Accidental Makeovers

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Accidental Makeovers Page 20

by Carol Maloney Scott

  “Does this bag look like it was knitted, silly?”

  Amber bats her eyelashes like a smitten southern belle. Ha, she’s so good at deception, you would think she was the cheater in her relationship. Maybe she learned to be less innocent after her husband broke her trust bubble.

  She used that term, by the way. For the record I would never say anything that girly.

  We continue to pull our stuff out of Rob’s truck. Good thing Diamond convinced him to get a new one. The old one was a rust bucket with no heat.

  Diamond looks so short today, but I realize it’s because no one makes stiletto hiking boots.

  “Good morning, Bianca. I assume our little boy is spending the day with Grandma?”

  She looks startled, as if she didn’t expect me to talk to her. Really? I’m going to ignore her like we didn’t spend the past five years in a relationship?

  “He’s great. Yes, my mother has him today.”

  She glances behind her at the douchebag. Eric is talking to Brandon, and the guy isn’t coming up for air.

  “Bianca, this is Amber.”

  Amber reaches forward to shake Bianca’s hand with a big smile on her face.

  “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. Max has told me so much about you.”

  “I bet.”

  Amber laughs and says, “No, all good. I promise. Your little boy is so sweet, and he gets along with my little Eden so well. She just loves him. We had such a nice day together yesterday.”

  Bianca swallows hard and says, “Oh, you spent the day together with the kids? That’s nice.”

  “Well, you know Max and I met at the bounce house. I was so impressed with the men in your circle of friends. My ex was horrible with stuff like that.”

  Eric picks this moment to join the conversation. It’s like the gods are smiling on me.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude. You must be Max. I’m Eric Kimball.”

  I shake his hand. His manicured, soft hand. It’s a good size, I’ll give him that, but it doesn’t feel like it’s seen a lick of real work.

  “Good to meet you, too.”

  I am hoping my smile looks somewhat genuine, and it’s hiding my massive desire to throw this asshole off the mountain.

  Once again, Amber is my savior.

  “Hi Eric, I’m Amber. I was just telling Bianca how much I am enjoying her son. Mick is such a sweet baby. And I heard all about the bunny. I bet you’re having fun with him.”

  Rob walks by and I can see he’s trying not to smirk. I think I’m going to tell Katie she needs to cast Amber in one of her plays.

  “I don’t think Eric has met my son yet, have you?”

  “Yes, briefly. He’s…little. Red hair like his mom.”

  “Amber, I think Bianca and Eric are enjoying that kid-free, alone time period. Am I right, man?”


  “I think we should get going. Brandon is trying to get everyone organized. And Katie just pulled up.”

  I don’t see why Max’s new chick would give Eric a hard time. If she wants to introduce her child to a new guy immediately, then she’s the shitty mother.

  And Max is as exasperating as always. Alone time? He’s just jealous that some men know how to date a woman, as opposed to merely parking their asses in her living room. She’s probably already waiting on him and watching him play video games.

  “Why didn’t anyone offer Katie a ride?”

  Max is really laying it on thick, as if he’s the most considerate guy in the world. Eric and I should have stuck with our alone time today. It’s been quite satisfying so far.

  “She said she wanted to drive separately, in case we all go out to dinner after. She needs to get back to the theater.”

  I am not going to let him insinuate that I ditched my best friend for a guy.

  “Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late. I’m trying to fit some fun in along with this grueling rehearsal schedule for this show.”

  Eric begins asking Katie about her show, and I already see where this is going.

  “So it opens next month? That’s fabulous. Bianca, we should definitely go. You’re all going, right?”

  Does he really think I want to spend all of our weekends hanging out with Max’s…shit, they’re not just Max’s friends. Katie is actually my oldest and best friend. But Max won’t go to the play. He hates the theater.

  As if on cue, he says, “The show sounds awesome, Katie. A spoof on Macbeth from the witch’s point of view. How creative.”

  Now I know he’s acting. Max doesn’t talk like that. I still can’t figure out his angle. Why does he need to screw up my new relationship if he has his own? Unless his gigantic ego wants me to be crushed and alone as punishment for breaking up with him.

  Sounds about right.


  Amber is a pretty good hiker. I’m impressed. Diamond is also surprising me, but I guess waitressing and chasing a kid all day are both good exercise. Plus I know Rob works her out often.

  Katie is up ahead, talking to Claire. But now Claire is questioning Brandon about the band, and if Katie’s play conflicts with our out of town schedule.

  I can’t believe that fool still hasn’t told her. We’re going to Philadelphia in two weeks. Brandon doesn’t learn his lesson. Unlike me.

  No one ever said the Buczkowski boys can’t be taught. Look at my brother—walking around saying ‘gosh darn it’ and ‘gee whiz’ because his woman has a kid. I am not getting the same family vibe from the suit guy.

  Amber and Diamond are talking about pretty princess birthday parties, so this is a good time for me to grab Katie alone.

  “Hey, Max. I’m sorry I told Bianca I saw you out with another woman, but you know it’s hard for me to lie—”

  “No, it’s fine. I have nothing to hide. As you can see. I wouldn’t have brought Amber today if I was worried about Bianca knowing. Hey, look at that over there.”

  I grab Katie’s hand and gently tug her off the main path.

  “What? Is it a little animal?”

  “No, listen. We don’t have much time. I just wanted to tell you the truth. I need your help.”

  I quickly explain my friendship with Amber, and how she’s agreed to help me to win Bianca back.

  Katie frowns and rubs my arm. “Oh, Max you know how I hate deception. And Bianca is stubborn. She seems really into this guy.”

  “Really? I’m not sold. Take a look.”

  Katie bites her lower lip and leans back out onto the path to see Eric taking pictures, and Bianca walking up ahead with Claire and Brandon.

  “That doesn’t mean anything. She’s not the type to hang all over a guy.”

  “He has been taking pictures and ignoring her all day. And she has looked upset ever since we got here, and Amber started talking about Mick. This guy isn’t going to wanna deal with a kid, and he doesn’t fit in her life. Come on, Katie, I really love her.”

  Katie gets misty eyed. “Okay, you big pain in the ass. What do you want me to do?”


  At least it’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining and I can feel the burn in my legs as we trek up this winding path. Crabtree Falls isn’t a super long hike, but it’s a good workout.

  Everyone seems to be keeping up, although Diamond is looking a little rough now. Rob is rolling his eyes at her as she stops to reapply her lip gloss, and now she’s pounding his back because he’s hoisted her up on his shoulders.

  Smiling at my friends’ antics (yes, I called Diamond a friend), I look around for Eric. I haven’t seen much of him today. Instead of walking beside me, he keeps stopping to take pictures, and then he gets behind.

  I could go at his pace, but to me the purpose of the hike is to hike. I hate when people take so many pictures that they actually miss out on the activity.

  “So where’s your man?”

  Great, now Max is beside me with that obnoxious…

  “Bianca you should see the view down there. It’s breathtaking. I got at least fifty gr
eat shots.” Eric has joined us.

  Max says, “Yeah, I took a couple with my phone.”

  I know what he’s doing. Amber comes up beside him, smiling. And now they’re holding hands. Is that necessary?

  She says, “Oh, you should take some a little closer. From different angles.” Okay, now I’m convinced. Amber is the devil in an angel’s disguise.

  Eric’s eyes light up.

  “Yeah, let’s take a look at the next observation area.” Max joins in, and continues to walk with us, holding Amber’s hand.

  Great. The first moments I have alone with Eric, and we are all together like one big, happy, dysfunctional family.

  “Hey, guys. Look how pretty it is over here.” Katie is up ahead pointing to the cascading water.

  We catch up and Max and Eric walk to the edge of the observation area, camera and phone out, like they’re buddies. For a split second I picture Max pushing Eric off the mountain.

  What is wrong with me? Max would never hurt anyone.

  I catch up with the group in time to see both Eric and Max leaning way too close to the edge. A sign warning hikers not to venture beyond this point reminds me of how people have actually died here.

  Oh my God, isn’t anyone going to say anything? Max is way too close to the…

  “Max, Jesus Christ, get off those rocks!” My voice echoes, and everyone turns to see what the…

  He jumps and slips a little, but recovers and laughs.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry, Birdie.”

  Eric looks at me curiously, and it’s just then I realize—Eric was on the same rock.



  “I’m not going to condone that sort of behavior. She was always moody and bitchy. Every time I come in here, she’s never smiling. Is that how you want your brand represented?”

  Raven listens to my words, but her fists are still balled up. I am not giving in.

  “You didn’t have to fire her. When did you do it? At breakfast?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I called a breakfast meeting. And I did talk to Jennifer about it last night. She agreed that Amy’s attitude is a problem.”

  “So you talk to her about her attitude. You don’t just fire her because she was mean to your girlfriend.” She puts up her hand to block my reply. “And no, I am not jealous. I am merely pointing out the conflict of interest in dating Bianca or any employee. It was one thing when you were occasionally sleeping with Jennifer. That wasn’t a real relationship. But this—”

  “How do you know about Jennifer?”

  “I know everything. I also know that Jennifer is covering for Amy today. Amy’s clients are going to wonder what happened, and Jennifer hasn’t done anyone’s hair in a long time. And who is going to interview new stylists while she’s on the salon floor? You?”

  I throw up my hands and say, “Okay, perhaps I was a little hasty, but we can find someone better. And yes, I will interview the stylists if necessary. Better yet, why don’t you see if you can find one under a table somewhere?”

  I take in Raven’s shocked reaction and back track. “I didn’t mean it like that. Bianca is gold, but—”

  She comes behind the desk and puts her hands on my shoulders. “Eric, fix this mess. Okay? The whole mess.”


  Something weird is going on. Jennifer is doing Amy’s client’s hair. Maybe Amy’s sick. I bet Gloria knows.

  “Hey, Gloria.”

  She’s in the kitchen making a fresh pot of coffee.

  “Hi there. I saw your client leaving this morning. She looked awesome. All that social media advertising is paying off, huh?”

  “Yeah, new clients are trickling in. I still need to work on my portfolio. Hyacinth, the Concrete Jungle rep, gave me some good ideas.”

  “Wonderful. Now where did we put the rest of those sugar packets?”

  Gloria is avoiding eye contact and she’s acting strange.

  “Gloria, where’s Amy today?”

  She drops the sugar packet box and sighs. “Oh boy. Don’t tell anyone I told you, but Eric fired her. This morning. It was very sudden. She stomped in, cleared out her stuff and left. She wanted to know what time you would be in.”

  “She was looking for me?”

  I doubt it was to say goodbye. I can’t believe Eric fired her. Was that necessary?

  Now Jennifer is going to treat me worse, if he even told her the truth about why he wanted Amy gone. And Raven is here, and has been in the back office with Eric for an hour.

  I was hoping he was planning on revealing our relationship to my co-workers soon, but now that will make both of us look bad.

  Gloria excuses herself to bring her client a cup of coffee while she sits under the dryer.

  I wish I would have gotten a chance to talk to Eric in private yesterday, but I figured I had more time to intercept him before he did something stupid.

  Apparently for a smart guy, he ‘does stupid’ pretty quickly.


  “I’m so excited to be a mermaid, and it isn’t even Halloween!”

  At first I was just going to do Zoe’s makeup, but I was able to hook up with a costume designer in one of my new Facebook groups, and it turns out he’s done some work at Katie’s theater. He’s going to do the costume portion.

  “I’m excited to be working on a professional portfolio. Not that any of the ladies in the salon are going to want to be turned into mermaids, but it will help to advertise my services. And who knows—maybe I can do some freelance work, too.”

  “Maybe Katie can use you at the next theater production after this weird witch play?”

  Zoe orders another beer and I grab my hard cider off the bar. We’re at Platinum Billiards for our semi-regular Monday night pool outing. I don’t usually play. I just hang out and socialize.

  “Hello, ladies. I’m surprised to see you here, Bianca. I thought you were too good for us now? Where’s Eric?”

  One reason I was hesitant to show up tonight is because I knew I had another round of Max’s bullshit coming.

  “I guess he’s at home. Or out. It’s a little early in our relationship to keep tabs on his every move.”

  I stand up and turn away from the bar, signaling the end of the conversation, or so I hope.

  He leans in closer, and I notice that Zoe has deserted me. I’m beginning to feel like everyone in our crew is on Max’s side. “It’s just nice to see you here.”

  His smile is warm, but confusing. I watch him walk back to the pool table and I curse my body’s reaction. I am not attracted to Max. Dammit!

  I don’t know what game he’s playing, but I don’t like it. My friend circle is ruined because of Max, and my new work life is already unraveling because of Eric.

  “Hey, there. You look lost in thought.”

  Claire pulls up a chair and sits next to me. We’re close enough to the pool table to pretend to be watching, but far enough away to talk privately.

  Brandon and Max are playing now. Rob is drinking a beer and talking to Jon, who has been sprung from Babyland for a short outing.

  “I’m glad to see you out. Is your friend Jane watching the kids?

  “Yeah, for a few hours. She came over with her daughter, who loves babies. So what’s going on with you? The hike was a little tense yesterday.”

  I get her up to speed on the work drama, and Max’s weird behavior.

  Claire pushes a strand of blond hair behind her ear and says, “Max’s new woman was nice enough, but they were a little too ‘in your face.’ But Eric didn’t even seem to notice. He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “Yeah, he had his corporate face on, that’s for sure. But I don’t know…”

  Claire watches me peel the label off my hard cider and says, “Are you unsure about him? He seems nice, although I saw him taking pictures the whole day. That annoyed you, didn’t it?”

  “I know that’s ridiculous, right? I don’t want to be a controlling shrew, but it would h
ave been nice for him to give me a little attention. And I was so glad that Diamond and Rob couldn’t stop for dinner with us. That would have been hell to sit through more of Max and Amber holding hands and asking Eric obnoxious questions.”

  “Maybe Max is worried about a new man spending time with his son. That’s reasonable. But Eric hasn’t really spent any time with Mick yet, has he?”

  “No, I’m cautious about that.”

  “I agree with you. Lots of people are way too quick to introduce their children to new partners. I think you’re doing the right thing.” Claire’s smile fades and she says, “You still don’t look happy.”

  I look behind me to see which of the nosy spies are listening. Rob is talking to Max now. I guess he’s coaching him on his next move in the game.

  “I really like Eric. He’s gorgeous, charming, and considerate. Great in bed. He lives this glamorous lifestyle. But I’m getting worried about how he’s going to handle Mick, if we get more serious.”

  “I think you should give him a chance. Ease him into it slowly.”

  “It’s not just that. I guess I thought my feelings for Max were totally gone, and I’m not so sure they are. I dove head first into this new life, and it feels foreign and just…weird. And on the hike, when Max was standing too close to the edge of the falls, I was so scared. Then I noticed that Eric was right there with him, and I didn’t even consider his safety.”

  “Well for one thing, you’re used to yelling at Max for doing stupid things. And he’s the father of your child. Don’t read too much into your reaction.”

  “It’s hard not to. My mother taught me to live by my gut.”

  “That’s good advice, but you haven’t given yourself any time to breathe. But then look at us. We adopted Aidan right after we got married, and then just over a year later, Aurora came into our lives. Sometimes quick is okay, and you adapt. Just give Eric a chance, and I’m sure your feelings for Max will go away.”


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