A Soldier's Son

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A Soldier's Son Page 24

by Maude Mary Butler


  In less than a week a small parcel arrived by post addressed to Carol.He knew before he opened it that it contained the little book which hehad so longed for, and which would be, if possible, even dearer to him,henceforth, from the circumstances under which he regained it. He tookthe little parcel to Mrs. Mandeville's room after breakfast, and openedit there. As he drew the small volume from its cardboard case, he heldit up to show her. Then, opening it, he exclaimed in a tone of greatsurprise, mingled with joy:

  "Auntie, it is in dear Father's own handwriting!

  'To Carol: from Father.'"

  "How can it be?"

  Then, as they examined the writing, they saw that Miss Desmond had cutthe words from her letter. So neatly had the foreign paper been gummedin, it was not at first noticeable.

  "Was it not lovely of Cousin Alicia to think of it, Auntie?"

  "It was, indeed, dear. You will always realize now that it is yourfather's gift."

  "Yes, Auntie; my earthly father's and my heavenly Father's, too. I wasthinking this morning of that lovely verse in Isaiah: 'Before they callI will answer: and while they are yet speaking I will hear.' And I knewthat Love had answered before I called. Before I knew my need, it wasmet. I am glad the letter was delayed so long, because I have learnedso much. 'Every trial of our faith in God makes us stronger,' Mrs. Eddysays. It did seem at first as if I should have to wait years for thebook, didn't it? I am glad I was so sure that Love could and would finda way."

  As the boy spoke, the Rector walked into the room. In a momentaryimpulse Carol seized the little book which lay on the table, and held ittightly. A crimson flush suffused his face. The next instant he lookedup at his uncle with fearless eyes, and held out the book to him,saying, "Uncle Raymond, Cousin Alicia has sent me the little book Fatherasked her to get for me, and see--isn't it beautiful?--'To Carol: fromFather,' is in Father's own handwriting."

  The Rector took the book, examined the inscription, but made no remark.

  "Father did not want me to belong to the nine. You would not like me toeither, would you, Uncle Raymond?"

  "To the nine, boy?--What do you mean?"

  "You remember, Uncle Raymond, when Jesus once healed ten lepers, ninewent thankless away. I have been healed, and I must acknowledge it atall times, else I should be as one of them."

  A frown gathered on the Rector's face.

  "Never speak to me, Carol, of your healing in the same breath with thehealings of Jesus."

  The boy looked sorely pained. For an instant he was silent. In thatinstant he asked:

  "Father-Mother God, lead me."

  Then he said:

  "May I ask you a question, Uncle Raymond?"

  "Certainly, Carol; if it is something you want to know."

  "It is something I often think about, Uncle. Are there any 'shepherdsin Israel' now? Can you tell me?"

  "Why, of course, Carol; Israel typifies the Christian world, and God'sministers are His shepherds."

  "Yes, Uncle, that was what I thought. Is God not angry now with theshepherds? I often read the 34th chapter of Ezekiel. God was veryangry with the shepherds of that time. He said, 'Woe be to theshepherds, because they had not healed that which was sick, norstrengthened that which was diseased, nor bound up that which wasbroken, neither had they sought out that which was lost.'"

  "There have been times in history, Carol, when God's ministers--Hisshepherds--have been able to heal the sick, but for generations thehealing power has been withheld.

  "Yes, Uncle, I understand that. For many centuries before Jesus camethe healing power had been lost. He brought it back, and taught hisdisciples how to heal the sick. Then at the end of only three centuriesit was lost; and again after many centuries God has sent a messenger tobring it back, but not everyone will listen to the message."

  The boy spoke reflectively, as one thinking aloud, not addressing eitherhis uncle or his aunt.

  "Raymond," said Mrs. Mandeville quickly (she noted the growing anger onthe Rector's face), "Carol has a way of thinking about things he readsin the Bible. His thoughts have often helped me. He does not meanto--to reproach you. Will you tell me, dear Raymond, have you ever readthis book which you condemn so strongly?"

  "I have not read it, Emmeline. One does not need to read Mrs. Eddy'sbooks to condemn them. The press criticisms and extracts I have readwere quite enough for me. Since Carol's father wished him to have acopy of the book, I cannot keep it from him. Otherwise I should, mostcertainly. I can only pray that he may ultimately see the error of itsteaching."

  "The fruit is so good," Mrs. Mandeville said softly. "I can only judgeby that, until I have studied the book myself, which I intend to do. Ithink, Carol, darling, you must run back to the school-room now, or youwill be late for lessons. Leave your little book with me. You know itwill be quite safe, and come to me after school."

  After the boy had left the room Mrs. Mandeville turned to the Rector.

  "Now I want to ask you a question, if I may, Raymond, may I?"

  "Why, of course, Emmeline, you know perfectly well I shall be happy toanswer any question you wish to put to me--if I can."

  "It is this, Raymond: the Apostle bids us, 'Let this mind be in youwhich was also in Christ Jesus.' How would you define the 'Mind'simply, that I may grasp it?"

  The Rector's memory went back to a Sunday morning some months beforewhen he had preached what he considered a very eloquent sermon from thatverse in Philippians. Had his sister forgotten it?

  "Do you forget, Emmeline, that I preached from that text not so verylong ago? I took as the keynote of my sermon, humility--the humility ofJesus. From the context that was undoubtedly what Saint Paul meant."

  "Yes, Raymond, I remember the sermon perfectly; but I cannot feel thatto possess humility, even in a superlative degree, would be to possess,as the Apostle commands, the 'Mind' of Christ. Carol was thinking outthis subject, in the way he has of thinking about verses in the Bible,and the thought he gave me seems nearer to it. He could see only love.The mind that was in Christ was love. Now, Raymond, if we, at thismoment, possessed hearts full of love we could not criticise or condemnanyone or any sect. We could not hold up creeds or dogmas, and say, 'Itis necessary to believe this or that because it is a canon of theChurch.' We should just know that we and they had passed from deathunto life when we love the brethren, and all are brethren who look tothe Lord Jesus Christ as an elder brother."

  "It seems to me, Emmeline, that even before reading the book you haveimbibed some of its mischievous statements. Remember, it teaches areligion of negation. According to Christian Science we have no HeavenlyFather, no personal God; nothing but a divine Principle, an eternalexistence, to worship."

  "Oh, Raymond, you do make a mistake. How can you infer that if you havenot studied the book?"

  "My authority, Emmeline, for the statement, is Dr. Hanson. He wrote apamphlet on Christian Science, issued by the Religious Tract Society."

  "It seems strange, Raymond, that a man of Dr. Hanson's eminence shouldwrite, and the Religious Tract Society should publish, a statement somisleading,--a statement which a boy of Carol's years could easilyconfute. Carol prays to, and speaks of his Heavenly Father in a waywhich, I grieve to say, my own children never do. Only a few minutesbefore you entered the room, he said that this little book was a giftnot only from his earthly father but from his Heavenly Father, too. Sohow can there be no Heavenly Father to a Christian Scientist? It is truehe speaks more frequently of Him as Divine Love; and it seems to me hehas a more comprehensive idea of God than I have myself, for the thoughthas often presented itself to me, how can we, as the Scriptures say,'live, move and have our being' in Him, if God is a person, according toour idea of personality? The idea which Carol has given me of God asinfinite Love, filling the universe like light, makes that verse moreintelligible."

  "A discussion such as this, Emmeline, cannot be productive of
any good.I will send you that little pamphlet I mentioned."

  "Thank you, Raymond. I will read it after I have read _Science andHealth_."

  The Rector then changed the conversation, and spoke of the object of hisvisit to the Manor that morning.


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