All In: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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All In: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 5

by J. L. Drake

  The girls treated me to lunch and talked about all the gossip I had missed over the last few months. We worked at an ad agency, and our two bosses had been going at it like rabbits, thinking none of us knew. The drama they brought to the office was really comic entertainment to us. We all sat back and enjoyed the show most days. Maggie, my best friend at the agency, even pitched an idea to them about a lover’s quarrel at work. The idea was shot down quickly, and it was pretty damn funny to watch them squirm.

  The spa was perfect, and the three hours I was there seemed to fly by. I even bought myself a new dress and felt fantastic, so when I got a text from my mom asking me how I was doing, I couldn’t help but smile. I took in my appearance in a nearby mirror. My hair was still long but was now in layers and lay much cleaner. Honey-colored highlights brightened my look, my skin glowed from the body scrub, and the new red dress fit like a glove, which in turn made me feel festive. Yes, I was turning over a new leaf, and it was wonderful.

  “Well, well, well,” Otis sang as I stepped out of the cab, “don’t you look mighty fine this evening, Miss Lexington.”

  “Why, thank you, Otis.”

  “You get that tree up in your place all right?”

  “I did,” I winked, “with a little help.”

  He glanced over my shoulder before he went on. “Glad to hear it. New dress?” He took my hand and had me do a spin, which made me laugh.

  “It is. You like?”

  “Miss, you could make a potato sack look like it came from a Calvin Klein ad.”

  “Are you flirting again, Otis?” Carter called as he walked up behind me.

  “Yes, sir, I believe I am.”

  Carter grinned down at me. “You look very pretty.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to hide my blush, but I thought he caught it as he held my gaze.

  “All right you two, go on inside. It’s freezing out here.” Otis rubbed his hands together, blowing on his worn leather gloves.

  Carter seemed to be in a good mood, too.

  “Good day at work?”

  “Yeah, I just got off my shift, so I have four days free.”

  “What do you plan to do with your time off?”

  “Oh, I have big plans.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “I have a date with HBO, and maybe I’ll swing over to Hulu, but we’ll see.”

  “You sound like me.” I shifted closer as three people stepped inside the elevator.

  “What about you? You’re dressed pretty. You must have big plans for tonight.”

  “Mm, yeah,” I nodded to show he was correct, “I have a hot date with Jasper and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.”

  “Jasper the cat?”

  “That be him.”

  He laughed but looked down when everyone side-eyed him.

  When the door opened to our floor, he placed his hand on the small of my back and kept it there until we got to my door.

  “Oh!” I held out my bag, and he looked at me strangely then glanced inside.

  “You didn’t need to.”

  I shrugged, knowing I would always return a kind gesture. “You lent me yours, so let me give you this one just in case you change your mind and want to get a tree, too.” I dug into my other bag. “And here.” I handed him a bottle of red wine. “I don’t know what you drink, so I went with my favorite. It’s just a thank you for helping me.”

  He twisted the bottle between his hands. “I love wine.” He glanced at the label. “Ah, Don David. Good choice. Thank you, but you really didn’t have to.”

  “I know, but it’s my way of showing you I’m not a bad or dangerous neighbor.” I winked as I unlocked my door then slipped inside.

  I draped my jacket over the chair and bit down on my lip as the rush of something new burst through me.

  I ran my hands through my hair, needing something to focus on or I might burst. I dropped onto the couch and started to flip through the channels. Of course, nothing could snag my attention long enough. I glanced at Jasper, who yawned as he stretched and turned his back to me. Of course, he was little to no help.

  A knock at the door had me on my feet opening it to find Carter had changed out of his fireman’s jacket and was now in a black leather jacket.


  “So, seems HBO and Hulu are busy. I was hoping maybe Jasper would be all right if I took you out?”

  “Out?” I raised an amused eyebrow.

  “I like spending time with you,” he shrugged carelessly, “and I’m tired of hanging out with myself.”

  I pressed my lips together. I loved how he was sweet and blunt.

  “Let me change.” I held up a finger and pushed the door open more so he could come in and wait.

  I changed in record time into tight jeans, knee-high boots, a sweater, and pea coat. New York winters were intense, and I wasn’t about to spend the night freezing my ass off.

  “Hey, Arizona?”

  “Yeah?” I popped my head out the door, but when he didn’t answer me, I quickly sprayed a puff of perfume in my general direction then hurried through it back to the living room.

  “Jasper,” I warned and scowled at my moody roommate, who was now on the kitchen table staring down Carter. He looked over at me as he casually lifted a paw, and I caught his evil expression. “Don’t you dare.”

  Whack! My coffee cup went tumbling to the floor and cracked in half.

  “Bad kitty,” I hissed and shoved him off the table, only to have him bolt to Carter.

  “He’s a feisty thing.” He scooped him up in his arms and scratched his ears. Jasper allowed it to happen until Carter’s hand stopped, then he meowed loudly and wiggled to get down.

  “He’s a diva and is still adjusting to apartment living.” I reached back for my purse and motioned for him to lead the way.

  We jumped in an Uber, and Carter gave directions to an entrance to Central Park. I wanted to ask what we were doing, but at the same time it was fun just going along for the ride.

  “Thank you,” Carter called to the driver and helped me out of the car then grinned down at me. “Can I share something with you?”

  “Sure.” I threaded my arm through his, and we walked through the gates.

  “There are times when the firehouse just doesn’t cut the craziness that the city tosses at us, and my apartment is too quiet, so the local blues band, Summer in the South, creates a little oasis every winter that only some of us lucky guys know about.”

  “Really?” I had no idea, but I also had never spent a ton of time in Central Park before. Myles was certainly not one for taking a stroll in any park.

  “Can you spot the flickering lights, through the trees?” He bent down and pointed, and I followed his gaze and spotted the little specks that became brighter when the wind blew.

  “I do.”

  We crossed over the grass and stepped into an area filled with snow-covered trees.

  “Holy…” I whispered at the display in front of me. Thousands of tiny, colored Christmas lights were woven through the trees, and the band was snug inside a covered gazebo-type stage protected from the snow and wind. They were casually playing a laidback song. A coffee bar served a few people while others sat tucked inside little pods enjoying a night in the park away from the rest of the world. It was positively beautiful.

  Carter waved at the lead singer, who waved back and smiled at me.

  “Friend of yours?”

  “Yes, I was given a standing invitation after his apartment burned down a few years back. I managed to save his wedding photo. It wasn’t much, but it was something.”

  “I’m sure it was everything to him.”

  “Would you like to sit while I get something warm for us to drink?”

  “Sure.” I noticed he avoided my compliment, but that was fine. Carter didn’t seem to like much attention.r />
  With my head turned in Carter’s direction, I felt someone sit down next to me.

  “Hello, there. Are you here alone?” Surprised by his sudden appearance and his question, I almost looked over my shoulder to see if this rather nice-looking guy was really speaking to me or someone else. Normally, I was so closed off when Myles was in my life that I was never approached by another man, but now I could only suppose I was sending off a whole different vibe.

  “No, actually, my…” I stumbled on what word to use. “Um, no, I’m not.”

  “You seem unsure.”

  “I…” I shook my head again, getting tongue-tied. “No, I’m not here alone. He went to get something to drink.”

  “But you’re alone right now.”

  What the hell…

  “Yes, I suppose at this very moment I am.”

  “Lucky for me.” He leaned in and offered a hand. “Name’s Macoy. Do you know the name Macoy means happy, loving, caring, and,” he hesitated and wiggled his eyebrows, “attractive?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his silly expression.

  “Macoy, I see you met my date for the evening.” Carter was suddenly at my side. The guy stood immediately and took a step back.

  “I wasn’t aware she was with you, sir.”

  “Now you are.”

  “Sorry.” He turned and hurried away.

  Carter eased into the seat and handed me a coffee like nothing just happened.

  “Another friend?” I laughed.

  “Something like that.” He smiled over at me. “You’re like bait to any man.” He waved his hand.

  “Not really.” I sipped the coffee. “However, while we’re on this topic, how is it that you’re still single?”

  He laughed while he took a sip and shook his head. “I told you why. Good guys finish last.”

  “No,” I waved him off, “when the package is that pretty, he doesn’t stay single for long.”

  “You think I’m pretty?” He smirked, amused at my wording.

  “You know what I mean.” I rolled my eyes and hid my smile behind my cup.

  “I’ve never really been one for casual dating, and you won’t find me at a club, so until that is out of a woman’s system, they aren’t for me.”

  I leaned back and thought about all the times Myles had dragged me to clubs to swoon over the owners. He needed to be Mr. Bigshot to anyone who liked to party and had a constant influx of cash coming in to flash around. He needed to know he was on top and important.

  “So, tell me something about you.”

  My stomach sank.

  “Like what?” I tried to control the pounding in my head as my blood took a drop to my feet. I was still very uneasy about my past, and I didn’t want to put a dark cloud over the night.

  “What happened to your wrist?”

  Tomorrow I’d get the friggin’ thing off, and of course that needed to be the topic he came up with.

  I swallowed hard. “I was in a bad spot for a while, and it took getting the worst news of my life to really see it. Sadly, when I walked in on something months later, I came out looking like this.” I held my cast up.

  “That’s incredibly vague of you, but I can tell it’s still pretty raw, so I won’t push.” He studied my face for a moment. “However, and I’m making an assumption here, if we are talking about a person, and he came back into your life, would you take them back?”

  “I would be a damn fool to do that, so no.”

  “Good.” He nodded like it was a good enough answer for him.

  The music ended, and the lead singer came over and waved Carter out of the chair.

  “Who do we have here?” The gentlemen took my hand and gave it a respectful shake.

  “Stan, this is my date for this evening, Arizona Lexington. Arizona, this is Stan from New Orleans.”

  “Lovely to meet you, Stan.”

  “You as well.” He looked up at Carter. “Son, would you mind getting me something warm for my throat?”

  “Of course.” Carter headed for the café, and I was left with the kindest-looking man I’d ever seen.

  “My boy likes you.” He smiled, and the laugh lines around his eyes crinkled deeply. A sure sign he lived a happy life.

  “He’s very nice.”

  “Tell me, Arizona, how did you get him to bring you here tonight?”

  That threw me for a loop. “I didn’t. He just brought me here.”

  “Really?” He looked over at Carter, who was now at the counter ordering. “Carter doesn’t date. He had a girlfriend about six years ago who tore his heart out, and he decided that the right girl would just have to find him.” That explained a lot.

  “What did she do?” I was digging and didn’t care.

  “She didn’t like how often he was gone. She wanted more fun and a busy social life. She never saw Carter for what he is. An old soul with a huge heart in the middle of a constantly fast-paced life or death job. She didn’t like being at the firehouse and never tried to get to know his friends. It was hard on him, and one day he came home to an empty apartment, and that was it. They were finished. No goodbye, nothing.”

  “How sad.” I found my eyes glossing over, so I turned my head away to gather myself. When I looked over, he was watching me again.

  “I see you have a past, too.”

  “How?” I quietly sniffed.

  “I see the signs.”

  “Life has kicked me down a few times.”

  “It’s getting back up that’s the hard part.”

  “Amen.” I chuckled.

  “One hot chocolate with a splash of bourbon.” Carter handed Stan the drink, and he got out of the seat.

  “You have a mighty fine lady here, son.” He warmed his hands on the cup. “I hope to see you here again soon, Arizona Lexington.” He smiled down at me. “You’re always invited.”

  “Thank you.” I felt accepted for the first time for myself and not because of who Myles was.

  Stan spotted someone else he knew and excused himself.

  “An invitation?” Carter looked impressed. “So, you won over Stan. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “You doubted it?” I joked playfully.

  “No,” he stared into my eyes, “just impressed, that’s all.”

  We listened to a few more songs before he checked his watch and saw it was almost midnight.

  “I should get you home.”

  I was perfectly okay with that, because home meant he was just across the hall from me.

  Once in the Uber, he slipped an arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. The word married was staring me in the face like a neon sign, but really, we were over. It was just a legal hurdle now. I opened my mouth to tell him, but nothing came out. My head said to say it, but my heart hushed me up. They both hurt, and that kept me silent. Maybe I’d try again tomorrow.

  “You’re freezing.” He brushed my hair off my shoulder as we stood in the elevator. “Thanks for coming tonight. It meant a lot.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. I had no idea that lovely place was even there.”

  Silence fell over us until we stopped at our usual spot outside my door.

  “Carter, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  “Arizona…” His eyes moved to my lips, and I wanted to cry. I wanted him to me kiss so badly, but my apartment door suddenly opened.

  “Where have you been?” Jessi barked then stopped while a dirty grin spread across her face as she spotted Carter. “Oh, well, well, well, what do we have here?” She extended her hand dramatically. “Jessi, and you are?”

  “Carter,” he shook her hand and glanced at me, “Arizona’s neighbor.”

  Jessi smirked, and I could tell she had more to say. “So, Carter, you single?”

�� I snapped. She had no shame.

  Carter chuckled as he unlocked his door. “Yeah Jessi, I am.”

  “See A, there is a God.” Jessi giggled as I pushed her back into my apartment. “Bye, Carter.”

  “Goodnight, ladies.” I could hear his amusement as he opened his door, but I did notice he held my gaze for an extra beat.

  “Seriously?” I smacked her shoulder as she closed the door. I couldn’t believe her, but yet I found myself entertained by the whole experience.

  My phone rang, causing me to drop the bags at my feet since I was still working with only one hand. I froze when I read the ID. I whirled around to find Jessi, who was already into my box of mint cookies. “Jess!” My tone made her look up, and I turned my screen around so she could see it was Myles.

  “Give it to me.” She held out her hand then hit ignore. “Don’t do it, A. It’ll only set you back.”

  “No, you’re right.” I shook off the nerves that came whenever I thought of him. The look he gave me that last night still followed me everywhere. I decided it was time I changed my cell number. The image of Jason’s naked body and my ex deep inside another woman gnawed at my soul, not to mention the violent way he treated me. Myles had been rough with me before, and he did have a temper.

  Jessi was the only one who knew what I had truly been hiding behind closed doors. In the past, Jessi had begged me to leave him, but I couldn’t. He always managed to do it in a way that made me question myself somehow. Only now did I know his mind control techniques were pretty stellar. Sadly, it took him being an asshole over me not being able to have a child, then seeing him cheat before I grew a set. It really wasn’t something I was proud of, but at least I finally did it.

  “So, tell me,” Jessi tried to distract me, “how did you meet Mr. Male Model over there?”

  I welcomed Jessi’s change in subject and poured us a glass of wine.

  “Met, or how the date I was just on went?”

  “Shut the front door. If you so much as skip an emotion during this story I will draw on your face with a Sharpie and post it on your social media.”

  I motioned for her to join me on the couch, where we chatted well into the wee hours of the morning. God, it was good to feel alive again!


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