The Moon Shadow : The Wolfrik Trilogy | Book 1

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The Moon Shadow : The Wolfrik Trilogy | Book 1 Page 5

by K. Rea

  “No,” I whispered. I promised myself to be defiant to the end. I may have been foolish in my plans, but I would not send death to anyone’s doorstep. Aiden would have to torture me first; he knew it too.

  Without further discussion, Aiden walked over, grabbed my hands, and pulled me to my feet. I thought he intended to kiss me for a second; he paused as if he considered it too. I tried to pull away, but his grip held me firmly in place. He brought my wrists closer to him, bringing our bodies close enough to feel the body heat radiating from his form.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized, then twisted one of my hands, moved the loose rope, and exposed my wrist before he sunk his fangs into my soft flesh. It all happened between one blink and the next. Stunned, I didn’t fight him. Even when I felt his tongue slide over the puncture marks and he released my wrists, I stood there shocked. Alex handed him a red napkin from the bar and Aiden pressed it into my hand.

  “Put pressure on that. It should finish healing in a minute,” Aiden ordered.

  “How dare you! Who do you think you are? You can’t just go around biting people, damn vampire!” I yelled; he merely chuckled.

  “Damn vampire? Who do I think I am? I am the heir apparent of a court that you are a subject of and the only one here even mildly concerned for your well-being. So, I suggest you do as I say, drink your water, and keep your opinions to yourself before you ruin the only chance of a life you have left,” Aiden snapped. He handed me the bottle of water again.

  I sat on the couch, opened the bottle, and inspected my wrist. The puncture wounds were healed. There wouldn’t even be a scar to add to my collection. I quenched my thirst, grateful for the water even if it tasted off. Aiden pulled out his phone, watching me causally. A scowl on his face. I quickly began to feel tired, unnaturally quickly.

  “What did you do? Am I dying?” I mumbled; my speech slurred. The room grew dark around me.

  “We gave you something to help you sleep. You’ll live,” Aiden promised and rose from his seat to take away the drugged bottle. “I’ll explain when you wake up.”

  “Amy, I’ll be back,” Aiden stated to the blurred figure who entered the room. “Alex, I swear if you bite her, I’ll kill you myself.”


  When I woke, Aiden sat across from me with a laptop across his knees. The sound of his keystrokes the only noise within the room. The club was quiet. Someone had taken the time to drape my navy leather jacket over me.

  “Why did you drug me? What did you drug me with?” I demanded, my voice a harsh, broken rasp. I eyed a sealed bottle of water next to me with skepticism, pulling my jacket on before grabbing the bottle of water.

  “Valerian Wolf’s root, it is harmless in small doses. I needed to know you were secure here, not antagonizing Alex or anyone else while I stepped out. Amy stayed and kept watch over you. There’s a bag on the floor by your feet from your future sister-in-law. I believe she packed some personal items. I found her waiting at your apartment with the bag prepared,” Aiden explained. He looked up from his screen. “I think she meant to take you away, though she did not seem surprised to see me.”

  “Did you hurt her? Did you hurt my family?” I demanded, looking at the navy duffel bag. Aiden sighed.

  “She’s fine, a fierce woman, but unharmed. I wouldn’t expect less from a Wolfrik mate. Jane demanded to know if you were okay. She had some choice words for both of us,” Aiden said, giving me a pointed look. I could only imagine the browbeating she gave him.

  “I informed her who I was and that I would do my best to see you are treated fairly for your crimes. I gave her a warning to relay to your brother, Orion, in case he considered trying to follow in your footsteps. When I left, everyone was exactly the same as before I visited, only hopefully a little wiser and better informed. If they heed my advice, they’ll be moving and soon,” Aiden explained, closing his laptop with a click and slid it into a bag at his feet.

  “You won’t send anyone after them? You went alone? You don’t plan on killing me?” I asked. Aiden paused. What had I done? I brought a nightmare to their doorstep.

  “I won’t come after them as long as they do not come for you. I told Jane that my father won’t feel the same, and they need to leave. I went alone, hoping to keep knowledge of their existence and whereabouts here to a minimum. I can only be responsible for myself. If it were up to me, you would be on the first flight to anywhere I’m not. As it is, too many people know about you now to make you disappear without more questions. If my father lets you live, he will trap you at Court. I thought you would appreciate something from home and a change of clothes,” Aiden said and gestured to the bag at my feet. If given the opportunity, I would have taken the first flight to anywhere.

  “How did you know where to go? I didn’t tell you where I lived,” I asked, glancing at the duffel bag at my feet.

  “Your blood. Blood has a history. Some vampires, like myself and Gaius, can garner information from it,” Aiden said. “Contrary to what you might believe, we’re not all the same.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. If that were true, then why not do it before? Why not bite me instead of all the questions?” I asked, confused.

  “Blood can reveal facts, not motive, intentions, or reasoning. The deeper or older the knowledge, the more blood that must be taken to reveal it,” Aiden stated as he rose to stand next to me. I moved to stand up for the first time in hours, weak from the drugs and prolonged exposure to silver. My knees gave out, but Aiden caught me, dragging my body uncomfortably close to his solid frame. The tension in his body was clear as two warm, sure hands settled firmly on my narrow waist.

  “Put your hands out,” Aiden said, apologetic. I thrust my hands to him without a second thought.

  “Alex will be back soon. You would be wise not to taunt him. He likes a challenge; don’t give him one. I know your understanding of the Court is limited. If you intend to survive, you need to stop being rash, stubborn, and obstinate. Things will go smoother for you if you curb the attitude. If you don’t, it will be considerably more painful,” Aiden advised as he removed the rope from my wrists.

  “You don’t seem to mind,” I mumbled.

  “Not always,” Aiden chuckled. I snuck another glance toward my duffle while he was distracted. If most vampires could riffle through my mind by merely taking a sip of my blood, I wouldn’t survive long enough to need a change of clothes.

  “Don’t mistake me for a friend; even my patience has its limits,” Aiden said as he pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his jean pocket. My blood raced as the first cuff clicked into place with the cool burn of silver. I shoved against him with all my strength, trying to get away from the metallic burn. My power tried to surge to the surface but was kept in check by the silver cuffs. Aiden’s fangs appeared, his eyes glowing like embers as he looked at me curiously.

  “How old are you?” Aiden questioned with regret, his eyes and fangs no longer on display.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I declared, refusing to admit I hadn’t come into my powers yet. My twenty-fifth birthday was mere days away. The power surges would stop then, and I’d be stronger, more in control, and less vulnerable to vampire charm. That is, if I lived long enough.

  “I assumed given your strength you were twenty-seven or twenty-eight, but your eyes don’t glow or change color when you use your powers,” Aiden said. I struggled to slow my racing heart; the cuffs chaffed my wrists.

  “Master your emotions. Vampires will read you like a book and learn more about you than you’d care to share,” Aiden stated.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I whispered as Alex entered the room.

  “For example, I know you’re attracted to me, more than you’d ever admit, and that it’s likely been a while since you’ve let your hair down, relaxed, and had a bit of fun—both in and out of bed. Now sit down, drink some water,” Aiden ordered.

  “Stay,” I mumbled.

  “Good wolf,” Aiden teased, an irritating smirk tugging at his lips. I bit down a snarl.

  “I’d be careful brushing up against that hellion,” Alex grumbled as he sauntered to the minibar.

  “Though you are a tempting, feisty she-wolf, I’d rather not have to worry about my bedmate trying to assassinate me,” Alex commented before leaving the room with a not so mini-bottle in his hand. I tensed; I didn’t need to catch a vampire’s eye at a time like this.

  “Don’t worry, while my brother is a bit of a ruthless womanizer, he doesn’t take what doesn’t consent to be taken, at least in matters of the bedroom. That blush of yours is an example of something you will want to control at Court unless you want attention,” Aiden stated. He gave me a look that could compel any woman to tell all her secrets. Between his handsome face and vampire charm, he probably had no shortage of women warming his bed. I shouldn’t be thinking about his bed at all.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. The fact you can eat or kill me anytime you want isn’t heartwarming. It’s the drugs; they’re still wearing off. I feel more like a trussed-up turkey on a plate,” I lied. Those stormy eyes didn’t look away.

  “If you say so. In the meantime, I recommend you relax. Alex is happily distracted, and we’ll be leaving soon,” Aiden said as he stretched out on the other couch in the room with comfort and at ease.

  “What about you? Aren’t you going to leave?” I asked hesitantly. I hoped he would leave. If he did, I could make a run for it.

  “You have nothing to fear from me, and no one will bother you while I’m here,” Aiden declared, his gray eyes severe. He relaxed, closing his eyes, and seemed to sleep for a good fifteen minutes before I looked into the bag Jane had packed. Inside was an assortment of clothes, mementos from my parent’s house, and a family portrait. If I was going to make any attempt to escape, now was the time. I put the duffel bag on the floor and made a show of refilling it with the items I removed from it minutes before. I used the bag to shield my actions from view. I reached down into my boot for my dirk.

  “Evelyn, what are you doing?” Aiden mumbled, his arm thrown over his eyes. I wondered if daytime affected him. I hoped it would affect him, or at least slow him down. I gripped the dagger in my hand.

  “Nothing,” I said, sliding the dagger up my sleeve, still within quick reach.

  “You’re lying. Stop testing me, lass,” Aiden retorted. I barely stood before he raised his muscular arm from his eyes to look at me.

  “Go to sleep, Evelyn, now,” Aiden ordered. His eyes glowed gently with the charmed command. I felt sleepier, the compulsion gently wrapped around my mind like a blanket, but it would not stop me. Not this time. I wouldn’t allow it. I said nothing and ran for a door. The dirk slid down my arm, but I kept it close to my body. The moment I touched the door, he trapped me against it. The dagger and handcuffs bit into my body.

  “Foolish girl,” Aiden fumed. He shifted back enough to turn me around. He pulled me from the door, I used the momentum to thrust the knife into his body. I heard him grunt in pain and felt my hands grow slick with warm blood. Even as the metallic smell reached me, I stretched behind me for the door handle. Thankfully, it was unlocked. I pushed through the door and locked it behind me to a stream of angry curses as I felt around for a light switch.

  I felt joy for a moment, then despair; I had successfully locked myself in a private bathroom with only a handgun left to defend myself. I laid the gun on the granite counter and walked over to the small window above the toilet. It would be tight, but I could fit if I could get the damn handcuffs off and jump out as a wolf. I rummaged through the bathroom for a way to unlock the cuffs in the mix of complimentary toiletries. At the back of the last drawer, I found a set of stray bobby pins.

  The cursing behind the door stopped as I used the bobby pins to disengage the locks on the handcuffs. A part of me hoped I hadn’t killed Aiden, but mostly I didn’t care if he lived or died. I had yet to meet a good vampire, one that didn’t prey on people weaker than themselves. One less vampire in the world would only be a good thing.

  The Kensley brothers would not drag me in front of their dark Court. I’d rather die in this nightclub than be someone’s plaything or executed as an example. From what I was taught, the vampires’ rule had been the most ruthless and violent the Court of Shadows had seen in centuries.

  The lock popped on the second handcuff, and the banging on the door resumed. I grabbed the small pistol and shot at the window, then turned around and shot at the wall next to the door. My only two shots were spent. I heard Alex cuss on the other side as the handcuffs clattered to the floor. Quickly, I changed into my wolf form, then climbed on top of the toilet.


  I lunged out the shattered window blindly; the shards of glass caught on my fur as the door burst inward behind me. I fell from the window and realized two unfortunate facts. It had been a second-floor window, and the sun was setting. I landed hard, my paws sliding from underneath me. My old injury flared back to life; I knew the paw was sprained, and I wasn’t as strong as I was the night before.


  I could smell the market nearby and the stench of fresh fish. I ran for the market, praying for a mass of tourists and residents I could hide in, hoping I could get lost in the crowd. I heard something drop from the window behind me. The Goddess was not on my side tonight.


  Distracted, I ran right in front of a motorcycle. There was nothing I could do as the sound of screeching tires and the smell of burned rubber overwhelmed me before the sliding mass of metal knocked me off my feet. I disentangled myself from the bike with a whimper, bruised and battered. I didn’t see the driver. I rose onto my paws and limped away. I didn’t know for sure what was broken, but I was definitely injured. One of my back legs couldn’t support my weight.

  Alex came for me; I could hear him; I could smell him. The smell of apples that seemed to follow him grew stronger in the growing twilight. I thought I could smell Aiden nearby, but I didn’t know for sure with the smell of his blood still vivid in my mind. I limped toward an old building, hiding in its shadow, and laid down. Aiden appeared and stood across the street, a silent watcher.

  Aiden’s shirt was torn and bloody where I stabbed him. He approached, inspecting me, his fangs exposed, and his eyes glowing. I looked down at my leg, my midnight blue fur matted and damp with blood from the long gash. If I survived, I’d have a scar from my thigh down to my ankle. He stepped closer; I snarled fiercely. His face was set, and his intent clear. I was dead. There would be no mercy this time. I snarled again at the thought, yet Aiden came closer. Alex appeared at his side.

  In Alex’s hands, he carried two items: a dagger, and a heavy silver chain. I shuffled away as far as I could, my back against the brick wall. I had nowhere else to go. My hackles rose as Aiden got closer. To my shame, the snarl on my lips became a whimper. He stopped.

  “You can die here in the streets like a stray. I can make it quick and painless for you,” His voice, a pained whisper, thundered above me. “Or you can come back with me and trust me to see to your welfare as best I can.” I didn’t respond; I couldn’t.

  “Which will it be, Evie?” he asked softly, stepping closer. I lowered my head, considering giving in to the pain, the nothingness that wavered on the edges of my mind. I wanted to submit, I wanted this to be over, but I couldn’t—I needed to fight. Needed to fight for my life, for all the lives lost to this vampire family.

  Yield to him, my wolf within beckoned. He kneeled beside me, and I snarled.

  “Just put her out of her misery already. Brother, you know the king will not be kind to her. She’d thank you for it if she knew what was waiting for a she-wolf like her,” Alex snapped. He stood a few paces from his brother, waiting for his orders. Even in this light, I could tell Alex had his brother’s blood on his hands. There were
pieces of drywall and wood stuck in his hair from busting down the door, I assumed.

  Aiden frowned at my leg as he traced the old scar that circled my ankle, even in wolf form. I flinched away from his touch. He looked into my eyes before placing his hand gently against the gash on my thigh as if to slow the bleeding. Even such a tender touch was horrible, unbearable; I lunged at him, knocking him on his back, and pinned him to the ground with the last of my strength. I didn’t snap at him, though.

  Yield to him, my wolf urged again. I started to lower my head to his chest; it was a struggle to keep it raised, anyway. I was weakening by the moment, even with my shifter healing abilities. My muzzle almost touched Aiden’s chest when Alex threw a chain over my head and wrapped it around my neck.

  A pure silver chain. It burned everywhere it touched and blocked out all other sensations. I screamed; I’d never screamed as a wolf before. Then suddenly I was a woman again, still screaming. I pulled at the pure silver chain, but Alex didn’t give an inch of slack. I begged as I hit my fists against Aiden’s bloody chest, only to clutch his shirt and sob. The silver tainted the magic of the shift. The clothes I had been wearing fell to the ground in scorched rags, revealing my naked human form and allowing the silver chain to burn a path down my back. The smell of burned leather and fur mingled in the air. I couldn’t understand Aiden as he snarled at Alex, and the chain went slack.

  “I’ve got you, little wolf,” Aiden whispered gently as he removed the chain wrapped around my neck and draped across my body. For a moment, I thought I heard Orion yell my name in the distance. I closed my eyes in relief when Aiden lifted the last chain link from my skin.

  “Aim for my heart next time, little wolf,” Aiden suggested before I passed out. “For both our sakes.”


  I woke from a dream of gray eyes and reassurances, handcuffed to a foldout bed. My arms were stiff, and my mouth dry. I wore a man’s dress shirt with a plaid blanket tucked around my waist. While the silver chain was gone, I felt a tiny silver choker snug against my neck. Someone thought to dress me in a bra and panties. Thank the Goddess for small favors. I hoped it hadn’t been Alex; the idea of his hands on me made my skin crawl. I thought I had heard Orion call me before I passed out, but I definitely didn’t hear him now. I looked around and met Aiden’s steely blue-gray eyes.


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