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Wolfish: Moonborne: A Fated Mates Paranormal Romance

Page 17

by G. K. DeRosa

  “And what if he does? You’re not my mate, right? So it wouldn’t matter.” I ignored the pounding echo that had pulsated through my mind earlier.

  “Like I told you before, even if I were, we can’t be together.”

  That had not been the answer I’d expected. Also, I needed to get the 411 on wolf mating ASAP. Wouldn’t he know if I were his mate? Wouldn’t I?

  This entire discussion had been as clear as mud.

  Hunter rose and peered down as if daring me to ask why. I’d questioned him before without a satisfactory answer. Because of the curse, supposedly. Once the silence stretched to uncomfortable levels, he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I have to go soon. There’s a pack meeting this morning about the trials, and I need to attend. I wanted to discuss everything last night when there was more time but…”

  But I fell asleep. And now, it was morning already and I had class soon. My butt remained planted to the couch. Despite spending all night with him, I had about a thousand more questions. Not to mention the growing pit in my stomach telling me that once I left, it would be over. Which is what I want. I hoped if I kept saying it, it would become true.

  My she-wolf skimmed the surface, a low whine echoing through me. She was the one holding me here. For whatever reason, she actually liked Aristaeus. Which reminded me… “One more thing. You really have no idea why my wolf is purple?”

  He hesitated. “I need to determine in which pack you belong. Once I’ve done that, I’ll know more.”

  “But you have a guess?”

  Those damned perfect lips pressed into a tight line. “Maybe, but it’s not worth discussing yet.”

  “Because it’s bad?”

  His hand shot out, and I could’ve sworn he was going to touch my face, but he jerked it back at the last instant. “There’s nothing for you to worry about yet. Focus on bonding with your wolf. Once she’s under control you can return to the human world, and you won’t have to worry about any of this. Which is what you want, right?”

  I stared up at him, those emerald eyes swirling with some indescribable emotion. Regret? Longing? For as long as I could remember, I wanted to go home. But since arriving in Moon Valley, a piece of me had come home. And still, I answered, “Yup.” I forced myself to stand despite my wolf’s inner grumblings. “I’ll let you get ready for your meeting then. I need to get to class anyway.”

  I marched to the door and invisible bands tightened around my heart. This was ridiculous. I should hate Hunter for what he put me through, and still, walking out of this room was the hardest thing I’d had to do. It still felt like nothing was resolved.

  “Vander will escort you home,” he called out. “And I will have my personal guards look into the attack. I assure you the wolf behind this will be punished.”

  I didn’t doubt that. He’d snapped the russet wolf’s neck like a chew toy. “I can get home without an escort. No one’s going to attack me in broad daylight.” All I had to do was ask directions to the university because I had no idea how to actually get there.

  My hand closed around the doorhandle, and Hunter was at my side. When had he gotten so close? I stepped back and hit the door.

  He loomed over me, his body heat like invisible fingertips grazing my flesh. “Sierra, I told you, I protect my wolves. What happened between us doesn’t change that.”

  I dipped my chin, unable to hold that piercing, soul-caressing gaze and yanked the door open. Darting into the corridor, I raced down the earthen passageway. I had to get out of there before I did something stupid. Like tell him I still loved him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Vander glanced up at me over the rim of his coffee cup. “How are classes going?”

  “Pretty good. I still haven’t been able to shift on command, which is pretty embarrassing since I’m the oldest one in the Werewolf 101 class, but I think I have performance anxiety because of my purple wolf.” My twentieth birthday was two months away and most of my classmates were only seventeen, eighteen at most.

  I’d coincidentally run into Vander three times this week already, which was odd since he didn’t attend MVU and lived on the opposite side of the valley. I had a feeling Hunter had sent him to keep an eye on me. The beta’s right-hand wolf had followed me home the night I’d made a mad dash from Silverstalker Lair. I’d ignored him, but he’d trailed me all the way to my dorm. I was fairly certain I’d caught a whiff of him later that night too, as if he’d been standing guard outside my door. I’d meant to ask him but thought it would be weird if I’d been wrong.

  As it turned out, I just needed a break from Hunter. It wasn’t love. My crazy feelings had been infatuation and that was it. I’d only been sixteen when I met him after all. At most, it was puppy love or some crazy wolf pheromones. Lie.

  “If you ever want to go for a private run, I’d be happy to go with you. Sometimes all you need is another wolf to spur your own to life.”

  “Thanks, Vander. I’ll definitely take you up on that.” There were nights when the urge to run, to explore the encroaching forest were so intense my skin crawled. My bones ached, muscles pulsating, anxious to be freed. But as much as I tried to release the beast in the privacy of my apartment, it never worked. Talk about being strung tight. It was like an itch that could never be scratched.

  “There’s my Violet.” That familiar smug tone turned my head toward the entrance of the café.

  Vander’s lips curled into a snarl as Ransom approached our table. The more I hung out with the cocky wolf, the more I was certain Vander and Hunter’s reactions to him were no more than petty jealousy. He was charming, engaging, and worry free. Exactly what I needed right now. Hanging out with Vander was fun, but I couldn’t help but relate him to Hunter. When I was with Ransom, there was no baggage.

  “Cheating on me already?” He smirked and slid into the empty seat between Vander and me. “This is supposed to be our coffee place.”

  I laughed. “It’s the only café on campus, Ransom, and I can’t put all my eggs in one basket. What if you’re not my fated mate and someone steals you right out from under my nose before the trials start?”

  A wicked grin lit up his dark eyes, and he waggled a finger at me. “I told you wolves must pick a mate, I never said it had to be fated.”

  I cocked my head at Vander. “I thought that’s how it worked with wolves.”

  “Not always. A lot of shifters do have a fated mate somewhere out there, but what if they never encounter them? Wolves are stronger together, so after a certain age if the mate bond never clicks into place, males and females pair up as necessary.”

  Hmm… interesting.

  “Or just for sex.” Ransom winked and stole a sip of my iced coffee.

  I forced a smile, but embarrassment coated my insides. These guys would never believe I’d still never slept with anyone. A nineteen-year-old wolf virgin. The only person I’d ever come close to or wanted to make love to was--. I shook the stray thought from my mind, refusing to even think his name. He who shall not be named!

  “Speaking of…” Ransom drilled me with those bottomless black orbs. “What are you doing tonight?”

  I sipped my coffee and pictured the pile of werewolf books on my desk. “Nothing much.”

  “Good, I’m taking you out.”

  Vander rolled his eyes, and a low growl vibrated his throat.

  “You snooze, you lose, Van.” Ransom grinned and elbowed my scowling watchdog.

  “I don’t know if that’s such a great idea,” I finally answered. The last time I’d gone out with him, I’d ended up stumbling and lost, and getting attacked by my own kind. I hadn’t mentioned it to him, and I wasn’t even sure why. Somehow, I just knew Hunter wouldn’t appreciate it. Like it would be proof that he couldn’t protect his wolves.

  “I second that,” Vander interjected.

  “It’s a good thing your opinion doesn’t matter,” Ransom shot back. “Come on, I want to take you on a real date this time. Dinner, drinks, the whole th

  A swirl of excitement bubbled up. I could count the number of real dates I’d had on one hand. Ransom was flirty and fun so why shouldn’t I, right?

  I need you tonight. Hunter’s deep voice rocketed across my mind, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

  Gods, Hunter, you need to knock or something! You scared the wolf out of me.

  Sorry. Something important has come up and I need you to accompany me to see a friend.

  Why me?

  It’s about the pack thing.

  Ah, now I understood why he was being so secretive. Could someone else listen in on our mental convo?

  Ransom waved his hand in front of my face, and I lifted my forefinger and mouthed, “Hold on.”

  This doesn’t have anything to do with my date with Ransom, does it?

  His growl ricocheted across my skull. Be ready at six. I’ll come get you.

  So I don’t even get a choice in the matter? I was starting to look forward to a night out.

  No. His beta power pulsated through the bond, its weight boring down on me. I could still refuse him, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious as well. Before deciding if returning to the human world was the right thing for me, I needed to find out where I really belonged.

  Fine. See you then.

  The connection slammed shut between us, like he’d actually hung up on me. Hunter’s mood swings were beginning to wear on me, and I’d only known him for a few weeks. Nothing like getting over a crush like actually getting to know him. Ugh.

  “Everything okay?” Vander asked.

  “Yeah, something came up. I need to meet with Aristaeus tonight.”

  “Seriously?” Ransom’s lips curved into a pout. “Like two seconds after I asked you out?”

  “Convenient, right?” I wondered how much snooping Hunter had done before announcing himself in my thoughts.

  Ransom turned to Vander, his cocky grin dimmed a few notches. “Is your buddy making a play for Violet?”

  The wolf’s expression shuttered, a blank mask slipping over. “I have no idea. We don’t talk about that stuff.”

  “Riiight.” Turning back to me, his hand closed over mine. “That’s okay. I don’t mind a little competition. That’s what makes this fun, right? It’s like a precursor to the trials.”

  I shot him a good eye roll, but I couldn’t help a grin tilting up the corners of my lips. “Let’s get something straight, I just found out I was a wolf like two seconds ago. I’m not in the market for a mate.”

  He shrugged, and that smirk still played on his lips. “Sometimes you have no say in the matter.”

  Didn’t I know it.

  Ransom scooted his chair back and took another sip of my drink. “Tomorrow, then?”

  I nodded before I could think too much on it. I’d wasted so much of my life pining for Hunter already. It was time to move on. With a triumphant smile on his handsome face, Ransom waggled his fingers at us and darted across the quad.

  As soon as he was out of earshot, Vander leaned across the table. “Thanks for not mentioning the pack stuff.”

  “I told Aristaeus I wouldn’t, and I keep my word. Regardless of everything.”

  “He does care about you, Sierra.” Vander’s face twisted, and his gaze dropped to his clasped hands. “He cares about all of his wolves, and until we know otherwise, you’re his.”

  “Sure, whatever.” I still couldn’t forget something Hunter had said the night I’d slept at his house. He’d been waiting for me to leave campus to approach me, but how had he known I was going out with Tristan that night? “Vander, did Aristaeus place you at Arcane to spy on me? Was that why you were there that night?”

  Again, his eyes cast down, this time to his empty coffee cup. “No. I told you, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

  Doubtful. Hunter was still keeping something from me. And I’d find out what it was tonight.

  The roar of an engine diverted my gaze from my perch on the grassy knoll to the approaching motorcycle. I sat outside my dorm soaking in the beautiful sunset, hoping it would calm my nerves before Hunter’s arrival. As the last rays of pink and orange dipped behind the hills, blanketing the valley in shadows, my mind was at ease.

  Five days had gone by since our night of revelations and with each hour that passed, the binding cords that had made permanent residence around my heart had relented. Now seeing him tonight would surely derail all the progress I’d made. In our days apart, I’d poured over countless tomes I’d found in the university library and despite not wanting to believe it, all signs pointed to the beginnings of a mate bond.

  And if I, a totally newbie wolf had figured it out, why hadn’t he?

  The rumble of the engine stopped, drawing me from my inner musings. I glanced down the hill to the man descending the black motorcycle. Twilight bathed the imposing figure that stalked toward me. My breath hitched and those damned bands tightened, constricted until I could barely suck in air.

  That devastating alpha presence pulled me in again, a vast tidal wave threatening to sweep me under the endless sea. Hunter paused at the foot of the hill, and his eyes captured mine. Fiery gold illuminated the darkening sky, and my wolf stirred. She pushed against me, rattling my ribcage. Now she wanted out? I’d spent all week trying to get her to make an appearance. Not a good time, girl.

  He finally lowered his gaze, and the crackling intensity between us waned. I struggled to catch my breath, to steel my shaky limbs. He’s a guy, just a guy, Sierra. Get it together!

  The corner of his lips twitched as he neared, and the hint of a smile softened the hard set of his jaw. Had he heard my inner monologue? I grabbed my purse, shoving down the bout of embarrassment. I’d have to tamp down on my rambling thoughts until I figured out a way to shut him out. I’d had no success in that area of research so far. And from what I’d read, once we determined in which pack I belonged and we completed the blood exchange, I’d be tied to him for life, tied to the whole pack.

  Another question to add to my list. Why hadn’t Hunter given me his blood when he’d taken mine? It was the traditional bonding rite within a pack, and as beta, he handled it for his father. Once I was tied to him, I was also bound to the supreme alpha. Thank the gods Tyrien hadn’t shown up in my head yet.

  Hunter stalked toward me, and my body hummed at each step closer. “You ready?” Was I imagining it or was his voice a little rough too?

  “Yup. Where exactly are we going? Your message was pretty cryptic today.”

  “I didn’t want to keep you from your coffee date with Ransom.”

  “That wasn’t the date—” I snapped my jaw shut and waved a hand. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Can you tell me?”

  “We’re going to see a witch. I did some research, and she’s our best bet for discovering your pack origin.”

  “Okay.” I ticked my head at the sleek motorcycle. “And we’re taking that?”

  “It’s a nice night. I figured we could drive instead of portal. She lives right on the border between Marlwoods and Maginaria so it shouldn’t be more than a half hour.”

  Thirty minutes pressed against Hunter’s back? Thighs wrapped around his legs? Arms wound around his waist? I scoffed. Sure, no problem.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Hunter led me down the hill, and as we neared the motorcycle, it occurred to me that he could have easily flagged me down from here instead of coming all the way up to get me. What was that about? It’s not like this was a date. For someone who didn’t want me anymore, he sure was attentive. I tossed the stray thought right out of my head. I was looking for something that wasn’t there. Even if I understood why Hunter had behaved the way he did for the past four years, there was nothing holding him back now. If he wanted to be with me, he could.

  Except of course for this mysterious curse he refused to talk about.

  We reached the motorcycle, and Hunter swung his long leg over the seat. With my five-foot nothing frame, I’d be lucky i
f I could jump up to get on. He offered me his hand and reluctantly, I took it. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I could pull this off on my own. His fingers closed around my hand and sparks ignited over my flesh. I hazarded a glance up to meet a pair of golden orbs. Not green. His wolf was the one that reacted to me—or was it to my wolf? I swung my leg over the seat, forcing myself not to think about it, and if it weren’t for Hunter’s firm grip, I would’ve toppled over the other side.

  “I got you,” he muttered. Or had I imagined it?

  Once I was seated, I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I searched for somewhere, anywhere to hold onto, but the sleek sports bike didn’t have many options. I clenched my thighs as the engine roared to life.

  “You’re going to have to hold onto my waist,” he said over his shoulder.

  Right. Leaning back to minimize bodily contact, I threaded my arms around his torso. His muscles bunched and strained beneath my grip. I tried to release him, but his hand closed over my laced fingers and pressed them against his stomach—his rock-hard stomach.

  He craned his head back again. “It’s gotta be tight like this if you want to stay on.”

  Of course it does.

  I won’t bite. Hunter’s rough voice echoed in my mind. I hadn’t imagined it. His tone was strained. And what was up with that? Was he flirting?

  The motorcycle lurched forward, and my arms instinctively tightened around his middle. Holy shift! “A little warning would’ve been nice,” I hissed.

  I was trying to prove my point.

  Point proven, wolfish wanker.

  He chuckled and the warm, honeyed sound rumbled through my insides. I pressed my cheek against the back of his leather jacket, using his broad shoulders as a wall against the whipping winds. My form sank into his, my softness against his hard, unyielding planes. My she-wolf purred, and a happy chuffing sound vibrated within. With my chest flush against his back, I was certain he could hear the purr along with my thundering heartbeats. Oh please, let this be a quick thirty minutes. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could control my lusty she-wolf.


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