Escaping Memories

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Escaping Memories Page 22

by Amanda Siegrist

  He chose to ignore Danny's comment without a comeback of any kind. It wouldn't matter what came out of his mouth anyway. Apparently, no one else found it necessary to comment either.

  "I say we focus on this rapist case from six months ago you had. Just his picture is creepy. It's a really good sketch the artist managed to capture from the victim," Derek said, holding up the sketch as a shudder rippled through him. Black and gray pencil etched across the paper, a scraggly beard with beady eyes and a long scar dragging from his left eye to the corner of his lip.

  Logan swallowed hard before he answered. "She wasn't raped."

  Deke and Danny quickly looked at him, his tone speaking volumes in the room. Derek also glanced at him and nodded. "I know that, Logan. But this victim…she says he held her for three weeks before he even touched her…you know, touched her. Beat her a few times, too. It sort of matches what happened to Don…Aubrey, besides the rape part, of course. That's all I'm saying."

  "Why the difference in time then? He held out only three weeks on this victim before raping her. Why would he wait three months with Aubrey?" Deke asked, throwing the idea around the room.

  "Are we sure she wasn’t?" Danny mumbled.

  "I'm positive." Logan didn't look at him, just took another sip of coffee as his mind traveled back to the night he found her.

  "Did you have a rape kit done?" Danny asked.

  "No. But—"

  "Then how in the hell do you know my sister wasn’t raped? What kind of damn sheriff are you?" Danny said as he banged his hand on the table, shaking some papers near the edge.

  "I'm the kind that had to calm a frantic, scared woman who freaked anytime I mentioned calling a doctor. She…the look in her eyes, the terror…I can't describe it. She wouldn't listen to me, she wouldn't cooperate. To calm her down I told her it was fine, she didn't have to go, use my bathroom to clean up. She couldn't even manage that. I had…" Logan blew out a breath as the urge to turn around and walk away consumed him. "I had to help her myself. I saw every inch of her bruised and beaten body and she wasn't raped. It was dumb, I know. Evidence probably washed down the drain, but that wasn't my concern at the time. My only concern was to calm her down. I know you despise me, Agent O'Rourke. Why don't you get it out of your system and just hit me already?"

  Danny's anger flowed like a raging river, his heavy breaths like rough currents. "I told Aubrey I'd be nicer to you."

  Logan released a strangled laugh. "Yeah, you've been doing a wonderful job of that. I get it. Appealing to her senses so she graciously walks out of my house with you without a backward glance. Don't worry, Aubrey, I like the sheriff, you can see him again. Is that the kind of bullshit you've been feeding her? Once you have her tucked away in your domain, I'll never see her again, will I?"

  "If I have my way, yes," Danny replied matter-of-factly. "Especially since you touched my sister the way you did. She could've been raped. She should have seen a doctor!"

  "She's terrified of doctors! The mere word doctor puts her in a panic," Logan shouted.

  "Bullshit!" Danny slammed his hand on the table. "She's never been terrified of doctors. Hell, she's dating a damn doctor, Richard, or did you forget she has a boyfriend, Sheriff?"

  "No, that can't be right. Logan's right. She freaks when she hears the word doctor. You have to be extra careful around her not to mention it. Kat's even been trying to get her to the clinic, see if she can get over that fear, or see why she's scared. She can't even entertain the notion of going to the clinic. I can't imagine she'd date a doctor," Derek said, glancing between the two. Both men stood, breathing heavily, fists clenched, just waiting for the first sign the fight would begin.

  "That doesn't make sense. Danny's right as well. Richard is a doctor. They've been dating for five months, that doesn't include the three months she was gone," Deke said.

  "And you sure he had nothing to do with her abduction?" Logan asked.

  "Oh, now you're questioning my credibility at my job?" Danny asked, disgusted. The anger swirled around the room, making the air thicker than a foggy night on a deserted road. The dam holding them apart teetered on the edge of bursting. Just one more word to push them over.

  "No, just confirming because otherwise I can't fathom why she would date a doctor, and yet, be so terrified it puts her in a panic that I hate witnessing. I don't want to fight with you, Agent O'Rourke. I really don't. I just want what's best for Aubrey."

  "We cleared him. He had a solid alibi that night. He was at a dinner meeting with the board of directors from the hospital. He hasn't left the state since her abduction. I don't see how it could possibly be him," Deke replied. He kept trying to get Danny's attention to dispel the tension in the room. He knew Danny mentioned to Aubrey about coming home with them. He wasn't doing a great job at keeping his word to her. But he also didn't think the sheriff would tell Aubrey how her brother was acting without her around. In that moment, he decided Danny was an idiot. She found a perfect man with the sheriff. That was plain to see, especially when you looked at the man's tortured face when he spoke about her.

  "I don't like it," Logan said, running a tired hand over his face. "Do you have a picture of him?"

  Logan didn't want to know what he looked like. He didn't even want to think about another man dating Aubrey before him. But he had this sudden need to see what he looked like. They talked about Richard, brief comments here and there, but never in depth about the guy. He wished he would have known he was a doctor a few days ago. It looked like some pieces to the puzzle on why she was afraid of doctors were starting to fall into place.

  Danny pasted a nasty grin on his face, but held his words. He shuffled through the pictures until he found one with Richard in it. "Here. Aubs took this herself with her phone. They were at a charity function about a month before she disappeared. He's the guy on the right. The other guy is a colleague of his...Dr. Antonio Sparks."

  Logan suppressed the urge to yank it out of his hand. He stared at the picture, eyeing Richard with the eyes of a sheriff. Clean-cut, hair smoothed to the right and swept back a little, a smile that spoke of money, and eyes that shined at the camera-holder. His suit fit his frame perfectly, every inch covered in perfection with a silk handkerchief adorned in his breast pocket. At least, Logan assumed it was silk. The guy just appeared to ooze money by the way he dressed and stood with such impeccable posture. The other guy, Dr. Sparks, shared the same alluring persona. When he was finished glaring at the photo, his eyes turned into the ones of a man in love. He wanted to rip the photo into shreds.

  Then his eyes started the squinting habit Danny loved to perform. Derek noticed, wondering at first if the sheriff was mocking Danny. He knew Logan was better than that. He may have lost his temper a bit, but he knew Logan would never fully let it all go. "You see something of interest, Sheriff?"

  "I'll be damned. I think I just found a connection between the good doctor and our wonderful town. She has no memories. The word doctor sends her in a panic. Whether you want to admit it or not, Richard is involved. And now I'm beginning to know how," Logan said, handing the photo to Derek.

  "Care to explain," Danny said dryly, not wanting to admit he may have missed something from the beginning. That would mean his sister suffered longer because of him. Damn the sheriff!

  "Holy shit! I see it. Now we just need to find him," Derek said, handing the picture over to Deke instead of Danny, who stood closer to him. He felt like being a jerk for Logan's sake. Petty, he knew, but just didn't care.

  "The guy lurking in the background, near the window. That's Wayne Barten. Doesn't show up anywhere for two years and suddenly he's at a fancy charity function. Same one Aubrey and Richard are at. I'd bet my life on it that Wayne took her on the order of Richard. Why, I don't know yet. But I know it's true," Logan said.

  "You just want it to be true so she doesn't go jumping back into his arms," Danny said before he could stop the words.

  "And you're ignoring the fact because you missed it fro
m the beginning," Logan shot back.

  Deke slammed the photo onto the table. "Enough! Both of you." He looked at Danny with a wicked eye. "Knock it off. Think like a federal agent and not like a brother right now. You're just being a jerk because you feel guilty. Hell, I feel guilty. I've been working her case just as hard as you have and I missed this. Sheriff Caldwell has nothing but Aubrey's well-being at heart. He cares about her, more than dick here did." Deke slammed his finger over Richard's face to emphasize his point.

  He quickly threw his head at Logan. "And you, you're just egging him on. I know you're trying not to, but try harder. It only fuels his anger. No matter how idiotic Danny acts and what he says to Aubrey, you shouldn't worry, even though I know you are. I see the way she looks at you, the way she acts. She's just not going to write you out of her life. If any of us should be worried in this room, it should be Danny and I."

  "You're right, Agent Sumnter. I apologize for my behavior. I care about her a lot, and I have a strong feeling she's going to go with you two. It just hurts thinking about it. I would never stop her going with her family. Family is important," Logan said, rubbing a hand over his mouth and chin. "I think we need to entertain the notion that Wayne and Richard know each other."

  "I agree. I'll call some of our colleagues to question Richard. I also think we should go talk to Aubrey. I know she doesn't remember anything yet, but it can't hurt to show her this photo and see if anything springs to mind," Deke said, picking the photo back up.

  "Why don't we grab some other pictures as well? Can't hurt for her to look at some of the pictures she took herself, whether they are part of the case or not," Derek offered.

  Danny didn't respond to anyone, but did start to gather the photos near him and shove them in a folder. Logan watched him for a second before he walked to the counter and set his coffee down. "Let's go then. The sooner we solve this case, the better it is for everyone. Most importantly, Aubrey."

  Chapter 16

  Bolt shut his phone off, extremely proud of himself. He heard the pride in the sheriff's voice as well. Just wait until the sheriff sees what he found. He knew his dogged determination looking for evidence would pay off. He showed them all. He was more than a simple deputy. He just wanted a little recognition now and then. He just wanted a bit of respect and awe the sheriff received. It's not like the sheriff did much. The county was too small to do much. Why he ever left the city still boggled Bolt's mind. Such opportunity sitting at the tips of his fingers. As soon as he showed everyone his massive skills with this case, he would head off for the city and wow them with his abilities.

  He stepped around the tree, grinning like an idiot, damn proud of himself. He sensed some hostility from Charlotte, although, for the life of him, couldn't figure out why. He didn't do anything wrong. He played it all by the book. He wasn't doing anything suspicious. How was doing his job considered suspicious? He reaped with satisfaction that the sheriff said nothing to him about doing anything wrong. Wait until he could shove this evidence into Charlotte's face. She wouldn't have anything to gripe about then. She always complained about other people being nosy busybodies when she was one of the worst, in his humble opinion. She was nothing anyway, in the grand scheme of things. Nope, this was all about Aubrey.

  He leaned against the tree, taking in the beauty of the forest and his brilliance, as he waited for the sheriff. He couldn't wait to see his face. His excitement almost brimmed with too much energy. He couldn't contain it as he tapped his foot on the bottom of the tree, and did a little pitter-patter tune with his hand on his thigh.

  But his senses were still on alert, because when he heard the twig snap to his left, he backed away from the tree with a smile. Oh, the excitement was about to rise in intensity.


  "Change of plans. Bolt found a backpack in the woods. He's pretty sure it belongs to Wayne. It's not far from where Aubrey was held. We have to check it out," Logan said, putting his phone back on his belt.

  "You know, I heard Charlotte grumble a bit about him. Are you sure he knows what he's doing? We've been out there the last few days, and suddenly he finds a backpack," Danny said skeptically.

  Logan gritted his teeth as he mustered up some patience. "Please don't knock down any of my deputies. Ever. If Bolt says he found something, he found it. End of story. And I plan on checking it out." Logan looked at Derek. "You have an opinion?"

  "Nope. Just like you said. Bolt found something, he found it," Derek said with a shrug.

  "Good. I'll go check it out. Why don't you head to my house and talk to Aubrey about the pictures. What do you two want to do?" Logan asked, giving Deke and Danny a look, more so Danny, that just dared him to say another word about one of his deputies. He was sick and tired of hearing the doubt. Bolt may not be the world's greatest deputy, but he tried.

  "We'll head with you. Backpack could indicate Wayne's in the area. You might need backup," Deke said, clapping Danny on the shoulder and guided him towards Logan's vehicle.

  "Fine," Danny muttered, shaking off Deke's hand.

  "Call me right away if she remembers something," Logan said to Derek, who started walking to his own vehicle.

  "You got it. Good luck," Derek said, raising his eyebrows as he eyed Danny.

  "Yeah, thanks," Logan mumbled, pulling open his door.


  Kat looked behind her as she refrained from placing a hand on her heart. "Did you hear something?"

  "Shouldn't I be the one who's supposed to be all jittery and jumpy?" Aubrey asked, looking behind Kat, eyeing the woods around them. "I don't see anything."

  "This was a horrible idea. I can't believe I caved."

  "Because you're an awesome friend. I have to do this. I just have to, Kat. Logan refused the first time without even thinking about it. I need my memories. You just don't know." Aubrey turned away, taking in the big steel door that rested in front of her feet. "It looks heavy. Moment of truth."

  Kat grasped her arm as she started to bend down and grab the handle. "I seriously don't know about this. I don't think you should go in there. This is worse than a horrible idea. This is…I don't know, catastrophic."

  Aubrey covered Kat's hand, clutching, as she managed a smile that she hoped portrayed her bravery and not the complete dread that filled every pore in her body. "Really? Catastrophic? And what's with the words 'I don't know'. Isn't that my line?"

  Kat dreaded going down there. She had no idea what she'd been thinking when she finally gave into Aubrey's pleading. Her and Aubrey had both been around as Logan and everyone else talked about this place, its exact location, how deep into the woods it was, the complete isolation that gave the madman plenty of freedom. Aubrey had no clue how to get to it, even hearing from Logan's lips himself where it was located. Lucky for her, Kat knew exactly how to get to it and where to find the keys to a four-wheeler. Kat knew Aubrey would've braved it on her own, getting lost, and possibly hurt. She had no choice but to cave in.

  "This isn't funny, Aubrey. You have no idea how you'll react. What happens when it all comes flooding back and you drop into a catatonic state. Geez, Logan would hate me and never forgive me. I'm not sure I'd forgive myself. I really don't think you should go down there."

  "You're always telling me to face my fears. Like the clinic…seeing a do-c-cter." Her smile never wavered, despite the wavering of her words. "I'm doing this. You can't stop me."

  "You can't even say a simple word without stuttering," Kat said, a touch harsher than she intended. Her hand dropped from Aubrey's arm as she backed up.

  "But I said it. That's progress."

  "Then let's do slow progress. Let's go to the clinic. Show me you can handle that first."

  "No." Before Kat could stop her, she reached for the handle and pulled. "Damn, this is heavy. Help me, Kat." She turned her head with her hand still yanking with all her strength. "Please, Kat."

  Kat rolled her eyes and pushed Aubrey's body to make room. Aubrey tightened her hold near the top of th
e handle, Kat's hands directly below. Together they tugged on the door, grunting a bit, and using their feet as leverage.

  "Wow, I feel like I need to work out more," Aubrey said between breaths, letting go of the door as it slammed to the other side.

  "We'll start a workout regime together. Hell, I'll take a run through the woods right now. Let's go." Kat started running in place, twisting in the other direction.

  Aubrey rummaged through her backpack she tossed on the ground and produced two flashlights, flicking the switch for one of them. "Kat, we're doing this." She tossed the other flashlight at her, Kat juggling with the catch.

  "I want to hate you right now. But I'll go first."

  Aubrey's arm stopped her in her tracks. "No. This is my journey. You can come down there with me, but I go first."

  "You're brave. You're strong. Congratulations. No need to prove it anymore," Kat said, sarcastically.

  "I get why you're acting like this. And it's okay. I need my memories, Kat. I may be standing in front of you, I may sleep happily in Logan's arms, I may enjoy the talks with my brother, but I am still lost and hidden away from all of you. I won't be truly whole until I get my memories back."

  "I could keep going back and forth with you, especially arguing about the words you just said." Kat sighed heavily, flicking her flashlight switch to the on position. "Lead the way."

  Aubrey shined her light down into the deep hole, cringing at the darkness that gaped back at her. She could feel herself being swallowed whole and she hadn't taken one step yet. She heard Kat breathing heavily beside her, knowing right then, if she delayed any longer, Kat would get her way and they would leave.

  With slow, shaky movements, she carefully climbed down the stairs, letting the darkness consume her. The light trailing ahead did nothing to keep the darkness from entering her mind, almost screaming for Logan, before she clamped the urge and kept moving forward.


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