Frost Bite

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by Marissa Dobson

  “Compassion. You have it in spades. It’s one of the reasons we picked you.” Brooklynn fell into pace next to him. “Your skills and past experiences brought you the opportunity to join the team, but your other qualities pushed you further ahead of the rest. While some see compassion as a weakness, it’s exactly what we needed. Your past shows you’re able to use it when it’s needed, yet still be a warrior, fighting to protect those who can’t. You’re uncertain right now, most of that is because of the change. Most shifters don’t like change, but you’ll see you’ve done the right thing. You and Evie are going to be happy in Alaska, and you’re going to be an important member of my team.”

  “Uncertainty had been part of life for years now. Though there’s one thing I’ve been sure of.” He tipped his head toward her. “Being part of this team is where I want to be. I want to make a difference and to make this world safer for Evie and the rest of our kind. What happened to our parents made me strive to protect others. I don’t want to see it happen again.”

  For several minutes, they continued along in silence. His thoughts of the past and his parents plagued him. How would they feel knowing he forced Evie to move across the country to become a part of a tiger clan? Or the fact once they were there, he’d end up being away more than he was present. Could he do right by them and Evie if he was always gone? Those questions had plagued him for months, but he couldn’t see any other way. Hopefully one day she’d understand.

  “Did you know Evie sent a message to us asking for you to have a chance?”

  His eyes widened as he glanced at Brooklynn. “She what?”

  “That’s how my mate got the nickname Shifter Cop.” Carran shot his mate a grin before looking ahead again.

  “Shifter cop?” Amusement had the corner of Frost’s lips curling up into a smile.

  “The email Trey received was addressed to Shifter Cop. After realizing what it concerned, he forwarded it to me. She explained she understood we were a bunch of tigers, but she asked that we give you a chance. She told us how you could catch a fish with your paw without any problems. That skill meant polar bears were useful and tried to sell us on how we could use you to have fish anytime we wanted. I’ve got to tell you, her letter was quite convincing. We’re all looking forward to fresh fish.” She let out a light laugh.

  “That little brat.” A bark of laughter erupted from him as he shook his head. His sister had always been sneaky, but he never expected her to do this. She always found a way to get what she wanted and to him her email to them made it clear she wanted to find the connection with others they’d been missing since their parents’ murder.

  “Cabin’s coming into sight.” Styx’s tone was full of authority as his pace slowed, taking in the area again.

  Frost took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the scents around him. Beyond the faint trace of human drifting toward him everything else was as expected. Abandoned. The four of them split off into two groups, spanning the area, to ensure there was no one else around. Only one set of tracks led toward the cabin and the fear in the air spoke volumes, proving she was the only one inside, and she was terrified.

  The fresh scent of blood brought his beast surging forward. The terror and blood made her smell like prey, yet there was a hint of something else in the air—determination. His bear knew as terrified as she was, she wasn’t going down without a fight.

  At least she hasn’t lost her fight. Depending on what happens next she might need it.

  Chapter Four

  The cabin door swung open, sending a gust of cold air toward Alicia. Alert, she rose from the sofa bringing the rifle up until it was aimed at the intruder. Her heart raced, sending the blood rushing through her veins until it was all she could hear.

  “Don’t come any closer. I’m armed, and I will shoot you.”

  “Alicia,” a male voice called out to her as a figure stepped into the doorway. “We’re here to help.”

  “How do I know you’re not with him?” Even as her muscles wanted to tense up, she forced herself to remain loose. She needed to be prepared for whatever recoil the gun might have when fired. Handguns she knew, rifles she was less familiar with. If the kickback was like a mule, she needed to be ready. If there were others like he implied she might have to continue to shoot until she was out of ammo.

  Four rounds. That’s all she had before she had to reload. She had to make them count. Up against a shifter, she wouldn’t have time to reload.

  “We received your email asking us for help.” The man held out his hand showing her he was unarmed. At least with a gun. Shifters were dangerous in other ways. “You’re bleeding. Why don’t you let me look at your injuries?”

  “Maybe you intercepted the email.” Her voice wavered as once again the different scenarios from the last few hours ran through her thoughts.

  “Could be a possibility, but if I did, why wouldn’t I just kill you? Instead, I came in the front door, no weapon in hand—even though you’re pointing a gun at my head—and I offer to look at your wound. Why do any of that if I want you dead?”

  “No weapon in hand…but you’ve got one. Don’t you? Not that it matters, you’re a…” Her words trailed off. Was it possible the man before her wasn’t a shifter?

  With the moonlight shining behind him, it was clear he barely fit in the doorway. His shoulders rubbed the sides and his head nearly hit the log holding up the archway. He was certainly well-built, but was he a shifter? How was she supposed to be sure? Until she knew Lou’s secret, she hadn’t suspected him, or anyone else for that matter, of being a shapeshifter. Shifters were supposed to be a thing of fantasies, not living, breathing creatures.

  “Want me to shift for you?” Amusement lit his tone, and if she could see his face, she’d bet he was smiling.

  “No!” Holding the rifle tighter, images of a giant wolf flashed before her eyes. “Shift and I’ll shoot.” She couldn’t take any chances. In his other form, there was no doubt she’d be dead if he meant her harm.

  “After years working for a wolf, I’d think you’d be used to our furry side.”

  “Furry side, that makes it sound like you guys are some cuddly animals. You’re nothing like a protective dog.” She might have believed Lou would never hurt her, still he was capable of doing terrible things if placed in the position. “I—” Her legs buckled, stealing her words from her.

  “I’m coming in.” Slowly he moved toward her, his hands still out in front of him. “You’re weak from blood loss. You need to sit before you fall flat on your face.”

  “I’m fine.” Even as she argued, she leaned back on the armrest of the sofa. “If you really received my email, what did it say?”

  “I didn’t read it. I’m part of the team sent to bring you to safety.” Standing in front of her, he nodded toward her leg. “I’m going to take my bag off and look at your leg.”

  “No sudden moves.” Still holding the rifle, she lowered it to rest on the sofa. Even though he was too close for a shot, she wasn’t going to let it go. It was the only thing standing between her and possible death. “I wasn’t kidding before, I’ll shoot you.”

  “Trust me, I’m not going to do anything to make you shoot me, there’s a girl waiting for me back at the plane. She’ll be upset if I show up bleeding all over the place.”

  “Then I’ll bet she’ll be distraught when you don’t show up at all.” She glanced down at him, locking onto his deep brown eyes. “I won’t take any chances. If I get a shot, it will be a kill shot.”

  Without a word, he grabbed a pin light from his bag and shined it down at her leg. The white bandage she’d wrapped around her thigh was bright red with fresh blood.

  “This need stitches.” Unzippering the bag he glanced up at her. “I’m getting the first aid kit out. I’ll change the bandage and get a better look at it. If stitches can wait until we’re on the plane that would be best.”

  “Frost.” A female stepped into the doorway, gun in hand.

  As Alicia
lifted the rifle, his hand landed on the muzzle, stopping her. “It’s okay, she’s with me.” His reassuring words had her glancing back at him. Rather than fighting his grip, she relaxed, allowing the rifle to once again be lowered.

  “We need to get moving. Something’s off.” The woman glanced over her shoulder into the darkness behind her. “I can feel it in the air.”

  “Give me a minute.” As the woman moved away from the door, Frost kept his attention on Alicia. “That’s Brooklynn, she’s leading the team to rescue you.”

  “I’m going to do a quick search.” Before she could react, a man stepped into the cabin. As he moved toward Lou’s bedroom, she couldn’t pull her attention away from him. His long black hair was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. The white stripes ran through it from root to tip, as if it was natural. Surely, it wasn’t natural, yet why would anyone do it on purpose? It was so eye-catching and attention worthy. Shifters, at least Lou always said, wanted to blend in.

  “That’s Carran, Brooklynn’s mate. He means you no harm.” Frost tended to her wound while she forced her attention on him. “I know you’re scared, and you have every reason to be, the man after you is dangerous. You asked for help, and we’re here. Let us get you somewhere safe.”

  “I…” Swallowing she met his gaze and nodded. “What kind of name is Frost?”

  “One my mother gave me after a very cold pregnancy.” He zipped his bag closed. “Most pregnant women have to deal with unique cravings. My human mother spent eight months wearing as little as she could get away with and sitting in front of the air condition. See I’m a polar bear and carrying me gave her constant hot flashes like she was stuck in Death Valley.”

  “Polar bear?” Shocked she stared up at him with wide eyes. “I thought you were tigers. Lou told me if I needed help the tigers would come for me. I had to get somewhere safe because it might take hours, but they’d send someone to help me.”

  “The other two men with me are tigers.” After applying a fresh bandage on her leg, he slung his bag over his shoulder and stood. “You’re weak from blood loss, I don’t think you’re going to be able to walk back to the SUV.”

  “How far?” As she rose to stand next to him, the pain from her leg shot through her like sparks from a fire, causing her stomach to churn.

  “Half a mile.”

  “Not without considerably slowing you down. I’m guessing you can’t bring the SUV closer, so really what choice do I have but to do it?” Drawing in a deep breath, she took a step away from the sofa, forcing herself to put more weight on her leg than she had since she arrived at the cabin hours ago.

  “Let me carry you.” He reached out toward her, his fingers brushing along the back of her hand.

  The instant his fingers touched her skin warmth flooded through her, replacing the chill that had settled into her veins. There was something captivating about it. As if she put her hand on an electrical current.

  “What is that?” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she stared down at their hands.

  “Alicia…” The softness in his voice as he said her name pulled her attention up to him. Their gazes locked as he interlaced their fingers, pulling her gently toward him. “Trust me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Shh, sugar. It’s nothing to worry about.” With his other hand, he cupped the side of her face. “Do you trust me?”

  “Crazy as it is, I do.” Before she could blink, he swooped her into his arms and started toward the door.

  As tempted as she was to cuddle against him, she refrained. She looped her arms around his neck, securing herself to him, not that she believed he’d drop her, but to make her feel safe.

  What am I doing? Getting mixed up with one shifter got me shot, now I’m allowing a group of them to cart me off like a sack of flour.

  Chapter Five

  With her pressed against his chest, Frost’s beast edged forward, seeking to make his claim known. Getting her to safety was the important thing. They’d have time, time he could use to make her understand what the electric charge between them meant. Telling her now risked her pulling back from him. The trust he started to build with her allowed him to get her to safety. Once in the air, he’d explain things and make her understand. He wasn’t sure how he could make her realize the honor this was when he couldn’t believe it himself. Mate. It was astonishing his first mission with the Shifter Peace Keepers brought him his mate.

  Excitement and concern mixed within him at finding her. She was made for him, his other half. They’d complete each other. Yet knowing she was in danger brought this mission to another level. His bear wanted to load her onto the plane with Evie and the others, while he went in search of Omar, to make him pay for the fear he’d caused her.

  “For a polar bear, you’re warm.” She tipped her head up toward him. “Or, well, I guess, I’ve never touched another polar bear. You just feel so warm.”

  Letting out a light chuckle, he pressed her tighter against him as he stepped out into the cold night air. “Really, I’m no warmer than you, our body temperatures run about the same. You’re feeling the warmth of my beast. The fur coat allows us to maintain our heat even in the coldest weather. Even in my human skin, it keeps the warmth close, like a bubble. In my arms, you’re within that circle of heat, making it easier for me to warm you.”

  “After hearing about your mother, I was worried you’d be like a block of ice. I’m not sure I could get much colder, but I wasn’t thrilled about holding onto Iceman for a half-mile hike.”

  “Iceman, huh?” Amusement had his lips curling up before he forced himself to glance over at Brooklynn. “We’re ready.”

  “Let’s move out.” Brooklynn’s order brought Styx from around the cabin.

  Carran stepped out of the cabin, joining the rest of the team. “Nothing here.”

  As they began to move out the others formed a group around him, keeping him in the middle, adding additional protection for Alicia. Her muscles tightened as her gaze skimmed over each of them.

  Glancing down at her, she looked up to meet his gaze. The fear shining in her deep green eyes made his beast lunge forward, ready to protect her. “You’re okay, I promise.”

  “Iceman wouldn’t lie to you.” Carran shot her a quick smirk before turning his attention back to the woods surrounding them.

  “Eavesdropping?” Frost lips curled up with amusement. He might have just joined the group but there was an easygoing between everyone that made him feel included, as if he had been there for months, not hours. Family. That’s what it felt like. A strong bond that everyone around him was someone he could count on, he hoped they’d feel the same about him before long.

  “What is that, only her nickname for you?” Carran leaned forward to look past Frost over at Brooklynn on his other side. “Hear that, sweetie? You’re going to have to find another call name for him. Iceman is already taken by Alicia.”

  “I just…”

  “Don’t worry sugar, they’re only messing with me,” Frost reassured her. “I’ll be your Iceman any day.”

  Out in the open space, Frost could feel what Brooklynn mentioned before. The evening air had changed since he stepped into the cabin. Before it was calm, as any other night, now it seemed to pulse with life, yet the woods were eerily silent. No animal stirred, not even crickets. There was something familiar about the current, something he’d felt before, yet couldn’t place. Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs, hoping his polar bear within could help reignite the memory prickling along the surface, taunting him.

  As the air filled his lungs, his beast surged forward, recognizing the scent. Magick. Not just any magick, dark magick, and close.

  “Faster.” His gaze scanned the darkness, trying to pinpoint the direction it was centered.

  “What is it?” Brooklynn questioned as the team broke into a light jog.

  “Dark magick.”

  “You mean like devil worship and black magick?” Alicia’s grip tig
htened around Frost’s neck.

  “It’s going to be okay, we’re almost to the SUV and will be out of here in a few minutes,” he reassured her.

  “You can’t outrun something like this.” Loosening her grip, she pulled back from him. “You need to put me down and go. You don’t deserve to be pulled into this.”

  “What do you mean, Alicia? Do you know what kind of trouble Lou was in?” Brooklynn questioned.

  “Not really.” Her scent changed as her heartrate accelerated. “He was a good man and a great boss. He never deserved any of this. Damn you, Lou…what did you drag me into?”

  “Whatever you know, you need to share with us,” Frost encouraged. “We’re not leaving you here to deal with this alone. Let me help you.”

  “The woman up—”

  “In the vehicle.” Styx cut her off before she could explain. “Sound travels, and we’re almost there. Just beyond those trees.”

  As if to prove his point a howl echoed through the still night. Frost had expected Omar, a tiger, but as the scent drifted toward him, he realized it was a wolf. Two wolves to be exact, and they were bearing down quick, coming from the direction of the cabin.

  “Keep moving,” Brooklynn ordered.

  The others closed in tight around Frost’s back, protecting him as he carried Alicia toward the SUV. His beast itched to take on the wolves but getting Alicia to the vehicle was priority. Without the mating complete she was still essentially human. He couldn’t risk her. Instead, he had to trust the others to keep them safe until he could get her into the SUV.

  As the vehicle came into sight, Frost teased his finger along her bare skin, trying to comfort her. The fear flooding through her trickled into him, making his bear angry. He’d ran into those practicing magick in his life, some good and some truly evil. What he felt pulsing through the air was pure evil. He recognized it because he lived through it before. Only last time it was directed at those he loved, and except for Evie, he lost them. He wasn’t about to lose Alicia to the same fate.


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