The Family Next Door

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The Family Next Door Page 3

by Heather D'Agostino

  “You’re not,” Patrick glanced down at her flat stomach and then back up at her eyes. “You haven’t been pushing this because you already are expecting, are you?” his eyes narrowed as he watched her face pale. “You’re taking the pills, right?”

  Tears began to trickle down her cheeks, “Yes,” she sobbed. “I take my pill every day. Why is the idea of having a baby with me so horrible to you?” She pulled away from him, and tried to stand. “I thought when we got married that this is what you’d want.”

  Patrick growled in frustration, “I do! Just not right now.” Knowing that she kept her pills in her purse, Patrick stepped further over the line than he ever had. “Let me see them,” he pointed at her purse. “I wanna see the pills.”

  Katie’s mouth dropped open as she stumbled to get to a standing position. She grabbed the picnic basket, blanket, and her purse, and stalked in the direction of stairs as the tears began to come faster. “I can’t believe that you don’t believe me,” she screamed at him. “I would never ever do something like that. We’re supposed to trust each other, Patrick, and you obviously don’t.” She fumbled around in her purse until her hands grazed across the small plastic case as Patrick stormed up behind her. “Here!” she slapped it against his chest as she spun to face him. “Keep 'em! I don’t think I’m going to need them anymore,” she fought to hold herself together as she slipped through the door, leaving him standing there alone.

  Sobs continued to roll out of her as she stormed out of the hospital, and over to her car. Being spontaneous sucks, she grumbled as she wrenched the car door open, and tossed her belongings inside. How could what she thought was going to be a romantic night turn so ugly so fast? What had gone wrong over the last six months to cause this much discord? How had she and Patrick gotten so turned around? How were they ever going to fix this?

  Chapter 3

  As he sat in his car in the driveway, Patrick stared up at the house. This house was supposed to be his happily ever after, but recently it seemed that he was as far away from that as possible. He couldn’t understand how he and Katie had gotten so far apart on the things they wanted. When they had married, they talked about waiting to start a family. They’d both agreed that if they married when they were still in medical school that they’d wait to have a baby. Katie had been on board with that plan up until a few months ago.

  It seemed that as soon as Hannah and Matt had brought Charlie into the family, Katie had been on a mission to have a child of her own. Lately, every time they’d go to a family function, Katie would start in on him about having a baby. He wanted a baby, he really did, and he knew that having one with his wife would be a dream come true. He also knew that both of them were very busy. Being a new doctor that wasn’t established yet was hard enough, but add a baby to the mix? How would they ever have the time to be devoted parents like they were raised by? Patrick knew that Katie probably didn’t remember what things were like for her mom when she was a new mom. Katie remembered the way things were when she was older, when Melanie was a prominent surgeon and could afford to be home with her daughter.


  After many hours of sitting in the car, staring at the house, brooding, and eventually watching his and Katie’s bedroom light go out, Patrick sighed as he leaned back in the car seat. He knew he needed to get in there and fix this. He loved her. He couldn’t believe what he’d said up on the roof. He growled at himself. How could he have let fatigue push him into allowing his temper get the best of him like that? With the way he had acted, he’d be lucky if Katie even let him into their bed tonight.

  Finally deciding that he needed to get to work on mending the breach between him and his wife, he opened his door and climbed from the car. As he walked up the front steps with his head hung low, he began running his apology through his head. He’d fix this, he had to.

  As he stood in the doorway of their bedroom, Patrick gazed lovingly at Katie’s sleeping form. She was curled into a ball, clutching his pillow to her chest. She’d changed into one of his old hockey jerseys, and wadded up tissues littered the bed around her. Seeing her like this made him feel like even more of an ass. He’d let his temper get the best of him, and taken it out on her.

  Katie shifted in her sleep and rolled to her other side. As Patrick stood perfectly still, he continued to watch her. Her eyes were puffy and red, and mascara streaked down her cheeks. He continued to silently berate himself as he moved closer to the chair that sat in the corner of their room. He pulled at his tie until it was loose enough to tug over his head, removed his shirt and pants, and tossed them onto the chair. Releasing a deep sigh, he strode over to the bed in only his boxers and climbed in behind her.

  Katie stirred as she felt the bed shift. She was so used to being in bed alone lately that having it move startled her from her sleep. She felt him slide up behind her, and snake his arm around her waist, pulling her back and against his chest. He pressed a kiss to her neck right behind her ear as he murmured, “I’m so sorry. I’m a jerk. I love you so much, and I trust you. I know you would never do anything so deceitful.”

  As the words poured from his lips, her chest tightened, and silent tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. Her body shuddered as the quiet sobs overtook her. She rolled so she was facing him, and buried her face in his neck. “You hurt me, more than you ever have, Patrick. I couldn’t believe you would think I would do something like that. I thought you knew me better than that,” her voice cracked slightly when he tightened his embrace.

  “I’m so sorry,” he placed a kiss to the top of her head. “Can you forgive me?” he begged as he ran his hand along her back.

  Katie nodded as she pressed herself closer to him. When she felt his hand reach her hip, she lifted her leg to wrap it around him. He groaned as she continued to press herself even closer. Tender kisses soon turned into deep passionate ones as the two lovers tenderly caressed one another.

  Patrick pulled back slightly to look into her eyes, “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” Katie leaned forward to cover his mouth as he shifted to roll them, so she was on her back.

  As Katie reached down to push his boxers past his hips, Patrick began sliding the hockey jersey up her body. He leaned down to place a kiss on her collarbone right as she released a sigh. The fact that they hadn’t been together in five days and the fight fresh on her mind had her craving him. Patrick moved back to her mouth as she arched her hips up to rub against him. His eyes fluttered shut as a moan slid up his throat.

  “What are you waiting for?” she mumbled against his lips as her hand trailed down his back heading for his backside.

  As her curled leg pushed against the back of his thigh urging him onward, he groaned and slid into her. Katie stilled for a moment as she adjusted to him. As many times as they’d been together since they married, each time still felt new. Patrick held himself up as he hovered over her, both of their chests rising as quick pants escaped their lips. This was the first time they’d made love after fighting. As he watched her blue eyes stare up at him so full of love, a grin began to pull at the corners of his mouth. He now understood what people meant when they talked about makeup sex.

  As he started to move, Katie reached up, grabbed his shoulders, and pulled him back down against her. He didn’t think they could get any closer, but she continued to tighten her grip on him. His movements became jerky as his climax overtook him, he shuddered and released a sigh. He placed a deep kiss to her lips, mumbling against them, “I love you so much.” He pulled back slightly as he continued, “I know I keep saying that, but sometimes I feel like I can’t say it enough.”

  She nodded as she bit down on her lower lip, “I love you, too. I know you’re sorry.”

  “I really am,” he whispered as he placed more light kisses to her face and shoulders.

  He moved to pull himself from her as he slid to the side, and wrapped her in his embrace. “We’ll talk more in the morning. Let’s go to sleep.”

  Katie nodded against his shoulder as she sunk into his embrace, and finally let sleep overtake her.


  As the next several days came and went, a sense of peace seemed to settle over the McKinley home. All baby talk had ceased, and the new topic of conversation was Patrick’s new job.

  After submitting his application to The Covington Heart Clinic, he had gotten a response almost immediately. He only had a few weeks left at the hospital, and then he would start the next chapter in his career. Katie had been so excited to see him as happy as he was. The prospect of what this job might mean to their family had her giddy with excitement for him. Even Patrick seemed like a changed man. He’d come home from his shifts at the hospital and yammer on about how he couldn’t wait to get into the new clinic. He even had some patients that were going to need follow-up treatment, and they’d promised to follow him so he could continue to treat them there. Everything seemed to be working out in their favor, and Katie couldn’t be happier.


  “So, I just need you to fill out these forms so we can set up your direct deposit and insurance information, then you’re all set,” Meredith, the clinic’s HR representative handed Patrick a large manila envelope. “Bring these in sometime next week, and I’ll get you some office keys.”

  “Thanks,” Patrick grabbed the papers and made his way back down the hall. He’d finished his last shift at the hospital and was on his way home to spend a romantic evening with his wife.

  As Patrick stepped through the front door of the clinic, a tall, slender brunette was coming up the steps. She had her head down, and wasn’t watching where she was going. Patrick reached out in front of himself, and grasped her on the forearms so she wouldn’t bump into him.

  “Easy,” he mumbled when they made contact.

  “Oh,” her head snapped up. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “It’s alright. No harm done,” Patrick smiled at the flustered woman.

  The woman shook her head as a blush spread over her cheeks, “Well, it’s nice to know that not all you doctors are jerks.”

  “How do you know I’m a doctor?” Patrick cocked his head to the side.

  "That right there," she flicked the ID badge that was hanging around his neck "tells me you are.”

  Patrick chuckled, “I guess you’re right.”

  “Well, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you…” she placed her hand out to shake his.

  “Patrick,” he grinned. “Dr. Patrick McKinley.”

  “Nice to meet you Dr. McKinley,” she smiled as she let her eyes roam over him, taking in his muscular build and bright blue eyes. She began to step around him, and just as she reached for the door, he turned.

  “I didn’t get your name,” he grinned. “I think it’s only right seeing that you know who I am now.”

  “Tinsley,” she called over her shoulder as she stepped through the door.

  Patrick stood there on the steps baffled by what had just happened. Was she flirting with him? More importantly, was he flirting back? He shook his head. No way was she making a pass, he was wearing a wedding band. Surely this woman had seen it.


  “Daddy? Who’s the new doctor?” Tinsley rounded the corner to her father’s office.

  “One of the new hires. He’s a local. Came from Boston Memorial,” Dr. Mason Covington mumbled from behind his desk without even looking up. “He starts next week.”

  “Interesting,” Tinsley murmured. “He seems nice.”

  “He’s a very talented doctor. Graduated a year early from Columbia,” he nodded as he continued to thumb through the pile of papers on his desk. “I really need to get this done, Honey. Did you need something?” Mason looked up.

  “No, just the list of nurses you hired,” she sighed. “I was going to start working out a schedule,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “The schedule for the doctors would be nice too…just, so I make sure that you have enough nurses matched up.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do without your organization, Tins,” Dr. Covington grinned up at her.

  “You know that’s why you keep me around, Daddy. I’m just too good at what I do for you to get rid of me,” she grinned as she stepped closer to his desk.

  “Here,” he handed her a folder. “This is all the info you need on whose been hired, and when they can work. Once you set the schedule, give Mary a copy.”

  “Sure,” Tinsley nodded. “Anybody else that might need it?”

  “Nope…Mary’s the only charge nurse…I think she can handle it.”

  “Ok Daddy. I’m going to work on this at home. I’ll see you later,” Tinsley began to step out into the hallway and paused right at the door. “Hey Daddy,” she glanced back at him.

  “Yeah?” he sighed as he looked back up at her smiling face.

  “I’m so glad we moved here. I like it so much better than New York already,” she smiled as she sauntered out the door, and down the hall.


  As she sat in the parking lot of the clinic in her Mercedes, Tinsley opened the folder her dad had handed her. Working in the Human Resources department gave her access to all kinds of information. As she thumbed through the pages, she couldn’t help but stop to examine the one she was truly interested in. Dr. Patrick McKinley was typed at the top of the page. She skimmed down through the personal information. “Beacon Hill,” she mumbled and nodded in approval.

  Tinsley had been raised in a wealthy single parent home. Her father had spoiled her since she was a small child. Even though he didn’t want her to be superficial, Tinsley always looked for things like income and where someone lived as a status symbol. She continued to scan the form, “age 25” she nodded in approval. “Married,” jumped off the page at her. “So he’s married,” she smirked. He sure wasn’t acting like a married man the way he was looking at her. This one will be a challenge she thought. “Good choice Daddy,” she grinned wickedly. “Moving to Boston was the best decision we ever made,” she nodded as she started the car.

  Chapter 4

  As the sun rose on his first morning at the new job, Patrick stretched and yawned. He’d spent the night before getting everything ready for this next step in his career. Katie had worked late at the hospital, but was now on the day shift, so things were improving. They’d actually been able to spend the last several nights at home together.

  As winter had approached, Boston had been hit with the flu season, and the hospital had been swamped. Patrick felt bad for his wife. Even though she wasn’t in the ER, the Peds floor was still bustling with children sick with the flu. Katie had been washing her hands constantly, but Patrick had known that it was only a matter of time before she caught it.

  Sure enough, last night, when Katie had come home from work, she looked horrible. Her skin was pale, eyes glassy, and she had a general sickly look to her. She had insisted that she was fine and just needed rest, but Patrick knew that she’d caught the flu. He’d carried her to bed after she’d fallen asleep on the couch, and spent most of the evening trying to get her fever down.

  “Mmmmm,” Katie groaned as she rolled over in the bed. “My head is killing me.”

  “Shhhh,” Patrick soothed as he approached her side of the bed with a cool cloth. “You need to stay home today.”

  “I can’t,” she whined. “I’ll be fine as soon as I take some cold medicine,” she rubbed her temples and tried to sit up.

  “No, Baby. You’re sick. You need rest,” Patrick shook his head at her stubbornness. “I’ll call the hospital…tell them you have the flu…they’re not going to want you there like this.”

  “No, Patrick, I’m fine,” Katie insisted as she began to rise from the bed.

  As she stood, she wobbled slightly. Patrick quickly moved to her side just as she passed out.

  “You’re not fine, and you’re not going to work,” he placed her back in the bed, and pulled the covers up to her chin as she shivered. “Do I n
eed to call your mom?” he narrowed his eyes as he used the cool cloth to wipe her face.

  “No,” Katie grumbled.

  “I’ll call Hannah and see if she can come over here and stay with you. I would stay home if it wasn’t my first day, but I just can’t today,” Patrick kissed her forehead before standing to walk out of the bedroom and call Hannah. “Rest…I’ll be back in a few minutes with some aspirin.”

  Katie rolled onto her side, and snuggled into the bed as she let sleep overtake her.

  When he returned, Patrick leaned down to kiss her cheek as he whispered, “Hannah’s going to be here in a little while. I called a script in to the pharmacy down the street for a decongestant. Hannah’s going to pick it up on the way here. Rest. I’ll see you this evening. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” she murmured and then coughed as she rolled over.


  When he arrived at the clinic, the receptionist pointed him down the hall to a conference room, “They’re in there for a staff meeting before we open.”

  Patrick nodded as he rounded the corner to see Dr. Covington standing in the hall talking to a nurse. Mason smiled and nodded as he stepped back out of the doorway to let Patrick pass.

  “Good Morning,” he smiled as he followed Patrick into the room. “Take a seat. We’re just about to get started. I’m only waiting on one other person.”

  Patrick rounded the long table and took a seat at the end furthest from the door. He placed his briefcase on the table as he settled himself into a chair. Four other doctors were seated around the table waiting also. As he observed them, he noticed that he was the youngest one there by far. The other men looked to be in their forties at least. He found it odd that he’d been chosen and silently wondered if he was in over his head.

  “I’m Thomas,” the dark haired man beside him turned and held his hand out.


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