Uther and the Secret of the Dragon

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Uther and the Secret of the Dragon Page 5

by David William Kirby

  even have won this gold. I will take just enough to

  keep us fed and leave the rest with you and Memet.

  If you invest it and the investment makes more

  my decision will be justified.


  Merlain, you are a very special person, I knew it

  when we met outside Carthage. I swear on

  The Queen of Arabia’s life your gold will be

  safe here until your return.


  Is there anything you want to take as security; something

  valuable of mine which you can redeem for your

  investment on your return?


  No my friend, the lighter we travel the safer we will be.


  Hang on, there is one thing I’d like to take; as

  you’ve offered.




  I would like to take Esuit with us.


  Esuit; now that is a valuable piece of security.

  Tell me, young UTHUR, is there a particular

  reason why you want to take my wife’s slave away with you?


  I like her, she’s my age and we get on well.

  She knows the local language and this could be useful.


  I could learn the local language but I’m too old

  to be a good companion to my young ward...


  Your breasts are not as firm as he would like...


  And your buttocks a little too tight.

  They all laugh


  I will have to speak to my wife about this but

  I’m sure she will have enough slaves to fill the gap...


  I am happy now....


  The following day UTHUR, MERLAIN and ESUIT are riding away from the city on three camels, a donkey attached to UTHUR’S camel carries their tents and luggage. As they cross a high sand dune MERLAIN glances behind and gets one final glimpse of the city in the distance. They do not see the group of men following them secretly.

  As the sun begins to sink below the horizon they come across a group of men working in an open cast mine. Babylon’s men stand over them with whips urging them to work faster as they use bronze tools to dig out rock and load it into wooden carts. UTHUR gets down from his camel and picks up one of the chunks of rock and examines it closely.


  Esuit, what do they call this place?


  This is Grentagil; the place of Green rock.


  You said this is what they feed to the dragon to get

  it to give then one of the three elements that make

  up bronze; it’s a strange rock.


  It has a green tinge to it yet you said the dragon will give

  out a red metal when it fests upon this.


  The red element is called copper. It’s strange I know.

  The dragon eats a green rock and a red element

  is produced by it; Dragons are strange creatures.


  I know the other thing it needs to eat is the

  charcoal the glassmaker employs but what about

  the third rock, what colour is that?


  They call that element Tin; it cannot be found on

  these shores and we have men going to the far

  corners of the known world to discover it.

  In the past it was taken from a mine between

  the two rivers but that mine is now empty.


  The dragon must consume so much to give up its treasure.


  Even if we capture one I don’t see where we will

  get its food in Albion; perhaps we should forget this notion.


  Never. I know we have more trees in our land than

  we would ever need should we capture several

  dragons and turn it all into charcoal. I’m sure we

  will find this rock there too if we search hard enough.


  It’s true. Until they found a use for this rock no

  one thought it had any value; now look at the

  backs they break to get it out of the ground.


  Slavery is a barbarous condition to keep men.

  I think that free men, men who are paid for their

  labours, will work harder and be more loyal than

  those kept in bondage.


  You are an enlightened man Merlain. The

  Baby loans may seem educated and hospitable

  but they treat some people worse than pigs.

  I think it stains their whole culture.

  I was treated so badly before my Master Adrius

  saved me but he and his wife are the exception.

  Most Babylon’s are cruel and wicked.


  If that is so then it is a stain well hidden from

  visitors. Let us take out animals away from this

  dusty place of misery before it gets too dark.

  We must make camp and prepare a meal.


  Yes, I am hungry.


  I packed some good meat for us to eat tonight.

  When we find a suitable place to camp I will

  cook while you put out tent up.


  What a good team. This journey just gets better every day.


  They sit beside the upright tent under a huge sky full of stars. The animals graze nearby as ESUIT ladles a thick soup into bowls for them to eat. She hand the bowls to her male companions and then sits between them.


  This is very good.


  Very spicy, what is the flavour I taste, it is



  We call it saffron, it is very expensive but I grew it

  myself so the master will not miss it from his

  kitchen. Mr Merlain, can I ask you something?


  Yes, anything if I can help.


  Look above your head, can you see the four stars

  that form a square in the sky?



  Both he and UTHUR look up at the big dipper above them.


  Do you see the three stars that come from the

  eastern corner and lead out like a handle?


  Yes, I see it.


  If you allow your gaze to follow along these

  three stars you will see a further star twinkling

  yonder almost on the horizon.


  Yes, I see it.


  Well, beneath that star, a very high and dark dune

  rises in the east there.


  Yes, what about it?


  Since we left the city earlier today a group of men

  have followed us. I believe they are on the top of

  that dune now, watching us.


  (He begins to stand) What...


  Stay where you are, do not alert them to our

  discovery; just act naturally.


  Okay, Esuit, are you sure about this?


  I thought I saw them earlier, at the mine, but

  I was unsure. While you put the tent up and I

  made the food I caught sight of them looking

  cautiously over the top of the dune.

; They are definitely following us.


  Robbers perhaps, thinking we are carrying a

  trunk of gold.


  If they intended to rob us I think they will strike

  as soon as the sun goes down. We will know their

  intentions soon


  If they are not robbers, who then?


  The King may have sent them to spy upon

  you. He may have seemed happy when you won

  his gold but I know those people, they did not want you

  to take your winnings from the city.

  They expected you to spend it all there so the gold stays

  within his reach. If ever his treasury had a emergency

  he would have come to take it back by force.

  Now you have left the city I am sure he wants to

  know where his gold has gone.


  His gold, it’s mine, I won it.


  All elements are eternal UTHUR. We humans come

  and go. You can be sure that when our bones are

  stripped of flesh and are bleached by the sun this

  gold will be as yellow and bright as the day you won it.

  Therefore no man ever owns it; we just look after it

  momentarily on behalf of the gods.


  It’s true, who can own a rock or a strip of land.

  Who can own the air we breathe or the water we

  drink. Rain drops from the sky, flows down from the

  hills and each drop becomes a stream and then a

  river. We get thirsty and quench our thirst turning the

  water into piss. The piss is filtered by the earth and

  eventually flows back into the stream.

  I agree Esuit. Humans can never lay ownership over what

  is given by the gods.

  They continue to eat and eventually the girl rises to collect the empty bowls. As she leans down to take UTHUR’s, the girl secretly gives him a sling.

  UTHUR tucks it under his tunic and then picks up three medium sized stones as MERLAIN stands and stretches; whispering under his breath...


  UTHUR, in a moment make as if you are going

  for a piss over yonder by the animals. I will step into

  the tent and collect the sword Memet gave me.


  I need the staff attached to my camel; is it in the tent?


  Do you mean the long piece of hardwood that was

  tucked under your sleeping mat?


  Yes, where is it?


  I have leant it against the tent, just there to the right

  of the doorway.


  Then we are ready for them.


  Surely if they are spies we will not have to fight them;

  they should just follow our route and report back to

  their master?


  Perhaps, but as I said. Some of these people are cruel

  and wicked. They may want to take your gold and say

  they lost you in the sand. Listen, can you hear them



  Pretending to be crickets; I hear them...


  If they come Esuit, please stay out of the way. Let me

  and Merlain handle them.


  Not if, when they come, we will all need to defend this

  camp. If we are all destined to be murdered we all

  have a responsibility to defend ourselves.

  Suddenly they see a shadow approaching quickly and UTHUR stand, places a rock into his sling and starts to twirl it above his head. As Merlain enters the tent they see the shadow turn into the form of a masked man, illuminated by the firelight. UTHUR flicks the sling and the stone flies through the air hitting the man between his eyes. He falls as another comes from the darkness holding a long curved sword.

  Merlain intercepts him and they start to fight as UTHUR loads another stone into the sling. He sees another attacker and flicks the spinning sling towards the man who ducks and throws himself at the boy. They both roll across the sand and he pins UTHUR down. A wicked smile crosses the robber’s face as a blade flashes in his hand. Suddenly he is poleaxe and falls to one side. UTHUR looks up and sees ESUIT standing behind him armed with her staff.

  Another attacker jumps from the darkness armed with a sword and Esuit uses her staff to defend them both. UTHUR stands and uses his sling to launch a rock at another man running from the shadows. The rock hits his head and he drops as Esuit turns this way and that using the staff so skilfully that UTHUR is amazed by her agility. She turns and upends her opponent before striking him on the head with its base.

  Merlain eventually disarms his attacker who o screams and runs off into the darkness. The three watch him go.


  Where did you learn to fight like that, I’ve never seen

  any woman be so deadly...


  And only using a staff...


  My family are all great warriors; especially my father.

  He taught me how to kill men as soon as I could walk.

  In our land you may only have access to a piece of wood

  to defend yourself so this is what we learn to use.


  I am impressed.


  So am I. Anyway young people, I don’t think we will

  be seeing any more of these people so you two go and

  rest. I will sit by the fire for a while.


  I am tired.


  Me too...


  Then go; I will see you both tomorrow.


  We should set off at sunrise, if we continue heading north

  we will reach Medin by nightfall.


  Medin, is it another city?


  No. It is the place where the Magi are inducted;

  their spiritual home, a huge temple in the sand dunes.

  I have heard it is very beautiful and quiet.


  Have you ever been there?


  No, but I have heard from those who have.

  You may even catch a dragon there; I have heard that

  it is the place they learn how to tame them.


  Then Medin it is, go sleep and tomorrow we will

  find this place of wonder.


  The trio ride across the sands the following day dragging the mule in their rear as a dusk storm blows. After fighting the winds for most of the day they come over one final dune and in the distance they see a building made of green stone, shining like emerald in the sunlight, rising from the ground. In each corner thin, pointed towers point towards the heavens and small windows with coloured glass beam rainbows across the sand in front of it.

  A huge double door is set into the facing wall which Merlain pounds upon with the base of his staff. Suddenly a small hatch opens and a thin faced, bald woman looks out at them.


  Who calls upon the Magi?


  We do.


  All donations to the Magi must be made through

  your city administrator.


  We want shelter. Can you open these doors and let us in?



  Only initiates and their guardians can enter here.

  Esuit stepped forwards and pulled her hood from her face.


  I am an initiate and these are my guardians.
r />   The woman looked at Esuit and smiled before withdrawing and closing the hatch. After the sound of several bolts being pulled back the double doors sung wide and the trio looked within at the scene unfolding.

  An open courtyard is bathed in sunlight and around the edges women dressed in the long, cotton tunic and heads and eyes cloaked by the customary white cowl hold sprigs of corn in their hands. In the centre of the court is a raised Diaz where a woman, The IPSISSAMUS dressed in a grey cowl and tunic stands. She looks up and calls out to the visitors,


  Who is called to the life of the Magi?

  As the woman speaks bolts of lightning radiate from her and the smell of sulphur rises in the air. ESUIT steps forwards and kneels


  I am, Esuit of Nubia; daughter of the Warrior King

  Lotta. I am called here.


  Are these your guardians, Esuit of Nubia?


  They are.


  Are you free of bondage, serfdom and slavery?


  She is.


  You may spend one night here with your daughter;

  but after you leave tomorrow at dawn you will say

  goodbye to Esuit of Nubia; from then on she will

  be known as Esuit of Sumeria, daughter of the Magi.

  There is a final flash of blinding blue lightening and when their vision clears the IPSISSAMUS has gone and in her place is just a simple sprig of corn. The women around the edges lead away until just one is left, she steps toward the trio.


  Esuit, friends, if you follow me I will show you to

  your rooms for your final evening together.

  They follow the woman and as they do MERLAIN notices behind the dais is a spinning drum over a small fire. Steam is being thrust from small spouts on the side of the drum and this provides the thrust to turn it. He sees two thin wires the lead from the drum to the Diaz and what looks like a trapdoor in the top.


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