The Family Next Door

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The Family Next Door Page 18

by Heather D'Agostino

  Patrick spun the chair and quickly whisked Katie into the room behind them. As the nurse grabbed a gown, and handed Patrick a clipboard with a stack of forms, she rambled off some instructions, and left so Katie could change.

  “Are you ok?” Patrick watched with concern as he wife stood, and began changing.

  “Yeah,” Katie grimaced. “They’ve kinda slowed down now.”

  Patrick nodded as he began filling out the forms and mumbled, “Good.”

  “Good?” Katie screeched. “Are you insane?” She rounded on him and narrowed her eyes, “Do you have any idea what this feels like? I want this done and over with…not slowing down to take longer.”

  “Honey…”Patrick moved to hug his wife. “You know first babies can take a while.”

  Defeated, Katie finished dressing in the gown and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, just as another contraction began to work its way through her belly.

  “Come here,” Patrick held out his hand. “It’ll help to walk.”

  He wrapped his arm around her back, and they began to pace the room just as Melanie breezed through the door.

  “How is she?” Melanie smiled as she removed her jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair.

  Patrick grimaced as Katie snapped, “How do you think, Mom?”

  Melanie’s head whipped back as her daughter’s words hit their mark, “Watch it honey, I’m on your side.”

  “I’m sorry…I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Katie began to sob.

  “You’re in labor…we all say things we don’t mean when we’re in labor,” Melanie smiled softly as she shuffled across the room where Katie and Patrick had paused to let a contraction pass. “I called up to my floor,” Melanie placed her hand on Katie’s shoulder. “Told them I needed to stay down here today,” she grinned. “I want to be here for my first grandchild.”

  “Really?” Katie looked up with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh course,” Melanie wrinkled her forehead. “You’re my daughter…you’re having a baby…I want to be here for it. Besides…Patrick might need my support,” she shrugged.

  Katie narrowed her eyes, and was ready to bite back with an angry retort when the anesthesiologist breezed through the door.

  “Oh thank god,” Katie breathed a sigh of relief.

  The doctor chuckled as he moved further into the room, “That’s what they all say. If you’ll have a seat on the edge of the bed, I’ll try to relieve some of that pain,” he gestured toward the bed as he began setting up his equipment.

  As Patrick helped his wife sit, a nurse came waltzing in. She washed her hands and explained that she was going to set up the fetal monitor as soon as the epidural kicked in. Katie’s eyes went wide as the flurry continued around her. Excitement and a slight fear filled the room.

  “Sit here on the edge, curl your arms around your belly, and lean forward, so your back is rounded. I’m Ben, by the way,” he chuckled as a look of total adoration spread over Katie’s face.

  Patrick rolled his eyes as Ben went about putting the epidural in place. Where did these doctors get off teasing like this when someone was in pain?

  “You’re going to feel a little pinch when I numb you, just hold real still,” Ben warned as he rubbed iodine on Katie’s back. “Here we go…small pinch,” after injecting the lidocaine, Ben placed the catheter that would deliver the meds for the epidural. “You’re all set. Lean back and relax. You should feel some relief in just a few minutes.”

  “Thanks,’ Katie sighed as she began to feel her toes numbing.

  As she leaned back in the bed and began to relax, Patrick and Melanie sat in the two chairs beside her. The nurse then came over and strapped on the fetal monitor.

  “It shouldn’t be too long,” the nurse smiled softly. “You’re progressing nicely. My name’s Janice, and I’ll be here the rest of the day. If you go longer…someone will take over for me in the evening. Get some rest while you can. You’re going to need your energy to push.”

  Katie nodded as a yawn began to sneak out, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome sweetie, press the call button if you need anything,” she smiled one last time before stepping out into the hallway, leaving the mother-to-be with her family.

  “Does the rest of the family know I’m here?” Katie glanced at her mom.

  “Yes,” Melanie nodded. “I called Dad and let him know. He’s going to bring the kids after the baby’s born. Hannah already stopped by to pick up Charlie, and is going to drop him off at my place before coming back. Matt’s coming with her.”

  “Ok,” Katie yawned again.

  “Don’t worry,” Melanie placed her hand on top of her daughter’s. “Everyone wants to be here, but you need time for the two of you,” she pointed between Patrick and Katie. “Speaking from personal experience…you two need to have alone time to bond with your baby.”

  “Thanks Mom…I’m glad you’re here,” she sighed as she closed her eyes. “The meds are finally working. I don’t feel the pain anymore.”

  “Good…rest…Janice was right…you’re going to need your strength to push,” Melanie gave her daughter a light pat on the shoulder as she stood. “I’m going to go get a coffee. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Alright,” Katie shifted in the bed.


  With the soft lull of the fetal monitor whooshing in the background, Katie drifted off into a light sleep. She’d been up most of the night, and now with some pain relief, she was finally able to rest. Patrick took the opportunity to go grab some food from the cafeteria, with promises from Melanie that she would call his cell if anything changed.

  When he arrived downstairs, he grabbed a sandwich, found a quiet corner, and began eating. He was so lost in thought of his impending fatherhood that he missed the shadow from the figure standing in front of him.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” came her sugary sweet voice.

  Patrick’s head jerked up. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from me, Tinsley.”

  “Oh relax,” she huffed. “Daddy’s here doing a surgery. We’re going out to lunch when he’s finished. I’m just waiting on him.”

  “Cardiology is nowhere near here. I used to work here, I know,” he glared.

  “I saw you walk in…I thought I’d come and say hi,” she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Well you did…now you can go,” Patrick swished his hand in the air in a dismissive manner.

  “You’re an asshole,” she scowled.

  “And you’re a bitch,” he fired back. “Now go away.”

  After she turned on her heel, and marched away, he sat there simmering with anger as he fought for control. He did not want to go back up to his wife’s room and have to tell her about this. Should he tell her? Would it help matters? He felt as if he needed to since they were trying to be honest with one another, but how would upsetting her right now help in any way?

  He puffed out a breath as he stood, tossed his sandwich wrapper in the trash, and began to head back to Katie’s room.


  “Perfect timing, Dad,” Dr. Stevens smiled as Patrick strode into the room.

  “Where were you?” Katie screeched.

  “Eating,” Patrick’s eyes widened as took in the room.

  When he’d left, Katie was asleep with Melanie at her side. Now…Katie was wide awake, her legs up in stirrups, and Melanie holding her phone. Shock drifted across his face at how quickly things had changed.

  “I was just dialing you,” Melanie sighed as she shoved the cell back in her scrub pocket.

  “You wanna help?” Dr. Stevens looked over at a stunned Patrick.

  Patrick nodded silently as if he were frozen in place.

  “Gown up,” the doctor pointed to a yellow gown that was sitting by the end of the bed.

  Three nurses were standing by with blankets and a baby warmer, and Melanie was now at the head of the bed holding Katie’s hands.

…come here Dad,” Dr. Stevens motioned to a spot right beside him. “Katie…you ready?”

  “Get this baby out of me!” she screeched as she turned an angry glare on Patrick.

  “Don’t worry,” Dr. Stevens elbowed Patrick in the side. “They all say stuff they don’t mean when they get to this point,” he chuckled. “I’m sure you’ve seen it before.”

  Patrick sighed, “Yeah. It’s different when it’s your wife though.”

  “Oh I know,” Dr. Stevens grinned. “Here we go,” he looked up at Katie. “Big push.”

  Melanie grimaced in pain as Katie’s grip tightened on her hands. “You’re doing great! Keep going,” she encouraged as she counted, “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.”

  “Breathe,” Dr. Stevens instructed as he glanced up at Katie. “Here we go again. Push!”

  “Keep going, Baby,” Patrick grinned up at his wife in pride. “I can see the head. You’re doing great,” his awed voice drifted through the room.

  “One, two, three, four, five, deep breath honey…keep going…head’s almost out,” Melanie encouraged.

  “I can’t,” Katie panted. “I can’t.”

  “Yes you can,” Melanie demanded. “You’re almost there.”

  “Argggggg!!!,” Katie screamed as Patrick glanced up and reported, “Head’s out.”

  “Alright…hang on a minute so I can clear the windpipe,” Dr. Stevens suctioned the baby’s nose and mouth. “Come here doctor,” he looked up at Patrick. “You’re going to catch your baby.”

  Patrick moved between his wife’s knees, and placed his hands under the baby’s head, “Push!” he commanded.

  Katie screwed her face up and sucked in a deep breath as she gave it all she had left. As she bore down, the tiny infant slid from her and right into its father’s hands. Katie flopped back against the pillows as tiny screams erupted from the newborn.

  “Is the baby ok?” Katie gasped. “Is it a boy or a girl?” she stared at her husband’s face waiting for him to answer her.

  “It’s a boy,” he began to tear up as he handed the baby to Dr. Stevens and cut the cord. “It’s a boy,” he smiled as a single tear trickled down his cheek. “I’m so proud of you,” he grinned. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she began to sob as she reached for her husband.

  Patrick quickly shucked off the gown, and discarded it before falling into his wife’s embrace.

  As the new parents continued to whisper words of love to one another, Melanie slipped out of the room to offer some privacy, and to pass on the news to the rest of the family. Both Mom and Dad looked on in awe as baby boy McKinley’s cries filled the room. Once the nurses had cleaned him up, and he was handed off to his mother. When Katie lifted him to her breast, he latched on feverously for his first feeding.

  “He’s beautiful,” Patrick whispered as he stood and trailed a finger lightly across his son’s cheek. “Just like his mother.”

  “He is, isn’t he,” Katie smiled down at her son. “Are you still ok with the name we picked? I mean…things have been so…I don’t know.”

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “I’m fine with it.”


  “Are you ready for some visitors?” Melanie’s voice called from the door.

  “Come on in, Mom,” Katie giggled as she shifted the sleeping infant in her arms.

  Everyone had finally arrived, and after such a long day they were all dying to meet the newest member of the family. Katie and Patrick had kept to themselves most of the afternoon, but now with evening approaching they wanted their parents to meet the baby. Patrick’s parents, Suzanne and Jason, had already been by, but the Montgomery clan was still waiting.

  “Oh, he’s so cute, “Hannah cooed as she reached for the baby and lifted him from her sister’s arms. “What’d you name him?”

  Katie glanced at Patrick as he nodded before looking up at her mother, “Sean Lewis McKinley…after Daddy.”

  Melanie brought her hand to her mouth as a small gasp escaped, “He would have loved that.”

  Austin reached over and pulled his wife into his arms as the weight of the day settled on her. “You going to be ok?” he mumbled.

  She only nodded as she wiped at her eyes. For the next several minutes, baby Sean was passed from family member to family member until one of the nurses came to get him.

  “I need to take him for a bit. He’s going to get his first exam, and a bath, but I’ll bring him back as soon as we’re done,” she smiled at Katie’s crestfallen face, “I promise.”

  Katie nodded and handed her son over, “It’s so hard to let him go.”

  “I know,” Melanie nodded. “But take these moments when you get them. Trust me.”

  “Well, we’ll head out and let you two get some rest,” Austin leaned forward and placed a light kiss on top of Katie’s head. “Call us if you need anything, and we’ll stop by tomorrow.”

  “Thanks,” Patrick stood to shake his father-in-law’s hand. “See you tomorrow.”

  After the brood had left, Patrick turned to Katie, “Rest. I’ll wake you up when they bring Sean back. You need your sleep.” He placed a light kiss to her lips as he helped her slide down in the bed.

  “Love you,” she mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 25

  As the evening faded into night, baby Sean had yet to be brought back to his parents. Katie had begun to worry, but Patrick kept assuring her that things were fine, and she needed to try and rest. No one had stopped by the room to alert them of anything, so worrying at that point would be pointless.

  “Can you go ask?” Katie pleaded for the fifth time.

  “If I do…will you finally relax?” Patrick stood and stepped toward the door.

  “Yes,” Katie grinned.

  “You know…they run all kinds of tests on newborns. I’m sure that’s what they’re doing,” Patrick lifted a shoulder as he pulled the door to the hospital room open. “Besides…his mom and grandma both work here. I’m sure he’s getting the royal treatment.”

  “Just go find out,” Katie giggled as she shifted in the bed. A small grimace pulled at her mouth as she sighed, “Please?”

  “I’m going,” Patrick chuckled.


  When he reached the nursery, Patrick saw Melanie breeze out. She was biting her lip in concentration and rubbing her eyes. The troubled look she had as she stared down at the patient file in her hand did not leave a good feeling with Patrick.

  “I thought you went home,” he touched her shoulder to get her attention.

  “That was the plan,” she sighed. “As soon as we got to the parking lot I was paged to come back. I need to talk to you, and we should go somewhere private.”

  “What’s wrong?” Patrick’s voice hitched.

  Melanie glanced up as sadness tried to overtake her professionalism, “Its Sean…I was called in here for a consult about Sean.”

  “What’s wrong? Is he ok? Why didn’t they say anything to us?” Patrick began to panic as he reached up and grabbed his hair, and began tugging on it.

  “Relax,” she soothed. “It’s minor, but needs to be taken care of.” She directed him to an area with chairs. “Sit,” she pointed.

  “I think I’ll stand, thanks,” Patrick mumbled.

  “Ok…here’s the medical side of things, the side I would tell you if I were speaking to a colleague. Sean has a ventricular septal defect of the left side. It’s something that occurred in utero. When the nurses were checking his heart rate during the Apgar, they noticed a slight murmur, and Dr. Stevens paged me. It’s small and can easily be fixed with the right surgeon. I’ve paged your dad to get a second opinion,” she reached up and placed her hand on her son-in-law’s shoulder. “It just so happens we’ve got one of the best heart surgeons in the country here today.”

  Patrick ashen face turned toward Melanie, “I want you to do it. You’re a pediatric surgeon…you do it.”

“I can’t,” she sighed. “He’s family. I can’t take the lead on this…hospital policy. I can assist, that’s it.”

  “That means they won’t let my dad do it either,” Patrick muttered.

  “Yes that’s true,” Melanie nodded. “But trust me when I tell you, you’re going to get the best. Dr. Covington’s here today. I’m sure when he finds out it’s your son, he’ll do it.”

  Patrick’s head whipped up, “No! I don’t want him to do it.”

  “He’s the best there is Patrick. Why?” Melanie’s brow furrowed.

  “That family has ruined mine. How am I going to tell my wife that the man whose daughter tried to break up our marriage is going to save her son? How am I going to do that? Tell me, please,” he shook his head as he began to pace the seating area.

  “Patrick…Katie will understand…trust me,” Melanie soothed. “I’ll come with you if you want.”

  Patrick shook his head, “No…this is something that I have to do on my own.”

  “Well…I’ll be around here for a while until you guys make a decision,” Melanie waved her hand in the direction of the nursery. “If you need me to come help when you explain this to my daughter, just have me paged.”

  “Thanks,” Patrick nodded as his shoulders slumped.


  As he stood outside the door to Katie’s room, Patrick took a few deep breaths, steeling himself for what he was about to have to tell his wife. It seemed he just couldn’t get Tinsley out of his life, and now he was getting ready to make her dad a hero. Out of all the doctors at Boston Memorial, why did Mason Covington have to be the one they needed? He sighed one last time before pushing himself through the door and into his wife’s room.

  “Where’s Sean?” Katie slid herself to a sitting position. “He’s got to be ready to eat by now.”

  “They’re running more tests,” Patrick murmured. “Listen…I need to tell you something…” he trailed off as he moved further into the room, and stepped up beside Katie’s bed.

  “You’re scaring me…what’s wrong?” she reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him down to sit on the edge of the bed beside her.

  Patrick glanced over at her with a heavy sadness in his eyes before inhaling deeply, “I promise it’s going to be ok.”


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