The Lost Ones (Here Witchy Witchy Book 12)

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The Lost Ones (Here Witchy Witchy Book 12) Page 14

by A. L. Kessler

  Liz and I hadn’t found any other breakthroughs by dinnertime, so she left, and I crashed out for a nap until it was time for me to get ready for the council meeting. I stood in the kitchen straightening my dress jacket while Merick stood there and chuckled at me.

  “You look all grown up in a suit like that.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to wear a dress tonight. Dresses are a pain in the ass and make me think Disney Princess.”

  Merick laughed harder. “Which you are definitely not.”

  A knock at the door told me that Zayne was there. I peeked out just to make sure before I let him in. “I promise I behaved today.”

  He gave me a doubtful look. “Where’s the Hummer?”

  “In the shop. It’s not safe to drive with a busted door and seat belt.”

  He nodded. “You look professional. No PIB attire tonight?”

  I shook my head. “Full of smart remarks tonight?”

  “No, not really. Catalina received a message this evening and none of us are going to like it.” He pressed his lips into a tight line. “And we’re hoping that you can handle it.”

  “That’s it? No telling me what the message says?”

  He shook his head. “No, only Catalina and I know. It’ll be a surprise for the rest of the council as well.”

  I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not. “Secrets don’t make friends.”

  “I’m not really your friend right now, Princess, I’m your guard.”

  Ouch. Of course, I hadn’t really expected him to be my friend. “Right. I’m just a job. Got it.”

  I swore I heard Merick laugh again, but when I turned, he was gone. I looked at Zayne. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “As you wish.” He put his hand on my shoulder, and we disappeared and reappeared in a new location. I wrinkled my nose. “This isn’t the normal meeting place.”

  “No, this is my house. Catalina thought it best it was a location that Levi doesn’t know.”

  Oh, I really didn’t like the sound of that. “What’s going on?”

  “You’ll find out in a moment, Princess.” He promised and motioned to the door.

  Dread curled in my stomach. Part of me felt like there was a trap waiting for me. I was a witch in a room full of vampires I wasn’t even sure I could trust. If even one of them attacked me, I could be in trouble.

  “Abigail, I can taste your fear. You’re safe. Even if you don’t like the news, you are safe.”

  I was going to give him a smart-ass remark when the door opened. Catalina stood there. “Princess.”

  I gave her a small smile and a bow of my head. “Catalina, sorry for the delay.”

  “Yes, I’m sure Zayne’s vagueness has you riddled with anxiety. I’m sorry that I had to keep it quiet until the meeting.”

  I shrugged. “Seems vagueness and secrecy are the name of the game right now.”

  “Always are. Please, come join us.” She stepped to the side so I could walk into the room.

  They had cleared the room of anything that would have hinted at its use and replaced it with chairs for us all. Catalina motioned to the chair closest to the door, and I sat down. Zayne stood at my back.

  “We have received a letter from Samuel about our King.”

  The rest of the room tightened with anxiety. I took a sharp breath. “What does it say?”

  “That Levi is safe for now and can be returned with Mario, if…” She looked at me. “Princess Abigail goes to study under him and Hannah.”

  I bristled at that. “He’s going through an awful lot to get me in his territory.”

  “What say you, Princess?”

  I pressed my lips together, and I tried to sort through the whole situation in my head in an instant. “Levi always told me the time would come when someone would use a loved one against me.” And I had failed this test numerous times already, but the council didn’t need to know that. “We negotiate.”

  A look crossed Catalina’s face, and I wasn’t sure if it was surprise, or if she was proud that I had made a not-so-rash choice. “Vampires are bound by their negotiations, right?”

  Catalina nodded.

  “And by that right, since I’m acting vampire ruler, so am I.”

  “Yes, which means if you go against any negotiations you make, there will be punishment, vampire punishment.”

  “But the same goes for Samuel,” I thought out loud. I looked at Catalina. “Can you council me through negotiations if I tell you what I want to achieve?”

  She nodded. “The way negotiations typically work, with the council and Levi, is that Levi and I go through them and then pass it through the council for approval. From there we will send it to Samuel. Samuel will reply and we go back and forth until it satisfies both parties.”

  “Okay good, then we can make this work to our advantage.” And hopefully no one dies or gets changed in the end. “Okay, so Catalina and I will handle that after the meeting. What’s next?”

  “You told us about Simon and the possibility that Travis might pull his alliance with us. That means a couple different things.” Helena spoke up.

  I nodded. “I spoke to Simon briefly, but he said that Travis hadn’t mentioned anything to him yet. All I know is Simon has a lot of healing to do and Travis is worried, understandably, about his alpha being hurt several times while working for Levi or as my guard. Right now, things are tense, but I don’t think we’ll have a definitive answer until Simon heals enough to make a choice of his own.”

  There was murmuring around the room. Warren spoke. “If they pull their alliance, we’ll need to find another group to take their place. It’s merely a power play. Levi doesn’t need them to keep the territory secure, but in times like this it would have been nice to call on the wolves to help keep track of Levi’s people.”

  “What other groups would we be able to ally with?” The wolves were the only known group I could think of that would be worth the alliance, but it felt like I had just asked a stupid question.

  Catalina smiled. “It doesn’t have to be this territory. We could ally with Lady Red.”

  I shook my head. “That woman hates me. If I’m the one that has to make the alliance, she’s going to say no.”

  “Don’t worry, we have choices, Princess,” Oscar cooed, almost as if I was a small child. I kept my smart-ass response to myself as he continued. “Right now, the wolf’s alliance still stands, on hold, but it’s still there until the pack leader says it’s over and officially dissolves it.”

  I nodded. “I will keep you posted as the situation develops.”

  “Now, the last matter for the night.” Catalina handed me a paper. “This is from the local PIB branch. Agent Torrid is on a case regarding an increase in blood-starved vampires. He is the one investigating the attack at the press conference and apparently a siting on someone’s private property.”

  “I was investigating a body on private property when we were attacked.” I opened the file and found the Petersons’ names right there as contacts. “These were the same people who’d seen the body on their trail cam.”

  “What else do you know about the vampires?”

  “We already know they work for Samuel, but that’s it. I haven’t looked far into it. I figured you guys would handle it.”

  Warren gave a short laugh. “You’re acting ruler for the territory and the vampires. It’s your problem now, Abigail.”

  Ah, fuck. “I’ll get together with Agent Torrid and see what we can discover.”

  Catalina nodded. “We’ll meet in a week to discuss updates, unless something huge comes in.”

  Everyone agreed, and everyone but Catalina and Zayne disappeared. Catalina looked at me. “Remember that you are more than just a title now. You have to take Levi’s place until he’s back.”

  “So what happens if Samuel has us both?” I asked, trying to keep my calm.

  “That’s another part of negotiations, Samuel doesn’t get you both,” Catalina said easily. “It’s not unhea
rd of for fledglings to go study under another vampire, just like a witch going to a mentor. We know Samuel is dangerous, and we know he hates witches, which means this is a situation we have to handle very carefully.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m ready to have Levi home and out of Samuel’s control.”

  “Me too, Abigail. I worry about him.”

  I paused for a moment and look at Catalina. “He’s more than a king to you, isn’t he?”

  Her face quickly went to a blank mask that I’d seen many vampires used to disguise their feelings, and I knew I’d hit something.

  Zayne cleared his throat. “Negotiations, remember?”

  “Okay, I want Levi and Mario back safely, without interference from their makers.”

  “Makers always have the right to call on their fledgling.” Catalina leaned back in her chair.

  I pressed my lips together. “Can we put a limit on it? I thought Levi did something like that with Hannah and Mario.”

  Catalina nodded. “You can, as Princess and acting ruler.”

  Neat. The question was, how much time would I need to make a plan and kill Samuel? “Are they still asking for me to study for three months?”

  She nodded. “Okay, then I want five months of no interference, one month before I go, and one month after.”

  “I think we might be able to agree with that, but they’ll ask for something in return.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure, whatever it is, I won’t like it. I can handle a lot, but I want to come back as a witch, and still functional in all aspects.”

  Zayne shifted besides me. “There’s a lot of room there for wording.” He pulled up a chair. “Their definition of functional may not be the same.”

  “And since you are not all witch, per your blood, they can use that too.”

  This was more complicated than I could have predicted. Fuck.

  “Okay, so how do we word this so that they don’t use it against us?”

  Catalina smiled. “I’ll work on the wording. You go talk to Agent Torrid and see if your two cases can connect. And if not, then you’re going to have to help him as leader.”

  I sighed. “I can’t work three jobs. I can hardly work two cases at a time, never mind negotiate me staying with a fucking vampire for three months, figure out why there are so many blood-starved vampires, solve a PIB crime, and figure out how not to fuck up an alliance.”

  Zayne crossed his arms. “It’s going to be a long couple weeks for you then, isn’t it?”

  “You are not being helpful,” I snapped.

  Catalina placed a hand on my knee, and I met her gaze. “Look, Abigail, no one expected you were going to have to step into place without guidance. I’m trying my best, but really Levi would be the best one to do this.”

  “And he’s not here. Not until I negotiate getting him and Mario back.”

  She nodded. “Exactly.”

  “Then that needs to be our priority.”

  “I’ll draw up the first draft for negotiations tonight.”

  “I’ll call Agent Torrid as soon as I’m home.” I stood up and looked at Zayne. “Let’s go. I need more coffee if this is going to be a long night.”

  Zayne stood. “I’ll be working on getting your basement ready for me to stay in during the days.”

  I had forgotten that was part of the plan. “Okay, try not to destroy anything.”

  Catalina gave us a wave right as we disappeared.

  We got back to the house, and I went straight to the coffee machine. Zayne watched me with a strange look on his face. “What?”

  “Mario told me you drank an abnormal amount of coffee, but I didn’t believe him.”

  “You talked to Mario about me?”

  “Well, you did date him after all.”

  Ah yes, the fake relationship. “Yeah, but you’re my guard. It’s not like you’re trying to court me.”

  “Yes, but if I’m going to be your guard, I need to know about your habits.” He shrugged. “Don’t worry, I didn’t ask him anything inappropriate.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not worried about it.” I fixed my coffee and then went back to the living room to call Agent Torrid.

  Zayne went down to the basement to see what he could figure out.

  “Agent Collins, to what do I owe this pleasure? I do hope you aren’t chasing rabbits again.”

  “No, actually I’m calling as Princess, and I have some questions about your current case.”

  He was quiet for a moment. “I handed that information in to the council. I didn’t expect them to send you.”

  I had a feeling that this was something I was going to face a lot. “I know, but since I’m also PIB, and your cam footage of the blood-starved vampires was provided by the same people who provided cam footage of a dead body, I’m hoping the cases are linked.”

  “Interesting, the Petersons said they had no other footage to share.”

  “And I’m willing to bet they said the same thing to Mason when he asked.”

  “Do you think they are related?”

  “No, my case seems to involve elementals and yours are vampires. However, those vampires on your footage are probably the ones that attacked me when I left that crime scene.”

  He hmmed for a moment. “Can you come down to the office tomorrow night to look at it?”

  “Yeah, that’s not a problem.”

  “I’ll see you then.” He disconnected the call, and I leaned back on the couch with my coffee.

  Zayne came back up. “Why are you so deep in thought?”

  “I thought you were checking out the basement.”

  “I did. I just need some steel shutters and we’ll be good. Looks like there were some installed before.”

  I made a hmm sound. I wouldn’t surprise if there had been. I didn’t explain my thought though. “My mind is back on negotiations.”

  “For your first time, you didn’t do bad. Levi sucks at negotiations too, which is why Catalina helps him and they pass it through the council, especially dealing with Samuel.”

  I snorted. “Hard to imagine Levi bad at something.”

  “He’s not perfect.” Zayne shrugged. “He’s a good king and a good leader, even though he’s easily distracted by protecting people he cares about.”

  Great, now I was a distraction. “One of the first lessons Levi taught me was that an enemy would use a loved one against me at any point. I’ve seen it time and time again with me and others. Each time, I step into that trap, because I’m human.” I ran my hand through my hair.

  “Vampires have emotions too,” Zayne reminded me. “We don’t lose our humanity as soon as we turn. Many of us don’t lose it at all. Everything Levi has done, he’s done for Elizabeth or you.”

  “Did you know my mother?”

  He shook his head. “Catalina did. She speaks highly of her.”

  “What do you think the chances of me surviving three months with Samuel are?”

  “Depends on how negotiations go.” He leaned forward. “And how much damage you can take as a witch.”

  I cringed, remembering the first time I saw Samuel on his own turf. He had a warlock pinned to the wall and simply stated that magic could keep someone alive long past the point of death.

  Bile rose in my throat at the memory.

  “Whatever you thought about, you just went really pale.”

  “My first official meeting with Samuel and a reminder of why I need to make sure my wording is clear with negotiations.” I rubbed my eyes. “Fuck.”

  Zayne stood. “I’m going to make a list of things I need for the basement. Do you think you can pick them up tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I have to go into town, anyway. Oh, I need to meet Torrid at PIB tomorrow night to look over that footage.”

  “Good, that’ll be a good start.”

  I took another sip of my coffee right before my phone rang. I let out a long sigh before picking up the phone.

  “Special Agent Collins speaking.”

/>   There was nothing on the other line for a moment.


  “I was told this line led to an Abigail, not PIB.”

  “Yeah, I’m Abigail, may I ask who’s calling?”

  “My name is Titan. You left a message for me at The Underground.”

  I nearly shot out of my seat. “Yes, I had some questions about a situation that’s popped up.”

  “Murders from what I understand. Can you meet me? I don’t trust PIB not to have their phone bugged.”

  I was going to argue, but I knew Oliver had mine bugged. “Tomorrow afternoon? I’ll be in town.”

  “Meet me at the club. Two-thirty.” He hung up, and I immediately texted Liz. ‘Got a lead, I’ll let you know if it works out.’

  I smiled as I grabbed my coffee off the table.

  Zayne shook his head. “Something as simple as that changes your mood instantly?”

  “I don’t like to dwell on things too long or I get stuck in my head.” I reached for the TV remote and flipped on some television. “Now, I’m going to sit here and enjoy my coffee and watch some television before bed. Tomorrow I’ll make progress on everything.”

  “And Catalina should have the first draft for you to read over for negotiations.”

  And just like that, my mood went back to worried, but I didn’t give Zayne the satisfaction of letting him know his words affected me. I sat there and focused on the tv screen.

  Falling asleep on the couch watching television wasn’t the same when Simon wasn’t there to take me to the bed in the middle of the night. I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and breakfast, and my heart was hopeful, thinking maybe Simon was recovered and back.

  Disappointment hit me, though. Simon was on pack lands where I wasn’t allowed right now. I found Merick in the kitchen instead. “Morning.”

  “Morning, I see you fell asleep watching television last night.”

  “Yeah.” I sat at the breakfast nook. “Why are you cooking breakfast?”

  “Because you’ve eaten leftovers the last two days, and you need to eat proper food. Since Simon won’t be staying here, you’re going to run out of food quickly again, because you’ll not find the time to go shopping.”

  I swallowed. “He’ll be back once he’s healed.” But even I heard the doubt in my voice. “Thank you.”


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