Uther and the Secret of the Dragon

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Uther and the Secret of the Dragon Page 8

by David William Kirby


  There is one thing you could do for me.



  She reaches out and touches his finger tips very softly and their eyes meet against the backdrop of stars. AMBER leans forwards and her hood covers her eyes for a second. Merlain sees only her pale white chin and rose red lips.


  Let me be a woman again; if only for one night.

  He sees a small tear roll down her pale white skin and collect as a glass bead upon her chin. This is all he needs to slowly push her hood back and face the sensitive and passionate woman cloaked beneath it. A short crop of dark hair frames her face and her blue eyes stair at his intently as their lips gently brush against one another.


  Meanwhile on the other side of the temple UTHUR and ESUIT are sitting watching the moon crawl across the sky.


  I love your skin colour; in our land black people

  are unknown. Of course we know they exist but

  none have ever travelled through.


  How do you know they exist then?


  I’ve heard stories from those who have travelled far.

  They say there are lands where white people are

  considered strange and unusual; that white faces

  scare the children and horses.


  It’s true, but only because the sight of a white faces

  normally means death or slavery.

  That’s why the children get scared and why my

  father taught me to fight as if I were his son.


  When your skin is hot and wet it looks like the

  finest jet from the cliffs of our coves.

  Your teeth and eyes are so bright that

  I was startled when you first held me in your gaze;

  I knew that day that you were going to be either a

  loyal friend or a deadly enemy; there is no indecision

  in that gaze. It is pure determination; I like that.


  Have you decided yet?


  I decided the first night we looked over the city

  together. Under that veil of stars I knew then you

  would be with me for the rest of my life. Not as a slave,

  but as a loyal friend.


  And lover, perhaps?


  I hoped so; but that is up to you.

  She stands and lets her robe slip from her shoulders and onto the stone floor. UTHUR looks at her naked body and becomes bashful.


  Don’t be shy; in my village girls are married younger

  then both of us. How do you find my body; does it excite

  you UTHUR of Albion?


  You have no idea...


  Give me your hand...

  He does as she asks and Esuit takes his fingers on a journey across her chest and down to her crutch.

  You may only be a boy but are you ready to become a man?


  I am not ready for such things. Sorry, perhaps when my heart

  is older, but not today.

  She sighs and goes to bed alone


  Back in Albion the slaves are working under the whip digging rocks from an open cast mine. We find ULAN a little older discussing those guarding them.


  When the time is right we shall collect the swords we

  have hidden and cut their throats. Have you noticed that

  every night at dusk only two men guard us?

  FEIN (another slave)

  I have, that would be the best time to strike, and then we

  should make for the forest and get others to join us.

  We’re not the only ones forced to crush these rocks all

  day; help is out there, we only need to show them the way.


  You’re a good man Fein, everyday tons of these rocks

  are put into boats and sent off to lands over the seas,

  what on earth are they doing with it?


  I’ve heard it’s used to feed a dragon...


  Bhaaa, what nonsense..


  I know, I know. Dragons are a myth but seriously,

  I have heard them talking of feeding one with this rock.


  What, a fire breathing, winged monster. Rubbish, if

  dragons exist and they ate this shit they’d fly over the

  sea and come themselves. Not send these bastards to

  get it for them.


  It’s only what I’ve heard..


  Crooked whispers and plain lies. I don’t know why they

  value this stuff so readily that they kill for it but I bet it’s

  far more important than just food for a mythical creature.

  One day we’ll find out...

  A guard sees them talking and cracks his whip.


  You two, stop gossiping or you’ll both feel the heat of

  this on your b ack.

  He shakes his whip towards them. Both me start to work again as Ulan whispers to his friend.


  Soon, my friend...Soon.


  The sun rises over the temple of Medin and the women awake to do their daily chores. Merlain and Amber are in a large bed s a cool breeze blows the cotton fabric over the window against the rays of the sun.


  I wish we could lie like this forever.


  Unfortunately, the lives of women in this

  place are bound by rules and darkness.

  This intimacy would have me buried to my neck

  and stoned to death if any should hear of before it is atoned in law.


  Then no-one better hear.

  He leans forwards and kisses her before lifting himself from the bed and dressing.

  I know now that you were a maid before our meeting,

  Why give yourself to me, a stranger from these part and

  not someone of your own kin?


  Here in this temple, I swore an oath to keep my body

  as a child for all my life. If my own people felt this

  oath was taken without faith, they would surely have

  another reason to stone me to death. When I saw you for

  the first time I knew we were just passing ships in the

  night and that I could explore that land of passion,

  with you, without fear of retribution or death in my

  heart. I have used you; I’m afraid.


  If only I were used like that more often....


  Tell me, you are a man of experience and years, have

  you no wife waiting beside a wicker fence for your return.

  Is there no one grieving you?


  There was someone, once. We met at the beginning

  of a beautifully hot spring-time. Her hair was bedecked

  with fine petals and the scent of strawberry; that fine

  cotton shift she wore almost translucent in the summer sun.

  We had a passionate romance among the long, dry

  grass of summer and shared each other’s bodies in the

  forest meadow beside the village brook.

  Her shrill laughter sang in the tree tops with the song of

  sparrows and other sweet birds. My blessed Marion,

  I loved her so.


  Does Marion not miss you during your extended absence;

  or did she break your heart like young lovers often do?<
br />

  As winter approached a foul and pernicious evil invaded

  our pretty island. It initially struck in the East and then,

  as news of its malevolence spread among the people of

  our tribe, the first were struck down by its terror.

  As the first crop of winter snow fell on our green and

  pleasant land, Marion became ill and slowly withered,

  with the leafs on the bough and the flowers in the fields.

  She lost her breath on the last day of the winter moon just

  as the ice froze the rivers and the great lakes became

  hard as rock.

  I collected what wood I could and laid her fair body

  in a simple sheath upon the top of the pyre.

  In the mid-winter equinox nightfall her body was raised

  up to the gods upon the sparks of that great fire;

  all night I sat and watched it burn.

  Each faggot of thicket creating such sparks and small

  beads. Fire-flies that lifted themselves from the blaze and

  rose into the brooding night sky.

  Eventually they became stars there, above my head;

  now my Marion is but a constellation for me to ponder

  in the cold months of winter.

  Since that short and passionate period of life I have had not

  the heart to follow romance; to think of love.

  Not even the sweet scent of a woman in her pure state

  aroused within me a single wish to roll in the hay;

  not until I met you; that is.


  Then we have both fed only for the sake of our

  physical selves. Let this be our secret?


  I promise.


  Good, let me dress I have something I wish to

  show you.


  We find UTHUR, ESUIT, AMBER and MERLAIN in a small green field behind the temple. A bald woman is arranging a small mound of black powder upon a rock and once this has been down she stands back and lights it with a long candle. The black powder flairs up into a cloud of thick black smoke.


  Amazing, what is this substance that burns so



  We call it Dragon’s breath, it’s creation was taught

  to us by a traveller from the far east. Watch what happens

  when small flakes of the red metal are added to it.

  The woman creates another small pile on the stone and then sprinkles a small amount of copper onto the black powder. She stands back and once again sets it ablaze with the long candle. It immediately flares up in a mass of green/red smoke.


  That is astounding, it’s the same as the flash of green

  smoke which hid your disappearance though the

  trap door on our first night here.

  I knew it was a good illusion and now I am even

  more impressed; is there no end to your talents


  I’ve only shown this to you all because I know

  why you have had to leave your land and we have

  discovered something about this substance that my

  prove useful to you should you choose to return and fight.


  The day will come, I swear it. Any assistance you

  can give will be taken with the thanks of all our

  people back in our stricken land.


  Show them.

  The woman placed some of the powder into a small clay pot and screwed on a tight lid. Protruding through the lid is a long piece of candle wick which the woman lights and steps back from with hast.

  A sense of tension ripples through those assembled as the wick slowly burns down. Then a sudden explosion rocks them as the pot disintegrates with an almighty bang sending shards of clay-pottery in every direction. UTHUR and MERLAIN gasp, they step forwards and examine the crater left where the small pot had been; UTHUR looks up and sees a shard of pot stuck into a nearby tree as if banged there by a hammer.


  That is shocking; I’ve never seen or heard such

  percussive force before. How is this possible?


  look here, this piece of pot has been forced into

  this tree three inches deep.


  We’re not sure how it works. I was told that

  perhaps so much smoke is created that the pot

  fills until it can contain the pressure no

  longer, then bang. Well. you see the result .


  What is this powder; you must tell us where

  you mine it.


  It’s not mined; we make it from a recipe; like a cake.


  Surely not?


  This would make a weapon that would fill our

  enemies with fear and have them running for their lives.


  Or cut them to shreds with the shards of pottery.


  We knew it was dangerous but never conceived

  it as a weapon; just a party trick.

  Magic to astound guests and glean donations.

  But now you mention it I can see the potential of

  these pots on a battle field.


  I would pay a king’s ransom for the recipe; if

  you would entrust us with it.


  Merlain, I will show you how to make this

  powder; perhaps you can use it to get your

  land and property back when you go home.


  Yes; thank you; but we are not leaving for a while.

  Especially when I have so much to keep me here.


  Then you won’t mind me travelling with you and

  your party when you leave for the races in three weeks?


  I could not imagine anything better.


  Good; I will send a message to my sister Agnes to

  be expecting us.



  The horses are saddled and ready to leave. AMBER and MERLAIN ride next to each other as ESUIT and UTHUR tether a mule to their horse. One of the Medin sisters brings the ceremonial sword from the temple and steps towards Amber.


  Do you wish to carry the gift from the lady of the

  lake with you.


  UTHUR, is there room on your mule for this

  sword? It is very precious and I would hate to lose it.


  If it is so precious why take it to Babylon at all;

  it would be safer to keep it here.


  I have promised it to my sister, Agnes,

  the Ipsissamus of Babylon.

  I feel my present company is well equipped

  to protect both the sword and my person on

  this journey. If you have doubts that this is so

  Merlain, please say now. I wouldn’t want to

  burden you with the responsibility if you felt you

  were not up to the challenge.


  We will get you and the sword there safely.




  My friend speaks the truth. If we cannot guarantee

  your safety; no one could.


  That’s all I needed to hear. Are we all ready?


  (climbing on his horse) I am ready.


  I am ready.


  After you.

  He smiles towards Amber and the f
our set off at a gallop with the mule stomping at the rear tethered to UTHUR’s horse.


  JASBAR is looking over a map in the middle of his camp site in the woods. He knows that the party has left Medin and are travelling through the forest he currently hides within. Looking over the map he sees that all the paths to Babylon cross at a point a little further ahead and smiles wickedly. He taps the map with his leather clad finger and speaks to his deputy, a thick set, bald killer caller Rarp.


  This is the place we shall take them; here.

  Far from prying eyes and so deep within the

  forest their screams for mercy with fade upon

  the wind.

  Rarp, take ten men and cover the north side of

  this path, I shall take the other ten and

  cover the south.


  I have a man ten miles ahead on the south path

  looking for them; once they are spotted he will

  ride to us so we can be prepared in advance.


  What about the north path?


  A man waits there also. As this is not the usual

  route from Medin to Babylon I have told him to

  come to us if he sees nothing for two days.


  Good, when they enter our trap, spears and arrows

  will cut them down from either side.

  You must ensure they cannot run back by

  closing the path behind them.

  I will block their progress so they will have no

  choice but suffer the indignity of death from

  unseen assailants.

  They will wither like dogs under a storm

  of barbed death.


  The party are entering a small forested area on their journey and ESUIT rides alongside UTHUR behind MERLAIN and AMBER


  He likes her.


  Merlain is a friendly man; people are generally

  drawn to him.


  No, I mean he really LIKES her.


  What are you saying; that he wants to form a


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