Wolfish: Moonborne: A Fated Mates Paranormal Romance

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Wolfish: Moonborne: A Fated Mates Paranormal Romance Page 18

by G. K. DeRosa

  A haze of dark browns and deep evergreens blurred past as we wound our way through the woods. Hunter handled the bike like he’d been born riding it. I’d squeezed my eyes shut more than I cared to admit at the hairpin turns. But after a while, I started to like it. It was exhilarating. The speed, the wind whipping across my face, the scents of the forest. My body still thrummed pressed against his, but I didn’t hate it. I lost myself in my thoughts, in the steady rumble beneath my legs, and the solid form in front of me. One of his hands remained atop my clenched fingers, on the steel band I’d become around his waist. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was filled with a deep sense of peace. Closing my eyes, I leaned against Hunter’s worn leather jacket and enjoyed the temporary bliss.

  Before long the soothing sounds of the forest retreated. I snuck a peek as the woods gave way to a stretch of highway. We were nearly at the border of Maginaria—my old home.

  Almost there. Bea’s place is off the first exit. Hunter’s voice broke the peaceful spell, and I refocused on tonight’s mission.

  How do you know this witch anyway? In my years in Azar, I’d learned that the supes tended to keep within their own race. Despite the proximity of our lands, most rarely crossed the borders to their supernatural neighbors.

  She was recommended to me by our healer. Terra has been with the Dragos Pack since I was just a pup. I sought her guidance when I couldn’t determine your origins.

  Two things struck me from his confession. One made me laugh—the pup part, and the other—the fact that he’d asked for help surprised me to no end. The great and powerful beta admitting he couldn’t figure something out on his own? I hadn’t expected that.

  Thanks for going above and beyond. I finally shot back.

  As I told you before, a wolf without a pack is dangerous. Wolves need community, a sense of belonging and mostly a strong leader to curb our beastly nature.

  He wasn’t doing it because he cared about me or because of our history. He was essentially doing his job. I sat back an inch, putting a hint of much needed space between our fused bodies.

  Hunter sat forward, pulling me along with him and tightened his hold on my hands. What? He broadcasted in my head.

  I was not going to admit what actually pissed me off, so I opted for a safer topic. Everyone keeps telling me that my wolf is some dangerous animal, but I’ve never felt the slightest bit of murderous tendencies from her.

  That’s good. But you’ve also only shifted what, twice? She’s only just coming into herself, as are you. It’s important to rein her in from the beginning to avoid problems in the future.

  I still found it hard to believe. My wolf felt more like a sweet puppy than a fierce beast. I was starting to wonder if it was just a line alphas fed their packs to keep them obedient. Speaking of the supreme alpha… Why haven’t I met your father yet? In an official capacity, I mean. In my research I’d discovered all new wolves were initiated into the pack, and I assumed the great Tyrien Silverstalker would be involved.

  It’s typically done at the pack initiation ceremony, but since I haven’t determined your pack…

  Ah, gotcha.

  Actually, I haven’t told him about you yet. His shoulder blades stiffened beneath my chin.

  Because of our history or because he was embarrassed that he hadn’t placed me into a pack yet?

  Both. His surly growl vibrated his entire back. I hadn’t even meant to broadcast that thought to him. I needed to learn to block my errant inner ramblings from his ever-present scrutiny.

  “Sorry,” I muttered into his ear.

  He shuddered, the tremble echoing down my own chest. What was that about? If he’d heard my thought, he’d ignored it this time because apparently the subject was closed. We remained in a semi-comfortable silence until the motorcycle slowed, and he turned toward the off ramp.

  With the howling wind dying down, I leaned forward and shouted in his ear, “You must really trust this witch if you’re willing to admit what you couldn’t to your own father.”

  “I told you before. I don’t even know Bea, but I trust Terra. And not figuring out your true pack is not an option. I was out of ideas, so here we are.”

  Hunter ticked his head at a long, gravel road that led up to a quaint stone house. Beneath the light of the full moon and nestled between towering weeping willows, the little home looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. Hansel and Gretel, if you asked me. Hopefully, this witch wouldn’t try to throw us into her oven. At least I had the big bad wolf to protect me.

  Hunter eased the motorcycle up the drive and cut the engine a few feet from the gray stone steps that led up to a small porch. He finally released his hold on my hands, and I stretched my arms out, stiff from the ride. Even after I thought I’d relaxed, I still must have been clinging onto him like mad.

  He jumped off and offered me his hand, which I took. Luckily, because when I hit the ground, my knees buckled, my legs like jelly after the thirty minutes of numbing vibrations. Hunter’s firm grip kept me from a fumbling first impression.

  Bea stood at the door, her willowy figure highlighted in shadows and long silver hair nearly glowing beneath the moonlight. Maybe she’d have an answer to my luminescent werewolf problem too.

  “Welcome, you must be Aristaeus and Sierra.” She dipped her head, wild tendrils framing her ageless countenance. Her skin was like porcelain, an ethereal glow radiating from her face. But those eyes, the wisdom, the sorrow, the insight, they betrayed her true age. “Please, come in.” She held the door open, and I followed Aristaeus up the steps.

  The cottage opened up into one decent sized room filled from top to bottom. Every nook and cranny showcased a collection of knick knacks. From the small kitchen to the quaint sitting room, not a single uncluttered spot remained.

  As my eyes searched the cramped space, Hunter’s fingers tightened around mine. I hadn’t even realized he was still holding my hand. I glanced between us at our intertwined fingers, his big ones tight around my own. His gaze followed mine and as if he’d too suddenly realized, he released me and strode toward the old-fashioned loveseat.

  “Sierra, come sit.” Bea motioned to the petite couch. Hunter’s massive form already dwarfed the upholstered antique which meant there’d be little breathing space between us.

  “I’m fine standing.” I folded my arms across my chest, the surge of happiness I’d felt on the bike sucked right out of me. Which was stupid. Did I really expect him to hold my hand the entire visit?

  “Suit yourself, child, but you may find it more comfortable for the bloodletting.”

  I suppressed a grunt. Of course there’d be more blood loss involved. Freakin’ supes. Arms tight across my chest I marched to the sitting room and eyed my available options. Hunter scooted over, but the firm set of his jaw wasn’t exactly inviting. Bea folded her tall form into the seat beside him which left the coffee table or an upholstered stool. Loveseat it is then.

  When I finally settled into the spot beside Hunter, I met Bea’s watchful gaze. A hint of a smile curled the corner of her lip. Had she been watching me the whole time?

  Hunter cleared his throat and leaned forward, turning his back to me to face our witchy hostess. “I’m not sure how much Terra told you, but I’m having difficulty placing our newest member in the pack. This is a first for me, and I hoped you could provide some guidance.”

  “Of course.” Her slate eyes flitted from Hunter to me and back. Again, her lips quirked. Among the coffee table clutter, Bea produced a knife and a large vial. It reminded me of the old science lab beakers I’d used back in human high school. That sure would hold a lot of blood. I grimaced at the thought. She focused her gaze on me and spoke softly, “Terra informed me that you are half human, but she did not mention your wiccan lineage.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened, and he shifted beside me.

  “You can tell?” I blurted.

  She slowly nodded. “I can always recognize a sister of the Lune Sacré. Our
covens have been closely aligned, and your signature, though faint, calls to me.”

  My brows slammed together. I didn’t even know the name of the coven Gram had belonged to. Mom never talked about it at all. She barely talked about my grandma anymore.

  “Sacred Moon?” Hunter grated out.

  “Yes.” She tossed me an indulgent smile. “Your new wolf hails from the very coven that derived their mystical power from your lupine goddess, Luna.”

  That cannot be a coincidence, right?

  “Do you know nothing of your heritage?” she asked me.

  “No. My grandmother and my mom weren’t close so I never spent much time with her, and my mom never spoke of any of it. She wanted to keep me out of the supernatural world. Until I was dragged into it four years ago because of the Half-Blood decree. I attended Arcane Academy, but as it turns out, I guess I’m a witch in name only. No powers to speak of, just like my mom.”

  Her light brows furrowed as she continued her careful scrutiny. As if she could somehow read the magic in me. “Interesting,” she finally said. Lifting the knife, she brandished it like a mighty sword. “Let’s see what else we can discover, child.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I gulped and offered Bea my wrist. Let the bloodletting begin. I turned away as the blade bit into my flesh, forcing my gaze toward Hunter’s. Darkness eclipsed the brilliant green, much like the black that blanketed the forest we’d just sped through. I wished I could jump into his thoughts whenever I felt like it.

  He’d spoken my grandma’s coven’s name like he’d recognized it. But how? I didn’t even know about it. I added it to the never-ending list of questions for the reticent beta.

  “There now, that should be enough.” Bea’s soft voice pulled me back to the present.

  I glanced at the beaker of deep crimson liquid, and my stomach roiled. The witch offered my bloodied wrist to Hunter, the shadow of a smile lighting up her slate irises. Hunter paled and I jerked my arm back, tugging free of her hold. After the tension-wrought ride here, I did not need him licking me in front of this lady. “It’s fine. I’m sure it’ll heal by itself.”

  I tucked my arm against my shirt and crimson splotches dripped across the white. Dammit!

  Hunter huffed out a breath, and his fingers closed around my forearm. “Just let me do it.”

  Bea rose, cradling the beaker. “I’ll be right back.” I kept my eyes intent on her narrow shoulders and flowy top, her long skirt swishing against the wooden floor, until she disappeared into a back room. As soon as the door closed behind her, Hunter tugged on my arm.

  I sucked in a sharp breath as he lifted my wrist to his mouth. His warm tongue swept over my skin, and my core clenched. His eyes met mine and brilliant gold flared across the abyss, completely eclipsing the green. A fiery inferno ignited in my lower half at each heated stroke of his tongue. Hunter squirmed, as if he could feel my building lust, and his thigh grazed mine. Even through our jeans, the faint touch drove me closer to the edge. Oh gods, I was going to explode. My fingers clamped around the upholstered cushion as a wave of desire crashed over me. My toes curled, the white-hot furnace between my legs smoldering.

  I pressed my thighs together to smother the heady sensations as Hunter’s muscled leg pressed closer to mine, the bundle of nerves tightening. His heat seeped through my jeans and stoked the flames within. A throaty growl vibrated his chest as he watched me, and another tremor ran up his back. I could see it. Feel the rumble.

  A groan slipped from Hunter’s lips as he flicked his tongue over my sensitive flesh. He closed his mouth over my wrist to muffle the sound, but it was too late. I wriggled with need, about a second away from jumping into his lap, Bea be damned.

  Hunter sucked, and all the air siphoned from my lungs. I crossed my legs, squeezing against the raging fire below. I needed him. I wanted him to feed the flames, to drag me over the precipice.

  Oh gods, I want you, Sierra. Hunter’s rough voice echoed through my mind, and I tumbled over the edge. Chomping down on my lower lip to keep from moaning, I unraveled, as his mouth continued to worship my wrist.

  Holy werewolf babies!

  When the last of the tremors passed, and I finally pried my eyes open, I met a pair of blazing golden orbs. He released my hand and gently placed it across my lap. My cheeks burned as the lusty haze passed and awareness of what I’d—we’d done set in.

  Hunter opened his mouth, but I leapt off the couch and raced toward the doorway Bea had disappeared through. At this point I didn’t care if I ended up straight in her bedroom. Anything was better than facing Hunter.

  Luckily, the first door I came across was ajar. I peered around the opening, and relief washed over me at the sight of the sink and toilet. I barreled inside and slammed the door behind me, leaning against the timber to catch my breath. My heart still pounded out an erratic staccato, and my legs were a boneless mess.

  Turning the faucet, I splashed cool water on my heated cheeks. I couldn’t imagine what sex with Hunter would be like if he’d thrown me over the edge with only a few sweeps of his tongue. As quickly as the thought entered my mind, I shoved it down. He’s not interested. There will be no sex.

  And yet… No, Sierra. We’re moving on. My inner voice sounded a whole lot like my mom. Which reminded me I hadn’t heard back from her since the big move to Moon Valley. She hadn’t visited me once while I was at the academy, would she come here?

  I stared at my reflection and decided to tackle my mom issues another day. Right now, I had to figure out how I was going to face Hunter after that. I couldn’t stay in Bea’s bathroom all night.

  This had to be a mate thing, right? There was no way I would’ve reacted to Hunter like that otherwise. I’d done some stuff with other guys before, but it had been nothing like this.

  I dug my phone out of my pocket and shot Cass a quick text. I couldn’t wait for my bestie to get here. Once she was in Moon Valley, everything would be better. She’d be my voice of reason and keep me away from the mercurial beta. Even today, his words said one thing, but his actions betrayed another. What was he so conflicted about?

  It had to be the curse, but if he couldn’t speak of it, how would I ever discover the truth?

  A sharp ping turned my gaze back to my phone.

  Cass: Just three more days!

  Me: I can’t wait that long.

  Ransom had talked to his father for me and had convinced the alpha to take Cass on a few weeks earlier than planned. Her apartment was all set up at the Royal Pack hill, and her new healer job awaited. I was so excited I could barely contain myself.

  Two quick knocks on the door sent my heartrate skyrocketing. Oh, no.

  “Sierra, child, whenever you’re ready, we are waiting for you.”

  Shift. Shift. Shift. “Coming,” I called out as I typed out a speedy goodbye to Cass and promised I’d fill her in later. She’d been riveted by the big Hunter revelation and I’d been keeping her up to date on all the developments, but I wasn’t sure I could tell her about this one. Not without turning fifty shades of red.

  With one last look in the mirror, I drew in a breath. My pupils were still dilated, the violet ring barely visible, but the crimson staining my cheeks had receded and at least my heartrate had normalized. You can do this, Sierra. Just pretend nothing happened. Pretend that you didn’t have the most mind-blowing release on a stranger’s couch while the man who was possibly your wolfy mate licked a bloody wound. Oh, Luna, help me.

  I put on my big girl pants, threw my shoulders back and whipped the door open. I kept my gaze fixed on Bea as I marched into the living room. I didn’t dare a glance at Hunter, but I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face. If he kept that up, I’d be bright red all over again.

  “Did you find out anything?” I blurted, eyes still fixed to the willowy witch.

  “Nothing conclusive.” Her thin silver brows knitted, lines furrowing the porcelain skin of her forehead. “Which is discouraging.”

Great, I was some purple wolf freak that didn’t belong anywhere. Which reminded me…

  “Bea, do you know why my wolf is—”

  No! Hunter’s words thundered across my skull, and my jaw snapped shut. We still need to keep that between us for now.

  But why?

  Just trust me. Please. I hazarded a glance in his direction, and despite everything he’d kept from me over the years, I did trust him.

  “What, my child?” Bea asked.

  “Do you know why my wolf is in hiding? I can’t get her to come out, unless under extreme circumstances.”

  She shrugged. “I’m afraid I’m no expert on shifting. That is a question for your alpha.” She turned her slate gaze to Hunter, humor flitting across the dark depths. “Or Aristaeus.”

  “Right, thanks anyway.”

  “So now what?” Hunter slid to the edge of the seat.

  “I’ll try a few more spells until I can determine what is causing the block. It may take me a few days. If I am truly having difficulties, I may consult with a sister—”

  “No,” Hunter barked. He cleared his throat and lowered his tone. “I apologize for snapping at you, but I’d like to keep this between us. If you cannot determine her pack, please let me know and I’ll search for other means.”

  She nodded slowly. “As you wish.”

  “Thank you. Your discretion is greatly appreciated. This is a sensitive matter, and Terra assured me you could be trusted.”

  “Of course. I understand.” She rose, unfolding her lithe frame. “Then if there is nothing else, I will get to work and get back to you as soon as I’ve made any interesting discoveries.”

  “Thank you.” I followed her to the door, keeping a few feet ahead of Hunter. Once we were outside, unease swirled at the sight of the motorcycle. I didn’t think I could handle a thirty-minute ride pressed to the man whose tongue had just rocked my world.

  “I’ll be in touch soon.” Bea’s words lingered on the breeze before the door slammed shut and jarred me back to the present.


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