Margaret Tudor: A Romance of Old St. Augustine

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Margaret Tudor: A Romance of Old St. Augustine Page 5

by Annie T. Colcock


  Among the Spaniard's followers was a young mulatto whom he called"Tomas." Very tall and slight of figure was he, yet sinewy and strong,with corded muscles twining under the brown skin of his lean younglimbs. He wore a loose shirt, open at the throat, with sleeves uprolledto the shoulder; and his short, full trousers reached barely to theknee.

  I was admiring the agile grace of the lad as he bestirred himself uponthe deck the last morning of our voyage. With him young Poole (clothedonce more like a Christian, in borrowed garments) was engaged in thetask of shifting a great coil of rope; and the sturdy, fair-skinnedEnglish youth was a pretty contrast to the other.

  Don Pedro was standing near to Mr. Rivers and myself, and his eyes tookthe same direction as our own.

  "They are well matched in size," said he, pointing to the lads. "Let ussee which can bear off the palm for strength." He called out a few wordsin Spanish to the young mulatto, who raised his dark head--curled overwith shiny rings of coal-black hair--and showed a gleaming row of whiteteeth as he turned his smiling face toward his master.

  Mr. Rivers spoke a word to Poole, and the boy blushed from brow to neck,and his blue eyes fell sheepishly; but he stood up against the otherwith a right good will, and there was not a hair's difference in theirheight.

  At a signal from Don Pedro the lads grappled with each other; the brownand ruddy limbs were close entwined, and with bare feet gripping thedecks they swayed back and forth like twin saplings caught in a gale.

  In the first onset the mulatto had the best of it; his lithe dark limbscoiled about his adversary with paralyzing force: but soon the greaterweight of the English youth began to tell; his young, well-knit figurestraightened and grew tense.

  I saw a sudden snarl upon the other's upturned face. His short, thickupper lip curled back upon his teeth as a dog's will when in anger. Herolled his eyes in the direction of his master, who threw him acontemptuous curse. Stung into sudden rage, the mulatto thrust forth hishead and sank his sharp white teeth in the shoulder of young Poole.

  There was a startled cry, and the English youth loosened his grasp. Inanother moment the two figures rolled upon the deck, and the flaxen headwas undermost.

  "Foul play!" cried Mr. Rivers, springing forward to tear the lads apart;for now the mulatto's fingers were at his opponent's throat.

  Melinza's hand flew to his sword; with a volley of oaths he interposedthe shining blade between Mr. Rivers and the writhing figures on thefloor. Quick as thought another blade flashed from its sheath, and theangerful gray eyes of my betrothed burned in indignant challenge.

  I had looked on in dumb amaze; but at the sight of the naked weapons Iscreamed aloud.

  Instantly the two men seemed to recollect themselves. They drew back andeyed each other coldly.

  "_Hasta conveniente ocasion, caballero!_" said the Spaniard, returninghis sword to its scabbard, and bowing low.

  "_A la disposicion de vuestra senoria, Don Pedro_," replied mybetrothed, following his example.

  And I, listening, but knowing no word of the language, believed that anapology had passed between them!

  The scuffle on the deck had ceased when the swords clashed forth, andthe lads had risen to their feet. Melinza turned now to young Tomas andstruck him a sharp blow on the cheek.

  "Away with you both!" said the gesture of his impatient arm; but Ibelieve his tongue uttered naught but curses.

  All of our English had appeared upon the deck, and when Melinza strodepast them with a scowl still upon his brow they exchanged meaningglances. Captain Baulk shook his grizzled head as he approached us.

  "What have I always said, Mr. Rivers"----he began; but my betrothedlooked toward me and laid a finger on his lip. Afterward they drew apartand conversed in whispers. What they said, I never knew; for when Mr.Rivers returned to my side he spoke of naught but the dolphins sportingin the blue waters, and the chances of our reaching San Augustin erenightfall.

  "So," I thought, "I am no longer to be a sharer in their discussions, intheir hopes or fears. I am but a very child, to be watched over andamused, to be wiled away from danger with a sweetmeat or a toy! Andtruly, I have deserved to be treated thus. But now 'tis time for me toput away childish things and prove myself a woman."

  I had the wit, however, not to make known my resolutions, nor to insiston sharing his confidence. I leaned over the vessel's side and watchedthe silver flashing of the two long lines of oars as they cut the waves,and I held my peace. But in my heart there was tumult. I had seen theglitter of a sword held in my dear love's face!--and I grew cold at thememory. I had coquetted with the man whose sword it was!--and thatthought sent hot surges over my whole body. I shut my eyes and wishedGod had made them less blue; I bit my lip because it was so red. I hadnot thought, till now, that my fair face might bring danger on mybeloved.

  He stood at my side, so handsome and so debonair; a goodly man to lookupon and a loyal heart to trust; not over-fervent in matters ofreligion, yet never soiling his lips with a coarse oath, or his honourwith a lie! As I glanced up at him, and he bent down toward me, Isuddenly recalled the disloyal caution of our father Abraham when hejourneyed in the land of strangers; and I thought: "Surely must Godhonour a man who is true to his love at any cost of danger!"

  So passed the day.

  It was evening when we crossed the bar and entered Matanzas Bay. Thesetting sun cast a crimson glow over the waters; I thought of the bloodof the French martyrs that once stained these waves, and I shuddered.

  Outlined against the western sky was the town of San Augustin,--squarewalls and low, flat roofs built along a low, green shore. Thewatch-tower of the castle fort rose up in menace as we came nearer.

  Upon the deck of the Spanish galley, hand in hand, stood my love and I.

  "Yonder is----our destination," said Mr. Rivers.

  "Our prison, you would say," I answered him, "and so I think also.Nevertheless, I would rather stand here, at your side, than anywhereelse in this wide world--_alone_!"

  He smiled and raised my fingers to his lips. "Verily, dear lady, sowould I also."

  There was a rattle of heavy chains, and a loud plash as the anchorslipped down in the darkening waters.


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