The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 54

by Peter Yule

  industry capabilities, 47

  response of ASC, 290, 297

  micro-alloy, 145, 148, 168–71

  staff, 288

  welding techniques, 175

  upgrading technology, 294–5

  Stein, Karl Bertil, 128

  Submarine Warfare Systems Centre

  Stenberg, Pelle


  on contract negotiations, 119

  development of combat system

  contracted ship’s characteristics, 113

  requirements, 35

  on fuel supply system, 133

  Oberon upgrade, 24–5

  Kockums’ representative in Canada,

  role in augmented combat system, 292


  role in combat system design, 154–5

  on ship control system, 106

  submarines in Australian service, before

  Stirling, HMAS, 207

  Oberon class, 4–9

  STN Atlas

  Subsafe program, 164

  ISUS 90-55 combat system, 300–5,

  Subtics combat system, 300


  Success, HMAS, 85

  recommended, 301

  support, in-service, see maintenance

  teams with Lockheed Martin, 300

  and support

  Strachan & Henshaw, 67, 126, 142

  Svensson, Tore, 92, 125

  Stuart, Greg

  Swan, HMAS, 9

  on air purification system, 140


  on AMS proposal, 103

  assistance with crew training, 208

  contracted ship’s characteristics, 113

  influence in Australia, 42, 82, 326

  on diesel engines, 224

  reputation as supplier, 80

  on Electric Boat, 312

  security issues, 82–3, 90, 108, see also

  electrical cabling change, 140–1

  classified information

  on fuel supply system, 222–5

  Sydney Morning Herald, 265

  on Hedemora diesels, 126, 225

  sytems integration, 322

  on intellectual property settlement,


  tactical data management systems, see

  on Kockums, 99, 264

  Singer Librascope

  Kockums liaison team, 90, 92–3

  Taiwan, see overseas sales efforts,

  on noise requirements, 227


  project office staff, 30

  tank testing, 137, 138

  on propeller design, 230

  Tasmania, campaign to build

  on propeller dispute, 264

  submarines, 87, 88

  on quality of maintenance, 259

  Taylor, John, 174, 261

  on ship control system, 107

  Taylor, Rod, 267, 268–9

  I N D E X


  Teamwork (analysis technique), 157

  sea trials, 215–17

  technology transfer, 85–6

  stand-alone sonar equipment, 245

  Tender Evaluation Board, 62–8, 72–4

  static dive, 212

  tender process

  surface sea trials, 212

  definition study evaluation, 101–2

  under-way dive trials, 213

  submarines, see submarine

  combat system, see combat system,

  evaluation team

  trials process

  evaluation, 72–4

  Farncomb, 217–19

  Cabinet decision, 74–5

  trials board, 210

  cost, 71

  Tubemakers, 78, 80

  industry participation evaluation,

  Tudor (battery company), 127


  Tyler, Patrick, 49

  possible prejudices, 62

  Type 12 frigates, 9

  preliminary evaluation of designs, 62

  Type 2000 submarine design, 67–8,

  request for tenders, 59


  testing, pre-launch, 150

  definition study evaluation, 107


  design philosophy, 100, 103–4, 106

  combat system interface, 252

  Type 2400 Upholder class submarine,

  Subtics combat system, 300


  Thomson CSF, 137

  tender evaluation, 63, 65–6

  combat system tender evaluation

  cost, 71

  combat system trials, 212

  operations cost, 71

  relations with Rockwell, 98

  rejected, 73

  Thomson Sintra, 159

  Type 471 submarine design

  completes development, 159

  anechoic tiles, 178

  liaison team, 159

  conceptual design, 130–1

  relations with Rockwell, 159

  definition study evaluation, 105, 107

  Thornton, Jock, 124

  design philosophy, 103–4

  Thyssen Nordseewerke

  detailed design, 133–4, 135

  approached by Eglo, 40

  Australian engineers, 135, 141

  response to tender request, 61

  Australian office, 136–7

  Type TR1700A submarine, see Type

  RAN team, 135–6

  TR1700A submarine

  ship control and management system,

  TI338 regime, 261

  see ship control and management

  Tobruk, HMAS, 85


  torpedoes, Mark 48, 23

  steel, 168–71

  Torrens, HMAS, 9

  tender evaluation, 66–7

  Townley, Athol, 12, 13, 14

  Type TR1700A submarine, 61, 65,

  trade unions, 42


  aims for project, 326

  Type XXI U-boat, 22

  support ‘accord’, 42

  support for Australian construction,

  Ude, Udo, 76

  44, see also industrial relations

  United Shipbuilders Bureaux, 60

  training, crew, 206

  United States Navy

  ASC responsibilities, 206

  anechoic tiles, 178

  Oberon class submarines, 208

  assistance with combat system, 270

  ship control and management system,

  assistance with noise problems, 238,

  see ship control and management


  system, training and simulator

  assistance with propellers, 263, 270

  Sweden, 208

  assistance with shaft seal leaks, 234

  Transfield, 77, 259

  request for assistance, 269, 270–1

  trials process

  role in augmented combat system, 292

  ASC role, 218–19

  role in replacement combat system

  Collins, 210–11

  development, 307

  basin trials, 212

  technical advice and assistance,

  collision with Australian Submarine


  Corporation (ASC) ship lift,

  United States, role in submarine


  project, 109

  crew training and manuals, 214–15

  Unsworth, Barry, 88

  project office reports, 214

  Upholder class submarines, 27, 320–1


  I N D E X

  Vanderhoek, Ted, 160, 293

  commitment to project, 262

  Varta Batteries, 127

  on crew training, 209

  V ästerg ötland class submarine, 131,

  departure, 86, 96, 194

  133, 135, 208

  first deep dive of Collins, 216

  hull design, 137, 229

  on industry capabilities, 47

  Verdix, 155

titute of Engineers seminar, 52


  on Oberon training, 208

  generator sets, 241–2

  project chain of command, 84, 86

  periscopes, 231–2

  project director, 30

  Vickers Armstrong, 17

  on Rubis class, 33

  Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering

  tender evaluation, 63

  Ltd (VSEL), 5, 56, 60

  visits Kockums, 50

  Australian industry participation, 72

  White, Hugh, 273

  building practices, 71

  White, John, 39–40

  commitment to Australia, 40–1

  AMS bid, 111

  lobbying efforts, 74

  consortium to takeover ASC, 259

  new submarine feasibility study, 39

  European visits, 50, 76, 77

  Type 2400 Upholder class submarine,

  Institute of Engineers seminar, 52

  see Type 2400 Upholder class

  on liaison teams, 93


  lobbies for Australian submarine

  Victoria, campaign to build

  construction, 40–1, 43, 44, 46,

  submarines, 88

  58, 89

  von Geuzau, Altingh, 99

  Wilcox, Justice, 316

  Williams, Don

  Waller, HMAS

  ASC chief executive, 123

  defects, 234

  Collins launch, 188, 189

  named, 147

  departure from ASC, 194–5

  performance in exercise, 295–7

  dominates project, 194

  RAN refuses to accept, 271

  Kockums’ welding defects, 145

  replacement combat system fitted, 309

  and Rockwell, 194, 199

  Waller, John, 167

  Williams, Jim, 169

  Walrus class submarine, 60

  Williamstown Dockyard, 9

  tender evaluation, 67, 73

  case for building new submarines,

  cost, 71


  Walters, Patrick, 111

  government responsibility, 54

  Walters, Richard, 288

  industrial relations, 51, 53

  Watson, HMAS, 24, 159

  method of construction, 49

  Watt, Alan, 55

  reform, 195

  weapons system, 142, see also Harpoon

  Willis, Ralph, 128

  missiles; torpedoes, Mark 48

  wind tunnel testing, 237–8


  Woodside, 78

  defects in Kockums’ sections, 144–6,

  Woodward, Sandy, 22, 62


  Wormald International, 120

  DSTO work, 167–74, 177

  and ASC, 79–80

  industrial standardisation, 175–6

  shareholding, 183

  joining hull sections, 150

  sub-contract, 125

  non-destructive testing, 176

  change of ownership, 121

  at Osborne, 147–8

  role in clash between Kockums and

  Wellman Precision Engineering, 140

  CBI, 181

  West, Barry, 81

  ship control and management system,

  Western Australia, 88


  Westinghouse, 142

  sub-contract to Saab Instruments,

  Weymouth, H. P., 13


  White, Graham, 30

  Wrigley, Alan, 28

  ALP caucus briefing, 83, 84

  opposition to project, 32–3, 58,

  and Beazley, 74, 86


  Button’s view of, 57

  Wyllie, David, 176, 178, 237

  collision during trials, 213

  commitment to Australian

  Yandell, Charlie, 124

  construction, 43, 44, 46, 58, 89

  Young, John, 301

  Document Outline





  1 YOU CAN’T BUILD SUBMARINES IN AUSTRALIA 1 ‘The one class of vessel that it is impossible to build in Australia’: Australia’s early submarines

  2 Australia’s Oberon class submarines

  3 The submarine weapons update program and the origins of the new submarine project

  4 The new submarine project

  5 ‘We can’t build submarines, go away’: Eglo Engineering and the submarine project

  6 The acts of the apostles

  7 ‘But how will you judge them?’: the tender evaluation process 1984–85

  8 Spies, leaks and sackings: from tender evaluation to project definition study

  9 The project definition study 1985–86

  10 Debating the laws of physics: picking winners 1987

  2 THE HONEYMOON YEARS 1987–92 11 ‘Keen as mustard to do a good job’: setting to work 1987–89

  12 Designing the Collins class

  13 Building submarines

  14 The automated integrated vision

  15 Steel, sonars and tiles: early technological support for the submarines

  16 ‘On time and on budget’

  3 ‘A STRANGE SENSE OF UNEASE’ 1993–98 17 End of the honeymoon

  18 The trials of Collins

  19 ‘They were problems we didn’t expect’

  20 The role of Defence Science: noise and diesels

  21 ‘A patch on this and chewing gum on that’: the combat system 1993–97

  4 RESOLUTION 22 ‘Hardly a day went by without the project getting a hammering in the press’: the project in crisis 1997–98

  23 ‘Bayoneting the wounded’: the McIntosh-Prescott report

  24 ‘That villain Briggs’ and the submarine ‘get-well’ program

  Aloha HMAS Waller – Australia’s submarine success!

  25 ‘Inside the American tent’: the saga of the replacement combat system

  26 ‘We’ll do it and get rid of the buggers’: Kockums, ASC and Electric Boat

  27 ‘We would find that challenging’: comparison and retrospect






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