Trouble's What You're In

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Trouble's What You're In Page 12

by Danielle Allen

  My entire lower body clenched at his words. I closed my eyes and started grinding on him. Between the way he kissed me and the way his dick felt pressed against me, I knew exactly what I wanted.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  My lashes fluttered open.

  “Are you still pretending that you don’t feel anything?” he asked, his hands moving to my ass.

  I let out a huff of air instead of the moan that was caught in my throat. Unable to hold out any longer, I slipped my arms around his neck. “I want you,” I admitted.

  “How bad?” He slipped his hands underneath the satin shorts I wore.

  “I want you so bad that I fantasized about you slipping my shorts down and sliding into my pussy. I imagined you pushing my legs back and fucking me until my body was weak and stress free. And since the thought first entered my mind, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  A deep sexy groan rumbled from his throat. “Shit,” he breathed before crashing his lips against mine.

  One hand left my ass and grazed the underside of my breasts as he removed my top. Before the cami could hit the floor, he had my nipple in his hot mouth.

  I moaned.

  My head lolled back as he alternated between the two. “That feels so good.”

  I lifted my head and our mouths found each other again. His hands moved down my body and I sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers grazed my belly.

  “Do you want me to stop?” His fingers hooked into the waistband of my shorts and played there teasingly.

  “No, I don’t.” I swallowed hard. “And that’s the problem.”

  “So, you want me to take these shorts off of you?”

  Biting down on my bottom lip, I nodded. “Yes.”

  He held eye contact with me as his fingers flirted with the thin fabric that was keeping me from being completely naked. “Do you know what I want?”

  I kissed him. “Tell me,” I whispered against his lips.

  He smirked before rolling us to the middle of the bed, pinning me beneath him.

  “Jay!” I squealed, not expecting the sudden move.

  He removed my shorts and tossed them to the floor. He scanned me from head to toe before crawling on top of me.

  “You are sexy as hell,” he murmured as his mouth covered mine.

  “It’s not fair that I’m naked and you still have on your shorts,” I complained, as he trailed kisses down my neck.

  “I’ll take them off in a second. There’s something I have to do first.” He spread my legs wide and settled at the apex of my thighs.

  It only took that first lick for me to know that he knew what he was doing. I clenched tight as waves of desire swept through me as he zeroed in on my clit.

  “Jay,” I moaned.

  “God, I love the way you say my name.” Each word was punctuated by a hard flick of his tongue and I squirmed through the entire sentence.

  He kept his mouth focused on the epicenter of my pleasure. I loved everything he was doing. And by the time he had me coming on his lips, I was ready to confess my feelings.

  He kissed me all over as my body recovered from the orgasm. When he made his way back to my lips, we lost ourselves. His shorts came off when he grabbed a condom from the nightstand. And wow—I couldn’t stop staring at his dick. I watched him roll the condom on and I felt like I was about to start salivating.

  “I didn’t know you were working with all that,” I commented as he climbed back on the bed. The length of his dick captured my attention as it bounced between us.

  He chuckled. “I’ve been trying to show you for the last few months.”

  My eyes jerked up and locked with his. “What?”

  He grabbed my ankles and lifted them high. Kissing each of them, he spread me wide. He played with my clit with his dick as he watched me. Spreading my wetness around, he toyed with me to make sure I was ready to accommodate his size.

  I loved the way he seemed to take in everything—every move I made and every touch that brought me pleasure.

  “Brooklyn, you know you could’ve gotten this anytime you wanted.”

  “The dick?”


  I sucked in a sharp breath as his words hit me at the same time as he sank into me.

  “Oh my God,” I panted, overwhelmed by how full I started to feel.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he growled as he worked himself as deep as he could go.

  “Jay,” I moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders. “Yes, Jay.”

  “God, I love the way you say my name,” he grunted as he pulled out and then slid back in.

  We found an easy rhythm. As he rocked himself into me, each time he went a little deeper, a little faster, a little harder. He made a point to push me to my limit and my body surrendered to him. I trusted him in a way I’d never trusted another, and he rewarded me with the hardest orgasm I’d ever had in my life.

  My body was wired from a mixture of complete pleasure and utter satisfaction. With our limbs still intertwined, we were panting in the middle of the bed.

  “Oh my God…”

  What did we just do?

  It was the hottest sex I’d ever had with arguably the hottest man I’d ever been with, but I couldn’t help but wonder if we’d made a mistake.

  Did we fuck our friendship by fucking?

  “Brooklyn,” he groaned, dragging out my name.

  I turned on my side to look him in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat when I found him already staring at me.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, pulling me into him.

  “We crossed the line we said we’d never cross.”

  “I know.” He held me tight, bringing his forehead to mine. “And I’m glad we did.”

  I swallowed hard. “I just don’t want to lose my best friend,” I whispered.

  “That won’t happen.”


  Chapter Eleven

  I was sore when I woke up Monday morning. After three rounds, it felt like I’d done an extensive full body work out. Every inch of me was thoroughly satisfied. The sun poured into the bedroom and I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position. The clock was blinking the wrong time and my cell phone was dead. Connecting my phone to the charger, I tried and failed to turn it on.

  “Good morning,” Jay’s deep voice rasped.

  “Morning.” I placed the phone down and rubbed my eyes. “How’d you sleep?”

  His fingertips skated across my back. “The best sleep I’ve ever had.”

  Shaking my head, I smiled. “Hm.”

  He grabbed me and pulled my naked body onto his. “What?”

  My head rested on his bare chest and my arm stretched across his abdomen. “I thought it was going to be awkward.”

  “Does that mean you’re still good?”

  “As long as I can still walk after you pinned my legs back like that.”

  He chuckled. “I had to take control back. The minute you started riding me, I was about to explode. If I didn’t flip you over, we would be having a different conversation right now.”

  I laughed. “You didn’t want me to say you were a one-minute man.”

  “And that’s exactly why I flipped you over and spread you out like that.” He pinched my arm because I was laughing so hard. “In my defense, seeing you sitting on top of me was blowing my mind. I couldn’t handle it right then and there.”

  I looked up at him, still grinning. “It was surreal,” I agreed.

  We were both quiet for a moment. Guilt hit me suddenly and my breathing changed. I shuddered.

  Jay held me tighter. “Are you okay?”

  I let out a breath. “We always said we wouldn’t cross the line because of our friendship… and because of Carter. And her body isn’t even in the ground yet and we’ve crossed the line.”

  “I think—”

  The pounding on the front door interrupted his sentence and startled us. Before we could really react, a second round of ha
mmering knocks rained down. It was so loud that I could feel the urgency.

  With furrowed brows, Jay sat up and grabbed his shorts. He snatched a t-shirt from the chair in the corner as he left the room. I was able to find my camisole, but I had no idea where my shorts were, so I put on a pair of his. I was halfway down the hallway when he swung the door open.

  “Why are you banging on the door?” Jay asked gruffly.

  “I need to talk to Brooklyn. Is she here?”

  My stomach sank. The high I was feeling in bed with Jay cocooned me from everything that hit me yesterday. But hearing the urgency in Kim’s voice brought me back to reality. My legs stopped moving.

  “I need to speak to her, James! It’s important.”

  “Jay, let her in,” I called out weakly as I forced myself the rest of the way down the hall.

  He grumbled about how she was knocking like the police, but he stepped out of the way and let her in.

  “I’ve been calling you all morning! Why haven’t you picked up?”

  “My phone died,” I explained. I left out the part about how when the power came back on, I was still too distracted by Jay’s dick to remember to connect my cell.

  Kim looked around frantically. “It’s ten o’clock. Does that mean you haven’t seen the news? Or checked social media or anything?”

  “I haven’t looked at my phone, TV, computer, anything.” In my gut I knew something was wrong. I didn’t want to know, but I knew I had to find out. “What’s going on?”

  “We need to talk,” she insisted, her eyes panicky and her face ashen. She gestured to Jay with her head. “Alone.”

  “He’s good. I tell him everything,” I murmured. An uneasy feeling roiled my stomach.

  “And this is my place,” he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Fine,” Kim huffed. “It’s going to be everywhere anyway so what does it matter?”

  I eyed her as she started pacing back and forth. “What’s going on?”

  “Carter’s parents had a second autopsy performed and the results…” Kim shook her head. “It wasn’t the water that killed her. It was smoke. She died of smoke inhalation.”

  Jay scrubbed his hands with his face. “What does that mean? I thought they found her on the embankment on the lake. Didn’t they say she drowned?”

  “They didn’t find any indication of water in her lungs.” Kim looked between us. “Mrs. Yates said that her death was consistent with smoke inhalation.”

  A confused look crossed Jay’s face. “So, if she didn’t drown and she had smoke inhalation, why did they say she drowned?”

  “I don’t know,” Kim replied. “But they’re saying smoke means she was on the boat. They don’t know if she set the fire or if she went to the boat after it was already on fire. But the boat was the only thing that caused enough smoke to kill her. The PROs are fine with that conclusion because they’re fine with anything that absolves them of any kind of responsibility. But”—she stopped pacing and looked at me for a long time— “that means the burden of responsibility falls on the person who set the fire and the cheerleaders are still saying you planned and started the fire. Brooklyn, I heard Trevor’s dad say something about they might possibly consider Carter’s death a homicide.”

  “What?” I screeched, not even recognizing the sound of my voice.

  Jay stared in disbelief. “They don’t think…” He gestured to me. “They can’t possibly try to connect Brooklyn to a homicide.”

  “They can’t. I didn’t have anything to do with this,” I cried. Even though everyone in the room knew I hadn’t, it needed to be said. “They can’t connect me to this. Can they?”

  Kim started pacing again. “I don’t know but probably. Trevor was dropping me off at my class, so I had to get out of the car.”

  “When did you find this out?” I wondered.

  “I found out about the second autopsy last night, but I couldn’t call because I stayed the night with him. I found out about the possible homicide this morning. I called you ten times before class and twenty times after. I knew you were staying here so here I am.”

  “I didn’t start the fire,” I uttered in perplexity.

  “I know. And after my afternoon class, I’m going to the station to tell them I saw you and Aiden all over each other in the basement that night,” Kim assured me.

  I heard what she said, but it didn’t register for a second. Once it clicked, I looked over at Jay immediately.

  His jaw was clenched, and he was staring at me. He wasn’t saying anything out loud, but I could almost hear the questions he had through the intensity.

  I dragged my eyes from him to Kim who looked like a deer in headlights. She glanced between the two of us and then took a step back. “Are you two…a thing?”

  Neither one of us answered and her jaw dropped. She pointed between the two of us in astonishment. “I mean… I thought the rumors were bullshit, but I stand corrected!”

  “Kim,” I hissed, narrowing my eyes at her.

  She pointed at Jay. “James, didn’t you and Carter used to date?”

  He flinched slightly. “A long, long time ago.”

  “Kim, can we get back to the point?” I snapped.

  “I uh…” Staring at me, she motioned to Jay discreetly with her eyes. “I’ll go to the police station after class about… what I saw.”

  I looked over at Jay and I couldn’t read his expression. He held my gaze for a moment before giving me a tight smile and exiting the room.

  I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.

  As soon as the bathroom door shut, Kim grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to her. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea there was anything between you two or I wouldn’t have said the thing about Aiden. I thought you and James were just friends! When Sonya was going on and on about James at practice this summer, I remember Carter making a point to say that you two were just friends.” Her eyes became the size of saucers. “Wait, did Carter not know?”

  “There wasn’t anything to know until very recently,” I answered in a hushed tone that matched hers. “Can we get back to what’s important? They are trying to make it seem like I’m responsible for what happened to Carter—”

  “I always thought you two would be cute together,” she interrupted.

  I held up my hand. “Focus, Kim! Have you talked to Olive? Did she say that she’d go to the police?”

  “I haven’t had a conversation with her, but I talked to her briefly on my way over here. She said she was going to call me back”—she checked her phone—“but I’m going to call her and see if she wants to go to the station with me, so she doesn’t have to go alone.” She lowered her voice. “Have you talked to Aiden?”

  “Actually, after I met with you on Saturday, I saw him.”

  “What happened? Did he talk to his lawyer?”

  I told her everything that happened. She shook her head as I detailed what he said.

  “That’s messed up. He could’ve handled that whole situation better,” she sighed. “He should’ve told the police what happened from the beginning because him holding out just made everyone, especially the paparazzi more, interested. How is he trying to act like he wasn’t at the party when there are pictures of him there before you two disappeared?”

  “I don’t know. But now that he’s being publicly implicated by people trying to sell papers, he’s talking about trying to go to the police.”

  “Trevor texted him last night and told him about the write up about it on that website Star Gazer. It said they knew he was involved because his parents were trying to bury the story.”

  I made a face. Even though I was mad at him, that was exactly what he was afraid of. “Wow.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, and Trevor said he hasn’t seen Aiden since the party, and he hadn’t talked to him since he declined help from his dad. He said that Aiden’s been acting funny since last weekend.” She gave me a sympathetic smile. “So at least Aiden Black isn’t part of it. I
think it would be worse to find out that you made out with a guy who was conspiring against you with his friends.”

  I looked at her blankly. “It’s bad enough the only person I had to alibi me refused to do it if it would get him in trouble. Aiden Black doesn’t get a pass from me because he didn’t jump in on the lie against me.”

  “Well, besides that…”

  “Besides that, a monster set me up for vandalism and now possible homicide because of something her boyfriend did with you. Someone I considered a best friend a year and a half ago died helping a bitch set me up for a prank. There are actual lawyers with power and influence looking to pin this on me so neither the PROs nor the school is liable. And the person I need to go to the police station to verify this was a fucked-up prank hasn’t called you back, yet.” I took a deep breath. “Kim, this is worst case scenario. This is my life.”

  I was going to throw up.

  “You’re right,” she agreed. “I’m sorry.”

  “And if Trevor saw that on Star Gazer, it’s only a matter of time before it’s everywhere. So, any hopes of Aiden doing what he should’ve done from the beginning just looks like a convenient excuse.”

  She frowned. “I didn’t think of it like that. But after what he told you at Gino’s, yeah.” She let out a long, noisy breath. “But I’m going to verify that I saw you. And if I go now, I can go do that before class.” She glanced over my shoulder. “Are you two going to be okay? I’m sorry I brought up Aiden in front of him.”

  I shook my head. “It’s fine. But call me once you finish at the station. And let me know if you talk to Olive.”

  She nodded. “I will. Everything is going to be okay.”

  I tried to smile, but I wasn’t sure if it translated to my face.

  We said our goodbyes and I closed the door behind her.

  Turning around, I took a deep breath and paced outside of the bathroom. I didn’t know if I should wait until he was done or if I should jump in the shower with him. I went back and forth with my decision until I heard the water turn off. Not wanting to be creepy, I ran to his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.


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