Undying Affinity

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Undying Affinity Page 11

by Sara Naveed

  Zarish didn’t look at her or say anything.

  ‘I want you to come. Don’t spoil your mood thinking about all this. It’s temporary.’

  ‘I’ll see,’ Zarish murmured.

  Saleha’s words echoed in Zarish’s mind. Perhaps her friend was right. She should look at things maturely. Falling in love with a teacher was not a good idea. Perhaps it was just an infatuation. Zarish tried not to think about him despite knowing that her feelings would not change for him in an instant. She remembered the last time she’d seen him in his office during the PTM. He knew she wanted to talk to him, but he hadn’t made any effort. Perhaps he was not interested. It was time for a change, for a break. It was time to know what he really felt.

  As soon as she reached home, she replied to Haroon’s messages. She asked him to pick her up from her house for the ball. She was going with him as his date.

  Ahmar and Wahab had been given the responsibility to manage the masquerade ball. The dean trusted Ahmar a lot. Hence, he had asked him to take over.

  Faris invited Ahmar to his office for a cup of coffee. ‘I’m glad to see you working hard,’ Faris said, smiling.

  ‘Thank you, Sir,’ Ahmar said.

  ‘I have a surprise for you, Ahmar.’

  Ahmar looked confused.

  ‘We have decided to send you to Canada to manage one of our institutions there. We will take care of your visa and tickets. Your accommodation will be paid for by the university.’

  This piece of news left him momentarily speechless.

  ‘We have planned everything. Me and your dad,’ Faris said, grinning.

  ‘But Dad didn’t say anything.’

  ‘Like I said, it was a surprise for you.’

  ‘Thank you, Sir,’ Ahmar said and smiled, shaking his head in disbelief.

  ‘Such an opportunity comes once in a lifetime. Don’t let it slip away,’ Faris said.

  One by one, the students reached the venue for the masquerade ball. Everyone had to follow the dress code, which was red and black.

  Zarish had asked Haroon to pick her up from her house. Haroon looked absolutely smashing in a black tuxedo. He reached Zarish’s house on time and messaged her to come down. His mouth dropped open when he saw her walking towards his car. She was dressed in a maroon silk gown, her arms draped in a shimmery black stole. She looked gorgeous with her hair open.

  ‘Hey,’ Zarish said as she sat in the car.

  ‘You look . . .’ Haroon started.

  ‘I know I look very pretty. My mom gave me the same compliment,’ Zarish smiled.

  ‘You should thank me, Zarish,’ Haroon said.

  ‘For what?’

  ‘For asking you to be my date. No one else would have asked you,’ he said, flashing his teeth.

  ‘Shut up!’ she frowned, hitting him hard on his shoulder.

  He could not control his laughter.

  Zarish knew they were quite late and most people were already at the venue. Haroon stepped out of the car and then opened the door for her like a true gentleman. Zarish felt quite amused by his gesture but she was more amazed when he held out his hand as soon as she stepped out. Zarish did exactly what he wanted and both of them walked towards the entrance hand in hand.

  The hall was beautifully decorated. The entire credit went to Ahmar and Wahab for making it a memorable night for the students.

  Maleeha entered the hall with Jamal. They looked stunning together. She looked gorgeous in a crimson chiffon saree, with her hair swept back into a low ponytail. The bright red lipstick looked sensational on her lips.

  Everyone turned around when Danish and Maha walked in together. It was totally unexpected. Zarish looked around to catch a glimpse of Ahmar, but could not find him.

  Saleha was very excited to see Zarish at the party.

  ‘I can’t believe you made it.’ Saleha hugged her. ‘You look lovely,’ she said and then looked at Haroon, ‘you look wonderful together.’

  ‘Thanks. You look beautiful in this dress,’ Zarish said and added, ‘after all it was my choice.’

  Saleha nodded and both of them hugged again.

  ‘I can see the girls are quite excited,’ Sherry joined them.

  ‘Dude,’ Haroon put his arm around Sherry’s shoulder, ‘and I can see that you and Saleha are together now. Amazing.’

  Sherry blushed.

  ‘Where are the rest of the people?’ Zarish asked Saleha, quickly changing the subject.

  ‘The one you’re looking for is standing right there,’ Saleha whispered in her ear, pointing at Ahmar.

  Zarish’s heart skipped a million beats as she turned around to look at him. He stood a few steps away with Wahab and Jamal. Could anyone be any more handsome? He was not dressed in a tuxedo like everyone else. He was instead wearing a sleek black suit, which looked very elegant on him. His neatly combed hair made him look smouldering hot, and Zarish’s vulnerable heart melted.

  ‘He looks so handsome tonight. Doesn’t he?’ Saleha asked her.

  ‘He does,’ Zarish murmured.

  Jamal’s voice echoed through the hall, breaking her reverie. Everyone stopped talking and looked in his direction. He was standing on the stage with a mic in his hand.

  ‘Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the Masquerade Ball 2013!’ Jamal screamed. The crowd cheered his enthusiasm.

  Zarish and Saleha clapped gleefully as did the rest of the students. In the midst of the crowd, Ahmar caught a glimpse of Zarish. He wanted to keep looking at her, but the crowd wouldn’t let him. Every now and then, someone stepped in between, disrupting his view.

  ‘I don’t want to bore you with a speech. I’m here to make a little announcement actually,’ he said, smiling sheepishly.

  Faris Ahmed and Hussain Muraad walked in right then and stood in a corner.

  Maleeha was standing next to Ahmar, looking confused.

  ‘What is he going to say?’ Maleeha asked Ahmar.

  ‘Perhaps he wants to add more fun to the evening,’ Ahmar said with a wink to which Maleeha shrugged.

  ‘I’ve completed five years in this university . . .’ Jamal paused, ‘it’s a long time, huh?’

  The crowd immediately cheered him on. Maleeha still looked confused.

  ‘Why can’t we just dance instead?’ Haroon whispered in Zarish’s ear. She shrugged in response.

  ‘I have accomplished this because of one person,’ Jamal continued, pointing in Maleeha’s direction.

  Maleeha’s face turned red and she turned around to hide her embarrassment. Ahmar patted her on the shoulder, understanding her plight.

  ‘Maleeha, please join me on the stage,’ Jamal said.

  Maleeha could not believe this was happening. She seemed hesitant; her face turning scarlet. Ahmar gave her a little push towards the stage.

  ‘Please, Maleeha, I’m waiting for you,’ Jamal said lovingly.

  Maleeha finally gathered her courage and walked towards him. Jamal held her hand and made her stand next to him. The students cheered ecstatically.

  ‘This will be discussed for years,’ Wahab said as he came and stood next to Ahmar.

  Ahmar nodded, his eyes gleaming. Suddenly the crowd parted and he saw Zarish standing in the middle of the hall. He looked at her intently but she seemed impervious to his presence.

  Right then, Jamal, in front of the entire university, went down on one knee and proposed to Maleeha. The little love story unfolding on the stage distracted Ahmar and he again lost sight of Zarish.

  ‘Miss Maleeha, would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?’ he asked.

  Maleeha’s eyes became watery. She did not know how to respond. Instead of just nodding or saying yes, she started laughing.

  ‘Please?’ Jamal asked again.

  ‘Yes, yes, yes. Now stop this drama,’ Maleeha said.

  The students whistled and applauded the beautiful couple.

  Ahmar clapped absent-mindedly, his eyes searching for Zarish.

  The dance floor was n
ow open. The DJ spun a dance number, Right Now by Akon, and couples rushed to the floor to show off their moves. Zarish realized that she actually liked this song.

  Taking full advantage of the fact that Zarish was standing alone in a corner, Ahmar walked up to her.

  ‘I hope you’re enjoying the evening, Miss Zarish.’

  His urgent voice startled her.

  ‘Oh,’ she said sarcastically, ‘like you care.’

  Ahmar smiled at her response and folded his arms.

  ‘What made you think that I don’t?’ He seemed amused.

  She stared at him with an unfathomable expression for a few seconds and then looked away.

  ‘I’ve noticed that you’ve been acting quite weird tonight,’ he added, ‘you didn’t even come to meet me.’

  ‘No, I am not acting weird,’ she said curtly.

  He narrowed his brows in confusion.

  Soft, soothing music played in the background.

  ‘Or maybe I am,’ she added. ‘I’ve learnt this from you. Unfortunately, your negative side is really influencing my behaviour.’

  ‘I would never want any of my students to get affected by my behaviour. It will ultimately hurt me the most.’ Ahmar’s lips twitched.

  ‘And what about the countless times you’ve hurt me?’ she asked.

  ‘What are you implying?’

  ‘You have always called me your student. You’ve never distinguished me from the others,’ she complained. ‘Then why do you even expect me to come and greet you?’ She looked away in fury.

  He stared at her in silence.

  ‘I wanted to talk to you the other day, but you ignored me. Fine, I understand you were busy but what about later? There was no response from your end. I kept waiting, but you didn’t bother!’

  Ahmar remained silent and lowered his gaze.

  ‘I have finally realized that I hold no importance in your life. I was, I am and I will be just an ordinary student for you and nothing else,’ she said, adding, ‘even if I got a wrong signal from you, I would consider it my fault, not yours.’ She paused, almost in tears.

  Ahmar shifted his gaze towards her and looked at her intently.

  ‘It was entirely my mistake. I’m sorry,’ he said.

  Ahmar wanted to hold her face in his hands and make her feel better. He wanted to console her by taking her in his arms, but he could not. He clenched his fists.

  ‘I’m glad you’ve still not understood me. And you are never going to,’ he said finally.

  She looked at him questioningly and then sniffed. He stared at her for a while. Before he turned to walk away, she held his arm.

  ‘Hey, wait. What do you mean?’ She sniffed again. He glanced at her.

  ‘Don’t you ever cry again, Miss Zarish,’ he said in a firm voice. ‘I would rather die than see you in tears.’

  Zarish stared at him in disbelief, her fingers still gripping his arm. He placed his hand over hers and squeezed it lightly. She gave him a weak smile. He smiled back.

  ‘Come, let’s dance, Zarish,’ Haroon said.

  ‘Uh,’ Zarish hesitated, still thinking about Ahmar.

  ‘What?’ Haroon asked.

  She didn’t reply and he couldn’t read her expression. Maha and Danish walked to the dance floor and the other couples followed. Ahmar stood near the bar counter and ordered a mocktail for himself. Wahab joined him, and both of them started talking. Zarish watched Ahmar’s every move. He also kept staring at her. He noticed that she seemed hesitant to put her hand on Haroon’s shoulder. When their eyes met, he signalled her to go ahead. She dithered, but then placed her hand on his shoulder. Haroon drew her closer and looked into her eyes. Zarish did not notice the emotion burning in his eyes as her attention was somewhere else.

  Ahmar flinched after observing their closeness, but he controlled himself. He had to. He could not bare his soul in front of everyone. He swigged his drink.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Wahab asked in a concerned voice.

  Ahmar nodded and then ordered another one.

  ‘Would you like to have one?’ he asked Wahab.

  ‘No, thanks. I am fine. But . . . you don’t seem okay,’ Wahab said.

  ‘I’m fine, mate. Don’t worry.’ He smiled at him and then looked at Zarish.

  Haroon had wrapped one arm around her waist and held her hand in the other. Their bodies swayed with the slow rhythm of the song. But her eyes told a different story. She did not look into Haroon’s eyes even once, and kept staring at Ahmar. Whenever Haroon pulled her closer, Ahmar felt a pang of jealousy.

  The dance floor was filled with couples. Jamal and Maleeha seemed lost in each other. But Ahmar’s eyes were locked on Zarish. He did not look away even once. His unusual and intimidating stare made her uncomfortable.

  Suddenly, the music changed to a faster number. Haroon pulled her towards him and twirled her repeatedly. Zarish stared at him in surprise and breathed heavily. The room started spinning and she felt dizzy. He dropped her hand abruptly, and she lost her balance.

  Ahmar rushed in her direction to prevent her from falling. He put his hand around her waist and pulled her, breaking her fall. Zarish opened her eyes slowly and saw him standing in front of her.

  ‘Ahmar . . .’ she whispered.

  ‘Shh . . . just dance with me,’ he whispered and drew her body closer, making her blush.

  They were so lost in each other that they forgot the rest of the world.

  He held her chin and lifted her face. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long time.

  Ahmar broke the gaze and pulled her by her waist. He brought his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching. He spun her again and dipped her, his hands wrapped tightly around her torso. They remained in that position for a few seconds, lost in the moment. He brought his face closer to hers and pressed his lips against her warm neck. His touch aroused her and she moaned.

  He turned her around and held her from behind, his face in her hair. It smelt of fresh raspberries. She moved away, her eyes burning with passion. He held her face in his hands, tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ear and circled his thumb around her earlobe. Her body quivered and she tightly held his arm. He kissed her earlobe softly. Aroused, she put her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. He could not fight the urge and hugged her tightly. She ran her fingers through his hair.

  Ahmar pulled himself back and gave her an intense look. Zarish traced her finger on his face and stopped when she reached his lips. He drew her closer again and pressed his body against hers. Their hearts thudded together; their heartbeats entwined.

  Before he could reach out and kiss her lips, he heard someone calling his name.


  The magic was lost. Ahmar opened his eyes and looked around.

  ‘Ahmar, where are you lost? I’ve called your name so many times,’ Maleeha whined with her hands on her hips. He looked at her with a dazed expression. It had felt so real that he found it hard to believe that he was only dreaming.

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’ Maleeha interrupted his thoughts.

  ‘He’s been drinking too much,’ Wahab said.

  ‘Beer?’ Maleeha asked, raising a brow.

  ‘No, it’s only a mocktail,’ Ahmar clarified.

  ‘Whatever it is, I don’t think you’re okay.’

  ‘No, I’m fine. Just a little dizzy,’ Ahmar muttered.

  ‘Do you want to go home?’ Maleeha placed her hand on his shoulder.

  ‘Yeah, maybe I should,’ he replied and then glanced at Zarish.

  She was standing with Haroon and her other friends about ten feet away. Her brows were narrowed and she looked upset about something. She glanced at Ahmar with a glum expression on her face.

  Ahmar didn’t know why she was upset. He smiled at her affectionately to make her feel better. His eyes spoke to hers and just like that he professed his love, without saying a single word.

  She knew Ahmar Muraad had fallen in love with her. To hide the inc
redulity in her eyes, she looked away. She excused herself and walked towards the exit. He wanted to run after her, but then he thought it would be inappropriate. It was better to leave her alone.

  ‘Does Ahmar Muraad love me?’ she asked herself as she exited the hall.

  Later that night, Zarish lay in bed thinking about the evening; how Ahmar had looked at her, his burning desire evident in his eyes; his smile that made her heart melt. The ringtone of her cell phone brought her back to reality. The screen flashed an unknown number.

  ‘Who could it be at this time?’ she wondered.

  ‘Hello?’ a familiar voice asked.

  ‘Damn . . . it’s Ahmar! Why is he calling me? Where did he get my number from?’ she thought, panicking a little.

  She took a long, deep breath before answering.


  There was a long pause. She could hear him breathing heavily.

  ‘Why did he call me if he didn’t want to talk? Maybe he dialled my number by mistake,’ she wondered.

  She remained silent too, waiting for him to say something but he didn’t. Finally, she gathered her courage and initiated a conversation.

  ‘Ahmar? Is that you?’ she asked him.

  ‘Yes,’ he whispered.

  ‘Where did you get my number from?’ she inquired, sitting up on her bed.

  ‘That’s the silliest question to ask,’ he said, sounding amused.

  ‘Okay . . .’ she paused. ‘Why did you call me then?’

  Ahmar hesitated.

  ‘I saw you leave in a hurry. You looked unhappy. So, I just wanted to know if you were doing okay,’ he said.

  ‘Oh. Since when do you care?’

  She heard him chuckle.

  ‘Since now,’ he murmured in a sexy voice.

  ‘And what made you change your perspective?’

  ‘What do you mean? I have always been a nice guy. I care for the ones I . . .’ he stopped midway.

  ‘For the ones you . . . what?’ she asked.

  ‘Nothing,’ he said.

  ‘You were about to say something, weren’t you?’

  ‘Say it, please!’ she pleaded in her head.

  ‘Not really,’ he said.

  ‘Are you sure?’


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