The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 34

by Peter Yule

  should not cavitate’. But the boat did cavitate . . . I had one

  of my famous blow-ups with Hans who said: ‘That’s only

  because you don’t know how to handle the boat.’ And I said:

  ‘I don’t care how quiet the boat is [at slow speeds], but if it’s

  detected it has to use speed to evade and this boat’s going to

  cavitate and that’s death to submariners.’

  It is difficult to design a submarine propeller that will be powerful,

  efficient and quiet, with the power required for speed and accel-

  eration always a likely cause of cavitation. Thus the Australian

  propeller was seven-bladed for power and efficiency, while a five-

  bladed propeller might have been quieter.16 Cavitation was not a

  problem with Swedish propellers in the 1970s and 1980s, but the

  propeller for the Australian submarine had to drive a submarine

  that was much larger than any Swedish submarine. Greg Stuart

  notes that the final propeller design was not selected until well

  into the design process. The boat had become bigger and longer

  but the motor had not changed, so the propeller needed to be

  changed, but they did not go back and do the testing again.

  Both Kockums and ASC blame manufacturing faults rather

  than the design for the problems with the propellers. According

  to Hans Peder Loid, SSPA’s testing of the propeller showed no

  cavitation problems, and he is convinced that any problems that

  later developed must have been caused by faulty manufacture or

  changes to the submarine design. The faulty manufacture argu-

  ment is supported by the fact that each submarine had different

  cavitation characteristics, which would not have been the case

  if the design was the problem. Hans Ohff is insistent that ‘there

  was nothing wrong with the design of the propellers’ and argues

  that the ‘problems were in manufacture’, both in the castings in

  England and the hand grinding in Western Australia. After the

  problems with grinding were identified, ASC reworked the pro-

  pellers on their five-axis boring and milling machine, and the end

  product was much more successful than hand-finished work. In

  the end, however, only one or two propellers could be improved

  because too much material had already been removed and on at

  least one propeller the pitch had been incorrectly cast.

  While admitting to manufacturing faults in the propellers,

  ASC and Kockums felt that the problems with cavitation were

  ‘ T H E Y W E R E P R O B L E M S W E D I D N ’ T E X P E C T ’


  exacerbated by the way the new submarines were handled. Ron

  Dicker, who had had experience of cavitation problems with

  Dutch submarines, thinks that the links between the operators,

  the project and the builder were weak and the operators were not

  fully aware of the techniques required to operate the new pro-

  pellers. The authors have found that submariners react strongly

  against suggestions that any of the problems with the submarines

  were due to their inexperience, but surely it would not be surpris-

  ing if it took some time to learn how best to operate a new class of


  In 1998 a further problem appeared when some of the pro-

  pellers began to develop fatigue cracks. This was seemingly the

  result of the ‘root’ of the propeller being too thin and manufac-

  turing techniques that were inadequate when working with Sonos-

  ton. The resolution of this issue is a story for the next era of the


  During Collins’ trials in May and June of 1996 another unex-

  pected issue emerged when it was found that the periscopes tended

  to vibrate in certain conditions, and had dangerous optical char-

  acteristics including difficulty focusing, duplication and what is

  called a ‘double dove’ effect (caused by internal reflections).

  When the attack periscope was raised as the submarine was

  coming to periscope depth it would begin to vibrate so much that

  the vibrations would transmit through the hull and things would

  shake all through the boat. Paul Greenfield recalls Peter Sinclair

  saying that using Collins’ periscope was ‘like being shaken by the

  hand of God’. The vibration was caused because the periscope

  was not streamlined, leading to turbulence and water resistance.

  During 1997 this issue was a cause of bitter dispute between ASC

  and the navy. John Dikkenberg recalls being furious when ASC

  told him that it was not its responsibility because the contract did

  not say that the periscope should not vibrate. Dikkenberg took

  the view that a submarine builder should know that this would be

  unacceptable. ASC’s perspective was that the periscopes are part

  of the combat system and the problem was therefore Rockwell’s

  responsibility. Nonetheless, early in the project ASC had queried

  Rockwell and periscope maker Barr & Stroud on vibration risk

  but was assured it would not be a problem. As nobody wanted

  to pay for a fairing (and there were space constraints as well)

  Kockums decided to put the top bearing as high as possible to


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  minimise potential problems, and Rockwell and Barr & Stroud

  signed off on the design.18

  The vibration problem was eventually fixed quite simply after a

  defence scientist suggested putting spiral wraps on the periscopes

  to alter the water flow, but the issue was a revealing example of the

  poisonous relationship developing between ASC and the navy.19

  The optical problems were not so easily resolved. Mike

  Gallagher of Farncomb recalls that both periscopes were diffi-

  cult to focus when changing magnification; the search periscope

  had a ‘double-dove’ effect, with a grey band appearing across

  the field of vision; the attack periscope had duplication; and they

  could sometimes see ‘two suns’ through the periscope even when

  the elevation was zero. Barr & Stroud sent a Scottish technician

  to investigate the problems. When he looked through the search

  periscope the sun nearly cooked his eyes and he said, ‘You bas-

  tards, you’ve set me up’, thinking that the crew had deliberately

  aimed the periscope at the sun – but when he checked he saw the

  elevation was zero.

  Eoin Asker saw the problems with the periscopes as coming

  largely from the navy’s excessively ambitious requirements. This

  view is supported by Ron Dicker, who recalls that:

  At the first or second design review, Barr & Stroud presented

  their initial design for the search periscope. At the top of the

  mast, going down the tube, they had the infra-red sensor then

  the optical sensor then the single-pulse radar. The navy said:

  ‘This is not what we want – we want the optical view first

  when the periscope goes up.’ Barr & Stroud said this was

  silly and they should have the infra-red first, but the navy

  insisted so the infra-red had to be below the optical. This led

  to big technical problems as the optical signals had to be

  bounced around the infra-r
ed sensor . . . This was the basic

  cause of the periscope’s optical problems.

  As with the cracking propellers, the optical issues with the

  periscopes were not fully resolved until the next phase of the


  During the trials of Collins and Farncomb the project office listed all the current technical problems in its quarterly reports. A

  large number of issues were listed, but most of them appeared

  only once or twice, indicating they were quickly resolved.

  ‘ T H E Y W E R E P R O B L E M S W E D I D N ’ T E X P E C T ’


  Further, a majority of the issues that appeared repeatedly in the

  early months gradually disappeared. For all the criticism of ASC,

  the project office and the navy and the difficulties they had in

  working together, most of the submarines’ problems were worked

  through and fixed.

  A good example of this was the successful resolution of the

  leaking shaft seals that plagued Collins and Farncomb. The specification for the shaft seals allowed for a leak of up to 10 litres an

  hour, but in the early trials hundreds of litres were coming into the

  boats. Paul Greenfield recalls that ASC’s reaction was ‘She’ll be

  right – just get the sailors to tighten the glands manually’, but this

  meant that someone would have had to tighten the glands with a

  spanner when descending and loosen them when ascending, which

  went against the small crew philosophy of the new submarines.

  On Collins the crew worked out that if they went astern at

  100 revolutions it would throw the shaft seal back into align-

  ment and keep the water under control. However, on one occasion

  during deep diving trials this did not work. Peter Sinclair recalls

  that he asked the engineers to check the water levels and got a

  very muddled answer, so he told Marcos Alfonso to go aft and

  check the problem. Alfonso soon called Sinclair on the command

  line and said: ‘Captain, you need to make your depth shallow as

  quickly as possible while keeping the submarine level.’ The sub-

  marine was taking on 1000 litres of water a minute and the aft

  main bilge pump was barely keeping up. However, Alfonso did

  not pipe ‘flood’, as the response to this would have been to blow

  ballast and accelerate towards the surface at a steep angle. A sailor,

  Gary ‘Chook’ Fowler, was underneath the propeller shaft trying

  to identify the leak and tighten the gland, and if the submarine

  had gone to the surface at a bow-up angle he could have drowned.

  Sinclair was able to bring the submarine to periscope depth while

  maintaining an even keel and they were then able to throw the

  seal back into alignment with the ‘astern trick’.

  In the adversarial mood that developed in the mid-1990s ASC

  claimed that the leak specification was not achievable, and the

  situation was complicated because the original German supplier

  of the shaft seals had gone out of business.20 A British com-

  pany that produced similar seals for Royal Navy submarines took

  over the sub-contract and fitted modified seals to Collins and

  Farncomb which alleviated the problem. In December 1996 the


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  project office reported that the leak problems in Collins and Farncomb were not finally resolved, but the modified seals allowed sea

  trials to continue while they waited for re-designed seals. Signif-

  icantly, the report in December 1996 noted that: ‘Helpful advice

  has been provided by US Navy sources where similar seals and

  problems have been encountered.’ This is possibly the first men-

  tion in the whole history of the project of assistance received from

  the American navy. In December 1997 the project office reported

  that a re-designed shaft seal from a new supplier had been fitted

  on Farncomb and successfully tested to deep diving depth.

  Many defects found in Collins and Farncomb were fixed by

  ASC and its sub-contractors, and the lessons learnt were able to be

  applied to the later submarines. In March 1998 the project office

  recorded: ‘The first review of Waller’s form TI 338 A [the formal

  record of shortcomings on delivery] indicates a large number of

  defects overall but with significantly fewer causing concern than

  for the first two submarines.’ For each successive submarine the

  list was shorter and the defects less serious.

  The early submarines suffered from numerous mechanical and

  technical defects. These would all have been seen as normal ‘first

  of class’ issues if not for three things. Firstly, the breakdown in the

  relationships between ASC, Kockums, the project office and the

  navy meant that many simple problems were not simply solved

  but became subject to bitter dispute. Secondly, the change of gov-

  ernment after the federal election of March 1996 made the project

  the subject of political controversy. Thirdly, and most importantly,

  the combat system still did not work at anything like the level that

  had been hoped for. If the combat system had worked to expecta-

  tions the other problems with the submarines would have faded

  into insignificance and the new submarine project would never

  have been seen as anything but an outstanding success.

  C H A P T E R 20

  The role of Defence Science: noise

  and diesels

  In the early years of the new submarine project, scientists from

  DSTO were deeply involved in several key areas, notably steel

  and welding, the sonars and the development of anechoic tiles.

  The second phase of DSTO involvement centred on resolving the

  problems shown up during the trials of the early submarines.

  When the results of the noise range testing of HMAS Collins

  showed that the new submarine was noisier than expected and

  there appeared to be propeller cavitation, generating more com-

  plex noise characteristics, the project team called in the Ship Noise

  and Vibration Group from DSTO to assess the situation and help

  the navy argue its case against ASC and Kockums.1

  This was the beginning of a concerted defence science effort

  to understand and resolve the problems of the new submarines.

  Many of DSTO’s divisions and experts were to be pulled into the

  effort but it was the Aeronautical and Maritime Research Labo-

  ratories (now Platform Systems Laboratory) in Melbourne under

  Dr Bill Schofield2 that was central to research on the submarines,

  and the Maritime Operations Division in Adelaide that took the

  scientific lead on the combat system.



  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  The Ship Noise and Vibration Group was set up at DSTO’s

  Maribyrnong Laboratory in 1989. Oscar Hughes had approached

  his adviser on steel and welding, John Ritter, after a Friday

  evening’s ‘backslapping wash-up meeting’ in Canberra to suggest

  that DSTO should establish a group to research acoustic signa-

  tures. The chief of the Materials Division, Maurice de Morton,

  supported the idea and so a group of scientists studying the char-
br />   acteristics of machinery and hull noise in water came to join the

  metallurgists and others in the division. Some came from inside

  DSTO, but among those recruited from outside was Dr Chris Nor-

  wood, who led the investigations into the acoustic characteristics

  of the Collins submarines.

  The propagation of sound under water is a complex matter.

  Generally, sound moves four times faster under water than in air

  and can travel vast distances. A sound will travel twice the distance

  for an energy increase of only three decibels – an important fact,

  as submarines are hunted through their noise signature. Sound

  travels so well under water that the sea is a very noisy place. In

  the past this favoured submarine operations because a competent

  submarine designer would aim to produce radiated noise levels

  approaching the ocean’s background level. With ever-improving

  sonar software technology, this advantage has become harder to

  sustain. Passive sonar can be ‘tuned’ to discriminate between more

  variable natural background noise and those frequencies that are

  typically produced by machinery. Consequently, submarines must

  be ‘quiet’ but also have certain sound characteristics minimised

  or eliminated.

  For five years, Norwood’s acoustics group studied problems

  with surface ships and had developed enough expertise to have

  credibility when the project office approached it with concerns

  that the Collins class had an inherent noise problem. A major

  difficulty was that a solution would not be found simply by iden-

  tifying the source of the noise being radiated. The critical issue was

  how noise was transmitted into the water, as this was the path that

  propagated the sound tones being emitted by the submarine.3 The

  DSTO group simply had to persist with a series of experiments

  aimed at successively excluding possible causes until a consensus

  emerged about how the submarines were generating the unwanted

  noise. The most obvious approach was to go to where the prob-

  lem seemed to manifest itself and try to directly measure the forces

  T H E R O L E O F D E F E N C E S C I E N C E : N O I S E A N D D I E S E L S


  at play. The project arranged a simple means to test Norwood’s

  hypothesis and this proved that the tones, thought by the designer

  to be coming from elsewhere, in fact came from the propulsion


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