Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 1

by Felicity Brandon

  Mastered by Daddy

  A Dark Daddy Romance

  Daddy’s Little Series

  Book Two

  Copyright © 2019 by Felicity Brandon

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected]

  This book is entirely a work of fiction. The author does not condone, nor endorse any of the acts in this book.

  First edition November 2019

  Cover design by Eris Adderly

  Download your FREE Felicity book here.

  Chapter One


  In the beginning, the reassurance of the warm bedding, and the soft light spilling from somewhere behind her was enough to lull Sophie. Enough to ease her eyes open in a slow, gradual way; enough to delude her. But when her gaze flickered open, the illusion was shattered in an instant. Tension knotted in her belly at the stark fuchsia colors that met her eyes.


  Pink everywhere, like her daughter, Lucy’s bedroom, but this was pink on steroids, like a blushing room from hell. In that moment, everything that had happened to Sophie in the past twenty-four hours came flooding back into her brain. The panic, the sorrow and the excruciatingly hot sex all collided in her mind, and she gasped. Pulling against the cuffs at her wrists, her limbs tried to scramble for freedom.

  A body stirred beside Sophie, the width of a broad, firm palm tracing a line over her back and down to her tender behind. It paused there, hovering over Sophie’s tense muscles, as though acting as a warning.

  “Good morning, little girl.” Jared’s voice vibrated over her left shoulder, ratcheting up the anxiety in her body to the next level.


  Just the resonance of his tone was enough to rouse her, causing the muscles of her sex to clench on demand and her heartbeat to pick up its pace unconditionally. This was the man who had lulled her, who had taken her, who had humiliated her; yet in her head, Sophie also knew it was the man she had confided in, trusted—given herself to.

  This was her Daddy.

  Slowly, she turned her head in his direction. A part of Sophie was almost afraid to take in the lines of his face again. So far this morning, she’d been able to fool herself that this was all just a hot nightmare. Nothing more than that. Nothing more than just a recurring bad dream, an insistent creation of her torrid and troubled mind. But turning now and seeing the man in the flesh would confirm what deep down she already knew. This wasn’t a dream. This was real life.

  Sophie’s reality.

  Sophie was really here in the hideous pink bedroom. She was really tied to the bed and Jared had really abducted her.

  This was really happening.

  Sophie met his blue eyes, and if there were any doubt that what she was seeing was desire for her burning within their depths, the way he ground his erection against her hip made the point clear. “Good morning.”

  She hesitated, stumbling over that damn word that Jared kept insisting she use. The one that made her cringe. The one that made her horny and embarrassed in equal measure.

  His brow rose at the delay, and her heart raced faster.

  “Daddy.” She forced the word out in the end, just as she’d needed to plenty of times before.

  Jared’s expression relaxed, the hand at her bare arse squeezing her left cheek. “How did you sleep, little girl?”

  Sophie blinked at him for a moment, not because she didn’t understand the question, but because in that second, she was merely trying to comprehend her own body’s response to it. Something about the way he called her his little girl sent a tingle of electricity along her spine, and it was real. For every inch of duress she’d undergone, for every facet of the experience that had been screwed up and wrong, that feeling—the chemistry between them—was real. And even in her guilt-ridden mind—the places that resided with her husband, and more compellingly, with her children—Sophie could not deny the fact. She’d wanted Jared. She still wanted him, and every single time he’d claimed her yesterday, she succumbed a little more to his brooding will.

  “Okay, I think.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper as that realization fell over her. She had wanted this. She did want it. “Daddy.”

  He smiled, sliding closer, his cock trying to bury itself between her arse cheek and his hand. “I’m glad,” he replied. “You were in quite a state last night until I came to comfort you.”

  Jared’s palm trailed a line down Sophie’s thigh, leaving his erection to lunge against her bared behind, and all the while she remained there, still cuffed at the wrists. Still unable to prevent his exploration of her body. Still paralyzed with the guilt that knew she didn’t even want to prevent it.

  “I’m sorry.” The apology fell from her lips in a rush. “I couldn’t help it, Daddy.”

  It seemed a little easier to force the D word out that time, but heat still bloomed in her face as she said it. It still felt wrong.


  And hot.

  He pressed a chaste kiss onto her forehead. “I know,” he told her. “And you know Daddy didn’t mind being here with you. Otherwise I wouldn’t have come. I wouldn’t have given you more pleasure.”

  Sophie definitely blushed that time, the heat unmistakable while his eyes bored into her.

  “We both needed it, little girl. It was affirmation.”

  The hand at the back of her knee drew north up the length of her body, skimming her sore behind and rising to her aching shoulder blades.

  “Affirmation, Daddy?”


  There was a fire burning in his gaze. A dark, dangerous fire that threatened to burn down everything Sophie had known and worked so hard to nurture and protect. The way Jared thrust his cock against her flesh already told Sophie that he wanted to fuck again, and she bit down on her lower lip, considering whether it was even worth trying to dissuade him. Jared had her, after all. He well and truly had her. Sophie was not only tied to the bed, but she’d been well and truly humbled the day before. Taken over his knee after a good dressing down, she’d been spanked soundly, but she’d also been fed by hand and forced to relieve herself while Jared loomed in the corner of the bathroom. There was no hiding from the man now—he’d literally taken every aspect of her life and molded it to suit himself.

  “Affirmation about how I feel.” Jared paused, pinioning her with the weight of his stare. “About how we both feel, little girl.”

  Oh God.

  Sophie’s breath caught at the way he made that sound.

  “All those tears yesterday,” he continued. “And for what? You’re still my little girl, Sophie. You’re still bound in the bedroom Daddy made for you. And today, you’re going to learn all about your new life here with me. Nothing has changed. For all those tears, nothing is new.”

  She gulped at that. Jared made the whole thing seem so fatalistic. Like she was destined to be his little whore in pigtails. Like her whole life had been building up to this moment, and worse, like there was nothing she could do about it. But that wasn’t right, and Sophie knew it. She had a husband at home, but more importantly, she had two children who needed her desperately. Two children who would be missing her—two children her heart ached for. The faces of Billy and Lucy popped into her mind, b
ut Sophie pushed them away. She couldn’t go back to that dark place now. She couldn’t crumble in front of Jared again, but what she could do was use her children as the impetus she needed to get out of this.

  Somehow, Sophie had to get the hell out.

  “I-I don’t know what to say, Daddy.” And Sophie didn’t. All of the emotion she’d borne, the tears she’d cried for her children last night had been heartfelt, but the morning light brought the reality and that meant more than just frustrated fear.

  It meant the fight not just for her freedom, but for her very survival. If Sophie the woman wanted to make it out of this experience, then she’d have to fight. She may not be strong enough to push back physically, but she would have to find the will from somewhere. She had to remember who she was, before Jared consumed all of her.

  She had to get back to her children.

  “Then don’t say anything.” Jared shifted on the bed so that he was on top of her. Nudging her ankles open with his feet, he settled beneath her thighs, his palms pressed either side of her shoulders and his cock rubbing between her arse cheeks. “Daddy doesn’t need you to speak anyway.”

  Sophie gasped while he lowered himself gently down against her warm flesh, his cock slipping between her cheeks as though she had been designed for the purpose.

  “Daddy.” She pressed her face into the hideous pink bedding, loathing the way she was panting, yet apparently unable to control herself and completely incapable of resisting his touch.

  “Mmmm.” His mouth was at her nape now, his hot kisses shifting to the side of her neck.

  Oh Christ. Sophie’s eyes fluttered closed. Jared’s lips were so good against her skin, in another time and place she might actually have believed that there was some feeling in them. Some tenderness. Yet she knew better than that. Sophie had listened to the things Jared had told her yesterday, and she’d received his carnal passion. She knew this whole thing was based on nothing more than lust, and whatever perverse idea of keeping her Jared had contrived in his head.

  “I’m sorry.” Her breathing was fast and exaggerated. “I need to use the bathroom, please.”

  Yet again, she hated that she had to ask Jared’s permission at all. The idea that a grown woman should need to be allowed to use the toilet was preposterous to her, and yet, she was there, bound to the bed in what she assumed to be his house. Sophie needed his consent in a very real way, and even though it troubled her to admit it, she also knew being made to ask was making her wet with need. This was one of the things she had always secretly fantasized about. Being made to wait, being made to beg, and now as it played out in front of her, her brain could scarcely conceptualize what was taking place.

  Jared’s body stilled. “Now?”

  He sounded more irritated than angry, yet she couldn’t help the shiver of nervous energy that coursed around her at the sound.

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m—” She was going to apologize again, but what would be the point?

  Didn’t she sound pathetic enough having to ask his permission? Did she really have to lower herself further?

  Jared sighed. “Can’t you hold it?”

  Sophie turned toward him as best she could, pressing her left cheek into the cool bedding. “I’m not sure,” she murmured, aware of the fresh heat spreading on her face. “I don’t want you to be cross with me.”

  He blew out a breath. “I’m not cross,” he said, though his tone was unimpressed. “I just want you again, little girl.”

  She screwed her face up at his words, pushing her mouth back into the bedding in the hope that Jared wouldn’t notice her response. Of course, Sophie had been expecting those words from him, his massive, nudging erection had made the fact more than clear, yet somehow, hearing them had been more difficult to process than she’d realized, and worse, if truth be told, Sophie wanted him, too. In spite of her every rational protest, the cuffs and the captivity were doing something for her. Sophie was wetter and more wanton than she’d ever known with Jason.

  Then she’d known with anyone.

  “I’ll hold it.” Sophie mumbled the words into the mattress.

  “What was that?” He seemed to move in a heartbeat, his left-hand fisting Sophie’s hair and unceremoniously yanking her head back.

  She winced at the sudden hurt, pulling in air through her teeth as her gaze flitted to try and meet Jared’s. “I’ll hold it, Daddy.”

  His face was right there with Sophie’s a moment later, those blue eyes flashing a direct warning to her. “Yes, you will, little girl,” he growled. “Yes, you fucking will.”

  Chapter Two


  Jared noticed her hands ball into fists as he impaled her, but no complaints left Sophie’s lips. Not that it would have mattered. She was his now—his little girl—and he would certainly fuck her whenever he wanted to, yet still it pleased him enormously when the only thing that escaped Sophie’s mouth was a low, guttural groan.

  “Good girl, Sophie.” Jared loosened the tension in her hair, allowing her head to fall back to the bedding once more.

  She was wet for him again. Maybe she’d been wet all night for him—the idea curling his lips as her heat enveloped Jared and his cock pumped in and out of her slick pussy. “This is how I intend to start every morning, but then, you’d already guessed that hadn’t you, little girl?”

  Sophie’s gaze flitted to his as best she could face down and bound to the bed. Her eyes conveyed the power of the sensations she experienced every time he lunged into her glorious sex. Jared was rock hard for her again, and he had no intention of being gentle.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she panted.

  Jared grinned down at her wryly. She was just too fucking perfect. “Up onto all fours, Sophie.”

  He pulled her up from the hips while he gave the instruction, slamming back into her pussy as she scrambled to find her balance. “Now, that’s more like it.”

  Jared drew back, smacking her right arse cheek before he filled Sophie up once more. She was so good. So snug around his shaft, so hot and inviting. Sophie was everything he had craved for so long, and now he finally had her. His balls tightened as the excitement of that thought loomed.

  He truly did have her.

  She whimpered as he claimed her over and over, her alluring mewls threatening to push Jared over the edge completely. With his pleasure imminent, Jared pulled from her body and leaped from the bed to stride around to the place Sophie’s mouth was waiting.

  “Open up, little girl.”

  She glanced north, her gaze darting from his no-doubt expectant expression to his monstrous cock. Obediently, her lips parted and she shifted on the mattress, apparently to permit Jared space to lunge into her throat. He wasted no time at the invitation, filling it balls deep and reveling in the strangled noises that filled the air while he pounded her face. Glancing down, Jared could see Sophie’s eyes filling with tears, and with some reticence, he finally drew away, leaving her gasping for breath.

  “You’re going to drink up Daddy’s cum,” he commanded, fisting the length of his hard cock over her open mouth while delivering the order.

  Sophie’s gaze fluttered to him, blinking away the water as she nodded in response. Jared smiled down at the desperation in her eyes. Sophie was adorable. She was clearly in turmoil, wanting to please him, yet wanting to be satisfied herself; reveling in the binds at the same time she so obviously craved her freedom. Sophie’s quandary unfurled in his mind, but it was the plea in those large eyes and the alluring, compliant mouth waiting to receive his orgasm that were finally his undoing. After another moment, Jared pumped his climax directly onto her face, depositing a good majority straight onto her obedient tongue.

  She was something beautiful alright—a contradiction—but that fact didn’t matter. It made Sophie no less his. In fact, in many ways, the reality of how conflicted she was about the whole experience made her all the sweeter for Jared. It always had done. Sophie was smart and she was reasonably savvy. He could tell there was st
ill a part of her that couldn’t even believe this had happened to her in the first place—a part of her that was still numb with shock—but it was fighting to be heard over the two dominant voices in her head. The one that sobbed for her release and longed to go back to the dull monotony of suburbia, and the other voice—the one that excited Jared the most—the one that absolutely bloody relished his treatment of her. The one that was always silently begging for more.

  That was the one he was speaking to.

  “Swallow it down, little girl,” he said in what sounded like a snarl even to his own ears.

  Even in its satiated state, his cock throbbed while he watched her comply, her tongue disappearing to consume his cum. Reaching down, Jared’s index finger wiped the remainder of his pleasure from around her lips and he presented the digit to her. With only one wanton glance, Sophie wrapped her lips around the finger and sucked his digit clean. His balls contracted painfully at the scene.

  “Good.” Jared yanked the finger from her mouth and stroked the side of her face in an almost tender way.

  Sophie had impressed him, so now he was inclined to reward her.

  “I’ll untie you.” He ushered her away with a flick of his free wrist, watching while she scrabbled across the sheets as far as the cuffs would allow, before he seated himself on the bed beside her. “And then I’ll take you to the bathroom.”

  She was silent while he released her tiny wrists from the cuffs, her body slumped against the bedding. His bespoke bondage had done an excellent job of holding his little captive prisoner for the night, but it was time she was freed. Jared had a whole host of plans for his little one today, and that started with getting her cleaned and thoroughly shaved. His lips twitched at the thought.

  “Remember the things you were told last night, Sophie.”

  She lifted her chin at the warning in his voice, but her lips remained sealed.

  “Do not do anything stupid. You may be free, but you’re still not as strong or as fast as I am. If you run, I will catch you and I will punish you.” His tone had lowered and she recoiled at the timbre.


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