Trusting Again

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Trusting Again Page 24

by Lo'Ren A Mayler

  “So you really don’t like this?”


  “I don’t think that is an answer. Let me try again.”

  Nikki slid a wrist to each side of Mia. Replacing her fingers with her mouth.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Which is it? Yes or no? I’m getting confused.”

  “Woman if you stop again!”

  Mia tried to threaten, but the sensations made it hard to sound stern. Her voice rising in the middle of the sentence when Nikki picked up where she had left off.

  “You’ll what? Be careful, I might just not let you finish.”

  Mia bit her lip, “Please. Yes. Always yes.”

  Once her hands were released, Mia ran them through Nikki hair, holding on to make sure she didn’t stop again.

  Nikki gave Mia exactly what she had been asking for and so much more. Her heart.

  Nikki woke with Mia in her arms during the night. She wasn’t sure when it happened, but she no longer dreamed of the mysterious figure. She didn’t need to. She was already holding the woman of her dreams. Nikki looked at Mia sleeping so peacefully. She knew it would not be easy, but she was going to spend the rest of her life trying to convince Mia that it was okay to be happy. Remind her every day that she didn’t need to run. Everything she would ever need was right here, in Greenville.


  Nikki couldn’t wait to get home. Mia went to Philly and been gone the entire weekend. Nikki putted around the house, moping for two days. Life was never complete when Mia wasn’t home. She tried to be understanding and positive when they spoke on the phone. Really, she did understand why Mia had went, she was just being selfish. Mia had not left on good terms and was trying to make things right with her family. As much as Nikki wanted to go with her, there was Michael to consider and she was in the middle of softball season.

  Nikki was having another great season. Madison made a full recovery. With the experience from last year, Connie was more than prepared to take her spot next year. For now, Madison still led the team. Connie filled in as needed and would take over if there was large lead in a game. Even though her season was cut short last year, Madison had gotten multiple offers for athletic scholarships. She was going to pitch for North Carolina. With all the fighting she had done with Mia over the players’ grades, Nikki was proud to say that last year more athletes had went to college than in any year past. Thank goodness or Mia would never let her live it down.

  Michael was living with Nikki and doing much better in school. He had even started to smile again. Only a little at first. The longer he stayed with her, the more confident he became. His mother had supervised visits, with Nikki present. They had never seen or heard from the step-father. Thankfully. Michael would be graduating soon as well. Nikki was going to miss him being in the house. She kept trying to make it clear, he was expected to come home between semesters. The house was going to be very quiet again. Well not for long.

  Nikki walked in the door to see Michael sitting on the couch. It wasn’t unusual for him to sit with the tv off. She noticed that he almost never watched television. He preferred to read or study.

  “Hey Michael. How was your day?”

  “Good. Mia is out back, but I want to show you something first.”

  While she couldn’t wait to see Mia, Nikki acknowledged that Michael was excited about something and needed her attention in that moment.

  “Sure what is it?”

  Michael handed her a stack of papers off the coffee table.

  “What’s this?” She asked staring at the pile.

  “Read it!” Michael’s impatience only made her more curious. Nikki glanced at the first paper. It was a letter of acceptance from Rutgers.

  “Michael that’s wonderful.”

  She had assumed it was a welcome packet and tried to sit the papers back on the coffee table when Michael stopped her.

  “Keep reading.”

  Nikki flipped to the next page, Ohio State. Wait. She skimmed through, only reading the top of the page. The next two were Binghamton University and Penn State. There were about ten pages worth, including the local community college.

  “I got into every school I applied to,” Michael had a huge smile, clearly proud of his accomplishments. Nikki beamed with pride. He had worked his tail of this year. They all had.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Nikki said as she pulled him into a hug.

  “Since you didn’t read them yet, I’ll tell you the best part.”

  “That wasn’t the good news?”

  “Nope. Mia helped me put in for some scholarships. I know where I’m going to school. I got a full ride from my top choice.”

  “Where is that?” Nikki couldn’t believe it. She had been worried about how school would be paid for. That’s why she had encouraged him to apply to the community college, to save a few dollars. Most parents knew this was coming. They had years to plan and save. She wondered, based on his grades, how he got a full ride? Better not to worry about it. She knew Mia had worked her magic and helped to make it possible.

  “Penn State, just like you.”

  Nikki was honored that he wanted to go to her alma mater.

  Holding back tears, “We should celebrate. What do you want to do next weekend?”

  “Actually, I was hoping we could go visit the school. I want to get some more information and tour the campus.”

  “Of course. Did you tell Mia yet?”

  “No. I was waiting for you.”

  Michael took a step towards the door and stopped abruptly. He turned and hugged her again.

  “Thank you.”

  Then he went out the back door. Nikki followed him out onto the deck. Watching as Michael crossed the yard.

  Mia couldn’t contain her joy and wrapped Michael in a huge hug. Just as Nikki knew she would. Nikki loved watching them together. Michael moving in had been good for Mia. They both were in need of a little joy. Even though he was eighteen now, Nikki still thought of him as her own child. She got to be there for him when he was down, provide a roof over his head, and helped shape him into the wonderful young man he was today. Okay, that was probably Mia’s doing. She hoped he would visit often.

  Nikki started across the yard. Watching the two interact. Their joy was infectious. One’s emotions would feed off the other and their happiness grew. How did I get so lucky?

  “That’s amazing. They are so fortunate to be getting you. Did you tell Nikki?”

  “Yeah, she said we could go check out the campus this weekend.”

  The excitement in his voice made Nikki think of a kid going to Disney.

  “She did huh?”

  Mia grinned at Nikki as she approached.

  “We can go, can’t we?” He asked.

  “Of course we can.”

  “Awesome. I gotta plan where I want to go.”

  “Okay. You go look and we will talk about it after dinner.”

  Michael ran off towards the house.

  “Couldn’t give me a heads up?”

  Nikki held up her hands, “Hey I just found out when I came through the door.”

  Nikki kissed Mia. Holding her a little longer than necessary.

  “Ow,” Mia grabbed her stomach.”

  “Are you okay? Was that too tight? “

  “No, I’m fine. She is just kicking.”

  “Why don’t you sit down?” Worry creasing Nikki’s face.

  Mia sat under their tree holding her stomach.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  “She is very healthy. Stop worrying so much.”

  Nikki bend down and kissed Mia’s growing stomach. She didn’t really need to worry about the house being quiet when Michael left. They would have a new child in their life to fill the house with love.

  Michael said he always wanted a little sister. He was almost as excited as Nikki was.

  “I missed you. Next time I’ll go with you.”

  “Well, next time will be pretty soon if we ar
e going to Penn State next weekend.”

  “It’s not as far a drive but yes, I’ll be there.”

  Mia kissed Nikki, erasing the worry lines that marred her face. She was right, two days was too long to be apart. And soon she would need to worry about delivery. Seven hours was getting to be too long a drive. Her parents planned to come down after the baby was born. Mia looked down at the hand that soothed stomach. The kicking had subsided and Mia was able to relax. As wonderful and miraculous as it was to have this tiny human growing in her, Mia would be overjoyed to be able to hold her new baby girl.

  Mia didn’t think she would ever find this kind of joy. Never believed that it was even possible. Nikki had proposed last September. She told Mia she didn’t want to spend another moment not married to her. They had a small wedding in October. Just a few friends and family. They rented an archway and got married under the dogwood in Nikki’s yard at sunset. It was their spot and Mia wouldn’t have wanted to get married in any other place. Michael was Nikki’s Best Man. He had become a part of their family in the months following the incident at the school.

  As Shantel could not be there, Richard had filled in as Maid of Honor. It had been the cause of many jokes since then. As always, Richard had taken it in stride and accepted the honor. Mia knew if it wasn’t for Richard, she never would have found this family. She was forever in his debt.

  “Better? Do you need to go in?”

  “No, just sit with me a minute.”

  Nikki put her arm around Mia, holding her close. They sat under their favorite tree and watched the sunset. Mia couldn’t believe how much life had changed in just a year. She still mourned Shantel every year on the anniversary of her death, but the nightmares never returned. Nikki had shown her a different way to live. Using everything she had learned to help the people she loved. She realized that by withdrawing herself from the world, she was missing the details. She couldn’t see the problems forming, because she didn’t know the person. It was hard to notice a change in a stranger.

  Living with Michael had helped to heal her heart. She could see the effect love could have one a person. Nikki’s love was starting to heal the pain Michael had been put through. Michael’s love was what had convinced Mia that she wanted a family. That she wanted a child of her own. She was no longer scared of losing them or not being able to watch them grow. She knew there was so much she wanted to teach her daughter. Nikki suggested they name the baby Shantel. Mia vowed to give her daughter the life that she could never give to her student.

  No matter how hard her day was, she knew Nikki was always by her side. Supporting her in every way she could. Somehow Nikki had helped her remember what it was like to depend on someone, to laugh at life and live again. As they sat watching the colors fade from the sky, Mia realized she had finally found a way to trust again.

  About the Author

  Lo’Ren A Mayler resides in New Jersey. She was born in Illinois and raised mostly in NJ. In addition to writing, Lo’Ren enjoys pyrography, glass etching and painting. When she is not working her fulltime job as a 911 telecommunicator, Lo’Ren is also a volunteer firefighter and auxiliary police officer. In the little time she gets to be at home, Lo’Ren loves spending time with her wife, Ann, and her 2 dogs.

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