[House of Morgan 01.0 - 03.0] Boxed Set

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[House of Morgan 01.0 - 03.0] Boxed Set Page 17

by Victoria Pinder

  Her blood boiled. What if the intruder came back? Her mind swirled as she massaged her chest. She walked closer to John and hoped a conversation would stop the fear building. "What happened today?"

  His eyebrows arched. "Someone tried to break in."

  The wrong answer. Perhaps she hadn't formed her question right. Her body trembled. There had to be another reason, but John spoke to her fear. She swayed on her feet. "And we're staying here?"

  Without asking, he took her hands. "You saw how security worked. I didn't call anyone and we had the cops and Morgan security within minutes. Do you have a better place in mind?"

  Unsure, her mind raced. "No."

  His presence was like a rock. "Then here is good."

  If she stayed next to him, she might feel safe. Maybe. She tilted her head "People don't usually want to murder me, unless you count Jennifer the one time in high school I went out with Rafe."

  The spark between them fizzled. "You went out with Rafe? I don't remember any of this in school."

  He sounded jealous so she quickly reassured him with a squeeze of his fingers. "It was one date. We decided we would be friends, so it wasn't a big deal. Jennifer and Rafe were once inseparable, though his younger sister, Caro, was always complaining about her. She works for your brother as his maid."

  The spark of heat grew again as he smiled. "You make light of situations, a lot, but I don't remember much of anyone, except you."

  Now was the time to ask. Her heart skipped a beat as she hoped for an immediate yes. "It's part of my charm. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

  His lips pressed together. Not good. A shiver went up her spine. Worry that she'd ruined everything swept through her.

  "What about taking it slow?"

  She blinked. "Just sleep." She steadied her nerves. "I won't sleep at all if I'm alone."


  They'd slept together the night before, which had been amazing. Tonight, his arms needed to be around her. "I'm scared."

  The glimmer in his eyes told her he understood. A huge sigh of relief burst free as he squeezed her shoulders and said, "Then, yes, you can sleep in my bed next to me."

  She smiled. "You're perfect."

  "’Thank you’ is good enough."

  She shrugged. Tomorrow, she'd deal with the rest of the world. Now if only she didn't turn into the sex slave she feared she'd become. At some point, she'd have to prove to herself that she had the gumption to stand on her own two feet, alone in the world. It just wouldn't be tonight.

  Chapter 26

  Her suitcase was in her SUV, which left Alice with no clothes. To ensure that she didn't turn into her worst nightmare, she found a clean pair of John's sweats and his FBI t-shirt. She'd smell like him, but at least she'd have layers. The last thing she'd do was sleep next to him, naked, again.

  John got out of the shower connected to his bedroom. She feigned interest in the hem of her shirt, but as he came closer it became harder to miss how solid his muscles were above the towel at his hips. At the moment she couldn't think or speak. This wasn't good at all. Next, she'd be his slave and do everything in her power to stay. To avoid his gaze she jumped into bed and hid under the covers.

  The weight on the bed shifted. He must have sat. Then his hands rubbed her shoulders. "Are you tired?"

  The night sky wasn't black yet, but that wasn't a polite answer. She stared at the blanket that covered her face. "Not really."

  "Can we talk?"

  If she'd stop being a child? She prayed he had a shirt on—those biceps of his made him hard to resist. "Okay."

  "Come out from the covers then."

  Seduction never started with someone acting like she was at the moment. She sat up and then froze. No shirt, and his boxers left his powerful legs exposed. One flex of his muscles, and she'd quiver with excitement. "John, I'm scared."

  A sigh escaped her lips. It was too late to take her foolish behavior back and ask for a repeat of this entire evening.

  He rubbed her shoulders and her muscles trembled at his touch. He took away knots that she hadn't known existed in her body.

  "I'll protect you from whoever is out there. We'll get the bad guy soon."

  "Not just that …." Words escaped her. She licked her lips and gazed at a drop of water that trickled down his abdomen. Alice reached for his discarded towel and dried him off so she could avoid eye contact. "That being with you, I lose me."

  He wrapped his hands around hers. She dropped the towel. They sat in silence until she met his concerned gaze. "That hurts," he said. "I know I've never had a normal family to know what I'm supposed to do in situations, but I promise I do listen."

  Sympathy shouldn't sway her. "John, I've never been on my own, not really."

  He fixed her hair behind her ear. Her cheek moved to keep the physical contact. "And that's important to you?"

  With a lift of her chin, she came closer to his lips. Breathless, she turned her face away. "Yeah. It's been my plan for the last year on how I'd survive. Independence was my prayer and now this roller coaster of a situation with you leaves me lost."

  His fingers brushed against her cheek. "It's the opposite for me."

  Luckily she was on the bed already because she might have toppled over with how weak her knees became at the look on his face. "How?"

  His words were soft. "With you, my life feels complete. We can't force that on each other, though. In the end, if you need to walk away, I'll have to respect that."

  The smell of cedar and pine overwhelmed her. The taste of him watered in her mouth. Every cell in her body ached for his touch. "I'm sorry I hurt you. For right now, kiss me."

  He shifted backwards on the bed. "You said earlier no kissing."

  She reached over and ran her hand through his hair. His gaze softened as he stared into her eyes. She shifted to be closer to him. "I changed my mind. I want to feel every moment with you."

  He gathered her hands and held them over his heart. With bated breath she waited for whatever he'd say. His eyebrows rose. "Why?"

  The pang in her heart grew. There was no escape. She had to tell him everything. "Butterflies soar every time you stroke my body. John, without you, I've been half-dead on the inside, and you've woken me up. It scares me, but I want you so bad that I ache."

  She stroked his neck, then kissed where her hand had touched. A moan of delight rumbled through him. "You confuse me."

  He traced her sides—she kissed his cheek as the fire inside her grew. He had to kiss her again. "Don't think," she whispered. "Let's just feel."

  His grip tightened around her waist, and then whatever dam held him back broke. His lips claimed hers, hard and demanding. Her body slackened as she leaned into him to give him more room.

  His fingers caressed her backside. The feel of his hands on her had to be skin to skin. The sweats were unnecessary and a wall. Right now, she needed him. She pulled back from his kiss, and lifted her body to throw the sweats and underwear across the room.

  His hands fell to his sides. "Alice, we don't have to."

  "Yes we do. I need you." She lifted her shirt and then sat on the bed naked and waiting for him.

  For some reason, he didn't move. She reached between them and threw his towel on the floor. "Don't you want me, too?"

  Then his strong arms ran up her legs. Her body ached with desire on every part of her that his fingers touched.

  Right now, she needed him inside her. Nothing else mattered.

  She scooted herself onto his lap and kissed him again. This time his hands traced her naked back and heat coursed through her, everywhere.

  There might never be another time. The reason people almost killed her twice was because they wanted to hurt John. His life was on the line, too, even if he never said it. The future was unsure. Now was all they had. She ran her hands down his back to mirror what he did to her.

  Her mouth tasted the fine wine that his offered. Every part of her soft body was hypersensitive to his strong hard muscles.
  As her fingers lowered, she traced the outline of his penis. It was engorged and ready for her already. Without waiting, she lifted herself to guide him inside. He stopped and pulled out. "We need protection, Alice."

  Common sense was lost in the heat of passion. He lifted her up and placed her on the bed as he went to his bureau. A moment later he had a condom, ripped the packaging and rolled it on himself. As he rejoined her on the bed, he asked, "Are you sure?"

  "Don't make me beg," she said huskily and climbed on him. It was better to be a sex kitten then nothing at all. Her muscles quivered as he held himself over her.

  As his lips claimed her breasts, another moan came through her. She had to have him. Now. She rolled him backwards on the bed, and lifted her hips. With her knees to the sides, she straddled him and led his cock inside her body.

  If only she could believe that they'd be together forever because then she'd truly be free. Right now reckless abandon overtook her. She ached for him. All that mattered was total surrender. The wild throes of riding him released something deep that burst out of her.

  Chapter 27

  Cocooned in John's embrace, Alice snuggled closer to his warmth. Everything was perfect. A giggle escaped her throat as sunshine poured through the windows. Despite how wild she was last night, this morning she was still herself.

  The fear of being some crazy sex slave would never happen to her. The discussions her mother had said about orgies at the Morgan house created all that stuff in her head. This bunch of rubbish was instilled at a young age.

  Alice bounced off the bed. So much energy coursed through her. She threw on John's t-shirt and headed to the kitchen to make them breakfast.

  She hugged her arms as she strolled through the halls. Coffee, bagels, eggs.

  Something dark caught the corner of her eye as she passed the living room. She stopped and her toes curled against the cold tile. Someone had hung a huge stuffed doll with her face painted on it right outside the big window, with red paint slashed across the neck.

  The urge to throw up hit her hard and fast. She stumbled backwards and cried out.

  John bolted through the hall and wrapped her into his arms. He cradled her head against his broad chest as tears spilled. He must have looked outside because his embrace became fierce. "Don't worry. I'll get that taken down."

  A sigh escaped her lips. "How can I not worry?"

  The smell of cedar and pine wafted in her lungs. Her pulse settled. "They didn't get in," he said.

  She pulled back, her body trembling. "That's not enough. They were here. They could have seen us."

  Her voice sounded weaker than she felt. He squeezed her hand. "Don't think about it."

  In a twirl, she turned around and pointed toward the effigy. "Someone wants me dead."

  He rubbed his jaw as she hugged herself. "It's always about you. It's strange that no one else is threatened."

  As her leg brushed against the couch, she sucked in her cheeks. "That doesn't make me feel better."

  He tried to offer her a smile, but no dimples appeared on his face. "I'm putting the pieces together."

  Clues were good. She swallowed. "I'm nervous."

  With a curt nod, he walked past her in the hall. "Go, take a shower and wash up. I'll get that down and then we'll have a nice, normal breakfast."

  No. This wasn't okay. She took hold of his wrist and he turned toward her. "I'm not calm at all."

  He reached for her shoulder and offered her a gentle squeeze. "Can you try?"

  Those blue eyes of his still knocked her socks off, if she had socks. Perhaps she spent too much time with her mother. A small fire was set inside her that burned away the frigid air. "O…kay."

  He kissed her cheek and her face grew warm. "That's my girl."

  This was how everything started with him years ago. One kiss meant for her cheek had changed her entire life. He led back to his room and the shower. He tried to hide grabbing his phone and she averted her gaze to let him think he was smooth. With her head held high, she told him, "Don't get hurt if you go outside."

  He nodded and stepped back. "I'll bring the security guard."

  "Okay. Come right back."

  The dimples showed on his face this time as he smiled. "I will."

  His smile made her feel like she had sunshine bursting through her skin, so she smiled back. "We should make a plan over breakfast. I don't want to be stalked."

  "Fair enough," he agreed.

  "Security did a lousy job."

  "I'll find out what happened."

  She went back to her room to grab clothes that he supplied and change. As she walked, she breathed easier. He was right. If she'd gone to her condo or her family farm, she'd probably be dead right now.

  As she exited her room, freshly showered John called her from the living room. Every footstep felt heavy. His fingers brushed his five o'clock shadow as he told her, "I have to go see my brother to ramp up security."

  Her mouth opened and for a moment no question formed. She'd never understand his family dynamic. "Will he?"


  At least he didn't spout off some hatred of his brother. She ran her hands through her hair. If he hadn't cut off her contract, she'd have supported Peter the whole time. She shook her head. "Then why can't you just call him?"

  He handed her his phone with his call log on screen. "He's not answering."

  The mansion of the Morgans had the aura of an ancient unbreakable fortress. She cleared her throat. "Will it be safe if we go there?"


  The fast yes strengthened her resolve. She adjusted her blouse and skirt. "Then let's go. I can catch up with your sister there too."

  A knock reverberated in the air and both of them turned toward the front door. Alice grabbed his arm. He massaged her back and then walked away to open the door. A moment later he called out, "It's Vicki and Jennifer."

  Alice traced the bottom of her skirt. She looked presentable. "Let them in."

  A moment later, heels clacked on the marble floor and his sister's voice said, "John, we need to speak to Alice without you."

  "What's going on?" Alice asked.

  The heels came closer to the living room as Vicki answered, "Girl stuff."

  John stepped in front of his sister, but she saw both women behind him. He reached for Alice. "Give me one minute." As he stood in front of her, he held her hands to his heart. "It's important we go now."

  Vicki's face had a determined look. It might be nice to solve someone else's problem instead of worry over her own. She glanced at Jennifer, who rolled her eyes. Vicki needed her. Alice squeezed John's hands. "The house is safe, if I stay here and you go?"

  His eyebrows lifted. "Yeah."

  With one more look at her friends, Alice smiled to reassure him that she was strong. "John, go. I'll stay here, as long as your sister keeps me company. I will follow every security procedure."

  His gaze narrowed as he turned to his sister. "Vicki, will you stay with Alice until I get back?"

  With a salute, Vicki giggled. "My bro is protective now."

  John stood taller and all the laughter stopped. "Will you? There was another threat against Alice."

  Vicki strolled past him. "Of course."

  John came back to her, and took her hand. "Thanks. Alice, I'll be gone for less than hour."

  Without thinking, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him goodbye. The brush of his lips on hers sent energy through her. As she lowered herself back to the ground, John nodded. "See you soon."

  As soon as the front door locked, Vicki twirled, "That looked serious. What's going on?"

  Her mother's lesson that it's better to not kiss and tell played in her head. This seemed more logical than her earlier fears. She'd almost lost everything by heeding that advice. Instead she turned toward Jennifer who was dressed like she was ready for the runway. "Why are you both here? It's early."

  Vicki practically exploded as she paced with her hands in the air. "Jenni
fer is planning a huge scene at our house in a few hours. I need help talking her out of it."

  Jennifer's loud sigh echoed in the air.

  The woman had taken a video of the man who almost grabbed her the other day, and then sent the clip into the police. Not totally evil. Alice chewed her lip. "Why?"

  Vicki turned to Jennifer and shook her head. "She thinks Peter is sleeping with someone else."

  Wow. Alice flinched. "I thought they were friends with benefits. That's not exclusive."

  Jennifer studied her nails. "Don't be rude."

  Alice settled her attention on Vicki. "I'm not trying to be rude at all. Where is Peter?"

  Vicki bit her lip. "At work or at home."

  A scoff came from between Jennifer's lips. "Victoria is trying to talk me out of going, but I'm planning the stage perfectly."

  This sounded sketchy. Alice crossed her hands. "What are you talking about?"

  With a toss of her hair, Jennifer was the epitome of a soap star. "I'm setting him up to admit everything."

  Alice's eyes widened as she saw how Vicki's face lost color. "Admit what?"

  The laugh that Jennifer uttered sounded bitter. "Some woman was in his bedroom last night."

  Vicki rubbed the back of her neck, almost exactly like her brother, as she said, "How do you know?"

  With a click of her heels, all attention went to Jennifer. "It wasn't my perfume I smelled."

  In defense Vicki argued, "What if it was mine? I'm his sister and I could have spilt something on him."

  Jennifer crossed her arms but stood with one leg to the side like she was modeling her shoes. "No, it was too floral. I'm not stupid and it was more than that. I could tell Peter had sex and it wasn't with me."

  Alice piped into the conversation. "So don't call him and find someone else."

  Jennifer's mouth opened as she studied Alice. For a split second, Alice repeated high school and felt that small. "That's too easy."

  No, she'd not turn back into a quivering mess of a teenager. She was an adult now. She lifted her chin as Vicki suggested, "Let him see you with another guy and walk away."


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