by Kay Mares
“I have been thinking about our baby, Lizzy, and planning for his future. Investments to be made to secure his future, teaching him how to manage Pemberley, why then there is fishing and horseback riding, studies to attend, hopefully, he will go to Cambridge, well he will because that is where all Darcy men have gone...” Darcy thoughts flow over one another.
Lizzy laughs at him and his eagerness. Her heart is filled to see him so animated over his child, but she decides to offer him a slight twist on his musings. “What if we are blessed with a girl, Fitzwilliam?”
Darcy stares at her thoughtfully then widens his eyes a bit. “Of course, we could have a girl. Then I will work harder to ensure she will be able to be independent and select a man who will know and appreciate her worth. Parties, balls, gowns, coming out, presentation to Society. She should still have knowledge of an estate. Of course, I can teach her to ride a horse, have to pick her out a special mount, one that will take care of my princess…” he stops as Elizabeth chuckles louder. “What? Have I amused you in some fashion?”
“I admit to being diverted by you, but it is only because I know such joy in seeing you excited about our child regardless of the sex of the baby. Some men may wish for a male child only, but you are delighted with either. I am fortunate among women.” Elizabeth nestles into his embrace. She knows his penchant for planning and ordering his life so it is no wonder his mind would already be working out the details for their little one.
“You must take care of yourself, Elizabeth. Without you, I do not live. You have given me the world, and I will see to your safety and happiness. You are precious. I am looking forward to redecorating the nursery. We will begin the task as soon as you like. Derbyshire has some fine establishments with the required necessities for a little one. I will have to educate myself on infant needs. Naturally, this has not been a concern for me before.” He cannot help himself as the planning takes on a more immediate route. Then he stops and pierces her with his gaze. “You know I have been planning for the birth of our child since I wrote of the possibility in my journal? I would not want to be lacking in any way. I have waited patiently for you to tell me in your own time but that did not prevent me from beginning to make provisions for our child.”
Lizzy slides her arms around his waist as she puts her head against his chest. “I did not wish to keep this happy news from you for any other reason than to spare you pain if I was found not to be with child or worse if I had lost the child early on. You have had too much grief and loss, so I did not wish to tell you until I knew it was for certain. However, I should have known my astute husband would have put the pieces together, divining my secret. Really Fitzwilliam, I hope I have not offended you or hurt you in any way. I just thought I was protecting you.” Lizzy squeezes him harder to her.
“I do understand your concern, Lizzy. So much can go wrong. You are correct in that I have suffered from the loss of my parents and while I would grieve immensely over the loss of our unborn child, I would survive as long as I still have you. Without you, I do not live. Therefore, you will have to endure more of my fussiness as you call it and you will undoubtedly become vexed with my constant inquiries as to your health. Allow me my overprotectiveness and scrutiny, and I will be content.” He wiggles his brows for good measure, but Lizzy knows he will do all he outlined and more to ensure her safety and health.
“I will welcome your protection and care Fitzwilliam, and with that in mind, I must ask you how you feel about traveling to Hertfordshire for Kitty and Jonesy’s wedding? I am not sure when the wedding will actually take place. I do not wish to place our baby in jeopardy, but I do hope to attend.” Darcy places a finger on his lower lip as he ponders Lizzy’s concerns. He too wants to attend the wedding but not at the risk of harm to Lizzy or his unborn child. Without the date of the nuptials set, it is difficult for Darcy to come to a decision.
“I suppose the best course of action, for now, is to wait to see what date they decide on and then we will make our decision accordingly. Fret not love; if there is any way we can attend, then I will see us safely to Hertfordshire.” Lizzy hugs him and tells him he is the best of men. Darcy and Lizzy decide at dinner tonight with all of their guests present, they will share their joy. In the meantime, they take time to write letters to those of their families who are not present. The letter writing is accomplished, and because of the momentous news contained therein, Darcy sends the missives by private courier.
At the dinner table later, Darcy and Elizabeth scarcely keep their eyes from each other. They exchange smiles then squeezes to hands and legs under the table. Darcy even grazes Elizabeth’s hands and arm in plain view of the others. He barely contains the raptures from bursting forth from inside. The last year held so many wondrous changes for him all when Elizabeth accepted him. As the meal winds down, Darcy calls for everyone’s attention as he stands up. He smiles expansively at Elizabeth as his eyes sparkle. His white teeth show and he caresses Elizabeth’s hand. Caroline has never seen such emotion from Darcy, and she cannot tear her eyes away. She almost misses the glorious news Darcy shares with the table.
“I would like to share with everyone here our spectacular news,” he pauses as he leans to give Lizzy a soft kiss on the cheek. She looks up at him with luminous eyes. “We will welcome our first child sometime around June or July. Elizabeth’s trip to town today confirmed our hopes, and she has been declared with child.” Jane and Kitty along with Georgiana gasp and jump up to hug Lizzy. Anne hugs Lizzy as well as she expresses her heartfelt joy. Caroline sits still then merely offers lukewarm congratulations. The men surround Darcy and clap him on the back, offering their congratulations. They hug Lizzy also as they express their happiness for her. The after-dinner entertainments are truncated in favor of baby talk. Even Darcy stays for the chatter.
Caroline feels the sting of jealousy especially after she witnessed Darcy’s unrestrained elation. She understands she never knew Darcy as she thought she did and it annoys her profoundly Elizabeth is the one woman who Darcy revealed himself to. She just cannot allow that a man such as Darcy would have aligned himself with the likes of Elizabeth. Now they are to have a child while Caroline continues without any prospects of her own. Her bitterness is becoming palpable.
The day before the wedding dawns bright and sunny. Henry and Jonesy call shortly after breakfast to spend the day with their fiancées. Henry is still concerned Darcy may have some sport with him but Darcy just merely smiles as he tells Henry he has no designs to do so. Last minute details are taken care of by Lady Matlock, so there is not anything for Henry or Anne to do except to relax and enjoy this day. The Matlocks stop in, and they express their profound joy for Darcy and Elizabeth. Lady Matlock can secure some time with Elizabeth alone, and she wants to let Lizzy know how she is glad Lizzy has come into Darcy’s life and their family.
“As I had told you in the past, Lady Anne worried over her son finding true happiness. His bliss and contentment since his marriage to you are profound; his mother would be thrilled. Now you will bless Fitzwilliam and Pemberley once again by bringing life to its quiet halls. We love you Elizabeth and thank you for saving our beloved nephew.” Lizzy can hardly express herself as the sentiments wash over her. Darcy’s family except for Lady Catherine, have more than accepted her, they love her as their own. The afternoon quietly passes by, and then Henry and Jonesy along with the Matlocks return to Matlock Manor to ensure the last minute's preparations are attended to. An early night follows, so they are ready for the service and breakfast tomorrow.
At Pemberley, Darcy insists Elizabeth retire early as he does not wish for her to overdo in her delicate condition. Lizzy does not argue; she allows him his concern. As he commences a pointed fondling, Lizzy has some sport with him. “My dear fussy husband, I must remind you that you insisted I come to our rooms ostensibly to be well rested for tomorrow. You are not looking to hamper my rest are you?” she asks him while beginning her explorations.
“I surmised I would be able
to relax you completely thus resulting in a restful night which would ensure you would be alert and ready for tomorrow’s events,” Darcy smirks. Of course since Lizzy desires Darcy almost as much as he does her, she did not complain, and in the end, she slept very well. She is wide awake and ready for the wedding early the next morning. Ada coiffed her hair, and Elizabeth’s gown is stunning. It is dark green, hugging her curves while covering her slightly enlarged midsection. She wears the emerald earrings Darcy gifted her with at the second Netherfield ball. Darcy wears a green waistcoat to complement Lizzy’s ensemble. They are a striking pair.
Kitty chooses a purple gown accenting her dark hair which is pulled off one shoulder. Jonesy wears dark blue which blends well with Kitty’s gown. Jane donned a pale yellow gown and had her hair up in a bun with tendrils of curls framing her face. Bingley beams as he escorts her to the church. Caroline usually feels as if she dresses better than Lizzy and Jane, but she cannot help but feel she falls short in her desire to shine brighter than the others. Caroline’s gown is of a fine cut and cloth and the pale blue she wore complemented her coloring well, but she does not garner any extra attention. Georgiana looks regal in her royal blue gown and headpiece with matching feathers. She carefully picked her clothing to highlight her fair complexion, but she remains refined and dignified.
The church is decorated beautifully with numerous flowers and candles. The church pews are full of friends and family of the couple. Anne’s muted rose-colored wedding gown makes her glow. Her hair is curled and frames her face. Ribbons and feathers of a darker colored rose accent her gown with a darker rose sash around her waist. She is escorted down the aisle by Lord Matlock and presented to a distinguished Henry who wears his full military regalia. The service proceeds without flaw, and the reverend presents Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam. As Henry and Anne await at the back of the church, the guests pass before them to offer their congratulations. Soon carriages are loaded with well-wishers on their way to Matlock manor for the wedding breakfast.
Chapter 31
As the wedding guests begin to arrive at Matlock Manor for the wedding breakfast, Elizabeth has a chance to converse with some of the others. Lady Geneve and Sir Harland are present, greeting Lizzy warmly. Some Elizabeth recognizes from her introductions in Lambton and the surrounding estates others are unfamiliar. Everyone is cordial, with good wishes for the happy couple. A group of five ladies makes their way to where Elizabeth stands with Lady Geneve. Darcy is talking with some friends, and his ease of manners causes Lizzy to be happy for him. Her attention on him makes her unaware of the groups’ approach. Miss Polmear who seems to be the leader of the pack address Lizzy directly.
“Mrs. Darcy, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance finally. I have looked forward to meeting you.” Miss Polmear introduces the others in her party while assessing Elizabeth with a critical eye. Elizabeth’s guard goes up, but she is unsure what this forward lady wants. After sliding her eyes down Elizabeth’s dress and form, she fixes Lizzy with an emotionless stare. “I can see why Mr. Darcy succumbed to your charms. In addition to your obvious beauty, it has been rumored you have an uncommon intellect.”
Elizabeth, still uncertain where this conversation will lead, thanks Miss Polmear for her compliments but the crafty woman is not finished. Lady Geneve suggests perhaps it is time to rejoin the gentlemen but Miss Polmear will not hear of it. “Nonsense, Geneve, it will be a bit before we sit to the meal. I have not finished talking with Mrs. Darcy.” In another cluster of people, Elizabeth sees Georgiana watching with large eyes, but Darcy is still diverted with his friends.
Miss Polmear links her arm with Elizabeth’s as if they are longtime friends. Lizzy is fast becoming irritated, but she does not wish to cause a scene. “I have come in contact with your husband many times over the years. I have to say, seeing him laugh and smile is unique. The normally brooding Mr. Darcy has become more genial,” she raises an eyebrow as she glances sideways at Elizabeth, “tell me, how is he really?” When Elizabeth fails to respond, she smirks and asks again, “come now, don’t be coy, we all want to know, what is he really like, you know…?” Elizabeth cannot believe the brashness of this woman! Elizabeth knows full well what she alludes to. This Miss Polmear wants to know what sharing intimacies with Darcy are like! Darcy told Lizzy of the crassness to be found in the ton, and Elizabeth believes him, but she is unprepared to encounter it at Henry’s wedding. Elizabeth purposely withdraws her arm and shoots the offending woman a glare Darcy would admire. As Miss Polmear starts to pale, Elizabeth answers her.
“Why do you not ask him yourself? I will accompany you to Mr. Darcy.” Miss Polmear flushes, but before she responds, she is further unnerved by the voice of the man himself.
“Ask me what?” Darcy inquires with a hard glare all his own. Miss Polmear with her entourage melts back into the crowd without making their excuses. Darcy continues his cold survey of their retreating forms.
“That woman has always been trouble. It is a shame because of her connections she had to be included today. Darcy, Elizabeth, I would make my way to Harland if you do not need me.” Lady Geneve curtsies to Darcy and gives Elizabeth a quick peck to the cheek. Both Darcys return the courtesy.
“What did she say to upset you, My Love,” Darcy’s eyes still hold wariness. Elizabeth stammers at first, but as her ire rises, she can repeat Miss Polmear’s insinuations. Elizabeth has no qualms telling Darcy because they share everything with each other. “I see. Do not fret Elizabeth. I will tell you all regarding Miss Polmear when we return home. There are too many present to overhear our conversation.” Darcy squeezes her and flashes his most reassuring smile; he cannot help but brush his lips over her cheek as they seek their place for the meal.
After the wedding breakfast, Darcy with Elizabeth on his arm is conversing with Anne and Henry. The newlyweds are beaming at each other leaving no doubt the marriage is based on true affection. Henry asks Darcy if he has read the latest Society pages in the London paper which spoke of the upcoming nuptials between Anne and Henry. Darcy has not so Henry produces a clipped copy. It reads as follows:
Anne de Bourgh, the heiress to Rosings Park, is soon to be wed but not to who many had long speculated. It seemed as if there was a time when the great houses of de Bourgh and Darcy were to be united but alas that scenario did not occur. As we reported earlier, the Master of Pemberley met his match and was united in marriage some months ago. Sorry ladies if you were unaware. No, the new Master of Rosings will be none other than Colonel Fitzwilliam, son of Lord and Lady Matlock. Interestingly, it has come to our attention the festivities surrounding the joyous event will transpire at the Matlock Estate. We can only wonder why the celebration will not take place at Rosings. Further speculation has it that the bride’s mother, Lady Catherine will not be attending. We will continue to follow the story as it unfolds.
“Is not that rich, Fitz? No matter how hard we try to keep our lives private, there is always someone who seems to know more than he ought.” Henry shakes his head sadly.
Elizabeth eyes rounded as she reads the print. Darcy warned her of the maneuverings of people who would use him or his family for any type of gain. It surprises her to read the reference of her own joining with Darcy. Darcy just shrugs his shoulders, pointing out the Society pages are just another place for gossip. He does not like being included in the pages but came to accept it as part of his consequence. Others are always interested in what the first circles are doing. He supposes it is a way for some to live vicariously through others. While he acknowledged people’s curiosity, he does his best to protect his family from the rumor mongers.
“You will be amazed when you read of Henry’s wedding and breakfast in the weeks to come. Even though people have come here under the guise of friendship, there are those not to be trusted. They will report back to the paper any infraction no matter how minor just have a story. Speculation is rife, and it is all this which sells papers.”
Lizzy looks around at the crowd, most, ex
cept Miss Polmear, are open and friendly. Her brief interaction takes a different meaning as she thinks of what Miss Polmear asked. Would she have reported any of Lizzy’s responses to the paper for a juicy story? The thought makes Lizzy sick. When she pales a bit, Darcy places his arm around her side and pulls her to him. “Are you well, Love? You lost a bit of your color.” Elizabeth assures him she is fine but confides in him her worries over what could have been an embarrassing exposure. Shockingly, Darcy laughs and says then more ladies would know even deeper heartbreak upon finding out what they had missed out on.
“Insufferable. However, once again I see your wisdom in how you conduct yourself in public.” Elizabeth tells him as Darcy merely shrugs. In spite of Miss Polmear and her ignorant questioning, Elizabeth enjoyed the service and especially enjoyed mingling with the guests at the wedding breakfast. Georgiana knows many of those in attendance and under the watchful eye of her brother, she flits from group to group, chatting amiably. Darcy is heartened to see her easy in company, and he feels she has put the worst of Ramsgate behind her. However, he does take note of a young Lord Marsden who engages Georgiana frequently in conversation. While the gentleman is polite and has a stellar reputation, Darcy will take no chances. Darcy begins to hover about until the young man retreats.
Caroline is seen in the company of a widower of some fifty plus years of age. Charles frowns a few times when he notes her continued presence with the gentleman, but there is little he can do. Darcy only knows the man by reputation, telling Lizzy he is a friend of Lord Matlock and he has recently lost his wife. They have two sons both in their thirties and married. The man’s name is Mr. Cleese, and he owns a modest estate about fifty miles from the Matlock estate. Beyond that Darcy knows no more.