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Winter Heat

Page 55

by Kennedy Fox

  She nodded. “I. Yeah.” Her face morphed into one of surprise. “Oh my god, I designed the cover for a best-selling book!” she squealed.

  I picked her up in my arms and held her tight. “I’m so proud of you, babe.”

  She squeezed me back, and my heart felt as if it would beat out of my chest and into hers. That’s what she did to me. She grounded me, gave me a sense of home. But she also made me feel as if I could fly. As if I could do anything.

  When I lowered her back to the rink, time seemed to still. I placed my hands on her hips, unwilling to let her go. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. It was a chaste kiss, but I felt the heat simmering beneath the surface all the same.

  She groaned and turned away, resting her arms on the railing of the rink. I frowned at her back and took my place next to her.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  She stared ahead, not meeting my eyes. “No,” she huffed. “You’re doing everything right, and that’s the problem.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.” I furrowed my brows, trying to follow.

  “You’re the perfect boyfriend.”

  “Why do you sound disappointed?” I’d think that was a good thing.

  “I just—” She sniffled. “You’re leaving soon, and this is too much.”

  I clenched my fists, hyperaware of this woman and everything she did. I was screwing this all up. Before I could respond, someone came over the loudspeaker, asking everyone to clear the rink while they smoothed the ice. If only they could smooth over this rough patch in our friendship. Because if I wasn’t careful, I was going to fuck up the most important relationship in my life.

  “So, Justin, how’s the job hunt going?” Mr. C asked.

  “Good.” I swallowed around a bite of toffee, Brie’s latest discovery at the Christmas market.

  After we’d finished skating, everyone had wanted to check out the market and walk around town before dinner.

  “He accepted a job,” Brie said. “He’s moving to Colorado.”

  Mrs. C’s eyes went wide as she turned to Brie. “Are you going too?”

  “I—” She blinked a few times, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “I’m hoping she will,” I said, completely serious. I’d hinted at it in the past, but this time, I wasn’t holding back.

  Brie stalled, and Violet nearly collided with her on the street.

  “I can’t—” Brie’s voice broke, a single tear streaking down her cheek. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s all too much.”

  “What are you talking about? What’s going on, sweetie?” Mr. C asked, but she didn’t hear him.

  She took off running, darting through the crowd, pushing her way through as she attempted to escape. Her family was talking over one another, trying to figure out what was going on.

  “Brie!” I called after her, peering over the crowd as I tried to follow.

  I knew where she was headed even without looking—her favorite spot in town, the huge Christmas tree they brought in every year. I jogged there, my breath puffing in the air as the sun dipped in the sky. She was facing the tree, her red coat like a beacon amid the sea of white lights and gold ornaments.

  I slowed my pace, approaching her from behind, my heart lurching and racing ahead of me. She sniffled, and I clenched my fists. What have I done?

  “Pocket.” My tone was gentle, coaxing, as I placed my hands on her shoulders and turned her to face me. “Tell me how to fix this.”

  “Don’t you see?” she cried. “You can’t. You’re going to Colorado, and I’m—” She stopped and shook her head, hugging herself.


  “I’m…” she huffed, “…nothing.”

  I placed my finger beneath her chin, forcing her eyes to mine. “You’re everything.” I swallowed hard. “You mean everything to me.”

  She jerked away from my touch. “There’s no one here to see us. You can stop pretending,” she spat.

  “Brie.” I stepped closer, needing her to look at me, listen to me. “I’m not pretending. I haven’t been pretending. I’ve meant every word I said. It’s always you. It’s only ever been you.”

  She sucked in a jagged breath. “What?”

  I cupped her cheek, my heart galloping in my chest as I prepared to lay it all on the line. It was now or never. “I love you.”

  She opened her mouth then closed it. Repeated the process a few times. “You…” She swallowed, eyes wide. “You love me.” I nodded, a smile teasing my lips. She shook her head, schooling her expression. “As a friend.”

  “As a friend, yes. But I love you, as in, I’m crazy about you. I want to be with you. I’m in love with you.” She took a deep shuddering breath as if preparing for more. “And I can’t believe it took me this long to say it. It’s always been you.”

  “But you’re moving.” That sparked a fresh wave of tears.

  I took it as a good sign, though she still hadn’t said the words back. Hadn’t otherwise reacted to my proclamation. My heart was literally in her palm, and she was squeezing the life out of me with every second that passed.

  “Well, there’s good news there,” I said, smiling. “You can come with me. In fact, I was hoping you would.”

  “But my job, my family.”

  “You’ve said it before—you can do your job anywhere. And your family can come visit anytime.”

  “But… But…”

  “Do you love me? As more than a friend,” I added. I couldn’t go another second without knowing.

  “Yes.” She released the words into the air, and I felt my shoulders relax. “Yes,” she said more forcefully, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love you. I love you so much.”

  I slanted my mouth over hers, relief and excitement coursing through me. Kissing her felt like coming home. Like Christmas morning. Like everything I’d ever wanted.

  “You’re…this is…crazy.” She laughed, her cheeks pink. “I’ve loved you for so long, and I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You better believe it, Pocket. This is happening,” I said. “We’re happening.”

  I kissed her again, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight. She was mine. I was finally going to get my wish—she would be at my side, always.

  “You’re awfully bossy, mister,” she teased when she pulled back, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

  “You love it.” I pressed a kiss to her neck, her skin warm beneath my touch. She giggled, and my chest eased.

  “You have no idea what I love.” Her sultry tone hinted at things I’d only ever fantasized about.

  “And I can’t wait for you to show me.”

  And there, in the center of town, next to the Christmas tree, we kissed. It was the best Christmas ever, and I had a feeling it was only the beginning. I couldn’t wait to give her the white Christmas she’d always dreamed of, the future she’d dreamed of, in our home, surrounded by our family.

  Chapter Five



  I stared out the large window to the back deck, snow swirling in the air. The wind whistled outside, the fire crackled from beside me, and I was filled with a warm glow.

  “Here you go,” Justin said, joining me. “One hot chocolate supreme with extra whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled, accepting the mug gratefully.

  We’d moved to Colorado a week ago and were still settling into the house, adjusting to the shift in our relationship. Though in many ways, it felt completely natural. We were us, but…more. I loved kissing and touching him, falling asleep with him, and just being with him. Though, we still hadn’t had sex, something I hoped to remedy soon.

  And Justin had been right about the house—I loved it. The mountains rose up in the distance, their snowcapped peaks incredibly picturesque. And the house was a classic A-frame style with tons of natural light. The interior was made of light wood and my favorite thing besid
es the view was the hot tub outside. We had yet to use it, but I was excited about the prospect.

  “So…” He placed a kiss on my cheek. “I was thinking maybe we could do something different tonight.”

  “Like what?” I asked, taking a sip of my drink. It was a little bitter, a little sweet, and just the right temperature. My body hummed with delight.

  “Well…like a date.”

  “A date?” I scoffed, though I was touched. We’d somehow skipped straight from dating to living together, not that I was complaining. Living with Justin was a dream come true. I got to go to sleep and wake up beside my best friend in one of the most beautiful places I’d ever been. Already, the move had done wonders for my creativity. I loved my new office, and I’d never been prouder of my work. “We’re practically snowed in.”

  He chuckled. “This—” He gestured wide in a sweeping motion that drew my eyes across the mounds of snow blanketing our backyard. “This is nothing to the locals.”

  “I don’t know,” I hedged, though I was excited at the prospect of exploring. Just not in the dark, cold night, where we were more likely to drift off the road or meet a bear than find the local restaurant.

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him. “How about a dip in the hot tub, then?”

  Steam rose out of the hot tub, the warm water bubbling invitingly. But it was still cold as crap out.

  “It’s like…” I glanced at the thermometer mounted outside and squinted as the sun dipped behind the mountains. “Twenty degrees outside. Wait—make that nineteen.”

  “Where’s your sense of adventure, Pocket?” Justin waggled his eyebrows.

  “Where’s your sense of self-preservation? Um, hello, frostbite, anyone?”

  He laughed, removing his shirt. Next to go were his shoes, which he kicked off before unbuckling his belt. My mouth went dry as he slid his jeans down his waist, along with his boxers. I’d seen him naked, but the sight never got old.

  “Well, I’m going in.” He gave me a devilish grin, daring me to join him. It seemed like he was inviting me to do more than just join him in the hot tub.

  The muscles of his back and ass flexed and clenched as he stood at the back door, bracing himself. Finally, he slid it open and dashed toward the warm water, letting out a whoop as he splashed into the tub. He grinned at me from the deck, crooking a finger in invitation.

  I laughed, shaking my head from inside the house. He was crazy, but he was mine. And I loved him.

  Never one to back down from a challenge, I decided to have a little fun with him. While he reclined against the hot tub, arms outstretched, hair slicked back, I slid my hands down my torso. I grabbed the hem of my shirt, drawing it up slowly, teasing him as I pulled it up over my head. I reached for the button of my pants, taking my time as I turned and pushed them over my hips with a little wiggle. Next to go was my bra, and I dropped it to the side, my back still to Justin. Then, my underwear, before I slowly turned to face him.

  When I did, his eyes were molten lava, hotter than the hot tub and searing me with their intensity. I still didn’t relish the idea of stepping out onto the deck, but I had a feeling it would be worth it. I bounced on my toes then slid open the door and ran for the hot tub, squealing all the while.

  “Holy shit. Holy shit,” I panted, trying not to slip while also speeding across the deck as fast as possible. “This is ridiculous.” I jumped in beside him, the water sizzling from how cold I was.

  He smirked at me. “But you made it.”

  “It better be worth it,” I muttered, my muscles still tense from the cold.

  He inched closer, wading across the hot tub to stand before me. “I’ll make sure it is.” There was a dark promise in his words, and desire shot to my core.

  “Is that so?” I arched an eyebrow, hoping maybe, finally, we’d have sex. Because I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out.

  Yes, we’d been busy. There’d been the holidays and moving. But still…there was time. There was always time for sex. It felt as if we’d been dancing around it—teasing and torturing each other as if it were a competition.

  “Pocket.” His voice rumbled over my skin, the effect more powerful than the warm jets pulsing against my back.

  “Yes,” I sighed as he mapped my hips, my body with his hands. He’d barely touched me, and I was ready to explode. Between the cool mountain air on my face and the warm water and his caress—it was sensory overload. I didn’t know whether I was hot or cold, floating or falling. All I knew was that I needed him.

  I wrapped my fingers around his length, gratified when he let out a tortured groan. He dotted kisses down my neck, over the tops of my breasts, and I no longer cared about the temperature outside. I thrust my breasts up, needing his mouth on them.

  We were a blur of hands and lips, hot and cold. And as he worked me into a frenzy—sucking my nipples, teasing my clit with his finger—I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I need you,” I gripped his hips. “I want to feel you without anything between us.”

  He already knew I was on birth control. And I knew neither of us had ever had sex without a condom. Even though we weren’t each other’s firsts, this was a first. One I couldn’t imagine sharing with anyone else.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, resting his forehead against mine. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Loving you,” I said, breathless.

  His lips spread into a wide smile, and he cupped my cheeks, his kiss searing. I wrapped my legs around him, his erection sliding against my center. Hells yes.

  “Need you,” I panted when he continued to torture me. “Inside me.”

  He lined up his tip with my entrance, dragging himself through my folds.

  “Justin!” I let out a strangled cry, gripping him tighter with my legs.

  “Good things come to those who wait.” His smile was smug.

  “I think we’ve waited long enough. It’s been a decade.”

  His expression softened, and with that, he stopped teasing and slid inside me. “I love you snow much.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed, despite the pleasure coursing through me. “Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.”

  “And you love me.” He grinned.

  “Yes.” I leaned my forehead to his. “I’m snow in love with you too.”

  And as we made love beneath the shadow of the mountains, I knew I was home. I was exactly where I belonged.

  Thank you so much for reading Snow In Love. I hope you enjoyed Justin and Brie’s story. Not ready to leave the Love in LA world just yet? Check out Kate (Brie’s other bestie) and Xander’s story in Perspective. It’s an age gap, art professor/student romance. Or, if you haven’t read Alexis and Preston’s story, dive into Unexpected. It’s a forbidden romance that’s a fresh take on the nanny/single parent story.

  About the Author

  Contemporary romance author, Jenna Hartley writes about strong, independent women and the men who dare to love them. Her characters aren't perfect; they're authentic. Her passion is to make their stories feel as real for readers as they do to her, infusing each one with sexy, sweet, and laughable moments that reflect real love. When she's not writing, Jenna spends her days chasing after a hilarious and imaginative toddler, as well as hunting down new allergy-friendly recipes for them to cook together. She lives in Texas with her family and loves nothing more than a good book, good chocolate, and Topo Chico.





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