Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 2

by Iris Bolling

  Grace stood then walked closer to the bed to stare down at him. “I want you to hear me loud and clear, Uncle Walker. Your debt with Pavel was paid in full. It will come out of your annual allotment. You are still alive because your last name is Dunning. Thanks to Myles you are still breathing.” She smiled. “Unfortunately for you, he has placed you in my hands.” She leaned closer to him. “You go anywhere near a gambling facility belonging to the mob or anyone else, I will cut your balls off, shove them down your throat and choke you with them.” She lingered over him to ensure he received her message. Then she stood up straight. “You have six months in this facility, paid in full. I suggest you use it wisely. If you make it through this program, you will need to look for another place to live. The family house is no longer in your name. The fifty million dollar annual allotment has been reduced to one. And this is the most important change in your life, you are no longer welcome at any branch, office, satellite facility or anything with the Dunning name attached to it, including our homes. If you are spotted, you will be arrested on sight. Do not contact any member of this family, including Aunt Viv. Your only contact will be me. Violate any one of these rules and you will be cut off completely.”

  “You can’t do this to me,” Walker shouted. “I am the rightful heir to everything. You have no authority over me or the bank. You, your mother, Myles - all of you will bow to me before this is all said and done.”

  Grace tilted her head and stared at him. “You know everyone has a little crazy inside of them. Some, like you and I, have a little more than others.” She shrugged. “Let me show you what I mean.” She pulled a pillow from his bed, placed it over his face then held it down. His scream was covered before it cleared his throat. He jerked on the restraints, kicked and moaned as she applied more pressure. When she was sure her point was made, she removed the pillow away.

  Walker gasped for breath as she stood over him. “Ah, there. See my point.” She exhaled then threw the pillow back on the bed next to him. “Take this opportunity to get yourself together. A million a year, this place for six months, rent free, is not a bad deal.” She smiled sincerely at him as he began to settle down. “Look at you. You get to live another day.” She calmly put the chair back at the table then walked to the door and opened it. “You take care of yourself, Uncle Walker.”

  Grace walked out the building wondering, if pushed, just how far would she really go with Uncle Walker.


  London, England

  Jonathan Michael stepped inside the office of Richard Dewberry III, CEO and President of Phase International Bank. There were multiple headquarters to Phase in as many countries, but none as vast or luxurious as the one with the occupant known as Richard Dewberry III. One did not control the world’s largest financial institution without the ability to wield a significant amount of power. You had to be smart, cunning and ruthless. Dewberry had proven to possess his share of those qualities plus five times what was needed to stay on top. To be clear, Jonathan understood Dewberry had no intention of leaving the role of CEO and President of Phase International Bank until the day his survivors lowered him into the ground.

  This conversation was the beginning of the end of his life as he now knew it, Jonathan thought as he stood in the doorway. Dewberry, who was a man of considerable wealth, and wore suits, ranging in the area of five grand, daily, stood in the bank of windows with his hands behind his back staring out. He truly had the look of a man who ruled the world. At five eleven, a tad bit overweight, the suits gave him an air of superiority over others. To Jonathan, Dewberry was just another man who put on his pants one leg at a time. There was no way he would help Dewberry destroy Dunning Bank & Trust. Yet, Jonathan was certain that was the reason he had been summoned to Dewberry’s office.

  This was the moment Jonathan would have to decide what was more important in his life. The title, money and prestige afforded to him as the only man of color in a decision making capacity at the most powerful financial entity in the world. Or the pride of his heritage, compounded with the love of a woman. It shouldn’t be a decision any man would have to make, however, in the real world...the racist world which he was a part of, the decision was now before him.

  Jonathan closed the door. “You wanted to see me, Richard?”

  Dewberry turned towards him with a slight nod of his head.

  “Have a seat, Jonathan.” Dewberry motioned towards the white leather chairs in front of his desk. “I understand you have news from the States.”

  “News?” Jonathan raised an eyebrow as he unbuttoned the jacket to his suit, then took the offered seat.

  “The vote on Hepburn Dunning’s replacement,” Dewberry replied, a bit agitated.

  Jonathan nodded. “As expected, Myles Dunning, the oldest son is taking over as President and CEO of Dunning Bank & Trust.”

  “Disturbing news, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “No.” Jonathan was able to keep a straight face. Of course Myles taking over was going to be an enormous problem for Phase. For Dunning, it was spectacular and exciting news.

  “You see their numbers as well as I.” Dewberry frowned. “I give them two good years and they will replace America’s Bank in the number two ranking. Soon we will have people of colour controlling the world’s market. We cannot allow that to happen.”

  When comments such as this were made Jonathan often wondered what was going through the pillock’s mind when he was sitting in front of him as a man of colour. Over the years he had learned to curtail his response for he believed the exec’s at Phase did it to get a reaction from him. He refused to give them the satisfaction.

  “It is unclear in what direction the new CEO will take the institution,” he replied keeping to the topic at hand.

  “What is your take on the new appointment?” Dewberry sat back in his chair.

  Jonathan rested his chin in his hand with a finger extended for balance.

  “Do you want the kiss ass answer or the truth to that question, Richard?”

  The frown on the man’s face pleased him. Dewberry was not one to curtail his responses. “The truth, Jonathan.”

  Jonathan had studied and admired the history of Dunning Bank & Trust for years. The last thing Jonathan wanted was to be the Brit who worked with the evil empire known as Phase International to bring down the one entity that had served the African-American community and others worldwide, with the same dignity and respect. Dunning was a growing threat to Phase’s number one ranking in the financial world. And as Dewberry said, the organization that controlled the purse strings of the financial world carried the power of governments at their will.

  “If William Mitchell is able to manipulate the strings in the background, the new CEO’s impact could be considerably weakened. However, Myles Dunning carries the same characteristics as his father. With the right team supporting him, Dunning is certain to grow under his leadership.”

  Dewberry sat forward. “PI will take any steps necessary to protect our standings. Elimination of any person or entity hindering our efforts will be our priority. That includes Myles Dunning or any other family member who may ascend to a position of power. Do I make myself clear?”

  The direct glare from the maggot shook Jonathan’s core. For he knew it could have easily been Grace who had taken over as CEO of Dunning. Therefore, to him, Dewberry had just made a direct threat to Grace’s life. That was unacceptable.

  The woman, whom Dewberry had placed in the scenario, Grace Heather Dunning had stolen Jonathan’s heart when he first met her during college. She was, as he would call her, a two-sided gold coin. Heather represented the wild, anything goes woman who intrigued him, while Grace displayed all the elements of a queen, with her provocative reserved manner. Both sides demonstrated the intelligence of a Rhodes Scholar. There was no way in hell he would allow Dewberry or any of his cronies to harm Grace or any member of her family. Nor would he be a party to the destruction of the only organization owned by the original African-America
n family. The bank and the family had survived the struggles of the depression, barriers, the civil rights movement, the racism of the sixties and today.

  His mission had changed. It was now Jonathan’s mission to ensure the legacy of Dunning Bank & Trust. In the process, he hoped to capture the heart of Grace as his own.

  Jonathan stood, smiled, then buttoned his suit jacket as he replied, “Understood.”

  He walked out of the office on the thirtieth floor and caught the elevator back down to his office. With purpose and direction clear in his mind, he walked into his suite of offices.

  “Sydney, would you step inside please?”

  His assistant, Sydney Landon, a very attractive slim brunette stepped inside with a tablet in her hand. She closed the door and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

  “Whatever you decide to do, I’m going with you.”

  Jonathan smiled as he took a seat behind his desk. “What makes you think I’m going to do anything?”

  “You're a good mate. There is no way you’re going to allow a takeover of Dunning by Phase or anyone else.”

  “You know me too well.”

  “How do you wish to proceed?”

  Jonathan sat forward. “I need the report on the top ten financial institutions. Dewberry wants Dunning cut to bloody hell. I cannot allow that to happen. I need to know who is in line to profit from Dunning’s demise.”

  Sydney was keying into her personal phone. “I'll retrieve those reports.” She looked up at him. “Dewberry will never understand your emotional tie to Dunning’s history.”

  “Dewberry is an arsehole,” Jonathan responded, then sat back in his chair. “However, I cannot dismiss the fact that he orchestrated my career to this point.”

  Sydney sat forward. “He recognized your skills then used your brain to further his agenda. He did not give you anything. You worked hard for this company. If it had not been for the colour of your skin, you would be running this organization. I know we like to think here in the UK race is not an issue, but in the business world that would be naive of us. Jonathan, you have gone as far as you can with Phase. It is time for you to start your own investment firm, financial advisor firm or your own bank if that’s what you want. Whatever direction your heart takes you, it’s time for you to make that move.” She sat back. “I commend your loyalty to Phase and all that you have accomplished here, but it is time.”

  Jonathan sighed. “Before I make any decisions on my future plans, we have to ensure stability at Dunning.”

  “The offer from Elaine Jacobson to deliver the BIT account to you would guarantee Phase the number one ranking for years to come. You would receive credit for bringing the multi-billion-dollar company on board. It would lock your position here with Phase in stone.”

  “It would be at the cost of selling out Dunning. That price is too high. Dunning is too important not only to the African American community, but to the world. Its value debunked the myth that the good guys always finish last. I cannot in all good conscience interfere with its progress. Yet, I cannot flat-out turn down Elaine’s proposal. She would certainly shop the offer around to another financial entity.”

  “That could leave Dunning in a vulnerable position,” Sydney sighed. “How are you going to stop her?”

  Jonathan sighed. “For now, let’s get the information on the top ten. Then find me a place stateside.”

  Sydney smiled as she stood. “Any particular state?”


  “Virginia?” Sydney slowed her stride and frowned. “Is that a real place?”

  “Yes,” Jonathan laughed. “It is one of the original thirteen colonies.”

  “Oh. Then they are sure to have pubs there.”

  “That is a must have.” He smiled as Sydney left the office.


  Richard Dewberry had not reached his position in life without the ability to identify a threat when he saw one. Jonathan Michael was just that, a threat. But he was one Dewberry could not afford to eliminate. There were still a few technical issues Phase International had to undertake before its complete reign of financial power was in place. The takeovers could be accomplished without Jonathan in about three years. That was an unacceptable timeframe, as far as Dewberry was concerned. With Jonathan’s mind for investments and his ability to compromise computer systems, the feat could be theirs in a matter of months. Dewberry knew he had to proceed cautiously. Jonathan had this ungodly sense of integrity. Therefore, he had to piece meal the task to keep him from getting suspicious. It was the only reason he continued to build a man of colour through the ranks of his empire. As long as he knew his place, and Jonathan appeared to know where he belonged, he could keep his title, his money and his status until he no longer needed him. Phase was too close to monopolizing the world’s financial markets to take any chances. The key to their success was Jonathan Michael.

  This turn of events with Hepburn Dunning’s death had the potential to railroad those plans. Dewberry knew the depth of Jonathan’s admiration of Dunning’s history. If it appeared the bank was in trouble Jonathan might take it upon himself to be the savior. With that in mind, Dewberry picked up his phone.

  “Have Jack O’Donnell in my office before the day is out. Then get me the file on Walker Dunning. I want information on the weakest member of the family on my desk within the hour.”


  One Week Later - Richmond, VA

  It was murder.

  Grace Heather Dunning, the second child of Hepburn and Winnieford Dunning, read the report from the medical examiner. It felt as if 100 knives had just entered her heart. Questions had been swirling around in her mind for days now as the family awaited the final report from the Medical Examiner. There were no more questions to be answered. Her father had been injected with potassium chloride. The drug caused a severe heart arrhythmia. The symptoms from the overdose of the drug mimic a heart attack. That was why the Medical Examiner initially ruled that a massive heart attack had taken her father’s life. In a matter of minutes of the drug being injected, her father’s heart had spasmed out of control then simply stopped functioning. The ME had no alternative but to attribute it to sudden cardiac death.

  Grace pushed back from her desk leaving the report open. She walked over to the window of her office at Dunning Bank & Trust to stare out. Praying the busy scenery of downtown Richmond would take the sting of the written words away. Yet, as she watched, she wondered how people could go on with their lives when her world had been turned upside down for the second time in a month? Tears stung her eyes as the question of who would want her father dead filled her mind.

  Hepburn Dunning did not have enemies, at least not personal ones. As the CEO of Dunning Bank & Trust, her father had helped millions of people in various ways. He handled his business with integrity and trust. Even his competitors admired the way he conducted his business and his personal life. Many tried to emulate his actions, but her father was a natural lover of people. It was difficult to fake the humanity he spread over the years. There were generations of humanitarians in his bloodline. From his great-great-grandfather, to his great-grandfather, to his grandfather, his father and then him, the true Dunning men only knew how to help others obtain a better life. There wasn’t a selfish bone in their bodies. Of course, like everything else there was always one exception.

  No matter how deep Grace Heather dug to find an enemy who’d have wanted her father dead, she came up with a blank. She was hard pressed to think of anyone who had a harsh word to say about her father. Grace Heather brushed a tear from her cheek as a thought came to mind. Something her Uncle Ken said to her Aunt Vivian when they discovered her Uncle Walker was involved with the Russian mafia.

  “Hell, it would not surprise me one bit if it came out that Walker had something to do with Hep's death.”

  “Is it possible?” she said out-loud. “Is it possible Uncle Walker was connected to Daddy’s death?”

  She shook the thought from her
mind. Even her self-absorbed, egotistical, petty uncle would not have stooped so low as to kill his own brother. Somewhere in his heart, Uncle Walker had to have loved her Daddy. No, there was an enemy out there. Someone who worked in or had access to this building. Since the death was ruled as a heart attack, no investigation had been done. Now, that was the first thing that had to change.

  Grace picked up the phone on her desk then dialed a number.

  “Daisy,” she said as the call was answered. “Is Jerome at the house?”

  The woman Grace and all her siblings referred to as their second mother responded with a sound of irritation. Leave it to Daisy to say exactly what was on her mind at any time.

  “Why do you need to know that, missy?”

  Grace grinned. “Because I’m just as nosey as you and want to know all, when all is happening, whether it’s my business or not.”

  “Don’t be getting smart with me, Gracie. You are not too big for me to pull those britches down and spank that natural behind.”

  “Ooh…that sounds kinky, Daisy. I think I’ll try that. I might enjoy it.”

  “I done tried a few things in my day. I ain’t gone knock it.” Daisy laughed. “Now what do you need with Jerome?”

  The comic moment with Daisy was over. Grace knew her father trusted Daisy with sensitive issues, so she did not hesitate to share the findings. “Is Mother around, Daisy?”

  “No. She stepped out early this morning. You know your mother hasn’t been the same since they took Mr. Hep out of the ground. It’s like she had to go through the burial twice.”

  “I know,” Grace sighed. “It was important to know what really happened to Daddy.”

  “You got the report back?”

  Grace nodded. “Yes. Daddy was poisoned. That’s why I need to speak to Jerome.”

  “Have you told the family yet?”

  “No,” Grace replied. “I want to have some things in place before I brief the family.”


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