Offsides: A Standalone Sports Romantic Comedy

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Offsides: A Standalone Sports Romantic Comedy Page 2

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  “We’ve been had.” I pointed before waving to Josie with a forced, toothy smile.

  Turning to join in the awkward wave, Logan hooked his arm around my waist. “Should we freshen up our drinks?”

  “As long as mine comes with a lime chaser and you remove your arm.”

  “As you wish.” He threw his hands in the air before escorting me back to the lion’s den.

  He held the door for me and I made a beeline for the bar after throwing Logan’s coat over the back of his chair. I did have to give him some credit—bringing an extra jacket was a smooth move for sure. Thumping bass engulfed us as I shouted my order of tequila shots to the bartender.

  “Cheers to bad decisions and my entire family knowing about them.” I handed Logan his glass. Without waiting for him, I threw the chilled liquid to the back of my throat, hoping my limited inhibitions would be enough to blame this entire situation on.

  After back-to-back shots of liquid courage, Logan and I stormed the dance floor, cutting a rug with all the guests. Laughing and carrying on, my sister and Roger joined us.

  Roger pointed a knowing finger from Logan to me, followed up with a cheeky thumbs-up before twirling Josie around like a rag doll. Her petite frame was dwarfed by his imposing stature, making them seem like one of the most unlikely matches ever, but it was quite adorable.

  After about an hour or so of nonstop boogying, tossing my shoes to the side, and making a complete ass of myself with hopeless dance moves, it was time to send Roger and Josie off in a limo to an undisclosed resort where they would kick off their honeymoon in style. I passed out bottles of bubbles to the guests as we all lined up for the happy couple to run through and out to their awaiting car.

  Hugging all of my family and wishing everyone a good night, I couldn’t help but feel relieved that the entire event was over.

  I grabbed my shoes and marched barefoot down the hallway to the elevators to retreat to my room on the fifteenth floor alone. Just as the doors were about to close, a hand landed in the small gap.

  “Room for one more?” Logan’s husky voice echoed in the small space as he encroached on my privacy once again.

  “I guess it’s a free country,” I retorted, shrinking away from him into the corner of the small space.

  “Do I repulse you that much?” he asked, taking a step away from me with a furrowed brow. He looked like a beaten puppy as his shoulders collapsed.

  “It’s quite the opposite, to be frank, but I still don’t think this is a good idea.” I tried in vain to look anywhere but into his ocean blue eyes, which I hadn’t been able to fully appreciate in the dim lighting of the ballroom.

  As the elevator ascended floor by floor, Logan took brazen steps forward. “What room are you in?”

  I shook my head. “You’re not coming with me.”

  He dug a key card out of his wallet as the elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor. “I’m 1323. If you decide to make an appearance, I have scotch in my room. If not, I understand.”

  Shoving the plastic into my hand, he turned and walked away. The doors shut in front of me and I leaned against the glass wall for the few seconds it took to get me two floors higher.

  I slunk into my room, throwing my purse and his key onto the dresser next to the television. At a rapid-fire pace, I was out of my dress and into yoga pants, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror.

  It’s not a good idea.

  Just go to sleep.

  He’s hot as hell.

  He obviously wants you to come to his room.

  I pulled at the annoying bobby pins that were securing my tight up-do, releasing my hair curl by curl. The thought of going to Logan’s room was winning the battle as potential scenarios played out in my head. One night of fun wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, and we didn’t have an audience anymore. No one would have to know about my one-night stand escapade.

  Chapter 2

  To Nerds & Geeks


  Sitting in an armchair in the corner of my room, still in my tux, I sipped on Macallan single malt, wishing the door to my room would swing open. I wasn’t like most guys; dating was the farthest thing from my mind. I was a football player through and through. Most women didn’t understand that I spent most of my offseason in the gym getting ready for the upcoming year. When I wasn’t running or lifting weights, I read classics and practiced writing articles. I knew I was an odd duck, but Ari seemed like one too.

  I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but she seemed to march to the beat of her own drum—a refreshing quality that was far too rare in this day and age. I knew nothing about her but craved to change that. I should have led with that. I damned my actions from earlier in the night. Playing it cool, trying to be suave—that wasn’t me. I was a nerd who loved Tolstoy and Hemingway. I geeked out over alliteration and punny remarks. The wittiness of Ari’s banter had been the nail in the coffin for me. Yes, she was petite, gorgeous, and curvy with a jaw-dropping smile and breathtakingly kind eyes, but that was never what drove me. Passion and intellect where what really sparked my fire. It also helped that she didn’t throw herself at me; a little chase was always welcomed.

  Grabbing my tattered copy of A Farewell to Arms off the nightstand, I returned to my perch in an ill-fated attempt at distraction. Getting lost in protagonist Frederic Henry’s tale of being a paramedic serving in the Italian Army as he attempts to exit the war and fall in love with a nurse, Catherine, was harder than usual. I knew the story by heart. It was one of those books I had reread over and over through the years, but that night, it wasn’t doing the trick.

  My mind kept tripping back to all the ways I should have started my encounter with Ari. I should have led with some impressive quote from Jane Austen or began the conversation with questions about what she did for a living. Either of those would have been far better than just kissing her like a horny teenager at his first school dance.

  To my surprise, the hotel door creaked open and Ari stood in the entryway looking radiant in yoga pants, an oversized T-shirt, and bare feet.

  Relief washed over me as I threw the book to the floor and scrambled to my feet.

  “I didn’t think you’d come,” I admitted, filling a glass of scotch for her.

  Taking it from me, she sank onto the foot of the king bed. “I honestly don’t know why I did. Maybe I was just bored.”

  “Then I am honored you chose to kill your boredom with me.” I sat back in my chair. The desire to be near her was unnerving, but I was getting a second chance to show her I wasn’t a dog in heat and I refused to waste the opportunity.

  “Hemingway?” she asked, pointing to the discarded paperback.

  I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I muttered, “I was trying to kill boredom too.”

  “The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” The words danced into the air in Ari’s singsong voice as my heart did a backflip.

  “And just when I thought you couldn’t get any more fascinating, you have to pull that out.”

  She pulled her knees up to her chest as a smile spread wide. “I didn’t think anyone read that book anymore.”

  “Whoever doesn’t is missing out, in my humble opinion.” I thumbed the top of my glass, not knowing what to do.

  “How are you such a jock but seem to be the smartest man I have ever met?” Her question caught me off guard.

  “I was lucky to have a good education, and both of my parents are literature professors at Duke. I thought my dad was going to die a thousand deaths when I finally begged him to let me play football,” I admitted.

  “Isn’t that the all-American dream for most fathers? My dad shoved a football in all three of my brothers’ hands right out of the womb.”

  I shrugged. “My father wanted me to become the next great American novelist. The day I got drafted was very bittersweet in the Turner household.”

  “You’re very intriguing, Logan. What did you major in during your time behin
d ivy-covered walls?”

  I sat up a little straighter. “I studied journalism. I figured if my football career ended when college was over, I could at least try my hand at sports writing so I could be close to the game and not disappoint my folks too much. What about you? What do you do, Ari?”

  She bit her lip for a minute before giggling a little. “Promise not to make too much fun of me?”

  I held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor. I will not make fun of you. I’m merely interested.”

  “I’m basically a geek.” She bashfully diverted her gaze.

  “Luckily, I’m a nerd. You’re in good company, my dear.”

  Pursing her lips, she narrowed her eyes at me. “I don’t usually admit this to guys I find attractive, but I’m a tester and programmer for Blizzard Entertainment.”

  “Why the hell wouldn’t you want to tell guys you play video games for a living? I feel like that is a wet dream come true for most.”

  The strawberry hue that dusted her cheeks was adorable. “Most guys who are into the games I play haven’t emerged from their mother’s basement and don’t know the first thing about talking to women. Business professionals think I should get a real job and stop playing around. I love what I do, I’m damn good at it, and I make good money, but I feel like people just don’t get it.”

  “If you love your job, that’s what matters. Paying your bills is always a plus. To hell with anyone who makes you feel like you should hide it. Cheers to following your heart.” I leaned over and tapped the rim of my glass to hers before taking a hefty swig.

  “I take it you don’t game often—or ever, do you?” she asked before sipping for a few seconds.

  “Honestly, I have never been much for video games. Growing up, even TV was taboo in my house. If I wasn’t at practice or studying, I was expected to be reading.”

  “Hence the Hemingway.”

  I chuckled. “Exactly.”

  Slowly getting up, Ari walked the few steps over to me, planting herself on my lap. With her arms wrapped around my neck, she got within an inch of my face. “You’re different, Logan. I really like that.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” I responded before pulling her closer to me.

  Fumbling with my bowtie and shirt buttons through hasty kisses, Ari made quick work of starting to undress me. I pulled her shirt up over her head, kissing down her bare shoulder as my pants became overly confining.

  Lifting her into my arms, I repositioned us on my bed.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked as I crawled on top of her.

  With a quick nod, she grabbed the back of my head. “Don’t ask stupid questions. I wouldn’t have come down here if I wasn’t.”

  “Fair enough.” I kicked off my tuxedo pants and pulled hers off to join mine on the floor.

  Rapidly, Ari straddled me, caressing down my chest to my boxer line. Without wasting any time, she yanked the waistband down, freeing my length and taking my engorged cock deep into her mouth. My head flew back onto the pillow as she sucked and licked me into oblivion. There were blow jobs, and then there was the masterful display Ari was magically performing. There was nothing like it in the world, and the mind-blowing pleasure was going to send me over the edge faster than either of us would have wanted.

  Letting my fingers knot in her long curls, I gently pulled her head up. “If you don’t stop doing that, this night is going to end sooner rather than later, and I am of the belief that you need to get yours before I get mine.”

  Gripping her shoulders, I whisked her down next to me, laying her flat on her back. I wanted to take my time. Rolling onto my side, I ran my fingers over her subtle curves, down her arms, along her stomach.

  “You’re breathtaking,” I whispered before guiding her lips to mine.

  The smallest hint of a smile softened her face as she guided my hand down farther than I had dared to go.

  “Let’s quit with the pleasantries,” she cooed before forcing two of my fingers deep inside of her.

  The greenlight went off and there was no holding back. I dove down, flattening my tongue over her nectar-soaked clit as my fingers explored her wetness. Moans and shaking cheered me on as hunger consumed every inch of my body.

  Ari’s hips rocked as she screamed out my name, and it was one of the most intoxicating sounds ever.

  Pulling her to the end of the bed as she caught her breath, I smiled down at her. “I’ll take that as a good job?”

  She ran her hand over her face with a long sigh. “I would say so.”

  “Good.” I gripped the tops of her thighs, positioning myself, ready to finally feel her.

  “I don’t know what you’re waiting for,” she exclaimed as her thighs tightened around me.

  “This might sound weird, but I have to ask—are you on birth control?” I was barely able to stammer out the question. It sounded like such a mood killer, but it was the right thing to ask, wasn’t it?

  “Jesus Christ! Are you twelve? Of course I am. Now fuck me!” she yelled.

  With my nails digging into the tender flesh on the tops of her legs, I thrust in hard, making both of us gasp with ecstasy. I had to think about dead puppies and old, saggy boobs from the very beginning to avoid the premature ending I was dreading.

  Watching Ari’s supple tits bounce as I thrust harder and deeper was glorious, and her cries and groans were amazing. As her walls tightened around my cock, I couldn’t control myself any longer. It couldn’t have lasted more than five minutes before I was collapsing next to her, completely out of breath.

  “You are remarkable,” I stated as I tucked Ari’s tiny frame into my side.

  “I hope you’re planning on a round two to redeem yourself,” she harassed with a little giggle before putting her head on my shoulder.

  “I’ll do my best,” I whispered before looking down at her smiling face.

  We went another, longer, more impressive round then finished off in the shower before we lay next to each other in bed, exhausted.

  “Any regrets?” I asked while pulling the covers up over us.

  Ari turned onto her side, kissed my cheek, and let her head land on my pillow. “Not on my end.”

  “None on mine either,” I whispered as I brushed her damp hair behind her ear.

  Chapter 3

  So That’s It Then?


  With Logan still dead asleep in his bed, I tiptoed around the room to grab all of my discarded clothing, which had been scattered around on the floor. I quickly got dressed in the bathroom and slipped out the door without a word.

  I wasn’t a stranger to the one-night stand and figured he would be relieved to not have to have the awkward morning-after conversation that would ultimately commence if I stayed.

  Upon returning to my own room, I checked my phone, which I had left on the charger the night before, and I saw a missed call from my sister from only a few minutes earlier.

  It only rang once before her cheery voice was greeting me from the other end of the line.

  “Morning, sis,” she sang out. “How was the rest of your night?”

  “Not as good as yours, I hope,” I responded while filling up the coffee pot with water.

  She giggled. “I just couldn’t wait until we got back from Europe to hear what ended up happening with Logan.”

  The sound of the droning airport announcements played in the background as I lied to Josie. “Nothing to report on my end. I hope you have the best time on your honeymoon. Don’t forget to leave the hotel room at least a little to sightsee and eat some amazing food.”

  “I’ll drag it out of you eventually, one way or another. We’re about to board the plane. I love you.”

  “Love you too. Say hi to Roger for me.”

  “Will do.”

  I threw my phone onto my bed as the coffeemaker gurgled away, sending the most amazing aroma into the small room. Sitting down to check emails about dungeon glitches and drop rate reconfigurations with a paper cup full of java, I coul
dn’t stay focused on work. My mind wandered back to the night before, the toe-curling pleasure, how sweet Logan had turned out to be, how extremely attractive his six-pack was.

  Should I have left my number?

  I didn’t have expectations. I knew what the previous night had been—a fling. He could tell me until he was blue in the face that he wasn’t that type of guy, but weren’t they all deep down?

  I did the right thing.

  I pulled up coding notes I needed to work on and tried to make some headway before checkout. Just as I was about to log into my account to try to figure out where exactly a boss glitch was happening in the new expansion we were under the gun to roll out, a gentle tap sounded on the door.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin before rushing to see who could be there so early in the morning.

  Logan had two cups of coffee and croissants on a tray as his panty-melting smile met me with sleepy eyes.

  “How’d you find my room?” I asked as he invited himself in.

  “You’d be surprised what a little sweet-talking and a twenty can get you at a front desk.” He set the tray down next to my laptop before taking a seat. “You didn’t give me much of a choice, sneaking out while I pretended to be asleep.”

  I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, completely mortified. “I thought it was for the best.”

  “Last night wasn’t just a hookup for me, Ari. I hope you know that.”

  “It was for me.” The sharpness of my tone even startled me as I slammed my laptop shut and started to shove it into its bag.

  “So that’s it then? We have an incredible night together, we seem to really hit it off, and then you run and I’m just supposed to accept that?” Crossing his arms, he glared at me.

  I pulled a chair out and fell into it with a huff. “What more can this be? I live twenty minutes from here, and you live over in Durham. Are we supposed to spend our weekends driving back and forth trying to work something out until you have to report to training this summer and be married to the game and I am left to just twiddle my thumbs before inevitably getting my heart broken by the football star I spent a few captivating months with?”


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