Crave To Capture (Myth of Omega Book 2)

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Crave To Capture (Myth of Omega Book 2) Page 8

by Zoey Ellis

  Drocco didn’t respond straight away. He dragged his eyes away from Malloron, looking around the room for the first time. It was quite a lavish setup, even though it was simpler than Lox Palace. The King of Ashens had loved his furnishings, whereas Malloron like bare stone and precious metals. After Drocco had kept up the pretense of thinking for long enough, he turned back to Malloron. "I want to see her."


  "I’ll see her for one afternoon," Drocco said, ignoring his answer. "If she is certain she wants to stay, I’ll leave without another word."

  A gleam entered Malloron's eyes. "If she tells you herself, you will go?"

  Drocco nodded.

  Malloron thought for a moment. "You don't need an afternoon for her to tell you that she wants to stay."

  "I want to make sure that she is in her right mind," Drocco said. "I want to talk to her, find out what she's been doing here, and see if she is lucid. I need time to do that."

  Malloron was silent for a long while. He paced across the room and back, glancing at Drocco every so often. "You will have two of my guards there with you."

  "No," Drocco said forcefully. "I will see her alone."

  "I don’t trust you," Malloron snapped. "She is terrified of you, you’ve already hurt her before."

  Drocco emitted a growl that expanded into the room. "I’ve never trusted you, and you've had her all this time! I have no idea what state she will be in, or if you have fucked with her mind so much that she won't even know who I am or where she is. Either you agree to my terms or our meeting has come to an end. I have not come all this way only to go by your deceitful word. She is my Omega, I will hear it from her mouth, and I will spend some time with her before I leave to go back to the Eastern Lands. Either you permit that or we continue to fight until your entire territory is destroyed."

  Malloron's jaw was like stone. He glared at Drocco, the hint of a snarl on his face, but eventually he nodded. "She will be ready to meet you tomorrow afternoon." He swirled his drink in annoyance. "While we have a ceasefire, I can offer food and water for your warriors."

  Drocco clenched his jaw, recognizing the tactic. "We have that under control."

  Malloron frowned and then chuckled. "I see you kept some of your tactics to yourself after all."

  Drocco backed out of the room, keeping his eyes on Malloron the whole time. "No, I gave them all to you because I am an honorable warrior, and when I make a negotiation I stick to it," he said, bitingly. "It's just that I simply realized that it makes no difference if you have the tactics, it's how they are implemented that matters, and also who your warriors are. My warriors are willing to die a thousand deaths for me. They are willing to undergo torture more horrific than you could even imagine in order to preserve my life and protect what belongs to the Lox. I know without a shadow of doubt that your warriors have no such loyalty. So having my tactics is of no use to you at all."

  By the time Drocco reached the doorway, Malloron's thunderous face had deepened by two shades. Drocco turned and left without saying another word and as he was escorted out of the castle with Torin and his guards; the plan forming in his mind was complete.


  The next afternoon, Drocco headed back into the castle, this time on his own. The desperation that had been building since Cailyn left was reaching its peak now that he knew that he was about to see her, but there was still much to do to ensure his plan actually worked.

  He had sent for the twin Alpha females to request an extra item and spent most of the night making new plans with Torin to ensure that when he left the castle, he left with Cailyn. He had no idea of knowing if Malloron would actually keep his word this time, but if he didn't, he knew that Torin and his warriors would all die attacking Eiros. Malloron was vain enough and egotistical enough that he would not want his precious territory completely destroyed beyond repair. The only time he had relented was when Drocco had threatened it, so he had to believe that he would stick to his word on this occasion with that threat hanging over him.

  He arrived at the same meeting room, where Malloron was waiting.

  "She is nervous about meeting you," Malloron said briskly. "She is frightened, in fact." He served Drocco with a strong glare. "If she's hurt when I get back to her, we will have to go to war until the end, Drocco."

  Drocco simply nodded. "Understood."

  Malloron tilted his head to indicate for Drocco to follow, and he led him through a door on the other side of the room. "Cailyn is happy to tell you exactly what I have agreed with her and answer any questions you have," he said, as they walked down a corridor.

  As Malloron continued talking, Drocco kept alert of where they were going in the castle, trying to keep abreast of where they were navigating to. The interior of Malloron's castle was dark and bleak, and had an unfinished feel to it with all the stone exposed. Malloron turned into an alcove that held a large door that two guards stood either side of.

  "She's in here," Malloron said. "These guards will remain outside the door. If they hear any crying or screaming or anything that suggests Cailyn is in pain, they will enter."


  Malloron's jaw was tight. "Have a nice afternoon."

  "One more thing, Malloron," Drocco said. "I want all magic removed from the room."

  Malloron's eyes narrowed. "You mean the pathetic way in which you tried to prevent magic from existing in your Palace?" He sneered. "Magic is in everything that exists, Drocco. It’s almost impossible to remove it completely from anywhere."

  "And yet I managed it," Drocco responded. "I want to make sure that there is no magic in there that is influencing her. Surely you are capable enough to remove it?"

  Malloron exhaled harshly before lowering his eyes. He remained still and silent for a short while, then finally lifted his head. "I've swept the room and pushed all the magic back behind a barrier that surrounds the room. The barrier will only exist for a short time."

  Drocco nodded. He already had the charms he needed to remove magic from the room, but it didn’t hurt to force Malloron to unknowingly aid him. He turned to the door.

  "Enjoy your time with her while you can, Drocco," Malloron said, malice in his tone. "It will be the last time you will ever see her."

  Drocco glanced back at him. "I doubt that."



  Cailyn waited nervously for Drocco to enter the room. It was a decently sized room with two large windows, a couple of couches on one side and a large mahogany table and chairs in the center. But still, Cailyn felt stifled, as though everything was reaching in to suffocate her.

  When Malloron told her the agreement he made, she had almost screamed at him in horror.

  "I can't do that," Cailyn insisted, trying to explain the extent of what Malloron was asking. "I can’t be near him, why don’t you understand?"

  "It is what has been agreed," Malloron said, softly. "I don’t like it either, but you need to tell him you’re going to marry me. It doesn't have to be true," he added. "But he needs to believe it or he won’t leave."

  Cailyn shook her head in disbelief. She thought that somehow, Malloron would be able to repel Drocco and she would never have to worry about seeing him again. But the complete opposite happened. She was going to be forced to actually speak to him face-to-face, on her own. How could she do that? She still missed him. She still wanted him. And she hadn't even seen him for months.

  "You have to make him believe it, Cailyn," Malloron repeated. "He wants to make sure that you're not being influenced by magic, so he has requested to spend the whole afternoon with you."

  Cailyn looked at him sharply. "Why would he think I was being influenced by magic?" It was the first time Malloron had mention anything like that, and she took the chance to question the idea.

  Malloron shook his head. "He's very suspicious of me, that's all. And he has no trust in the Talent. He believes that I’m forcing you to stay here and that you don’t truly want to be away from him.
So you need to tell him yourself what you’ve been up to since you've been here and make him believe you’re in your right mind. But he won’t be able to hurt you."

  "How do you know?" Cailyn cried, aware she sounded almost hysterical. "If he's in there with me for the entire afternoon, on my own, how will you know if he’s hurting me?"

  "There will be guards outside the door," Malloron said calmly, “and magical signals in the room to monitor your distress. All you need to do is to cry out or scream that you need help, and they will come in. He won’t be able to get away with it."

  Cailyn had almost not noticed the fact that Malloron was touching her arm, but the feel of him sent her skin crawling. She clamped her mouth shut and nodded. She had to remember that Malloron was not her savior. He was as bad as Drocco, just in a different way. During the night, as she tossed and turned considering what was happening, she realized that it actually benefited Malloron for her to tell Drocco that she was going to marry him. That way, he could announce it to the rest of Eiros and trap her—all because she would have been forced into saying it to get away from Drocco. She was completely stuck. By morning, she had decided that she would indeed convince Drocco that she was going to marry Malloron. At least with Malloron a potential way out remained through Amara. Regardless of whatever Malloron did, Amara would help her. And, even though the Mothers wouldn’t help to get her out, they wouldn’t want her here either. They had let her go to be with her Alpha; not to be interfering with their missions in the Western Lands. And indeed, that is what she would do if she stayed. She could not abide what Malloron was doing, especially if children were involved.

  Finally, the door handle turned, and she stood on the opposite side of the table watching the door open.

  And there he was.

  He came into the room slowly, his massive bulk swaying as he closed the door behind him. He spent time adjusting the door and then turned to her.

  He looked incredible.

  Dressed in his thick, gleaming, warrior armor, he looked even more fierce than she remembered. His black hair had grown a little, and a rough beard covered his cheeks and chin, making him look even more rugged. His stormy, black eyes fixed on her and the entire room shrunk as she stared back at him, that familiar trembling feeling beginning to rise.

  The part of her that missed him rejoiced, wanting him near her, but she held fast against the urge. She watched him, waiting for him to begin questioning her, but he said nothing.

  They stood, staring at each other in silence.

  "Emperor Drocco," Cailyn began, her voice thin against the thickness of what was unsaid between them. "I do apologize for attacking you. I'm glad to see that you have recovered."

  He said nothing. His eyes bore into her, filled with that determination that she'd always seen in him when he had been questioning her.

  "King Malloron has made me an offer," she said, nervously. "One I have decided to take. I cannot go back to the Eastern Lands with you. I know you think I’ve betrayed you, but you must remember that you kept me prisoner. I never asked for your attentions."

  He continued to remain silent.

  Cailyn gripped the table in frustration. This wasn’t what she expected from him. Drocco never backed down from an argument he felt was incorrect. Why was he being silent? And then she noticed he hadn't moved from the door either. What the hell was going on? Something wasn't right.

  She peered at him, studying his reactions. "I'm not coming back to the Eastern Lands with you, Drocco." His fists tightened, but everything else stayed the same. She scanned him bewildered, trying to figure out what he was trying to do.

  And then, his scent reached her. It closed in on her, and she took a deep breath, relishing its familiar, heady fragrance. She couldn't help closing her eyes and dropping her head back a little. She had missed his scent more than she thought, it had comforted her when she needed it, even without her knowing it. He smelled slightly different, mixed with old sweat and blood, but somehow that made her savor it even more.

  A familiar, powerful, overwhelming sensation of need lurched within her, uncoiling from her core and rushing to her extremities. "No," she whispered, her breath leaving her in a gust. Her Haze was approaching! “No!” How could that be? Her blocks were still in place. Hadn't Amara said that magic still exists? How could they suddenly be gone? She couldn’t go into her Haze now.

  When she lifted her eyes to Drocco's, his determined glare hadn't changed even though he must have been able to sense the change coming; he wasn’t surprised.

  Cailyn pressed her lips together, an anger building in her. Of course he wasn't. The only time her blocks had ever disappeared was in Drocco's Palace. She glanced at the door, and indeed a charm hung from the handle.

  "What did you do?" she demanded, her slick gathering in response to his scent. "Tell me what you did!"

  "I suggest you think very carefully before you start screaming," Drocco said finally speaking. His low and gravelly voice sent another powerful sensation of need through her. "This isn’t the Eastern Lands. If it were to be discovered you have entered your Haze, you may indeed suffer a horror I cannot protect you from."

  "What are you talking about?" Cailyn asked, gripping the edge of the table as the trembling increased.

  "You kept yourself blocked from Malloron all this time," Drocco sneered. "Which was a smart move for you, in more ways than one, but what do you think he would do if you entered your Haze? Do you think he could control himself once he experiences your scent? Do you think his guards could control themselves? He isn’t as taken with you as I am. I'm sure he wouldn’t mind sharing."

  Cailyn stared at him, a new horror bounding in her chest. “You would let that happen?"

  "I would have no choice!" Drocco boomed, his face twisted in anger. "We are not in my Palace, I cannot protect you properly here!"

  Cailyn huffed out a breath, turning to look around the room but not seeing anything. She was about to go into her Haze, in front of Drocco while in Malloron's castle. She thought she had been in a bad situation, but it had only gotten worse. Tears sprung to her eyes but she blinked them away. What good could they do? The best thing would be for her to figure out what he wanted so she could try to guard herself against it. “So you want me to enter my Haze and then what? What do you plan to do?"

  Drocco's face relaxed as he smiled.

  Cailyn snarled at him. "You intend to fuck me in here? Is that your main concern? Your cock? Is that the reason why you've removed my blocks? So you could have one good fuck before you have to let me go?"

  "Of course I intend to fuck you," Drocco said, harshly. "You prevented me from having you the last time you were in your Haze—I won’t miss that chance again." He slowly started taking off his armor. "And I have no idea why you would assume I’m ever going to let you go."

  Cailyn blinked in confusion. He seemed to think he could still keep hold of her, even now. But before she could respond, another burst of need shot through her, and slick began to drip down her legs. She bunched up her tunic dress and pressed her fist between her legs. But she knew it wouldn't help her. The only thing that would stop what was to come, would be for her to call to the guards. But that could make everything worse. She hadn't even been paying attention to know how many other Alphas roamed in the castle. Malloron's potions in her food had kept her completely oblivious to who and what was actually around her. She didn’t even know if the guards were Alphas—it was unlikely that any would have the self-control to resist her in her Haze.

  She grit her teeth, watching Drocco as he undressed and unable to stop herself marveling at his muscled form and the new scars that had appeared since she’d last seen him, some of them fresh and raw. He truly was magnificent. She shook the thought out of her head and tried to think of a way out, but it was becoming difficult to think, and soon she wondered why the hell she was trying to resist. Part of her didn't even want to stop what was happening, she wanted him. She had wanted him since she left him, and now he w
as here. Why was she resisting it?

  As the waves of need crashed throughout her body, she began to lose all sense of logic and thought. Soon she was only concerned about the Alpha standing opposite her, his scent beckoning her, his eyes fiercely running over her with a desperate hunger that was echoed in her own need. As she entered her Haze, tentatively stepping toward him, the final rational thought that ran through her mind was a hope that she could escape whatever revenge he had planned.


  He watched her, his black eyes trained on her face, but the Alpha did not come to her or call for her. She was confused by his behavior. Did he want her or not? His glow was strong, powerful, and mesmerizing, and it enticed her to keep moving, but she wasn't sure if he truly wanted her. Why didn't he move to claim her?

  She paused halfway around the table, unsure.

  It was warm. She lifted her dress over her head and dropped it on the table. The Alpha tensed, his nostrils flaring. She slipped her hands into her soaked panties, pulled them down and discarded them too.

  The Alpha finally moved. He came to her slowly, and she gazed up at him as he neared. His glow was so beautiful.

  As he approached her, the snarl on his face gave her pause. Why was he angry? She lowered her head and then dropped to her knees, fully submitting. He made a noise at the back of his throat—a growl of satisfaction—and it soothed her worry. She had done the right thing.

  He stepped close to her, until she could see his boots, and his smell increased ten-fold. She inched her head up, her eyes trailing up his muscled legs to his cock. It stood thick and firm for her. Beautiful. She leaned forward, shuffling a little on her knees until her nose pressed into his shaft. She breathed in and whimpered, his scent sparking another wave of need through her body. She licked his shaft but he pulled away and lowered to his knees so he was on the floor with her.

  He spoke, looking into her eyes with the same fierce desire agitating her own body. His glow was incredible so close up. It coursed from every fiber of his being, emitting from his black hair, his skin, every inch of him. She melted toward him, wanting to be close to it.


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