A Gypsy's Christmas Kiss

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A Gypsy's Christmas Kiss Page 10

by Dawn Brower

  A spark of hope swelled in Daphne's chest. Perhaps Lulia did possess a true talent. Maybe she really could tell Daphne's fortune. If so, wouldn’t she wish to hear it? Daphne fumbled with her glove, pulling her hand free of the satin confines.

  Lulia took Daphne’s hand in hers and began studying the lines. She trailed her fingertip across one, down another. Daphne tried to relax, but her heart beat fiercely as she watched. What if Lulia only told her what she wished to hear? What if she confirmed her fears? Either way, Daphne feared what would be said. She pulled her hand free. "This is a mistake. I don't want to know."

  “Nonsense.” Natalie shook her head. “You’re just afraid of what Lulia will find. Get your head out of the sand and take control of your life.”

  Daphne’s blood warmed, anger sweeping through her at Natalie’s harsh words. “You have no idea what you speak of. I beg you to keep your opinions to yourself.” Daphne snatched her glove from Natalie and tugged it back on.

  How unlike her to act is such a brash manner. She never raised her voice. Never grew so angry that she could not cancel the emotion.

  “Are you sure you do not wish to hear what I have to convey?” Lulia asked.

  Daphne hesitated, her mind swirling with uncertainty. Part of her desperately wished to hear what Lulia saw; the rest of her feared the outcome. Natalie had been correct; Daphne was a coward.

  “Of course she wants to know,” Natalie said.

  Lulia gave a gentle smile. “Daphne?”

  Daphne drew in a slow breath, exhaling it even slower. “Yes. Tell me.”

  You are not destined to be alone. Love may enter your life, true love. The deeply seeded kind that inspires poems and endures for all time." She recaptured Daphne's hand then peeled her glove off. “See this?” She trailed her fingertip over the line below Daphne's pinky.

  Daphne nodded, tears pricking her eyes once more. The hope welling within her was nearly too much for her to handle.

  “This is your love line. It’s straight and long indicating a deep and long love.”

  Natalie rested one hand on her hip, cocking it slightly as a smug grin spread over her face. “See, Daphne, I told you there was nothing to fear. You need only get out of your own way. Stop hiding in corners and welcome love to find you.”

  Daphne could not argue for she’d long been a wallflower. Her cousin understood her well and knew her even better. All the same, Daphne would never be comfortable in crowds the way that Natalie was. She simply wasn’t the outgoing social butterfly that her cousin was.

  Lulia gave a gentle squeeze to Daphne’s hand before releasing it. “I’m afraid your situation is not as simple as all that. Love will not just land in your lap.”

  Daphne pulled her lower lip in, nibbling on it. This entire conversation was lunacy. She should not be engaging in any of it. Mama would not approve, and the emotional toll on Daphne was quickly proving too much.

  “Your time is coming to an end. If you do not receive a kiss by Christmastide, you will continue through life unwed.”

  “Christmastide?” Daphne’s hands shook, her heart crumbling as any hope she’d had fled. “That is impossible. It’s but a fortnight away and I haven’t a single admirer. Worse, I will be leaving for the country on the marrow.”

  Natalie took her elbow and leaned closer. “Stop being so dramatic. It’s not at all like you to behave in such a way.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry, but you know I speak the truth.” Daphne would be spending the holiday at Natalie’s family home, Harington Gardens. Her uncle, the Duke of Sheridan insisted the entire family grace him with their presence, and her mama and papa had readily agreed.

  Not that Daphne minded, she enjoyed spending time at the sprawling estate as well as with Natalie, but finding a suitor would prove impossible. She couldn’t very well go around the village hoping for random strangers to kiss her and the estate would be full of her relations. It was hopeless.

  “You are giving up before you even begin.” Natalie wrapped an arm around Daphne pulling her close. “But all is not lost, you’ll see.”

  Lulia gave a sympathetic grin. “Trust in your future and make things happen. You’ll be glad you did.”

  Daphne nodded, portraying a confidence she most defiantly did not feel. She feared the only thing any of them would be seeing was her fast becoming an old maid. All the same, she would embrace the bit of hope Lulia had bestowed on her as well as Natalie’s encouragement and hope for something more.

  One fortnight, fourteen days…Soon she would know her future.

  About The Author

  USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance. There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.

  * * *

  Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.

  Also by Dawn Brower

  Broken Pearl

  Deadly Benevolence

  A Wallflower’s Christmas Kiss

  A Gypsy’s Christmas Kiss

  Snowflake Kisses

  * * *

  Begin Again

  There You’ll Be

  Better as a Memory

  Won’t Let Go

  * * *

  Enduring Legacy

  The Legacy’s Origin

  Charming Her Rogue

  * * *

  Scandal Meets Love

  Love Only Me (Amanda Mariel)

  Find Me Love (Dawn Brower)

  * * *

  Bluestockings Defying Rogues

  Earl of Harrington

  A Lady Hoyden’s Secret

  One Wicked Kiss

  Earl In Trouble

  All the Ladies Love Coventry

  * * *

  Marsden Descendants

  Rebellious Angel

  Tempting An American Princess

  * * *

  Marsden Romances

  A Flawed Jewel

  A Crystal Angel

  A Treasured Lily

  A Sanguine Gem

  A Hidden Ruby

  A Discarded Pearl

  * * *

  Novak Springs

  Cowgirl Fever

  Dirty Proof

  Unbridled Pursuit

  Sensual Games

  Christmas Temptation

  * * *

  Linked Across Time

  Saved by My Blackguard

  Searching for My Rogue

  Seduction of My Rake

  Surrendering to My Spy

  Spellbound by My Charmer

  Stolen by My Knave

  Separated from My Love

  Scheming with My Duke

  Secluded with My Hellion

  * * *

  Heart’s Intent

  One Heart to Give

  Unveiled Hearts

  Heart of the Moment

  Kiss My Heart Goodbye

  Heart in Waiting

  * * *

  Broken Curses

  The Enchanted Princess

  The Bespelled Knight

  The Magical Hunt

  * * *

  Ever Beloved

  Forever My Earl

  Always My Viscount

  Infinitely My Marquess




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