brown hair had only a few grey hairs in it, most likely due to coloring it from time to time, but that didn't stop others from seeing her as a woman who was beyond gorgeous for she was absolutely beautiful both inside and out. As she noticed Samuel standing in the doorway, she smiled and discreetly waved him over to be introduced to the man she was talking to. Samuel, Meredith and Alex made their way through the small crowd of roughly twenty guests until they reached Linda.

  "Samuel! I'm so glad you're here. I'd like to introduce you to Spencer Albrecht. He's going to be a significant part of my think tank since he is a physicist. He has proven to be particularly knowledgeable in the field of quantum physics."

  "You can call me Spence," He smiled casually as he held a drink in one hand and extended a handshake with the other. His tie was loose and his sleeves rolled up and his rather straight sandy colored hair looked as if it was about a month over due for a haircut. His face was clean shaven and hinted of his age being in the mid-forties. He looked quite comfortable with who he was. Samuel introduced himself.

  "Samuel Andrews. This is my wife, Meredith, and my niece, Alex, who is a lot stronger than she looks so don't let the crutches fool you. She hurt her foot. It's a simple sprain," Samuel said trying to address Alex's injury early on so they could satisfy anyone's curiosity and get it over with so they could talk about other things. He didn't want to cause Alex to feel obligated to talk about her injury.

  "Oh," Spence said.

  "Samuel is the building contractor who will bring the museum to life," Linda remarked.

  "Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you," Spence smiled.

  "Don't tell me. Let me guess. You're a scientist that also believes in God, right?" Samuel chuckled. "If that's the case, it's highly unusual. That's not to say that a faith based scientist is an oxymoron. Don't get me wrong," he said in jest to Spence. But Spence just shook his head and smiled. That wasn't the first time he'd heard that joke.

  "I happen to believe that there is evidence of a supreme organizing intelligence or maybe what others call 'God.'

  "But do you call it God?" Samuel politely challenged.

  "Not yet," came the equally polite retort.

  "Fair enough," Samuel replied.

  Spence then turned to look at the man near him as he said, "I'd also like to introduce you to my father, Brad. He's been a nuclear scientist for over two hundred years now," Spencer chuckled. His father shared his own sense of humor with his quick response.

  "I told him he can joke about my age as long as I can joke about his wife, Mindy, who has a memory as quick to recall past data history quicker than any woman I've ever met," Brad joked.

  "He says that because my lab computer is affectionately called 'Mindy.' I'm actually not married. I just spend a lot of time at work," Spence said with a shy smile.

  Linda chimed in. "Well married or not, I'm excited to have Spence on our team," she smiled. "Let's go introduce you to Robert now Samuel. He's right over here." Linda began leading the way through the crowd to Robert.

  "Nice to meet you, Spence," Samuel smiled.

  "Yes, it was nice meeting you, Spence," Meredith said as they moved on to meet Robert. Spence simply nodded in agreement.

  Robert was a handsome, black man in his late twenties who wore designer jeans with a suit coat and a white dress shirt underneath. No tie. His face was clean shaven and he wore a friendly smile. As Linda and Samuel approached him, he held up his hand in a stop position and his smile turned a somber face. With one hand holding a drink, he used his other hand to touch his index finger near his temple. He closed his eyes and said, "I sense an introduction is in my future, and that person is..." he then opened one of his eyes, looked Samuel up and down and then closed his eye and continued, "...a white male, brunette, married and seems to be giving off a vibe of a general contractor." Robert then opened his eyes, smiled and held offered a handshake to Samuel. Linda began another round of cheerful introductions.

  "Samuel, this is Robert J. Fulton, and he is..."

  "Telepathetic," Robert interjected matter-of-factly.

  Linda continued. "This is his wife, Emerald D."

ho is absolutely gorgeous tonight and every night," Robert added as he charmed his wife. Emerald smiled proudly at Robert. Emerald was about Robert's age and also a very attractive black woman. She was wearing high heels and a somewhat tight but modest emerald green dress with a hem line that landed about mid-calf.

  "Nice to meet you," Both Samuel and Meredith said in near unison. They shook Robert's and Emerald's hands. Alex

  simply smiled politely at times through the greetings.

  "As Robert had already suspected, Samuel is my new building contractor. He's the one who will be making the museum a reality and I'm confident we'll all love the results and that it will be a tremendous blessing to our city for many years to come," Linda said gratefully.

  "Well you certainly look like a man who can work miracles. Twelve months doesn't seem like much time to build it in," Robert said more seriously.

  "It might not have been if she hadn't already purchased the land and made sure things were in compliance with local ordinances and zoning laws. But she and I have things wrapped up so that twelve months to build is reasonable," Samuel responded. "By the way, this is my beautiful wife, Meredith, and my very cool niece, Alex," Samuel added.

  "Nice to meet you too," Robert said as Emerald smiled and said the same.

  "And don't worry, Alex does not pretend at times that one of her crutches is a machine gun." Everyone chuckled and Samuel continued. "She uses her crutches just as she's supposed to for her sprained ankle. And hopefully in a few days she won't need to use them anymore."

  "How did you sprain your ankle?" Emerald asked her sympathetically.

  "I was running in the house and I didn't notice there was a shoe in the way and I tripped on it. But don't worry. I wasn't running with scissors." Everyone laughed again.

  "She's cute and funny. I like her," Emerald smiled. Alex smiled timidly hoping they would all move on to talk about something else. Yes, her sprain was from a circumstance of abuse. But, no, Samuel and Meredith were not guilty of causing it. Thankfully the attention turned to someone else.

  "So, you have some spiritual brawn, do you Robert? Do you have a background in bodybuilding?" Samuel half-joked.

  "No. Not me. I'm what some might call a biblical scholar. I've studied up on biblical history and learned about a few archaeological digs, but nothing serious," Robert answered modestly. He didn’t mind the teasing at all.

  "He says, 'nothing serious' but he has a way of picking up on key gospel points regarding the subject of salvation through Christ like few others," Linda proudly pointed out. "Don't let his modesty fool you. I didn't hire him for his physical brawn but rather for his spiritual brains," she added. She then smiled and waved discreetly to a man across the room who seemed to be requesting her immediate attention. “Please excuse me for a moment. He’s with the catering services. I won’t be long.” She then slipped away to see what he wanted.

  “So what do you know about the research so far?” Samuel asked Robert curiously.

  “I know that it surprised Linda.” Robert said with eyebrows raised.

  “Really?” Samuel wondered. “Do tell,” he smiled.

  “Her father’s research was surprising to Linda for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the fact that he was never before a churchgoing respecter of God. Jacob, her father, was known for choosing his worldly wealth and the various indulgent pleasures of life over the life of an equally wealthy but more restrained and highly moral saint.”

  “Ahh. I see.”

  “This 180 degree about face he chose of giving up all of his sins to know God came as a shock to pretty much everyone who knew him. He lost most of his former so-called friends and many profitable but corrupt business associates in the process. But he found himself all the happier for it and ultimately at peace because of it although, according to Linda, plenty of people were doubtful that his change was permanent and sincere. She wasn’t even sure it was permanent. He couldn't blame them for doubting. But he knew the truth of his sincere change and he knew that God knew it, so he was at peace.”

  “His change was most impressive to his first wife, Linda's mom, who had known him best when he was often at his worst.” Emerald added since she was there when Linda told Robert the story. “She had passed away only four months before Jacob had passed so she passed in enough time to receive the pleasant surprise of rock solid evidence of his serious change.” She then leaned in to whisper to Meredith although she was still intentionally loud enough for anyone else to hear. “And get this. All three of his ex-wives were stunned to receive a large paycheck that made up for what he cheated them out of financially in their divorce. Over seven million dollars total in payments.”

  “No way!” Meredith gasped.

  Emerald was done whispering when she leaned back again and added, “And his last wife told him she would've actually taken him back if she had known he was really going to change for the better as he had.”


  “But he had already remarried.”

  “No one really knew what it was that brought about such a strong drive to change.” Robert said questioningly. “Something within his heart manifested he was a changed man. Linda said the change was so clear by his more noble and selfless behavior. But regardless of what it was, Linda said his new found joy was just as real as was his experience in sin before his repentance and he welcomed the new peace of conscience he felt within his heart with open arms. The man eagerly evicted his former life of misery, pain and sorrow out of his new life forever.”

  “But he had passed away just six months after his most recent wife passed away. He died due to a sudden heart attack at the age of eighty-eight. Isn’t that so sad?” Emerald asked sympathetically.

  “Did Linda tell you how it happened?” Samuel asked.

  “She didn’t say much about it.” Robert answered.

  “We didn’t want to press such a sensitive subject. Why? Did she tell you?” Emerald asked sincerely concerned.

  “Yeah.” Samuel sighed. “She said his home had been involved in severe flooding under a downpour of rain from a sudden storm while he was out on vacation with a friend a few states away. When he arrived home to see part of his research destroyed as various piles of paper were floating among other debris in his house, his desperate attempt to save what was left of his precious research brought on sudden chest pains. His friend rushed Jacob to the local hospital where he called to see how soon Linda could come and see him as he felt his passing might come soon. He wanted to see her one last time to say goodbye. She was in Japan on business when he called her and although she left her meetings early to fly immediately back to the U.S. to see him, his timing was too late. Her plane had touched down to land just ten minutes after his passing.” Both Emerald and Meredith gasped at the same time.

  “Oh my heavens,” Emerald said in shock. “I had no idea.”

  “That is so sad,” Meredith added. She didn’t bother to fight the tears that welled up in her eyes. Her compassion for Linda was overflowing. Samuel continued.

  “She arrived at the hospital only to learn that she would need to plan his funeral before she could say goodbye to him in person one last time. Linda was devastated. As she arrived at her deceased father's home to assess the damage, she began gathering everything that she could find of her father's research that she could salvage. Everything else that was damaged beyond reasonable repair was thrown away. The bulk of Jacob's research that was in the best condition was in the form of several files and semi-organized stacks of paper with pages and pages of handwritten notes. This research later sat in unopened boxes in Linda's home for a few months after her father's funeral.”

  “I do know this:… ” Robert chimed in. “When she finally felt up to reading what he was working on, she was fascinated. At the top of one of his pages he had written: Stick of Joseph as ancient scroll a translated record in fulfillment of prophecy. Scroll teaches of Jesus Christ by writings of prophets who received revelations about Him from Hi
m and writings harmonize with Holy Bible while answering deepest questions about life and salvation not found in Holy Bible alone. Scroll is vital second half; Ezekiel 37:15-20.

  Meredith wanted to know what the verses in Ezekiel said so she looked it up online with her phone. “Ezekiel 37:15-20 reads, ‘The word of the Lord came unto me again saying: Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick , and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick , and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim , and for all the house of Israel his companions And join them one to another into one stick : and they shall become one in thine hand. And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee, saying, Will thou not shew us what thou meanest by these? Say unto them, Thus saith The Lord God: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the Tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes.”

  “Any chance you could put that in modern English for me?” Samuel asked looking at Meredith and Robert

  “It sounds just like what it says. Basically, God is speaking to his prophet, which at that period of history seems to have been Ezekiel. The Lord tells him to write. That usually means to write about the Lord’s dealings with the people of that time.” Meredith paused a moment to read a verse again before she continued. “It looks like there’s supposed to be a history of the Lord’s dealings with Judah and the people of his nation written on one stick…”

  “For context, a stick was usually a scroll.” Robert chimed in.

  “Yeah, a stick had like papyrus or something wrapped around it and the papyrus was where the words would be written,” Meredith nodded. “So the Lord’s prophet was told to also record the history of the Lord’s dealings with Joseph which is apparently Ephraim and his people. And then the Lord will take these two records or…” Meredith thought deeply trying to find the right word.

  “Testimony,” Robert whispered as he thought out loud. Meredith was in awe as he had found the perfect word to describe it.

  “So the Lord will take these two testimonies or testaments of the prophets of that time, the prophets in the times of Judah and Joseph, and hold them in his hand. That’s what that seems to mean.”

  “Testament…”Robert was thinking out loud. “The Old and New Testaments are of Judah. They were ultimately testaments of Jesus Christ, beginning with testimonies of Jehovah’s dealings with people in the Old Testament and Jerusalem before He was born to live on earth as Jesus Christ.”

  “So then where’s the testament of Ephraim?” Samuel asked.

  “Do you think that’s what Linda’s father found? The other testament of Christ through Joseph?”

  “And Joseph is related to Ephraim?” Samuel asked.

  “Yeah.” Both Meredith and Robert answered in unison. Then Robert shared another thought.

  “So what’s the meaning behind holding them both in one hand together? And what does it mean when he says they’ll be before their eyes.”

  “Well whatever the two testaments are, once they’re finally put together, which they may already be, we don’t know…then people will see it. To have something ‘before their eyes’ means they’ll see it right in front of them. Like, in reality,” Meredith replied as she looked to Robert to see if he agreed.

  “That sounds about right,” he said. And he thought further and tried to figure out if he should say anything he was thinking.

  “What?” Meredith asked to encourage him to share his thoughts.

  “It seemed that her father had somehow learned of a scroll presumed to be ancient that exists and has already been discovered and translated into English. She thought that if it had already been translated into English, then it had likely also been translated into other languages as well. She tried to recall any stories over recent years of any archaeological digs that might be similar to the general description of the scroll her father was learning of, but nothing came to her mind. She told me that as she searched further, she was really impressed with the thoroughness of his research. She said she wished she had not only talked more with him about it, but had not lost to the flood what was damaged. She wondered what else of his research may have been carried away by the flood that she hadn't even seen.”

  “She told me it looked like he had poured his heart and soul into his research just as devotedly as if he were anticipating a billion dollar trial settlement from which he would receive thirty percent in fees.” Samuel said before taking a sip of water from a glass he picked up off of a passing tray. Meredith and Alex picked up water glasses as well and sipped as Samuel spoke. “But it was precisely because of the fact that he was not anticipating any financial prize in pursuit of this research that struck a deep chord within Linda confirming to her just how priceless he found this new teaching on Jesus Christ to be.

  “Well , technically, he had long since retired and didn’t really need more than the hundreds of millions that he already had, right?” Robert smiled.

  “Yeah, but, according to Linda, if he hadn’t been a changed man, he would still be chasing more wealth just to be selfish about it. But since he changed, he used his wealth for good.”

  “You know what she said to me about her inheritance from him?” Robert asked. Both Samuel and Meredith shook their heads no and were eager to hear. “Seventy million dollars was what she inherited.”

  “You’re kidding!” Samuel gasped in shock and Meredith and Emerald shook their heads in awe. Robert continued. “She said she felt that the seventy million dollars she had received from him as an inheritance seemed ‘paltry and dull’ compared to the ‘shimmering light she felt emanated from each and every page’ of his notes on God. Now that’s amazing!”

  “It’s so sad she didn’t have time to say goodbye,” Meredith said solemnly.

  “I know,” Emerald added as she looked down briefly at the ground to take it all in. She then looked back up at Meredith and said, “I pray she stays strong every day she works on this.”

  “So how about you two. Are both of your parents still living?” Meredith inquired sincerely.

  “Yes.” Robert and his wife answered in unison.

  "Do you two have children?"

  Emerald practically glowed in her response. "We do. A girl and a boy. Ruby is four and Maxwell just turned two."

  "That's wonderful," Meredith responded sincerely.

  "Is Alex tagging along for the night?" Emerald wondered.

  "Oh, no. We are blessed to have her live with us for awhile," Meredith smiled as she lovingly stroked Alex's hair.

  "How old are you, Alex?" Emerald asked politely.

  "Thirteen," Alex answered humbly.

  "So how do you like this party with all of these old people?" Emerald joked to Alex.

  "You guys aren't old. I haven't seen anyone with white hair other than Spence's dad," Alex said honestly.

  "I think Alex might be hungry," Meredith said. "Should we go get something to eat?" She asked Alex.

  "Yes! I'm sooo hungry," Alex replied in relief.

  "Would any of you like to join us?" Meredith cordially offered.

  "That sounds like a good idea," Emerald replied.

  "Honey, I think I'd like to hang back for a bit and get to know some of the others first," Samuel said.

  "Why don't you ladies go on ahead and I'll grab some food a little later," Robert suggested. Samuel nodded in agreement as he remained with Robert. While Meredith, Alex and Emerald made their way over to the buffet table, Linda arrived back to see Samuel and Robert.

  “Please forgive me for taking so long. I just had to make sure the catering was as ordered,” Linda apologized as she returned.

  “No problem,” Robert smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  "So who's the guy wearing the five thousand dollar suit?" Samuel asked Linda. Samuel was looking at a w
ell dressed man who was engaged in conversation across the room.

  "I was wondering the same thing. Those are some expensive threads," Robert said as he looked over in the same direction Samuel was looking.

  "I'm surprised you don't recognize him," Linda remarked.

  One of the waiters overheard them and stopped to comment. "Don't worry, Samuel. I was wondering the same thing and I don't have a clue who he is." The waiter then offered the two men and Linda more drinks. Samuel replaced his empty water glass with a full one while Robert picked up a glass of sparkling fruit punch.

  “Thank you,” Robert graciously thanked the waiter.

  "That's the one and only Pastor D. Ananias Faust who started 'Blackdust Shepherd's Faith Ministry' ten years ago on a budget of less than ten thousand dollars with a congregation of less than twenty people and now he earns an average of about four million dollars a year in revenues off of what is now his congregation of about twenty thousand followers locally and another fifty thousand across the country over the internet. I can't believe you missed him in the headlines last year as he decided to build his own stadium sized sixty-million dollar church to fit his congregation more comfortably," Linda smiled.

  "Apparently, 'more comfortably' was the sixty-million dollar goal. That must be some building," the waiter scoffed. He was a good friend of Linda’s which is why he felt so comfortable being so candid.

  “Robert, Samuel, this is Eric. He’s the only waiter I wouldn’t have escorted off the property for such frankness,” Linda jested.

  “Surely had any of the other waiters made such a comment they could risk losing their job,” Eric smiled warily as he looked around hoping none of his co-workers overheard.

  Samuel was thinking deeply. "Pastor D. Ananias Faust. Yeah, the moment you said his name I remembered hearing about the building bids.” He shook his head as he recalled rumors once the bid went out. “A lot of people in the construction industry were talking about him," Samuel said.

  "Did you put a bid in to win the job?" Robert asked.


  "Why not?" Robert asked curiously.

  Samuel shrugged. "It must not have felt right for whatever reason or else I would have."

  "No offense, Linda, but he just seems like the odd man out. I'm not quite sure why you've got him on your team," Eric said as he looked at both Linda and Robert. Linda wasn't sure how to respond but she was careful not to be easily offended. "I mean, none of the others are really wealthy or well-known on your research team. Spence isn't some rich bestselling author or Ivy school professor and neither is Robert." Eric wondered.

  Linda sighed as she smiled and responded. "I can see your point and I suppose it should be said that he is the only one I actually didn't invite to be on the team. I had already approached those who I was interested in and it wasn't until after my invitations were accepted and I had put the team together that he then approached me and convinced me that he would be an asset to the team. So, I said yes. But I really do think we can learn a lot from him, just like we'll learn a lot from Robert, Spencer and Eve."

  "Who's Eve?" Samuel asked.

  "Three o'clock. Khaki pants, white long-sleeved dress top, brown pumps, short bleached blonde hair," Linda directed. "Follow me. I'll introduce you to her."

  As Linda led the way through the crowd, Robert and Samuel began to follow but Eric pulled them both back for a moment. "I've been to one of Mr. Faust’s ministry speeches with a buddy of mine. We decided not to go back because all the guy does is boost everyone's ego and talk of hope without teaching much about God. My friend, Dale, and I tried to talk to him after the meeting and we asked him about what he thought of some things in the bible. He said he suggested we just go by what's in our hearts rather than trying to understand the bible. He actually said that it's not expected that people should understand the bible or even God. Now what kind of a man says that? That just didn't feel right to me or Dale." Robert and Samuel looked at one another and remained silent. Eric continued.

  "Look. I'm not trying to create a problem here but what if Faust is and Linda doesn't know it?" Eric asked.

  "I'd like to think that Linda knows what she's doing," Robert said. "She already spoke with the man and certainly she must have seen something that was right about hiring him or else she wouldn't have let him join the team."

  Samuel didn't want their discreet conversation to keep them from following Linda to meet Eve so Samuel persuaded them to move on. "Come on. Let's go meet Eve." The two followed Samuel over to Linda and Eve as Eric moved on to serve other guests. Thankfully they weren't too far behind Linda as one of the catering staff had stopped Linda to ask her a brief question and their conversation took about as long as Samuel’s and Robert's did.

  Eve Brilliant was a Caucasian woman in her early sixties who was talking to a somewhat older looking man, also Caucasian, who was well dressed in a suit and bow tie and wore glasses. As Linda and the others approached, Eve was talking passionately as if she was in a heated debate, but the man she was talking with wasn't arguing.

  "...and that's one of the problems people have today is they simply don't take these things into consideration. But we have to. We have to take these things into consideration. Otherwise we won't learn to think of the needs of these other women who so often don't have a voice. Leaders sit there and they say that they want to achieve these great things and be a successful and independent nation and then they turn around and allow others to weaken and destroy the very foundation upon what they need to build upon and that foundation is of course primarily to be found in the strengthening and empowering of the women and girls in their own country. When they refuse to strengthen the women and girls they sabotage their own efforts at becoming a successful nation and it makes no sense to do that. No sense whatsoever. They have to learn to work together and empower these girls and women in such a way that makes for a mutually edifying partnership among the sexes not a division but a partnership. A healthy, lasting, uplifting partnership."

  "I totally agree," the man responded honestly.

  "Eve, I'm sorry to interrupt," Linda said.

  "No. You're fine. Are you about to introduce me to some people?" Eve chuckled as she quickly went from one second of heated debate to pleasantly smiling and laughing.

  "As a matter of fact that's exactly why we came over. This is Robert Fulton."

  "Oh, yes. I believe we met earlier. Nice to see you again, Robert," Eve quickly replied with a smile. Eve often spoke at a rather fast pace.

  "This is Samuel Andrews, the general contractor who will be overseeing the building of the museum," Linda said as Eve shook their hands.

  "This is my husband, Peter," Eve said as she gestured to the man with glasses who stood next to her.

  Peter gave a serious look and said, "I must warn you. Don't give a job to my wife that you don't want finished perfectly because she'll move h-e double hockey sticks and high water to get things done when she's committed to a project. She's a trooper." Peter then smiled and shook hands with Robert and Samuel.

  "So, Linda, what other assets were you thinking Eve would be bringing the team?" Samuel asked cheerfully.

  "Eve has used her knowledge of social culture and our individual pursuit of closer relations or lack thereof to become a bestselling author," Linda remarked matter-of-factly.

  "I have personally enjoyed reading her books," Robert said to Samuel. "And I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you, Eve," Robert smiled to her.

  "Thank you, Robert. It's an exciting project idea," Eve admitted.

  "I wasn't sure I'd be able to convince Eve to join us. So I'm glad she said yes," Linda added. She then saw one of her staff motion to her to tell her of the time. "If you'll excuse me for a few minutes, it's time for me to officially welcome everyone here tonight," she smiled as she set down her empty glass on a beverage tray being carried by a passing waiter. She made her way to the front of the room where one of her assistants began speaking to the group through a

  “I look forward to talking with you again sometime,” Samuel said as he began to walk over closer to the buffet table.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Robert said as he followed Samuel. Both Eve and Peter smiled with a look that told Robert and Samuel they too looked forward to working together later. Once they were out of Eve’s and Peter’s hearing, Samuel shared a discreet thought with Robert.

  “I couldn't help but to wonder just how much more emphasis Peter may have preferred to put on the word 'trooper' in describing his wife.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “There’s something about her.”

  “Like what?” Robert shrugged as he briefly looked around to see where Emerald was. He then turned his attention back to Samuel.

  “Eve bears a strong resemblance personality-wise to one of my professors in college.” Samuel said this with a sigh as he squinted his eyes in remembrance. “She was a woman who cared more about speaking the truth than what the results of that truth might bring.

  “Ah,” Robert nodded with understanding. “She wasn't exactly sensitive to the feelings of others when she spoke.”

  “Sad but true. Every time I look at her I remember a valuable lesson I learned about the harsh nature of my past professor.”

  “And that lesson would be…” Robert waited for Samuel to finish the sentence.

  “I learned there were times when the truth should not be spoken. It shouldn't be spoken with the sole intent of hurting another person emotionally. Unless it's to save a life, prevent crime or get a man to leave a woman alone when he gives her unwanted attention, the truth should be spoken with tender care for the feelings of all listening. The highest form of truth is uplifting in its effects and inspires bad people to become good and for good people to become better. Am I right?”

  “Yeah.” Robert conceded. “It shouldn't be spoken when its effect or intent would potentially destroy faith in God because the truth was spoken either in a spirit of contention or self-righteous pride.”

  “Exactly. To me, self-righteous pride shows an ill-justified contraction of love by one person to another in what is otherwise a mutually agreed upon relationship of love. A contraction of love is especially damaging in a parent-child relationship –– even in a grandparent and grandchild relationship –– where one should feel love from another in a circumstance that is appropriate for an increased expression of love but instead that love is withheld for a self-serving reason.”

  “I totally agree.”

  “I heard one of the worst things from this professor once. She actually said, no, she actually bragged to one of her students about a conversation she had with the little children of her adopted child. Her adopted grandchildren asked her once if she loved them as much as she loved her own grandchildren that were naturally born to her own children. You know what she said? She had no problems being crass as she proudly said, ‘Nope. I love them more.’

  “You have got to be exaggerating. Really? A woman… actually said that? Oh, that’s ice world cold, man.” Robert imitated shivers just thinking of it.

  “Personally, I found her coldness in that example to be utterly creepy. She was proud to cause those little children to feel less loved… and all in the name of her proud reputation for being known for being ‘honest’ no matter who suffered.

  “She doesn't seem like a very bright woman spiritually or emotionally. That was an immature comment she made, to say the least.”

  “Even if her lack of compassion was due to how she herself was raised, she still had a personal responsibility to become a better example for her own family.”

  “Amen to that,” Robert agreed strongly. He then wondered out loud, “If she would just be more mature enough to see that and accept it, then that would be a brighter day for herself and those around her.

  “I know that those who truly love God are usually better at loving others and they don't see sensitivity and compassion as a weakness. Here this woman was supposed to be a role model of deity for her grandchildren since our parents and grandparents are often our first introductions in life to the eternal principle of parenthood.

  “I agree.”

  “Since God is the role model of parenting for all of humankind, I find it more true to see God as encouraging all of his children to feel loved by him equally since we may choose to be adopted into God's family by Christ's sacrifice.” Samuel let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled, “Maybe I should actually take a moment to quietly pray in my heart that Eve won’t turn out to be like my past professor.”

  “That’s probably not a bad idea since you are bound to see her from time to time while you’re working with Linda. We all want to get along, right?”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Pray on my friend. Pray on.” Robert gave Samuel a soft smile as he gave Samuel an encouraging pat on his shoulder.

  “I’m going to choose to believe Eve will be a much better example than my professor.”

  “Good choice,” Robert said as he picked up a pastry from a passing catering tray.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" The chatter of the guests became more quiet as they soon stopped talking and turned their attention to the announcer.

  "Thank you for coming out this evening. It's good to see so many of you enjoying conversation together. We'd like to turn our time over to the woman who has invited us all here tonight. A very special and inspiring woman who has a unique vision and way of recognizing whatever good exists in any person or circumstance. She has a gifted way of expanding her vision to bring about more good. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce you to Ms. Linda Wise." The guests applauded as Linda began speaking.

  "Thank you so much for attending here tonight. I should let you know that one of the guys in our shipping department offered to personally cater this event and he made it a point to emphasize how one of his specialties is chocolate covered anchovies." Most of the guests chuckled and several subdued tones of disgust were also heard. "This clearly was a bad idea. I'm glad you agree," she jested. The guests laughed. Samuel and Robert nodded as they laughed. Meredith and Emerald took a closer look at the food on their plates to make sure no masquerading anchovies were found. Alex shook her head in disbelief that they would actually check.

  "So I'm glad I didn't rely on someone from shipping to provide our food this evening. And Marci is glad too as she enjoys catering and owns a very successful catering business that not only serves the nearly half a million residents of Silver Streams but the outer lying towns and cities as well." Marci, who was standing at the back of the room, smiled and mouthed a gracious 'Thank you' to Linda.

  "I'm sure we'll be using her delightful services again in the future unless she has snuck in some chocolate covered anchovies to frighten us all with. And if anyone sees this, please let me know," Linda jested. Once again, the crowd laughed. The caterers and waiters continued to replenish the hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Linda moved on to other subjects.

  "Well, as you know, I have some aspirations that are quite a bit different from the financial industry that I've dedicated so much of my life to. And as much as I have enjoyed succeeding in the world of business and investing as I’ve raised others and myself to higher financial heights, I have since learned of a different kind of height to aspire to which I believe will be of much more worth not only for myself and my time but hopefully of greater worth also for those who may be the beneficiaries of the fruits that will come from these new labors.

  Some of you may wonder where these new aspirations come from. Well, it was late one night as I studied my father's research that I suddenly knew what I wanted to do with my time and resources during my retirement years. As most of you already know, I decided I would put together a research team of my own to help me figure out what this scroll was, what it answers about the deepest questions about God and life that so beautifully harmonizes with the bible. I then plan to open a museum that will spotlight artists from a
round the world who have created artistic representations that seem most in harmony with the research of my father as it pertains to the scroll and God's truths.

  “Certainly if my once-wayward- father-turned-saint had heard of the scroll, then others must have too and maybe someone has already created some art from inspiration of the scroll's answers to the great questions of life. I have no interest in debate, which is why I never became a lawyer.” The crowd chuckled understandably. “I prefer instead to simply share with others the truths I have learned and will learn of God and His blessings thanks to my father's own studies. I want to share with the world God's perfect design towards happiness for all those that sincerely seek it and freely choose it, and share it in such a creative way visually that sparks a peaceful interest for all who visit the museum.”

  “I had met with several other commercial general contractors and had seen dozens of design suggestions for my museum but it wasn't until I had met with Samuel Andrews that I knew I found the right person for the job. With a planned layout of approximately 16,000 square feet for the new museum, and a time frame of twelve months to complete it all, this job is now in the competent hands of what I feel is the best man in the industry. Please join me in thanking Samuel for the dedication and high quality he’ll be giving to such a noble enterprise.” Linda then began to clap her hands in praise of Samuel for their new partnership in building and the rest of those in attendance were quick to join in applauding him sincerely. Samuel gave a gracious smile and nod and thought about what she just said. Yes, the 4.5 million dollar job was now in his competent hands. Alex's and Meredith still had yet to comprehend how he would spend the next twelve months totally dedicated to turning Linda’s vision into a reality.

  “Thank you again, Samuel,” Linda added as she stopped clapping and the applause died down. “Once the building of this museum comes to completion in one year we’ll gather together again to celebrate its grand opening. In the meantime, those of you who will be working with me on this rather unique team of researchers already know of the inspiration behind this vision as I have shared with you the story of my father's death and the unfinished work he left behind as he has learned of a scroll or other possibly ancient record that he felt to believe fulfills the prophecy described in the Holy Bible's Old Testament, specifically Ezekiel 37:15 -20. This scroll or possibly a series of scrolls or other sacred writings – answers many of the deepest questions of life and important aspects regarding salvation through Jesus Christ answers that are not found in the Holy Bible alone. Yet these answers also harmonize in a remarkably perfect way with various teachings found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.” She continued.

  “The teachings and revelations this scroll teaches about Jesus Christ are greatly uplifting and have such a feeling of divine truth about them that it is most difficult if not impossible to ignore. At the very least, the teachings feel so peaceful and joyous that I, and others, have felt a desire to learn more. The writings of the scroll appear to have been written by prophets of old who have recorded teachings of Jesus Christ and even some of them have had actually spoken with Jesus Christ as special and sacred revelation that answers many of the mysteries of life, such as: Does God exist? Is Jesus Christ really our Savior? Why are we all here? Where we came from and What happens to us after we die. It is my personal quest to achieve the following things:

  “First: To find the scroll or at least discover it's name and origin. Second: Recognize how it harmonizes with the Holy Bible to aid in answering life's greatest questions. Third: Confirm if the scroll or its writings were either manmade or if it's truly divine in origin. And last, but not least: if it is divine in it's origin, as I am strongly inclined to believe it is, then I feel it's important to have this information available to the public and to the world not as a means for debate –– especially debate that kills faith but rather as a way to inspire others through various media arts to come and bring any uplifting truths they have about Jesus Christ and let us add to it.

  “Let us allow men and women and children to judge for themselves for someone has clearly labored to bring this ancient record to light and if it's a false record created of man, then it's false. But if it's true, then Jesus is the Christ and whoever brought this record to light did it under the power and inspiration of God and it must be for our benefit everyone of us individually as all things that are good are of God and I know it has always been and continues to be God's primarily aim to bless us individually as His children. To help us to understand what my father discovered, I am providing each person on the team a typed draft of my father’s notes."

  Two of Linda's assistants began handing out the roughly three inch thick drafts to each member of her research team. Each typed draft came in a white box with a gift bow on top.

  "The draft you are receiving is approximately four hundred pages of his notes. It's essentially all that was left after the damage to his home. Since our first official meeting as a research team will begin one week from today, I encourage all research members to familiarize yourselves with these notes of my father, Jacob, over the next several days in preparation for that first meeting. I look forward to working with those who are on this vital new team as a means of recognizing more of God's truths wherever we may find them and hopefully inspire others through art to get to know God and His beloved Son, Jesus Christ and find out for themselves what is true and what is not about the answers to many of life's greatest questions. Thank you again for coming out tonight and I invite you to stay and enjoy the great food and new friendships we're all forming. Enjoy the evening."

  All of the guests applauded and returned to socializing. Linda decided to head over and talk with Meredith and Emerald.

  "Thank you both for coming out tonight," Linda smiled.

  "I don't know if Samuel is going to be able to sleep tonight. He's so excited to get started building," Meredith smiled. She then took a sip of her drink.

  "I think that makes two of us," Linda smiled anxiously.

  "Looks like a certain someone has taken a special interest in your pre-museum art," Emerald said as she saw Alex had wandered over to a far wall where various biblical pictures were on display. Linda politely excused herself and walked over towards Alex. Meredith and Emerald remained behind to watch curiously from a distance.

  Alex slowly walked along the length of the wall where various scenes from the King James Version of the Holy Bible's Old and New Testaments were displayed as art. Nearly all were older oil paintings. Several images were of Jesus Christ portrayed in various New Testament events. Some of the Old Testament paintings were of miracles by prophets such as Moses and still other pictures were of angelic visitations. Alex stopped in front of a picture of the angel Gabriel delivering the holy message to Mary about the glorious news of the impending birth of the Christ child who will save the world from sin. Alex noticed how the angel was painted as having wings. Alex's thoughts were expressed as she wondered in subdued tones, "Do angels need wings? I bet they don’t."

  Linda, standing behind Alex, was surprised to hear Alex's observation and asked curiously, "How do you know?" Linda's question, although sincere, startled Alex as she was unaware of Linda's nearby presence. Alex turned around speechless and was unsure how to answer. "I apologize. I didn't mean to startle you," Linda said gently. "I'm just curious as to why you would say that. Actually I'm more than curious. I truly am interested."

  "Say what?" Alex asked nervously.

  "Did you say, 'angels don't have wings’? How do you know that? And I'm not saying that I doubt you. I'm actually inclined to believe you, although I can't explain why at the moment," Linda said thoughtfully.

  "I just… I don’t think they do," Alex replied not wanting to talk to Linda about her recent dream. "I'm sorry. I have to go now." Alex quickly hobbled on her crutches back over to Meredith.

  "How long do we have to stay here at the party? I'm getting tired," Alex said, which was true because they had been there for awhile
and hobbling around on her crutches made her tired and eager to get back home to a more familiar and restful environment.

  Meredith put her arm around Alex. "We can leave now, if you want. That's fine. I bet you're tired of using your crutches, huh?" Meredith said as she gently stroked Alex's head. Alex nodded. She definitely looked tired.

  "Yeah. Let's go," Alex sighed.

  "I guess we'll see you later. It was nice meeting you," Meredith said to Emerald.

  "Nice to meet you too," Emerald smiled.

  Samuel saw Meredith saying goodbye to Linda so he headed over. "May I walk you two to the car?" He asked.

  Meredith nodded. "Sure. That would be great."

  Samuel passed by Linda and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

  Linda seemed to understand as she waved goodbye to Alex and Meredith. She took a long look as they walked away. She never asked Alex about her injury for the same reason she didn't feel right about pushing her to open up about her thoughts about angels. Some people prefer their privacy and for good reason. But that didn't mean that Linda didn't care to know, so she hoped that if it was ever needed that she would take the opportunity to explain that to Alex. She was empathetic about Alex's reluctance to open up and decided not to push her to do so the next time they met. Again, Linda thought that if Alex wasn't talking about it, she must have a good reason. But yet she couldn't deny the feeling that she should talk to Alex more about what she might know of God. Somehow she knew it would happen. But she knew she would have to wait until Alex was ready.

  Chapter 9: A Wise King Would Give Away His Kingdom for This


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