Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 3

by Felicity Brandon

  Sophie swallowed, twisting in Jared’s direction before she inched toward him. She still hadn’t washed her hands, yet somehow, all she could focus on now was the half-filled tub behind him and what he was intending to do to her in there. “I’ve never been shaved there before,” she admitted coyly.

  Jared’s brow rose. “You will be from now on,” he assured her. “You’ll always be bare for me.”

  He reached for her shoulder, his fingers tracing a light caress down her exposed skin and reflexively, she shivered under this feathery touch. The same hand rose into her hair, Jared’s fingers tightening just enough to hold her in place while he dropped a gentle kiss at her lips. “Did you hear what Daddy just told you?”

  She nodded her head slowly, not wanting to accept the hurt his digits would cause if she used rapid, jerky movements. “Yes, Daddy.”

  The words were surprisingly simple to say now, and she blinked at the man who had taken control of her entire world, unsure how she was processing his deeds. On the one hand, she undoubtedly desired him, but she was also intimidated by him, and her rational mind knew he was the man standing between her and her children.

  “Good.” His voice was softer now. “Tell me then. Let me hear you say it, little girl.”

  Sophie took a deep breath before she answered. “I’ll always be bare for you, Daddy.”

  And on some level, Sophie suspected the words were true.

  Chapter Four


  He lifted her into the warm water. Despite her pleas to the contrary, the woman weighed next to nothing, and his cock swelled at the sense of power that flooded his bloodstream as she slid into the tub. She was naked and vulnerable and totally his.

  His hot little girl.

  His hostage.

  He smiled as that thought resonated. Jared could dress it up however he liked, but the truth was Sophie was his captive, and whatever growing facet of her brain craved his attention, he was under no illusion—she missed her family and she wanted to go home.

  She’d leave him in a heartbeat.

  Jared positioned himself on the edge of the bath, twisting to gaze down at her half-submerged body. The tub was one of those large, freestanding types, and she was able to slip down inside it as though she really were a child. But whatever his dark fantasies, Sophie was no girl. She was a fully grown, curvy and desirable woman, and every time the water lapped over her body, Jared’s erection hardened a little more. Sophie’s amazing tits were sitting above the water line, her nipples hardening as though they were responding to his stare directly.

  “Time to get your hair wet, little girl.” Jared’s voice was raspy with need, and internally, he berated himself. He shouldn’t always make his need so obvious, though really, sitting this close to her wet nudity, there was no choice.

  Sophie’s attention was on him again, her eyes large at the command, but warily she eased herself down into the water. Jared watched while her head slipped beneath the surface, the deed pushing her chest even closer in his direction. Unable to resist the temptation she offered any further, Jared reached for her left breast and circled the beading nipple idly. Her eyes, which had fluttered closed as she submerged, flew open at his touch, her body rising out of the water instinctively.

  Jared tutted, shaking his head at her sardonically. “Now, now, Sophie,” he purred. “You know better than to shy away from Daddy’s hand.”

  She started to pant, her chest rising and falling while the water dripped from her face. “I wasn’t, Daddy,” she insisted. “I’d just finished doing as you’d asked.”

  He grinned at her response. Every time Sophie called him Daddy, he wanted to cheer, his carnal response never any less potent. “It seemed like you were trying to get away from me.”

  Sophie shook her head emphatically. “No, Daddy.”

  “You’re going to be my good girl, huh?” He shifted from his place, wandering to the nearby corner cabinet and opening the door.

  Inside was the array of hair products he’d purchased for her. Everything from baby shampoos to conditioners specifically for long hair. Jared only wanted the best for his little girl.

  “You wouldn’t dare defy me would you, Sophie?”

  He was toying with her now, and glancing back in her direction, Jared was pleased to see a blush blooming at her cheeks. Stalking back to his place at the bathtub with the products he’d selected, Jared smirked down at her stuttering reaction.

  “I-I’m trying to be good,” she stammered. “I swear it, Daddy.”

  Perching on the edge of the roll-top tub again, Jared balanced the shampoo and conditioner on the small metal rack secured to the tiles and reached for her, running his palm lightly down her wet hair. With the blonde locks flattened down her back, Sophie looked less like the little girl he’d taken and more like a bona fide porn star. Her breasts were plentiful and firm, her curves near irresistible and her legs seemed never-ending. He still couldn’t understand why Sophie had such a problem with the way she looked. She was utterly beautiful—surely, she could see that every time she caught sight of herself? Jared wanted to pull her from the water, bend her over the edge of the tub and pound her sweet cunt again. But this was bath time—the chance to get his little girl clean and smooth. His lust would have to wait.

  “I know you’re trying to be good,” he told her, and with a smile, he opened the shampoo and poured a small amount of the liquid into his palm. “Just keep trying. Keep being my good girl.”

  Sophie sucked her lip between her white teeth, nodding while he worked the product into her wet hair. Jared rubbed it into a lather, tilting his head to see how Sophie was reacting to his attention. She was quiet, her hands pressed onto her thighs as though she was consciously stopping herself from intervening in his pursuit.

  “You have lovely hair,” he mused out loud. “It’s a gorgeous color and a great length.”

  He rinsed his soapy hands in the water, ensuring his fingers brushed her inner thighs before they rose back to her tits.

  Sophie gasped as he squeezed them gently. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Good girl for thanking Daddy.” His hand slipped south between her legs again, his fingers pressing between her wet folds. “If you keep pleasing me, you’ll find I have all sorts of satisfying ways to reward you.”

  Her brown eyes flashed at him and he noted the way her knees splayed a little wider—as wide as the tub would allow. Jared chuckled at Sophie’s response. For all her angst and conflict, Sophie’s body reacted to him in just the way he’d hoped and imagined—with a yearning to comply. To be touched and used by him—to surrender.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Sophie?” Jared breathed the words into the side of her face, relishing the way her flesh heated under his scrutiny.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  His cock throbbed urgently at her breathy little tone. “How much would you like that, little girl?”

  Slowly, she seemed to pluck up the courage to address him. “A lot, Daddy.”

  Jared pressed further between her legs, circling the opening to her pussy. Fuck, he wanted it, too. There was no doubt about that, but the question of Sophie’s rewards would depend entirely on the way she behaved today. He was more than happy to oblige her compliance, but any bad behavior would equally be met with his discipline.

  Somehow, that thought did little to quell his burgeoning arousal.

  “Then you know what to do.” Jared pulled his hand from her body with some reticence, grasping at the waiting showerhead before he eased the tap on to start the flow of water. “You know what to do, don’t you?”

  She nodded, but her gaze flitted to the approaching showerhead.

  “Keep being my good girl and Daddy will evaluate your performance later. Now, close your eyes, Sophie, and tip your head back.”

  She squeezed them closed, tilting her head as he’d instructed just in time. Jared ran the water down her hair, stroking the soaking strands while suds disappeared into the tub around her. He’
d thought about the idea of bathing Sophie before, but in his daydreams, Jared had only considered how hot it would be to have her naked and exposed to his will. He’d never contemplated how sensual and intimate it would be to wash her hair, and despite his desire, Jared was startled by the way he actually wanted to care for the woman. It was the same yearning that had driven him back into her bedroom last night, the bizarre and unexpected need to comfort, as well as punish and fuck her, and it perturbed him.

  “Now for your conditioner.” He flicked the tap at the wall, halting the flow from the showerhead, before pouring some of thick liquid between his palms. Easing his hands through Sophie’s hair, her eyes flickered open and their gazes met once more.

  “That feels nice, Daddy, thank you.” Sophie’s expression shifted in a heartbeat. It looked as though she was stunned by her own admission, her eyes widening and her lips parting, but it was too late. The words had already escaped.

  Jared beamed down at her. Like Sophie, he’d not been expecting the compliment, but unlike his little girl, he was happy beyond belief to hear it from her sweet lips. Perhaps this wasn’t going to be as traumatic as he’d feared, after all? Maybe Sophie could let go of the responsibilities of her past and give herself to him.

  Her hand rose to her mouth, sending water cascading around her. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” The final word was muted by her palm and Jared stopped working the product into her hair and pinioned her with the full weight of his gaze.

  “Don’t be. I want this to be good for you, Sophie. Daddy isn’t just here to spank you, he’s here to look after you, as well.”

  She swallowed at his words. “Look after me?”

  Sophie’s brows furrowed at his words, suggesting she had never even contemplated the idea before.

  “Yes,” he replied with a snigger. “Is that so strange?”

  Her gaze darted to the white tiles on the wall beside her. Apparently, it was a peculiar notion for her. “I suppose, I’m just not used to it.” She turned back in his direction. “Usually it’s my job to look after other people.”

  There was a flicker of pain in her expression at that moment, and Jared imagined her thinking about her children again. Her kids were rapidly becoming a thorn in his side, but he wasn’t completely devoid of any human emotion, and Jared reckoned he could understand some of the things Sophie was feeling about being separated from them.

  Parted, he reminded himself. She was parted from them, not separated. There would be no going back to that life for Sophie, now. She just didn’t fully appreciate the fact yet.

  “Well, not anymore,” he assured her. “Now that you’re mine, I’ll be doing all the work and you, little girl will be doing what?”

  He flung the question at her as his hands slipped down over her chest again, squeezing the weight of her breasts in his conditioner-slickened palms.

  Sophie pulled in a shaky breath, her expression etched with fresh concern. “I don’t know, Daddy.”

  He laughed at the anxiety in her voice, wishing he could slide his cock between those breasts and promising himself that one day soon, he would. “Yes, you do. Daddy has really only asked you to do one thing since we met yesterday. What is it?”

  She fluttered her eyes at him, her gaze revealing she could barely believe they had only been in contact for such a brief period of time. Jared could relate to that. Having Sophie was idyllic, and already, it seemed like she’d been a fixture in his house for weeks, not hours. Already, she seemed totally his.

  “Obey you, Daddy?” Sophie sounded hesitant.

  Jared’s balls tightened at her reply, sending a shot of fresh arousal up his spine. “That’s right, little girl,” he said with a smile. “All you have to do is obey me.”

  Chapter Five


  As a grown woman, Sophie had never been bathed before. Sure, she’d shared baths with her children on many occasions, and she vaguely recalled one instance a long time ago, when she and Jason had shared a roll-top tub, much like this one, at an expensive boutique hotel. But it had never been like this—it had never felt like this. Glancing up at the man who seemed content to massage her body with half of the contents of products he’d produced from the cabinet, Sophie wondered what he wanted to achieve with this performance. Of course, she knew he wanted to reinforce the idea that she belonged to him now. That she was his. And just like the food last night, Sophie was certain Jared was enjoying making her submit to his will. She bathed when he decided, he washed her hair, just as he played with her breasts when it suited him, and Sophie, for her part, had no choice but to concede.

  She exhaled at that thought. That’s what she was doing. She was ceding to his every whim and desire, and she was doing so not only because she was frightened of the repercussions if she tried to resist, but also because the concessions made her more wanton than she’d ever known. Her gaze flittered back to Jared’s face. He looked like he was just about to speak again.

  “Well, not anymore.” His tone was soft and haunting. “Now that you’re mine, I’ll be doing all the work and you, little girl will be doing what?”

  Both of his giant hands ran south over her chest at the query, massaging her breasts with the remaining conditioner at his fingers. Her nipples pebbled at the attention, his digits sending fire to her blood. Jared was so big and strong, yet when he handled her so sensually, it was divine.

  She inhaled, realizing suddenly that Jared was still waiting for an answer. “I don’t know, Daddy.”

  The sound of his chuckle filled the steamy air around them. The recent hot water from the showerhead had managed to mist up the mirrors in the bathroom. “Yes, you do. Daddy has really only asked you to do one thing since we met yesterday. What is it?”

  Sophie blinked at him wildly as his words resonated around her head. Had it truly only been less than a day since they’d met? And less than that since he’d taken Sophie from her home? It seemed like so much longer.

  “Obey you, Daddy?” She wasn’t sure if it was the right answer, but she hoped it would be a good enough one. One that wouldn’t land her in yet more hot water. However much she’d ultimately enjoyed being over Jared’s lap last night, Sophie could still feel the effects of the spanking and she wasn’t ready for a reprise any time soon.

  He smiled at her. “That’s right, little girl. All you have to do is obey me.”

  Jared made it sound so simple. He made it sound as though giving up on her own children was even a choice, because it wasn’t. Sophie could never give up on them. She could never just walk away. Jason was one thing—their marriage had been growing stale for a long time, and perhaps one of the things this experience was teaching Sophie was that they no longer understood each other—her husband didn’t understand her, at all. Worse than even that though, now that they were apart, she recognized the reality of the situation. Jason didn’t want to understand her. He just wanted to do what he always did and stick his head in the sand and perpetuate the status quo. Christ, the man had turned into his own father.

  “I need some of that obedience again now.”

  That got Sophie’s attention, her thoughts returning to the smirking Jared again.

  “Are you listening?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her heart pounded at the question, the notion that she might have displeased him somehow sending her into a spin.

  “Good.” Jared eyed her with a knowing look. “I want you to crawl to the end of the tub carefully and perch on the end with your legs spread.”

  Sophie’s throat dried at the command. She knew where this was headed and yet somehow, the concept of being shaved by someone else seemed like a step too far. Let alone the fact that Jared intended to shave her down there…

  “Now, Sophie.” His tone was lower now, and her limbs moved in response, scrambling to react at the same time.

  She found herself on all fours, but very nearly lost her balance altogether when she started to inch her way up the base of the tub.

  “Carefully!” Jared
reminded her with a snicker.

  Sophie’s head fell forward at the word, her face flaming anew. Jared could even make moving in the bathtub seem like a humiliating ordeal, but then again, she supposed that was the point. She made it to the end of the white tub, grasping the edge tightly while she drew herself out of the water. Tentatively, she rose to her feet and Jared was beside her in an instant, offering her his hand while she turned to face the opposite direction.

  “Good girl,” he praised in that condescending voice that sent Sophie’s heart racing even though she despised the patronizing tone. “Now sit on the edge and get your balance before you show me what belongs to me.”

  She caught her breath at his words, forcing herself to ignore the rush of arousal and concentrate on complying. Jared held her steady while Sophie settled into position and then, finally, she splayed her thighs as wide as the tub would permit.

  Jared wandered in front of her exposed pussy to assess her performance. His smirking gaze met hers. “I’ll need you wider than that,” he surmised. “Hook one leg up onto the edge.

  Sophie panted, slowly raising her left leg to meet his demand and she watched, dumbstruck as the dark God before her yanked the sweatpants from his hips and stepped out of the garment. Grabbing a razor from the nearby immaculate shower cubicle, Jared climbed into the water she’d vacated. His cock sprang forth before her, the sheer size of the thing making her throat dry. Christ, she’d taken that thing in both her sex and down her throat, but she’d never truly laid eyes on it. No wonder she’d gagged so hard around his length—Jared was longer than any other man she’d fucked, and his girth was not insubstantial, either.

  “Don’t worry, little girl.” His taunting tone finally drew Sophie’s focus from his cock, and she flushed at the realization that she’d been staring at the thing so overtly. “You’ll be getting that again soon enough. Just as soon as I get you beautifully shaven.”


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