The Vampire Next Door

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The Vampire Next Door Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Iker finished his bottled water and was about to make an additional comment when his phone rang. Stanley got up and walked over to the door and looked out on the back yard not wanting to appear to be eavesdropping. But with his vampire hearing, he heard both sides of the conversation clearly.

  The burglar was caught about a half mile from here and was being taken to the station. Iker requested to take part in the questioning and said he would meet them there in a few minutes. Iker was going to try to get answers to his questions regarding Stanley but whatever the man said would sound ridiculous and would not be believed. He planned to call this incident into security at the Coven and would also let them know that Detective Dawson was his beloved.

  They would probably keep an eye on the situation and possibly clear the suspect's mind, but honestly, Stanley figured it was going to be over as quickly as it started. As soon as Iker left, he would make his call.

  "They caught him," Iker announced as he got up and continued to stare at Stanley.

  "That's good news," Stanley stated. Iker nodded and then turned towards the archway that led to the living room and then the front door. Stanley followed at a distance because it was frankly painful to be too close and not allowed to touch.

  “I’ll let you know if we need anything more.” He said as he stopped on the porch and turned back towards him with that same questioning look in his eyes. Stanley nodded and closed the door.


  Iker was stumped. There was something going on here, he could feel it, but what? He tried his best to act the friendly neighbor in hopes of the pretty man telling him his secrets, but that fell flat. Stanley seemed clueless at first, but his astuteness shown threw soon enough. He wasn't taken in by Iker's nice guy approach, but he wasn't offended by it, or at least he didn't appear to be.

  The offer to search his home was tough to let pass, but it wasn't warranted under the circumstances. Through it all, he discovered that he liked the guy. Stanley Binkman was getting under his skin, he was sharp, creative, educated and a stunner besides.

  It surprised him how much he was drawn to Stanley and how much he wanted to figure him out. Little men of culture and beauty were not his thing and never had been, but Stanley was something special, he felt that fact to his bones. He would check him out more thoroughly and see where it all went.

  Iker changed, and as he was pulling away from his house, he glanced over at Stanley's and noticed the place was dark. He wouldn't just go back to bed if he had something to hide, would he? It was very likely Stanley was as innocent as he appeared. With that thought firmly planted, he headed to the station.

  He met Grant as soon as he entered the station. “Stanley okay?” Grant asked as if he and Stanley were old friends or something.

  "You don't even know the guy, Grant. Why are you so worried about him?" Iker knew he was barking, but it bothered him that Grant was being all protective of Stanley Binkman. He was Iker's neighbor, and he would keep him safe.

  "He's vulnerable, and I wouldn't want some gorilla like the one we have in holding hurting him. Is that okay with you?” Grant shot back justified.

  “Sorry.” Iker apologized. “Stanley’s fine the gorilla didn’t lay a hand on him. He scared him away apparently.” That had Grant looking perplexed. “Yeah, my thought exactly. I want to talk to him.”

  "Sure, come on." They both walked into the room; the burglar's name was Daren Wagner. He looked as mean and capable of violence as had been described and how Stanley escaped without a scratch became even more puzzling to Iker as he took it all in.

  They listened as the man told a story so fantastical that his mental health was called into question. He called him a monster with superhuman strength, and he feared for his soul, it was outrageous. After an hour of the craziness, they handed him over to be tested for drugs and or hallucinogens.

  They met in the breakroom for a quick cup of coffee and to discuss the findings. Silence ensued for the first few minutes as they both tried to figure out if there was even a thread of reality among all his rants.

  “He admits to prying open the sliding glass doors on Stanley’s back deck.” Grant offered.

  "Yeah, I think that's the only part of his story that made sense," Iker stated.

  "He must be on something. No way Stanley grabbed him and threw him into the back yard. That's a good fifty yards not counting the deck and having to clear the rail. He couldn't pick him up, let alone throw him." Grant laughed.

  “I thought maybe Stanley used a weapon, but mister scared shitless in there never mentioned a weapon of any kind.” Iker was at a loss and knew that his investigation was not going anywhere. He wasn’t going to find out how Stanley scared this guy off.

  "No all he remembered was a vampire who threatened to rip his throat out." Grant laughed again. "Little Stanley a monster vampire with superhuman strength, who would have thought."

  "Well, we got him off the streets anyway regardless of what happened next door to me." Iker relented. "I still think the little man had a weapon of some kind, it's the only rational answer to the events of this night."

  “So, what was he wearing?” Grant changed the subject.


  "Stanley, does he sleep in the nude? Did you get an eyeful of that slim hard little body?" Grant continued to tease, but Iker was not feeling it. Like before he did not enjoy talking about Stanley in such terms.

  “He was in a floor length dark red velvet robe that looked like something out of the last century, early last century. His whole house was antiques and color, it was warm and comfortable.” He chose to discuss the outward trappings rather than how the robe separated at the chest and showed an alluring expanse of silky white skin or how his lips were so full and ready begging to be kissed. Those thoughts were for him and him alone. “Yeah, he had a nice place.”

  “You should invite him over this weekend for dinner or drinks or something. You’re off Saturday. Invite me too because I want him to sign a couple books for me.” Grant suggested eagerly.

  “You read historical romances?” Iker was taken aback. He hadn’t known Grant that long, but he hadn’t struck him as a romance reader.

  “No, bodice rippers aren’t my style, but my sister does. She has a lot of Stanley’s books and loves them. I’d like to get a couple signed for her, it’d make her day.”

  “You are a genuinely nice guy aren’t you Grant.” Iker teased.

  "Yes, I am, and it's always wise to stay on the good side of family, and a couple of signed novels would help me rack up a few points." Grant smiled. "You should go home and get some sleep before your shift. Nothing more you can do here."

  Iker agreed and stood up and tossed his paper cup in the trash. "I'll give dinner some thought." The idea was growing on him, and with Grant and Anthony present, it would look less like a date and more like a welcome to the neighborhood. "I'll let you know."


  Stanley called security as soon as Iker had left and spoke with Kristof Lakatos. He explained the incident and that the attacker was apprehended and was in the process of being questioned. He also told Kristof that Detective Iker Dawson, his new neighbor was also his beloved and therefore he was unable to manipulate his thoughts as he had the two officers.

  "I think we're safe," Kristof told him. "Just stick with your story. They're not going to believe a hardened criminal over an upstanding citizen like you Stanley. Besides anyone who sees you will not accept that you threw him bodily into the back yard. They'll think he's crazy."

  “Hey, I’m not that frail.” Stanley shot back.

  “I didn’t say you were frail, I said you look frail.” Kristof clarified.

  “Oh, okay.” Stanly relented.

  “But we’ll check it out. Also, congratulation on finding your beloved.” Kristof added with true sincerity.

  “Thank you.”

  Following the call Stanley went back to bed, it was still much too early for him to be up and he needed to relax and thin
k about his next move in regard to his newfound beloved. He suddenly realized that he'd told Kristof that he found his beloved before telling Walker. He knew the ramifications that would have, so he quickly sat up and shot Walker a text telling him of his discovery.

  He wouldn’t get it for several hours, but it would indicate that Stanley told him shortly after he found out and that should suffice. He tossed his phone back on the side table and laid down with the vision of his brutally handsome beloved to keep him warm.


  Stanley woke early to the sounds of his phone. He ignored the first three texts and the first call but obviously Walker was not going to be put off easily. “Hello.” He sat up and threw his legs over the edge of the bed. It was just after eight and considering the night he’d had, this was really early to get up.

  "You found your mate, and it's that detective. This is so exciting, don't you think?" Walker usually the calm level headed of the two of them was over the top excited with what he considers Stanley's good fortune.

  “Yes, it’s exciting but also a little scary.” Stanley decided to go with honesty and not the canned words people expect. This was Walker he would understand and maybe be able to help.

  “Iker Dawson is killer gorgeous, aren’t you pleased?” Walker became serious.

  "More than pleased but there are variables at work here that could go against me. This isn't going to be easy." Stanley grabbed his robe and headed downstairs to get coffee while he talked. He glanced over at Iker's home but couldn't tell if he were still home or not. His driveway was on the other side of the house.

  “Nik asked me to let you know that the guy at the police station has been dealt with. He will remember nothing of his contact with you and for you to stick with your story of surprising the man and him running away. Now back to why you’re upset that Iker’s your beloved.” Walker always cut it to the bone.

  "I'm not upset exactly, it's just that I may never be able to claim him and then I will wither and die or live a life forever alone. It will be a painful, agonizing death of loneliness and despair." Stanley knew he was being dramatic but that's who he was, and that's how he felt.

  “You just found out he’s your beloved a few hours ago, give it a few weeks before you fall into desperation.” Walker duly chastised. “If it gets too difficult knock him over the head and drag him here to the Coven.”

  “You do recall that his first name is Detective?” Stanley snorted and took a seat at the kitchen table. Glancing over at the glass door he jotted down a note to remember to call a repairman.

  "I'm coming over, put the coffee on," Walker announced and hung up without waiting for a response. Stanley put in a call to have his door repaired and made a pot of coffee and pulled out a selection of cookies. Fifteen minutes later his doorbell was ringing.

  He tightened the belt on his robe and headed to the front door. He swung it open without checking who it was and was startled see Iker standing there looking all delectable in his black suit and tie. Last night he wore a t-shirt and jeans and looked good, but a suit and tie set this man on fire. Stanley was a sucker for a well-dressed man.

  "Detective Dawson," Stanley said surprised by his presence.

  “Iker.” He corrected.

  "Iker," Stanley repeated with a half-smile.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Iker asked as he let his eyes roam Stanley’s body taking in the robe and slippers and there was a definite tightening of his brows indicating he didn’t approve of something.

  "A friend is stopping by," Stanley told him and the scowl intensified. "There he is now." Stanley shifted his attention from Iker to Walker who was getting out of the black Lexus driven by Ellis, he assumed. Master Hadden trusted his beloved's safety with very few, but Ellis was one of the few. Iker turned to look at the young man exiting the vehicle.

  Walker came running up the steps but stopped short when he saw Iker standing there. Stanley hurried forward with introductions. "This is my good friend Walker Hall and Walker; this is Detective Iker Dawson who lives next door and came over last night after the break-in."

  "Thanks for helping him last night. He really appreciated your visit." Walker stated and took the Detective's hand in a firm shake. Iker was weighing and measuring every word and gesture, and it was getting Stanley on edge.

  "Nice meeting you," Iker said and then looked over at Stanley. "I just wanted to let you know that the suspect is in jail and if he manages to get bail, I will let you know."

  “Thank you.” Stanley wanted to say more, but what?

  Iker began walking away but then turned back before Stanley closed the door. “Do you mind if I stop by again when I get off work, it will be after nine?”

  “No, I don’t mind.” Fuck he could not think of a thing to add to that. Iker smiled as if he recognized the struggle Stanley was having and then with a quick wave headed to his car parked at the curb.

  Stanley closed the door and turned to see a smiling Walker standing behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. “So, you don’t think he’s interested in you.” He said and rolled his eyes for effect. Stanley walked passed him and towards the kitchen and Walker followed. He poured him coffee and offered him cookies, and they sat down before Stanley responded.

  “The visit this morning surprised me, I really didn’t expect him to follow up so quickly. Last night he questioned me like I did the break-in myself it was sketchy as hell.” Stanley looked over at his broken door and shook his head.

  “I got the feeling he wasn’t happy about me showing up. I think he planned on coming inside for coffee or sex or something.” Walker spoke casual and glanced at the broken door that Stanley had been staring at. “You call someone about that?”

  “Yeah, they said secure it for now and they’ll fit me in tomorrow after three.”

  Walker pulled out his phone and called the Coven and within a few minutes, he had the job covered. "Maintenance will have someone here in the next hour to take care of your door. It's too dangerous to leave it like that overnight, so don't argue."

  "Okay, thanks," Stanley stated with just a hint of sarcasm.

  “So, Iker, what’s your plan?” Walker stated and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and took a big bite.

  "I don't know. Iker said he's stopping by tonight after he gets off work, so that's a good sign, isn't it?" Stanley was suddenly feeling so ill-prepared and off his game. Not that he had a lot of game, but he was usually a bit more confident than what he exhibited with Iker. "He gets me all discombobulated."

  “That’s natural with beloved’s, Nik made my head spin whenever he got close. I also felt pretty inept around him, but it all worked out and I have the best life ever. It will work out for you too.” Walker had a wonderful partner and lover with Nik Hadden, no one would ever challenge that statement.

  "Not all matches are good or possible," Stanley said with his head hanging lower and lower.

  “Oh, fuck that Stanley. Who told you that? They’re fucking liars. Every bond is true and right just look at Jacque and Ian, if a match wasn’t going to work it would have been that one.” Walker was insistent, and his assurances were helping.

  "Yeah, I think that pair was the most unlikely in the history of the universe." Stanley agreed. "They never gave up on each other, but my problem is that Iker is human. He doesn't even know or maybe won't be able to understand our connection."

  "You said it yourself, the key is you don't give up. Iker stopped by this morning, he's coming back this evening, make it all work in your favor."

  "Yeah, I hear you. I need to stop whining and make some moves. He is obviously not unaffected by our bond. He will feel a pull not as brutal as I'm feeling it right now, but he'll feel it, and I just need to nurture that feeling." Stanley felt a renewed sense of eventual victory.

  "You write romance for a living Stanley, you must have some moves, use them," Walker said and grabbed another cookie.


  Iker was a little put out at not having
the chance to sit down and have coffee with Stanley this morning. He was sure the guy would have offered if his friend hadn't shown up. He told himself that he wanted to see him simply to put a few of his questions to rest, but he knew the truth was Stanley himself. He just wanted to see him and make sure he was okay and not suffering any adverse effects from the break-in.

  Some people can be cool at the time and then fall apart the next day. Stanley didn’t strike him as someone who would do that, but he wanted to make sure. But no, good friend Walker Hall arrived with his driver and his Lexus and that was the end of Iker’s visit.

  At least Stanley appeared keen when he asked to stop by after work this evening. That was a win at least. He pushed open the door of the station and made his way to his desk where Anthony was waiting.

  “You were busy last night.” He commented as Iker took a seat and began settling himself in for the day. Anthony pulled up a chair to the side of his desk and sat down, he evidently had something on his mind that wasn’t going to wait until after Iker got a cup of coffee.

  He laid a couple of sheets of paper on Iker’s desk. “The first one is the interview you and Grant did last night with the suspect. The second is what the suspect had to say this morning.”

  Iker looked at the two accounts, and they were starkly different. The suspect, Daren Wagner last night had painted a picture with a nightmare quality of monsters and vampires, but today he doesn't recall even entering Stanley's residence. He recalls considering, but he moved on down the street and was subsequently apprehended before he could carry out his plans, apparently.

  “Any drugs found in his system?” Iker asked.

  "Marijuana and a low-level pain killer nothing else, nothing that would cause the level of hallucinations necessary for his first statement," Anthony responded. "We have Stanley's statement which says that he broke in, but Daren here has no memory of Stanley."


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