The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 31

by Peter Yule

  navy, but Robertson felt that once he had accepted a job out of the

  navy, it would not be honest to stand up on the platform during

  the launch ceremony.

  Robertson was succeeded as commanding officer of Collins by

  Peter Sinclair, another experienced Oberon captain. After attend-

  ing the launch, he and the crew spent most of the next year training

  in the simulators in Western Australia and Sydney while Collins

  was prepared for the contractor’s sea trials. Sinclair recalls:

  The first launch was purely political. Most of the submarine’s

  systems were incomplete and nearly all hull valves were

  blanked. ASC needed another year to complete fit out and it

  was during this period that the real training for the crew

  started and they were able to get involved in systems set to

  work programs.

  Many of the problems raised in the preceding years were

  fixed after the submarine’s launch. Collins was taken out of


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  the water a week after launch and her fit out completed. This

  gave the crew the opportunity to be heavily involved in the

  systems set to work program and the extensive licensing

  process. System task books were produced that ensured each

  member of the crew was competent in their specific ‘part of

  ship’. Notably in the 12 months before the submarine was

  launched for the second time there were no resignations and

  the crew went to sea for the first time with a high team


  The trials process was an exhaustive and comprehensive process

  to ensure that each new submarine was safe and met the contract

  requirements before its delivery to the navy. For the first of class

  in particular it was also the time to discover and fix flaws in the

  design and construction of the submarines. In retrospect it seems

  extraordinary that the general expectation appears to have been

  that Collins would roll off the production line perfect in every

  respect, when every other nation that has ever built submarines

  has had problems with the first submarine of every new class.

  Oscar Hughes noted, in his ‘haul down’ report presented to the

  Chief of Navy at the time of his retirement in 1993, that it was

  probable that the submarines ‘would experience a range of defects

  and shortfalls in performance during the trials phase’ and ‘that this

  outcome was to be expected for any new major capability, partic-

  ularly one based on the development of a new design’. However,

  this view had not permeated the project and the project’s reports

  did not mention the possibility of ‘first of class’ problems until


  There were strong arguments against building a prototype for

  a class of only six submarines – how do you retain the skilled

  workforce while a prototype is being evaluated? – but the relent-

  less demands of the production schedule, itself determined by the

  schedule for taking the Oberons out of service, made it difficult

  even to slow the trials process to enable the results to be evaluated

  and applied to the later submarines.4

  The trials were managed by a trials board consisting of the sub-

  marine’s commanding officer, the ASC trials manager, the project

  director’s representative and the head of the sea training group.

  This was a contractual requirement, and was established to care-

  fully control the trials process and ensure the highest levels of

  T H E T R I A L S O F C O L L I N S


  safety. Each of the members had power of veto and could stop the

  submarine from sailing for trials or stop the trials program and

  bring the boat home.

  The trials process involved achieving a staged sequence of

  licences, with the first allowing the submarine to run on the sur-

  face, followed by shallow static dives and gradually progressing

  to unaccompanied deep dives. The delivery of a submarine to the

  navy could not take place until the trials were completed and all

  licences achieved. The licensing program was developed so that

  the competence of the crew and the material state of the submarine

  matched the increasing levels of hazard in the trials program.

  The licensing program also included licensing the crew by

  putting them through countless emergency drills in the simulator

  and on the submarine, alongside and at sea. Peter Sinclair recalls:

  This was an exhausting period: constantly practising

  emergency drills and standard operating procedures, floods,

  fires, hydraulic bursts. It often meant changing procedures on

  the spot. With the excellent support of Mike Gallagher and

  his sea training group and the professionalism of the crew we

  became more confident and competent each day . . . What we

  weren’t prepared for was the number of intermediate or

  docking level defects that occurred in those early months.

  Our inability to fix these problems stemmed from a lack of

  in-depth training for our engineers. In hindsight though I

  must give praise to them, because they handled every

  circumstance with utter professionalism.

  Originally Collins’ trials were due to begin early in 1994, but this

  was too optimistic and trials did not begin until 31 October 1994.

  The combat system was the source of greatest frustration. The

  submarine could not go to sea without at least a rudimentary com-

  bat system, as the radar, sonars and periscopes are required for safe

  navigation. During 1994 there were constant disputes between

  Rockwell and the project on the minimum combat system perfor-

  mance needed to allow the sea trials to begin. The major problem

  was that the whole system was extremely slow, constantly crashed

  (taking up to eight hours to re-boot) and could not perform many

  tasks. Another serious difficulty at this stage was integrating the

  French-made sonars with the Australian tactical data handling



  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Ironically, one of the main reasons why the project office had

  refused to countenance defaulting Rockwell in September 1993

  was that the combat system would be needed for Collins’ sea trials,

  yet the performance in mid-1994 was so poor that Collins actually

  went to sea and did most of its trials using little of Rockwell’s

  system. In its place they used ‘stand alone’ equipment to run the

  navigation, with specific software for the navigation functions and

  a stand-alone navigation display to get Collins to sea. For example, the combat system was unable to process data from the sonars,

  so the project had to pay the sonar sub-contractor, Thomson, to

  install a back-up sonar with a separate sonar display.5

  On 8 August 1994 ‘basin trials’ began and the main motor was

  turned for the first time. During September Collins was fuelled and

  stored and ‘she proceeded to sea under her own power at 10.00

  on Monday 31st of October to surface sea trials in the Gulf of

  St Vincent’.6 Mike Gallagher recalls that: �
��Peter Sinclair disap-

  peared at a great rate of knots . . . there was something of a sense

  of sheer delight in actually getting the boat to sea.’ But at the same

  time Marcos Alfonso and his engineering team were beginning a

  long struggle with the diesel engines. By the time Collins passed

  the Young Endeavour (which was coming into Port Adelaide) two

  of the engines had broken down.

  Collins’ first static dive was on 9 November and the submarine

  remained submerged for 12 hours carrying out trim and inclin-

  ing trials. Trials continued throughout November, after which the

  project director reported that:

  Despite appalling weather Collins performed extremely well

  in the first phase contractor sea trials in November exceeding

  the contracted requirements in many areas. Dive trials will

  commence early in 1995 and Collins remains on schedule for

  delivery and commissioning in November 1995.

  However, there was a note of warning:

  The combat system software remains the area of greatest

  concern. Software integration activities for the

  commencement of dive trials are progressing.

  Following a break over summer, when Collins was taken out of

  the water for ‘completion of outstanding work and some minor

  repair work to the hull’, surface sea trials and static dive trials

  T H E T R I A L S O F C O L L I N S


  resumed in early 1995. However, further dive trials were delayed

  when the next release of the combat system software ‘failed its

  performance verification in a number of key areas’, and in an omi-

  nous note the project’s quarterly report noted that: ‘The number

  of items on the design and defect list has reached the stage where

  it would be an advantage in lifting Collins out of the water to clear them.’

  Learning from the early sea trials of Collins, the project office

  saw the need ‘to review aspects of the design’, although at this

  stage the problems cited were relatively minor such as ‘hydrogen

  clearance during gas charging of the batteries’, the circuit breakers

  in the propulsion motor and hydraulic system sealing.7

  By early June 1995 it was agreed that the combat system had

  achieved the minimum level of performance required for Collins

  to begin its under-way dive trials. Due to the shallow water in

  the Gulf of St Vincent off Adelaide, the diving trials were held

  in the deeper water of the Southern Ocean near Port Lincoln,

  although the open ocean was not the ideal location for trials. The

  first dive took place on 9 June. The project office’s report said that:

  ‘After carrying out post diving and system checks at periscope

  depth, Collins proceeded to 60 metres to conduct further trials.

  The scheduled trials met or exceeded the contracted requirement

  in every area.’

  However, the following day the weather was rough and

  Collins’ anchor cable parted. Peter Sinclair and Graham White

  wanted to stay at sea and continue the trials, but Paul Greenfield,

  the project director’s representative on the trials board, exercised

  his veto, forcing the submarine to return to ASC to replace the

  anchor. One of the problems that had become apparent during

  the trials was that the propulsion motor would trip out and stop

  when doing manoeuvres, and this occurred just as Collins was

  approaching the wharf. With no power, the submarine drifted

  helplessly into ASC’s ship lift at two or three knots, damaging the

  sonar dome in the bow, before the emergency propulsion came

  on and the boat shot backwards, damaging the trials support ship

  HMAS Protector.

  The propulsion system is software driven, and it was eventu-

  ally discovered that the problem was due to a programming error

  in the propulsion switchboard. The sub-contractors, Jeumont-

  Schneider, accepted responsibility for the problem and it was


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  quickly remedied. The damage to Collins was soon repaired, with

  the sonar dome being replaced at a cost of about $250 000.8

  There were two significant issues raised by this incident. The

  first was the reaction of ASC and the project team. Collins had

  significant damage to the glass fibre sonar dome, but the amount

  of damage was publicly denied – even though it was quite visible

  from across the river. This naturally made the media unwilling

  to accept that ASC and the project office were telling the truth

  when they denied later stories. The second issue was that both

  ASC and the project tended to blame the crews for problems like

  the propulsion system failures.9 This left the crew in an invidious

  position arising from the nature of the trials. ASC and the project

  office were trialling a first of class submarine, but as they were

  using a navy crew, every incident had to be reported according to

  naval regulations. The crew felt that ASC and the project team

  used them like ‘crash test dummies’, while the navy required them

  to operate under strict navy rules.

  Marcos Alfonso recalls that the trials period was

  indeed ‘tough days’ as the crew was only operating based on

  the training provided by ASC and the project office, who

  were then quick to raise the operator error issue when in fact

  it was either faulty equipment, poor training or lack of

  training. Equipment did break down due to crew not

  operating correctly, however this was due to the crew never

  being taught how to operate it correctly and in most cases

  training themselves with the assistance of ASC production

  staff who through their set to work expertise knew how to

  operate the systems.

  During 1995 there was a distinct change in the tone of the

  project office’s reports. The expectation that the submarines

  would be perfect was fast fading and the project was taking the

  more realistic attitude that faults would be found in a first of

  class submarine. Thus the June report noted that, ‘A number of

  equipment and/or system deficiencies have been revealed during

  sea trials but no more than expected for a first of class trial.’

  The crew members also had begun to accept that trialling a first

  of class submarine was not like driving off in a new car, although

  their perspective was rather different to that of ASC or the project

  office. They found that there were many minor mechanical faults

  T H E T R I A L S O F C O L L I N S


  and they rarely went to sea without something breaking down.

  However, it was not the faults themselves that most concerned

  them, rather the fact that they found it hard to diagnose and fix

  the problems. On the Oberons the crews prided themselves on

  knowing what spares to take and being able to fix anything that

  broke, but with the new submarines the allocation of spares was

  based on the idea that few would be needed because there would

  be no breakdowns. Similarly, the manuals were simplistic, as it

  was thought they would be rarely needed. Marcos Alfonso recalls />
  being surprised that when ASC technicians were on board they

  were often able to fix faults that his team was unable even to

  diagnose. It took him some time to realise that the ASC techni-

  cians were not using the manuals provided for the crews but the

  source data from the suppliers, and would arrive on the subma-

  rine with support and test equipment or diagnostic tools that were

  not available to the crew on board. When he asked them to diag-

  nose and fix the problems with the tools and reference materials

  carried on board, they were no more successful than the crew

  had been. In his view the worst problems for the crew were the

  training and documentation rather than the actual faults with the


  While it became the project’s approach to problems with

  Collins to say that they were normal for the first of class, it is

  clear that neither the project nor ASC had planned for dealing

  with these problems. In June 1995, for example, the project report


  A number of equipment and/or system deficiencies have been

  revealed during sea trials but no more than expected for a

  first of class trial. These are being progressively rectified but

  are diverting effort from the follow-on submarines.

  If the first of class ‘deficiencies’ had been expected, resources

  should have been allowed for this in the project planning without

  diverting effort from later submarines.

  The sea trials for Collins continued throughout 1995 and into

  1996, with the date for delivery being regularly delayed, primar-

  ily because the combat system could not achieve the minimum

  levels agreed for acceptance, but also because the submarine was

  plagued by frequent mechanical failures. Significantly, the prob-

  lems appeared to worsen rather than improve during this period,


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  even though the submarine spent many months undergoing repairs

  and modifications at ASC. The list of defects was long, but the

  recurring problems centred on the diesel engines, the stern shaft

  seals, the communications mast, the periscopes and the hydraulic

  couplings. Noise only emerged as an issue fairly late in the tri-

  als program, both because of problems with the noise range and

  because noise was not regarded as a potentially serious problem

  before the submarine began its high speed trials. But overrid-


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