Frost Bite

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Frost Bite Page 7

by Marissa Dobson

  He neared the table along the farthest wall and reached up to pop the décor cabinet door off the wall. Before moving the piece of drywall blocking his way, he took a deep breath, checking for any other scents behind the divider beside Evie’s. Nothing except Evie’s terror filled his lungs. He reached up and pushed the drywall to the side, slowly, doing his best not to startle her.

  “Evie, it’s me.” As the words left his mouth, she spun back to the opening, her eyes wide as she clutched a small white bear.


  “You’ve got to be quiet, but I need you to move toward me.” Setting the shovel aside, he rose onto the workbench and held his hand out. “Come on, I’ve got you. I’m not going to let you fall.”

  “I’m scared.” Still she scooted closer toward him. “Bad men have Mom and Dad.”

  “I know, sweetie, I’m going to get you somewhere safe, and then I’m going to help them.” He wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her toward him, dragging the blanket she had on the pillows with her. “I’m going to grab you and help you down. Be careful, you know Dad always has tools everywhere.”

  With her standing on the workbench, he reached up and tugged the drywall back into place. If anyone found the hidden space, he wanted it to appear undisturbed, making it unlikely they’d search further. With it in place, he hopped off and turned back to her. The blanket pooled at her feet as she stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. He wanted to say something to comfort her, but what could he tell her? The situation was serious, and she’d know if he was lying to her. Instead he grabbed the royal blue blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders before hooking his hands under her arms and lifting her down.

  “We’ve got to help them.”

  “I’m going to.” He bent so he could look at her without her straining to stare up at him. “When I was about your age, I’d spend Saturdays down here in my own little hiding spot watching Dad while he worked on his woodworking. I’m going to let you use it while I go help Mom and Dad. No matter what happens you need to stay there until one of us come back for you.”

  “Don’t leave me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him. “Please, Frosty.”

  “I have to.” Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently pulled her back. “I’ll be back, I promise, and we’ll go somewhere safe.”

  Before she could argue, he stepped away from her and pulled back a tool chest on wheels. The tool storage hadn’t been there when he used it, but when he grew too large for the space, his father had rearranged. He moved it out of the way revealing the space he spent so many days in. It was dirtier than it was when he’d used it, but it would keep her safe until he could return.

  “I’m not getting in there.”

  “Yes, you are.” He turned back to her. “The stairs are directly overhead. You’ll hear if anyone is coming down. Take this…” He glanced around, scanning the area for the shovel he had in hand before. Finding it, he grabbed it and held it out to her.

  “What am I going to do with that? Dig myself out the other side?”

  “If anyone comes back that isn’t me or our parents use this.” He leaned down, placed the shovel in the space and held out a hand to her. “You won’t be in there long. Before you can plot your revenge on me, I’ll be back.”


  “I wouldn’t lie to you even if you couldn’t sense it.” He looped his arm around her waist and brought her in close.

  A roar vibrated the house as the air buzzed with electricity. Heavy footsteps slammed across the wood floor above their heads, followed by something falling over. Whatever was happening upstairs, he needed to get up there and assist before it was too late. “Get in, I’ve got to go. Dad shifted.”

  He half-expected Evie to argue. Instead she dropped to her knees and crawled into the dark space. With her hidden away, he pushed the tool chest back into place, hiding her. “I won’t be long Evie. Just stay in there and be quiet.”

  Silently as he could, he climbed the stairs, taking them two at a time, all while listening to the activity above. He tried to place where they were and what was happening. He could hear his father’s bear snapping and growling, still near the front of the house. Were all three gunmen still there? He couldn’t be sure.

  As his fingers wrapped around the door handle, gunshots rang out. His bear wanted to fling open the door and rush to his parent’s aid. While the human side could remember his father’s warning: whatever happens, your priority is keeping Evie safe. He couldn’t very well protect his sister if he was dead.

  As another gunshot echoed through the house Evie let out a startled cry. It was soft enough no one upstairs heard it, but Frost had.

  “Let’s go!” a man ordered as heavy footsteps rushed toward the door.

  “One more family, and we can move on from this town,” another one bragged.

  The thought of another family going through what just happened here made Frost’s bear snarl within him. He debated going after the men, tearing their limbs from their bodies. If his parents lost against them, he didn’t stand a chance, especially without a plan. More importantly if he was killed, what would happen to Evie?

  Opening the basement door, the horrid scent of blood and death slammed into him. Rather than taking his time, ensuring the men had vacated the area, he went through the door and quickly turned the corner that led to the living room. There, in the middle of the hallway, his father laid, a gunshot through the chest as blood rushed from the cavity. Even with a shifter’s unique healing capabilities there was no recovering from that injury.

  He dropped to his knees next to his father. “Dad.”

  “Evie?” Dad’s eyes fluttered open, staring up at him.

  “She’s safe.” Taking his father’s hand, he reassured him. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  “Keep her safe.” He clutched Frost’s hand. “The lake cabin…stocked. Go!” Blood trickled down from the corner of his lip.

  “Dad…” He let go of his father’s hand and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him gently. It was too late. His father was gone. His vision tinted red with rage. He turned toward the rest of the room, where he knew he’d find his mother. He already knew she was gone too, but he had to see it. Had to confirm the one thing he already knew: he was too late.

  Chapter Twelve

  Minutes dragged by as Alicia sat there unable to pull Frost back from whatever nightmare he was reliving. She ran her hand over his arm, gently caressing him, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. His muscles were tight, and his gaze was unfocused as he lived in a hell she couldn’t see.

  “Frost.” Not wanting to startle him, she kept her voice low. “Come back to me.”

  “I should have been here. I should have been able to save you.” His tone held a rawness to it, almost as if his animal was edging toward the surface.

  “Save me?” She wasn’t sure what he meant. He did save her. Still something told her it was more. Something from his past was pulling him back into the depths of Hell. “Shh, Frost, you did everything you could.”

  “Not enough.” A growl shook his body, making her freeze.

  There’s nothing to fear. He’s not going to hurt me. Even as she repeated those words, her heart raced until the beat seemed to overpower any other sound. She forced herself to take in a deep breath in order to calm down. “Everything is okay.”


  His voice calmed the unease within her, and she leaned closer, wrapping her arm around him. “She’s fine. Remember she’s helping Taber in the cockpit. Everything is okay. You’ve kept her safe, and you’re doing an amazing job with her. Come on, why don’t we go up there and see her?”

  Silence was the only answer she received. Come on Frost, I don’t know what memory you’re stuck in or how to bring you out of it. “Help me…” Her plea was more to herself than anything, but as she tipped her head against his shoulder, his body relaxed. “Frost?”

His voice was rough, as if waking from a dream. “Are you okay?” he asked wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

  “Me?” She let out a light chuckle. “I’m not the one I was worried about. What happened to you? It was like you weren’t really here.”

  “Sorry, sugar.” He pulled back from her, rising from the bed before she could stop him.

  “What happened? Where were you?”

  “It’s nothing.” He dragged his hand through his hair and stepped further away from him.

  “Liar.” Shaking her head, she rose from the bed and reached for the door. “When you want to be honest, feel free to find me. Otherwise…goodbye, Frost.” She pulled open the door and headed for her seat. Her heart in her throat as she turned away from whatever was developing between them.

  She’d spent too long with a liar, and when he wasn’t lying, he sidestepped the truth in his words to protect her. No more. She wasn’t going to put up with it. Not from Frost or anyone.

  It wasn’t like we could make this work anyways. We’re too different. It wasn’t just that he was a polar bear shifter, and she was human. He had other priorities, and he had to worry about Evie. He was just moving to Alaska, and she wasn’t even sure where she’d be in the coming days. Roxanne was dead, but there might still be a threat hanging over her head from Omar and the Washington D.C. Tigers. She couldn’t allow Frost to risk himself when he had to be there to raise Evie.

  Once she arrived in Alaska, she’d pull Brooklynn aside and see what she could do to end the threat to her. Maybe Brooklynn, her mate, or even her Alpha would have an idea how to fix things quickly. When it was safe, Alicia could find somewhere to start over again.

  Seems so simple, but I have a feeling it’s going to be anything but easy. Either way, I’m going to find a way to do it. The sooner I can fix this, the sooner I get some distance from Frost.

  Confused Carran stood in the bedroom staring at the door Alicia had strolled through moments before. How had things taken such a sudden turn? Explaining they were mates had gone better than he expected, and then everything seemed to turn on its head. He went from sitting next to his mate, to living a past nightmare. It had been a long time since he had such a vivid flashback, drawing him away from the present and sucking him back into the attack on his family.

  Finding his mate had the past rearing its ugly head again. If he didn’t make peace with what happened, he was bound to do something to screw this up more than he already had. Yet, he didn’t know how to move past the decisions he made and their consequences, impacting not only his life, but Evie’s. He made the decision to go to Evie, to make sure she was somewhere safe, before aiding his parents. That decision cost his parents their lives. If he’d have come through the front door, charging at the men, he might have been able to save them. He might have lost his life, but Evie would still have her Mom and Dad.

  He knew nothing about raising a young girl. So far, he was fumbling his way through it, and for the most part doing okay. He’d made mistakes, but nothing disastrous, at least not yet. Only things were going to get more uncertain as she neared her first transition. As her beast neared the surface, pushing forward until finally springing free, she would grow moodier.

  Finding his mate, he’d hoped would give him some extra support as he battled the coming years. A human? What did she know about raising a shifter? Less than him. At least they could fumble their way through it together. Maybe they could use their skills to help each other. Alicia knew more about being a female than he did. Which should be able to help Evie.

  She was sent to me now for a reason. Maybe she’s what I need now. Either way we’re mates, and we’ll make it work.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Standing on the tarmac in the early morning light, Frost was stunned by what he saw. He knew the Alaskan Tigers had a compound, but with a little more than forty members, he expected it to be smaller. Instead it was expansive. Their little town was spread out instead of being cluttered together. The large building housing the Elders, meeting space, dining hall, and more stood in the center, with two stories it was larger than the other buildings. Not far from it was the dome, he knew from talking to Brooklynn before they landed that’s where the training happened whenever the weather wasn’t suitable. The rest of the buildings were mostly cabins or a long building made up of studio apartments for single members.

  “This place is huge.” Evie slipped her hand into his and pressed herself tighter to his side, the unease seeping from her. Frost squeezed her hand, but before he could speak, Brooklynn came up to her other side.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll feel at home sooner than you’d believe.” Brooklynn placed her hand on Evie’s shoulder. “I was here a few days before I felt as if I was part of the family. I have no doubt you will too.”

  “While your brother meets with Ty, why don’t you come with me?” Taber leaned down so he was more at her level. “My brother Theodore should be down by the creek in bear form. You can see what a real bear is like. You might not know this, but Kodiak bears are real bears; we’re nothing like you water bears.”

  “Daddy always said polar bears were the best because we could survive in the coldest temperatures, walk on land, and swim in the ocean. You might be bigger, but even I can out swim you.” Evie put her hands on her hips and met Taber’s gaze.

  “Now that’s not fair.” Taber’s eyes widened, as if horrified at her comment. “You haven’t even shifted yet, and you’re challenging me to a swim match.”

  “We’re outstanding swimmers. I took to it like a fish out of water. Right, Frosty?” She glanced up at her brother.

  “You did.” He smiled down at her. “Why don’t you go with Taber, let him introduce you around. I’ll find you when I’m done meeting with the Alpha.”

  “Okay.” She turned back to Taber. “Is your brother as friendly as you?”

  “He’s a teddy bear.” Taber nodded.

  “Jinx, the Alpha of the West Virginia Tigers, has a little girl in his care, and she calls Theodore her Teddy,” Styx added with a lighthearted laugh. “If Claire took to him so easily, you will have no problems with him. He’s nicer than Taber.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll meet the Elders, and then I’ll find you.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” She nodded at Taber. “Let’s do this.”

  Frost’s bear bristled within him as he watched them stroll off. After having Evie in sight for the last few years, leaving her twice in a few hours had him uneasy. It was only the start of what the future held, and he had to find a way to get used to it.

  She’ll have Alicia to watch over her. He wasn’t sure where that thought had come from. Alicia was pissed at him, so much so he could feel the rage drilling holes in his back as she stood closer to the plane, waiting for direction. He wanted to go to her, to say something to make it right, but he couldn’t find the words. He shut down, refusing to let her into the memories for her own good. It wasn’t logical. If they completed the mating, she’d see it as his beast imprinted on her soul. She’d know he failed his parents.

  How will she ever accept me as her mate after she knows the truth?

  “There she is.” Brooklynn turned glancing back to Alicia. “Robin here will show you where you’ll be staying. I’m sure Ty will want to meet with you later, but while he’s meeting with Frost, you might as well settle in.”


  His bear clawed at his insides, demanding he ease the uncertainty in Alicia. Instead he forced himself to stand firmly in place. If he turned to her now, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from going to her, pulling her into his arms, and telling her anything she wanted to know.

  “Hi, Alicia.” A woman with long curly brown hair strolled past Frost, heading toward Alicia. “Tabitha thought you might feel more comfortable with another human rather than a big burly shifter.”

  “I’m going to find my Catnip.” Styx glanced towa
rd Frost. “Get settled and spend some time with Evie, because tomorrow your training starts. Tomorrow morning, five o’clock in the dome. We’ll go over a few things before the group session at six.”

  “I’ll be there.” Frost nodded.

  “Come on.” Brooklynn strolled toward the large two-story building in front of them, when Frost didn’t move, she glanced back at him over her shoulder. “Are you planning to stand there all day?”

  “Sorry.” Pulling himself back to the present, he caught up with Brooklynn as he mentally cursed himself for being preoccupied with Alicia. Mating screwed with every shifter. The timing couldn’t be worse. He needed to be focused on proving himself to Brooklynn and her team. As much as he wanted to find his mate before, now he was questioning it. Maybe he didn’t need a mate, not then, maybe not ever. He couldn’t stand the idea she might be horrified when she learned of his failures.

  If he couldn’t help his family, how could he ever be expected to protect a mate?

  Over Robin’s shoulder, Alicia watched Frost as he strolled away to meet with the Elders. He didn’t even bother glancing back at her. No words exchanged since she walked out of the plane’s bedroom, he hadn’t even looked in her direction. Had his thoughts been on her as hers centered on him? They barely knew each other, but the lack of acknowledgement still stung. She didn’t expect to become the center of his world, even if they were supposed to be mates or whatever, but she expected more from him than she received. He shut her out without even an explanation or an apology.

  How long would it have been before he told me we were supposed to be mates if it hadn’t been for Evie? That was another question plaguing her. From what she gathered, he’d known since the cabin in New York, yet he didn’t say anything. Evie had been the one who let it slip, forcing him to tell her the truth. If I even received all the truth. Maybe there’s more he’s hiding from me. No, not maybe. I know there’s more.


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