Babylon Prophecy

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Babylon Prophecy Page 35

by Sean Salazar

  Could that be the entrance?

  He turned the map in different angles attempting to decipher it. It reminded him of old Taliban maps he would find in the mountains of Afghanistan during the war. So he pondered the question; Did they find a way down here or did they simply discover a hidden river into this mountain range and decided to explore it? He could not exactly tell from the map although a squiggly line led to a large circle that could represent Jackson Lake. He stood up, stepped to the river’s edge, and aimed his light in the water. The river flowed fast and powerfully. Even with a powerboat there was no way anyone could go against the flow—it was simply too strong. He thought about how salmon would do it but, then again, he wasn’t a fish. Solves that problem, he thought, so his only option was to go forward.

  Al re-examined the map to see what they discovered ahead before the fire got them, if that is what happened. With his finger on the map, he followed the river straight, past his position. It continued for a short distance, then entered a square within a series of concentric squares. The image of the squares reminded him of the inverted pyramids he found in Iraq and Lebanon. That would be unusual, but he didn’t discount it as a possibility. Nothing surprised him anymore. He looked closely at the writing next to the squares. It was in English, so he read it aloud,

  Of the rivers of Dante’s inferno.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He tossed the book down, careful to leave the page open to the map, and began walking along the river. The map indicated something was ahead, so he was just going to have to find out for himself. Moving his light slowly back and forth, he continued following the footprints. They ran along the edge, clearly tracking in the black soot. The pads and toes of the feet were clear, making some prints almost perfect. After a short distance, he could hear the water splashing as if it was hitting something solid. He stopped and carefully aimed his light around. The absolute last thing he needed right now was to step off the edge accidentally into the water. He continued walking, using the stone wall to his right to guide him along. After several steps, it ended and he got a view of where the sound was coming from. The river flowed into a large, square pool. With his light, he could partially see through the water to a step that ran below the top edge of the square. He looked a little closer and was able to make out another step below that.

  It was another inverted step pyramid. It was much smaller, but still a pyramid, except this one was filled up with water. He stepped to the side and analyzed the scene a bit more. The water seemed to evenly flow into the pyramid, swirl around a bit, and then continue on. The other side remained beyond the reach of the light, so wherever the water flowed was a mystery because the map didn’t show beyond the square pool.

  Al made a right turn and walked along the edge until he reached the next corner and turned left. He now traveled along the right side of the square and as he did, his light reflected off the water, revealing odd reflections like flowing shadows. He aimed his light side to side looking to see where the black shadows were coming from, but didn’t see anything and figured they were just coming from the water turbulence.

  Overall, with the black walls, he had the eerie feeling of being on the inside of a fireplace and that someone was watching him. As he continued onto the next corner, he still realized the flowing water could not cause black shapes. He kept jerking his light at the shadows, because his mind kept registering something was there. He walked along the edge and stepped into the water onto the first step. He leaned in closely and looked inside the water to see if anything was in there. Nothing but water, so he raised the light up. As he did, the shadows reflected from the water and danced along the black stone wall.

  Where are those shadows coming from? Am I beginning to hallucinate?

  He stopped and aimed his light directly at the wall again and it was black and smooth. He then stepped back onto the top edge and faced the water. He raised his light up at the ceiling, or at least what he thought was the ceiling. It took a second or two for his eyes to register what was reflecting above him, but when they did, an electric shock went through him, and his reflexes forced him down as if he was ducking a deadly barrage of bullets.

  “Holy shit,” he screamed out. Screaming, terrified, black faces were looking at him. As his eyes and mind continued to focus and register what was above him, he became frightened for the first time since this expedition began. “No way,” he said, as he aimed his light back and forth across the ceiling above.

  They were so close he could almost touch them. They looked like the suspended bodies of demons falling out of the ceiling. They were reaching down and screaming as they fell in terror.

  He shot his light back and forth at hundreds of demonic torsos. All burnt black with blackened red eyes. As his initial shock subsided, he realized that it had been a long time since he had been frightened like that, and his emotional well-being was not prepared. He found himself shaking.

  “What in the hell is this place?” he said, moving his light back down. The shaking turned to trembling so he shut off his light and stood there in the dark, his fists clenched tightly to try to steady his nerves. He cleared his mind of the demon faces and focused on the sounds around him. All he could hear was rushing, splashing water that soothed him.

  He had seen his share of mangled, bloodied bodies torn to pieces over the years, but he had never in his life seen such a frightening image as what was looming above him.

  It took several minutes, but the nervous shaking subsided and he unclenched his fists. Clicking his light back on, he continued walking along the first step to the next corner. As he did, he resisted the urge to look up and focused on what was ahead. He was now on the far side of the square pool and could see where the rushing water flowed. As he reached the center, there appeared to be a rectangular hole cut into the steps allowing the water to continue flowing. The channel looked to be one-half the width of the river. As he approached the channel, he noticed two metal spikes hammered into the stone near the edge. He reached the corner and carefully stretched his head and light around to see where the water headed. He was able to see where the tunnel ended but not much else, so he pulled his head back.

  He made his way back to the German map book and looked at it again to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. He steadied the light on the map and turned the page. It showed the river in fact did continue beyond the pyramid into another series of channels. The author had drawn circles and shapes, indicating something lay ahead. If the proportions on the map were correct, then he could proceed and possibly find a way out.

  He closed the book, grabbed the two bundles of rope, and headed back to the channel.

  Using the spikes as an anchor, he tied the ropes down. He figured that is what they were for in the first place, so why not. As he did, he thought about the other burnt cut-off rope and wondered what happened. What were the German dudes doing here in the first place? Were they looking for something in particular, or just screwing around? Something bad must have happened or they would have come back to grab their book. Fortunately for him, they left it—or forgot it. Either way he was moving on.

  He steadied his nerves, tied the ropes together, and tossed it in the water. The current quickly took it away. Next, he gripped the rope and lowered himself into the water. There was not an edge to grab onto this time so his only support was the rope. Once he adjusted to the water current splashing onto him and his pack, he slowly began moving through the channel.

  Inch by inch he moved as the rushing water splashed up and over him. As he moved, he wondered again what the Germans were doing here, and when? Were the German explorers searching for the castle, the phoenix statue, nuclear bombs, or girls?

  It had to be girls! More importantly, what the hell were those demons doing here? Even the thought of those screaming black faces unnerved him. A recurring thought kept gnawing at him: Why am I even here?

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Vance pulled himself out of the water and turned back to
help Major Reeves but he had already climbed out. Both stood dripping wet.

  “You sure he went this way? There are no arrows here,” said Reeves.

  Vance noticed wet tracks ahead of him on the ground and pointed, “I guarantee it.”

  “All right, then, push on.”

  Vance continued walking along the water’s edge and the tracks, passing a small bridge. He noticed the entire area becoming black with what looked like soot and stopped. He aimed his light around and then saw writing on the wall. He laughed, “Very funny, asshole.”

  Reeves stepped up and read the writing out loud, “SMOKE SHOP AHEAD.” He stood back and asked, “You understand that?”

  “It’s nothing but Al’s failed attempt at humor and my love for cigarettes.”

  “Very well,” Reeves said, raising his light to illuminate more tracks through the soot.

  Vance followed along the path and the many tracks, past a small bridge to an open book on the ground.

  Reeves knelt down and examined the book briefly. “This is quite an unlikely find. It’s handwritten in German and has a map,” he said, standing up. “It’s a...”

  Vance cut him off, “Very funny again, asshole.”

  Reeves glanced up and read the writing on the wall, “BEER NEAR.” Below that was another arrow pointing ahead.

  Vance had his light on a large arrow below the writing. He aimed his light ahead and said, “Shall we push on and find this smart ass.”

  Reeves dropped the book and quickly led the way, shining his light on the corner of a large, square pool.

  Vance saw another arrow on the wall indicating to go around the corner so he led the way and began making his way around the sides of the pool. He continued down the next side and came across more writing. He stopped and read it, “DO NOT LOOK UP!”

  “Oh, bloody hell,” Reeves yelled with shock.

  Vance quickly pivoted around and saw Reeves with his light aimed up and a disgusted look on his face.

  His reaction surprised Vance who shone his light up. He immediately jumped into the water. He surfaced and choked out a few unintelligible words, “Holy shit, damn, what the hell is that?”

  “Dear mother of God,” Major Reeves said, aiming his light around

  the ceiling.

  Vance gathered himself and climbed out of the water. “Talk about reflexes,” he said embarrassingly.

  “No worries, mate, I almost did the same.”

  Vance’s heart was beating rapidly and he did the best he could to calm himself. He stepped to the next corner and read more writing, “SEE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK UP! HA! HA!” That seemed to calm his nerves.

  Reeves read it and chuckled for the first time. It was obvious he did not want to laugh but couldn’t control it. He asked, “Is he always like this?”

  That question made Vance laugh again and replied in an obvious lie, “No never, that is so unlike him.”

  Vance continued to the next corner where the water entered another tunnel and he saw the rope tied to a spike in the ground and more writing. “JOIN ME FOR A DRINK?”

  Vance leaned around the edge and aimed his light. He saw the tight rope and said to Reeves, “He’s too far along, I can’t see him.” He then yelled out, “Hey, asshole, you in there?”

  Al heard Vance’s voice echo through the area and he pulled himself over to the side. He reached up to grab the edge but missed, due to the water velocity splashing up against him. He tried again and got it. He yelled back, “Where the hell you been?”

  Vance saw the rope lighten up a bit and heard Al’s reply.

  Al gripped the edge as tight as he could, turned his head slightly so the rushing water would not fill up his lungs when he spoke. “Do you have the rope,” Al asked.

  “Yeah,” Vance responded. He stuffed the light in his belt, reached down and gripped the rope with both hands. He lifted it, taking in the slack and was just about to pull when he smelled something strong.

  Reeves immediately said, “I smell gas.”

  “Gas,” Vance repeated.

  Reeves looked around with his light, “Yes, it is.”

  Vance paused when he heard a slight hissing sound. Immediately he knew something was not right. He repositioned his hands and turned to see what Reeves was looking at. His light was up at the ceiling and in the mouths of the demon faces was a very dim blue light.

  Al continued gripping the edge as he waited for the rope to tighten, pulling him back. Nothing happened so he yelled back, “Any day now, darling.”

  Keeping his right hand tight on the rope, Vance asked, “What’s going on?” Just then, the entire ceiling lit up with burning-hot orange fire shooting out of the demons’ mouths.

  Vance stood stunned for a brief second before the fire burst out. The heat smothered him completely and he reluctantly let go of the rope, jumping into the water.

  Al was pulling his leg up when he felt the rope go slack again. He felt a rush of heat coming from the tunnel. He turned his head to see a fiery inferno. Flames were shooting through the tunnel coming towards him like a blast furnace. He gripped the stone with all his strength, watching the fire stop halfway through the tunnel. The intense heat burned his wet shin. He then saw the burning rope rapidly float past him.

  “Oh, my God,” he said, realizing what had just happened. Now he knew why the area back there was covered in black soot. He watched the rope go past him and then suddenly the weight of the long rope pulled heavily on him like an anchor. He desperately reached to grab onto anything, realizing that tying the rope onto his waist was another mistake. He slapped the surface as hard as he could with his open palm, but his efforts were useless. The rope pulled back into the rushing water and he knew he was done for.

  Underwater, the turbulence whipped at Vance. He was disoriented and he frantically grabbed at where the stone edge of the pool would be. If he didn’t find it, he would be sucked into the tunnel. Kicking and twisting, he continued to reach for anything he could grab. The fire was bright overhead giving him a sense of orientation. He needed air to breathe, but he had to reach the stone first. He could now see the edge appearing under the bright fire. It was right in front of him, but could he reach it? He kicked and kicked but the powerful water pulled at him. He knew this was it as he felt the turbulence pull him in. He kicked with all his might and stretched out as far as he could in one last desperate attempt to save his life.

  The tip of his fingers hit something solid. Got it! He kicked and reached for the edge with his other hand. With both hands solidly planted, he reached for the upper edge and grabbed the spike that held the rope and pulled his head up. His mouth reached the surface and he sucked in fiery hot air burning his face and lips. He dropped his head back down as the flowing water splashed over him, his fingers now burning raw, but he held on. He was in shock and his lungs were burning from sucking in fire. Suddenly the bright orange glow from above subsided and he pushed his head up and breathed deeply. It was painful but it was air. With his head above water, he continued to fight the water current and carefully pulled himself closer to the edge. If he pulled too hard, his fingers would slip off but they held tight.

  The fire now engulfed only the ceiling and the demons like a suspended blanket of orange, red, and blue. The water felt like it was boiling him alive but he could take it. He stretched his head to the right to see Reeves but he was nowhere to be seen. His eyes looked right and left and as he searched for him, the light from the fire began to dim. He reached for the rope and it was not there. As the fire faded, the area again sank into darkness, so he reached for his light. He opened his mouth to yell out a profanity to Al and he felt the skin on the sides of his mouth tear. He tasted blood pouring from his burned skin and now realized that his gasp for air badly burned him. If that was not bad enough, he then tasted and smelled singed hair dripping down his face. He heard Reeves painfully utter, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Vance responded, trying not to move his mouth too much. He pulled hims
elf over to the edge. “Oh, God,” he said, knowing that he should not have let go.

  After a few seconds, waves of pain began to surge through his head and arms as his resistance to pain took a vertical plunge. He twisted to see Reeves and he was lying on the steps, his torso half into the water. He was badly burned and Vance knew it was now up to him to get them out.

  Slowly but surely Vance assisted Reeves and they both limped away from the fire-breathing demons, through the castle and to the shaft. Vance tapped his mic and called down for help.

  Once pulled up and as the medics began working on him, Vance punched in a message to Ed informing him that Al was fast flowing in the water channel. He hit the send button and passed out as the morphine kicked in.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Jackson Hole Airport, Wyoming

  Once the plane came to a stop, Ed swung his cabin chair around, handed his PDA to Alex and said, “They got it.”

  Reading Ed’s response, Alex replied, “It sure looks like it.”

  Natalie unbuckled, rose to her feet and asked, “What happened?”

  Ed pointed to the screen. “Major Reeves forwarded the calibrated signal to us and I forwarded the signal to Satellite Command. They immediately got a lock on...”

  Alex interrupted, “Multiple signals.”


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