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by Arthur Schnitzler

  26. Cf. letter from Heinrich to Olga of 18th November 1938, ÖTM, Schn 49/6/29/1. The typescript is listed as archived in the ULC and the DLA. See also Gerhard Neumann and Jutta Müller, Der Nachlass Arthur Schnitzlers, p. 105; Arthur Schnitzler: Entworfenes und Verworfenes. Aus dem Nachlass, edited by Reinhard Urbach (Frankfurt, 1977), p. 513.

  27. Arthur Schnitzler’s testamentary instructions, in Neumann and Müller, Der Nachlass Arthur Schnitzlers, pp. 21–38, p. 36.

  28. See Richard H. Allen, An Annotated Arthur Schnitzler Bibliography. Editions and Criticism in German, French and English 1879–1965 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1966), p. 42f.

  29. Letter from Olga to Heinrich of 16th December 1931, ÖTM.

  30. In line with the publisher’s wishes, orthography and punctuation largely follow the rules in force at the time.

  31. ULC Schnitzler Papers, A 166,6.

  32. ULC Schnitzler Papers, A 156.

  33. ULC Schnitzler Papers, A 233,1.

  34. ULC Schnitzler Papers, A 164,1.

  35. Printed with standard orthography in Arthur Schnitzler: Entworfenes und Verworfenes (Frankfurt, 1977), p. 173f.

  36. Reinhard Urbach, preface to Arthur Schnitzler: Entworfenes und Verworfenes, III.

  37. Schnitzler’s diary, 30th March 1894, p. 73.

  38. Schnitzler’s diary, 19th April 1894, p. 74.

  39. Schnitzler’s diary, 7th September 1894, p. 86.

  40. Schnitzler’s diary, 8th December 1894, p. 103.

  41. Schnitzler’s diary, 26th December 1894, p. 107.

  42. Schnitzler’s diary, 22nd May 1895, p. 141. The envelope for the typescript does, however, record the period in which the work was written: “31/III–31/V 1894.”

  43. Arthur Schnitzler: Letters 1875–1912, edited by Therese Nickl and Heinrich Schnitzler (Frankfurt, 1984), p. 267.

  44. The Letters of Arthur Schnitzler to Hermann Bahr, edited, annotated and with an introduction by Donald G. Daviau (Chapel Hill, NC, 1978), p. 58.

  45. ULC Schnitzler Papers, B 5b.

  46. Letter from Heinrich to Olga of 9th March 1939, ÖTM, Schn 49/7/23; DLA, A: Schnitzler, 85.1.5380/13.




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