Escaping Memories

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Escaping Memories Page 19

by Amanda Siegrist

  Danny ignored Deke, who put his hand out to stop him from moving, and stepped into Logan's face. "Yes, I know who she is. She's my sister and I want to see her right now."

  Chapter 14

  A heavy silence swallowed the room as Logan and Danny stood toe-to-toe, Danny's words hanging in the air. Logan's throat clogged, so many harrowing emotions overwhelming him in all directions. He felt like the world just shifted and the ground would consume him in one fell swoop. An announcement that should sound happy and joyous, yet felt like nails to his heart. He had a sense of dread that she would suddenly slip from his life without a backward glance. Her brother found her.

  "Well, I didn't see that one coming. Makes more sense now," Seth finally said, breaking the silence.

  Danny made no effort to move. "What makes sense?"

  "Your attitude. I get it. She's your sister. But you can't just waltz in and say, "Hi sis, long time no see." You just can't," Seth said, eyeing his brother for any telltale sign that he needed him to step in and push Danny away.

  Danny took a step back from Logan and turned towards Seth. "And why the hell not? She's been missing three months! Three long, agonizing months. She needs me."

  "Wrong. She needs my brother. And you'll see that soon enough. She doesn't remember you. She doesn't remember her own name. Demanding to see her and thinking she's going to run into your arms with happy longing is just asking for disappointment. Think about it. What is her name, by the way?" Seth asked, suddenly dying to know.

  "Look here—"

  "It's Aubrey. And I think we all need to just have a seat and talk about this. Let's all calm down," Deke said, interrupting Danny before he inserted his foot into his mouth more than he already had.

  "Aubrey. I like it. It's a beautiful name. It fits her. Don't you think, Logan?" Seth asked, looking at him, wondering if he was alright considering he hadn't said a word since the dam burst from Danny's mouth.

  Logan finally moved his eyes from Aubrey's brother to Seth, unsure of where to go from here. He couldn't get a handle of the turbulence swarming his mind, but he knew he needed to snap out of it and just go with the flow at the moment. "It is a beautiful name. And my brother makes a very good point. Just dumping her with this information would not be good. I agree with you, Agent Sumnter, we should all have a seat and talk this through."

  "Good. Let's do that." Deke took a chair near the desk, dragging it back a bit and gestured for Danny to take a seat. "Come on, Danny."

  Danny's response was to scowl at his longtime friend and partner for taking the enemy's side. He needed to see his sister. Not sit and chat.

  "Well, I'm going to go. I have something I need to do. I'll stop by later at the house, Logan," Seth said, heading for the door.

  "Where are you going?" Logan asked, a strange suspicion hitting his senses.

  "Not run to Doni…Aubrey, if that's what you're thinking. Just something I gotta do."

  "I'd feel better just knowing, if you don't mind," Logan said, unable to let it go.

  "Will you be honest with me?"

  "Of course. When do I ever hold back?" Logan asked.

  "When you talked about Evan last night, Kat got a feeling you weren't saying something. Is there something I should know? Was he involved?" Seth asked as he took a step back, almost as if he felt the blow from Logan's soon-to-come answer.

  "This is all fine and dandy, this little family issue you have going on, but I don't have time for some backwoods family drama. I want to see my sister," Danny said, his irritation spilling out in every pore.

  Logan ignored him as he gave Seth a level on stare. "I have no idea if he's involved. But I had a small feeling he was lying to me. That's it. Nothing but my gut talking to me a bit."

  "Okay, well, I'm off to have a talk with Evan. If he's hiding something, I'll let you know. He might be my best friend, but if he had even a small part in hurting Doni, he'll be the sorriest man alive," Seth said, turning to leave.

  "Don't do anything stupid, Seth. Let me do my job," Logan said, wanting to stop him from leaving his office, knowing his brother wouldn't listen to a word he said.

  "Don't worry, I know you're the sheriff and would arrest me if I did do something stupid." Seth grinned as he grabbed the door handle. "But you're also my brother, so you'll bail me out just as quick." With those parting words, he shut the door.

  "Doni? Evan? Does any of that involve Aubrey?" Deke asked, taking the seat he offered Danny.

  "Yes. I think it's time for that chat." Logan walked back to his chair, sitting down with anxious energy, and gestured to the other vacant chair in his office. "Please have a seat. I really don't want to continue down the path of hostility with you, Agent O'Rourke. I know she's your sister. I know you want to see her. But just hear me out first. She's not just a person who stumbled into my cabin, injured, scared, and confused as hell. She means something to me. I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking for her sake."

  Something in his voice touched Danny in a way that he couldn't describe. And he was suddenly curious as hell how much his sister meant to the sheriff. Just what did he mean by that? Danny yanked the chair, sitting down more violently than he anticipated. His back hit the seat, causing a sharp pain to shoot throughout his back. He tried to hide his grimace from the pain, hoping the sheriff and Deke took it as his continued annoyance. But oddly enough, that pain had him rethinking his actions from the start of the day. When did he become such an asshole? Then he realized, the day Aubrey had been kidnapped.

  "I'm ready to talk, Sheriff."


  "What's got you in such a flurry? Logan will be home soon. You know he will get home before dark," Kat said, watching as Doni scuttled about in the kitchen. Who knew suggesting to make cookies when she was upset yesterday would start a pattern. She knew something was bothering Doni the moment she stated she had to make a cake. For Logan, of course.

  Doni stopped measuring the flour, glancing towards the bay window to see the sun still shining. She hadn't even considered what time it was. Her focus had centered on making this cake and how to bring up what she wanted to say to Logan. She knew he would resist. She knew she had her work cut out to convince him.

  "I know. I just thought a cake would be nice, that's all."

  Doni went back to her task, measuring out flour, sugar, cracking eggs, and anything else the recipe she found online required of her. She had just pulled out the blender when the front door opened. Logan walked in, followed quickly by two other men she had never seen before. She stood frozen for a moment as she took a good long look at both men, a bizarre sensation flooding her senses until Logan snapped her out of it with his mellow voice.

  "Hey, what are you making?"

  She dropped the blender on the counter and met him halfway, melting into his arms that opened immediately for her. "A cake…for you. Who's with you?"

  Logan breathed in her heavenly scent, already salivating for the delicious cake he knew she would create. "Some people I want you to meet. And you made cookies last night, not sure I deserve cake today as well."

  "Of course you do." She kissed him briefly on the lips.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the living room where Deke and Danny stood waiting. Kat stood up from the couch eyeing the two men, especially the one with the light brown hair and the sad look adorning his face.

  "Umm…so I took your advice from yesterday, Kat, and I called in some help. This is Agent Deke Sumnter and Agent Danny O'Rourke from the FBI," Logan said, trying to emphasize Danny's name as best as he could without being obvious. After their long talk, they had decided not to jump Doni with a sudden blow of information and ease her into it. They were hoping, more so Danny, that just seeing him would jumpstart her memories. He informed Logan that she always called him Danny.

  "This is—"

  "I didn't mean for you to do that. I meant us…me, Doni, Seth, you know, that sort of help. You don't need a bunch of stuffy Feds running the show around here," Kat exclaimed,
interrupting Logan as he was about to introduce her and Doni.

  "Why is everyone in this town against the Feds except the sheriff himself?" Deke asked with open curiosity. Normally he didn't get offended when people bristled at the FBI stepping in. But damn if it didn't rub him the wrong way every time someone in this town made an open remark about them waltzing into town as if they had no right to whatsoever.

  Doni took her time again to gaze at the two men, a funny feeling sitting in the pit of her stomach. Logan's voice rumbled softly next to her. "Could at least one person today be nice about this fact? Why do you sound so pissed, Kat?"

  "You're the sheriff. You don't need them," Kat said, enunciating each word carefully.

  "While I appreciate everyone's utmost confidence in me, I found it prudent enough to call them," Logan replied, feeling Doni squeeze his hand.

  "I'm not sure how I feel about it either," Doni said quietly.

  Logan lifted her hand, pulling her closer to him. "Trust me, it's the best thing I ever did. Believe me when I say that. I did it for you."

  "I trust you, Logan." Doni smiled, gathering another hug from him.

  Kat rounded the coffee table and shook her finger at Deke and Danny. "My brother's the sheriff. You will not shove your little badge in his face and just take over. Do you hear me?"

  "Do you have a name to go with that feisty attitude?" Deke asked with a wily smirk.

  "Bitch…if you don't adhere to what I just said," she retorted.

  To everyone's surprise, Danny busted out laughing. "Thank you."

  Kat lifted an eyebrow and raised a hand to her hip. "Are you laughing at me?"

  "No. I'm just laughing because I thought it was funny as hell. And I thank you…because I haven't laughed like that in a long time," Danny said, wiping the smile from his face as he peeked another glance at his sister. He saw her frequent glances towards them, but so far had yet to react as if she knew them. It dampened his spirits more than he wanted to admit. This feisty woman, as Deke called her, had managed to lift him briefly, and he truly was thankful for that.

  "Kat, step back," Logan said, signaling with his hand to her. "That's my sister, Kat. She can be quite vocal, just like everyone else you've come across today. And this…this is Doni, as she likes to be called." Logan smiled briefly at her before looking back at them. Kat, to his relief, had moved a few paces away.

  "Hi. You can call me Danny," he said, hoping for the recognition to hit her.

  She dashed that hope swiftly. "Nice to meet you, Danny. Are you sure I should call you that…being a federal agent and all?"

  "I want you to. It's fine. You can call this guy Deke, or Decker, as some of his friends like to call him," he offered, hoping again to push a memory out of her.

  The only response he received from her was a small smile. Deke clapped him on the back for reassurance as he said, "So, what are you making? I didn't hear, but if it's something sweet, I am a fan."

  "A cake. Chocolate cake. I should finish that," she said, yet her feet made no effort to move.

  "Special occasion, hankering for it, just trying it out?" Deke asked.

  "What's it to you?" Kat threw in.

  "Are you going to be like that all night? Do I need to arm myself with a bulletproof vest?" Deke asked with mock sincerity as he placed a hand on his chest.

  "Maybe. I haven't decided," she shot back.

  "Kat…" Doni waited for her to glance her way. "Minnesota nice, isn't that the saying? I'm sure these gentlemen…where are you from?" Doni looked at them.

  "Florida, Tampa to be exact. Although, I was born in Maryland, spent some time in Virginia at the FBI Academy and then got sent to Tampa. Deke here, was born in California, then Virginia for the Academy, and off to Tampa, just like me. If you were wondering about it all," Danny said, shooting any information to nudge even a small memory. Why couldn't she remember him? Was it because he failed in protecting her? Or failed in finding her and bringing her back home right away? Three long months, a lifetime, if anyone ever dared to ask.

  "Florida?" Doni asked, the wheels turning in her mind as the funny feeling started to jump around again.

  "Yeah. Have you ever been there?" Danny asked, the hope filling his eyes. He just wanted to wrap her up in a hug and cry with happiness that his sister was safe.

  "I don't know," Doni quickly replied.

  "The cake, honey, I'm dying to try some," Logan said, deciding to give Doni a few moments to take everything in.

  "Right, the cake." She turned to leave when she stopped. "I suppose you're going to want to talk to me…about what happened. I mean, that's why you're here."

  "Yeah, but no rush. Cake does sound good. We can always talk later, or tomorrow is fine as well. We did just go through a whole day of flying and driving," Deke said with a friendly laugh. Leaning close to Danny, for his ears only, he said, "Try a smile. It might help."

  This was her chance. She thought maybe she'd have better luck convincing Logan of her plan if the FBI agreed. "Well, I suppose you'll want to see what Logan and his deputies found yesterday…you know, where I was…you know, held." She blew out a small breath, knowing that didn't come out as confident as she wanted it to.

  "Yes." That's all Danny could manage. He now understood the sheriff's hesitancy of springing the news on her. How could he smile like Deke suggested when she sounded so lost, so scared?

  "Good. I can't wait to see it myself," Doni said, and walked away to the kitchen.

  Logan frowned as her words penetrated his mind. "Uh, what did you just say?"

  She grabbed the blender and turned it on. "I said I can't wait to see it myself. These silly memories just won't come on their own. I decided a nice little push might help."

  "And when did you decide this?" Logan asked. He shook his head and walked towards her. "Never mind. It doesn't matter. You are going nowhere near that place. Nowhere near it."

  "It's a good idea. I'm sure the lovely agents agree, right?" she asked, glancing at them with a small smile while she continued to beat the batter.

  "Umm…" Deke managed to say.

  "I think going alone with the sheriff the first time would be better. If you don't mind, Au…Doni," Danny said, catching Kat's confused look at his close slip up.

  "I do mind. I want to go." She shut off the blender and grabbed a spatula. She started to pour the batter in a pan she already pulled out of the cupboard from earlier and scraped the bowl until every last drop of batter fell into the cake pan.

  "Forget it, honey. It's not happening. Not now, not tomorrow, not after one time with the agents alone, never," Logan said, stepping closer to her as she opened the oven and put the cake in.

  She shut the oven door and put her hands on her hips as she looked at Logan. She tried to force her hands not to shake. She tried to put a confident expression on her face. She tried to be brave and strong. Except when she spoke, it sounded slightly weak. "I'm going."

  Logan didn't tell her brother the extent of his feelings for his sister, and he didn't want him to know just yet. Although, she did kiss him when he first walked in, so that should've been a small clue to her brother. But hearing her speak about visiting that horrible place was just too much for him. He grabbed her face with a tender caress. "It's not happening. I'm not going to argue. It will never happen. Your memories will come. Just give it time."

  She refused to be swayed. She shoved his hands away and circled around him. "That's not fair. I want to help. What's it going to do for them to see it? You've combed the area and found nothing. Unless a suspect pops up, even with the FBI here, you will gain nothing. But my memories, they could give you everything. Don't you see, Logan? Why are you being so stubborn?"

  "One of my many wonderful traits I possess. I never had a need to be stubborn with you, until now," Logan said, almost wanting to stomp his foot down like a toddler in a tantrum.

  "Well, lucky for you, I just realized I possess that same wonderful trait," she said, posing with her hands on her hips t
o emphasize her determination. A stance she saw Kat display often when her brothers tended to annoy her.

  "I'm not having this discussion anymore. I don't give a damn what they say," Logan said, pointing at Deke and Danny. "They say sure, it's still no. You're not going."

  "They have more say. They're federal and you're not," Doni exclaimed.

  Kat sucked in a harsh breath as Logan looked at Doni as if she slapped him. He attempted to keep in his temper, knowing how fragile and scared she was. She was just masking it right now. "Federal or not, it's never happening. I refuse to see you break down, and who knows what sort of reaction you'll have. I'm not taking that chance. A simple memory of a guy named Brent, your boyfriend, sent you hiding in the bathroom and hurting yourself. I can't see that again. I won't."

  Logan saw the affect his words had on her, but he needed air. He didn't wait for a response as he turned around and stepped outside, shutting the door with quiet ease when he really wanted to slam it with vigor.

  "You're boyfriend's name isn't Brent, it's Richard. You dated Brent in…" Deke stopped talking when he realized what he just said. Danny looked at him as if he lost his mind.

  "How do you know that? Do you know me? Do you know who I am?" Doni exclaimed with a bit of hysteria.


  Kat scooped in the coffee grounds, flipping the switch on the machine, and pulled open the cupboard above the coffeepot to grab three coffee mugs.

  "Kind of late for coffee, don't you think?" Deke asked, amused, sitting next to Danny at the kitchen table as they watched her get the coffee together. Danny wasn't paying attention to anything around him. He just followed Deke into the kitchen when he nudged him in the shoulder. His mind could only picture Aubrey's stunned face, then the panic settle in as she rushed from the room.

  Kat glanced at him with one brow raised. She picked up a cup, waggling it with mockery, and opened the cupboard to put the cup away.

  Before she could close the door, he corrected himself. "Whoa, whoa, I didn't say I didn’t want one. I just said it's kind of late."


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