Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 10

by Felicity Brandon

  She flashed him a concerned look. “But D-daddy?”

  The look of surprise in Sophie’s eyes suggested even she couldn’t believe she’d said the words out loud and something about her expression caused Jared to chuckle. She was truly fucking beautiful, especially when she was bound and horny.

  “What is it?”

  “Wh-what about me?”

  Daniel stalked toward the bedroom door, laughing. “Seems like the little lady wants some fun of her own, mate. You can hardly blame her. We just had a pretty great time.”

  Jared smiled. He didn’t blame her, but that didn’t mean Sophie was going to get what she wanted. She was his now. And his little girl still had a lot to learn.

  Turning, he wandered the short distance back to where she reclined on the rug and crouched down in front of her face. “You’re going to stay right where you are, little girl.”

  Jared glared down at her, pinioning Sophie with the weight of his stare. “Daddy wants you bound and wet for him, so that’s how you’re going to be.”

  Sophie bit her lip in response.

  “And if I get one sense that you’ve made yourself come whilst I’m downstairs, Daddy is going to be very disappointed.”

  She strained her gaze north to meet his eyes and Jared ensured he arched an eyebrow at her. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  He could hear the tension in her voice—the need—it was there for both of the men to hear and it nearly made him hard again.

  “I mean it, little girl,” he said sternly.” I want you desperate for my touch, Sophie and trust me, I will know if you’ve had an orgasm.”

  Sophie nodded into the rug. “Yes, Daddy.”

  He smiled. “Good girl. Now say goodbye to Daniel. Perhaps he’ll come around and give you another dose of medicine soon.”

  Her gaze flitted to Jared’s friend and she even managed to blush. It was quite a sight considering she was still covered in his cum. “Goodbye, sir.”

  Jared turned to see Daniel saluting her effort.

  “Until next time, sweet Sophie,” Daniel murmured. “Until next time.”

  Jared followed Daniel down the staircase, pausing in the hallway while his friend checked out his tousled hair in the mirror. Daniel spun on his heel at Jared’s approach, his eyes still sparkling after the recent high.

  “Thanks again for letting me share,” Daniel said with a grin while he patted Jared on the back.

  Jared sniggered. “Well, I thought you deserved something for your time, Doctor. You and Anton really helped me out yesterday.”

  Daniel laughed at his appraisal. “If only my work was always so satisfying,” he concluded with a wry expression. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys before he headed toward the front door.

  “So, any words of wisdom for me?” Jared slipped his hands into his own pockets, assessing his friend’s face. Daniel had always been the quiet one—the sensible one—and Jared was sure he’d never have got caught up in an abduction without his skills of persuasion. He was also certain that Daniel had a view about it all, too. Daniel might have gone along with the plan and even been complicit, but that didn’t mean he approved. Not really. Daniel just had a misguided sense of loyalty where Jared was concerned, and after all of the trauma in his own family, Jared was pretty much all Daniel had left.

  “You’re a big boy, Jared.” Daniel lifted his chin to regard him. “You don’t need any advice from me.”

  “That’s true. But what if I want it?”

  Daniel pressed his lips into a hard line. “Isn’t it a bit late for that?” He gestured toward the staircase. “Aren’t we a little far down this rabbit hole to be worried about a consensus of opinion?”

  Jared shook his head with a smile. “Probably,” he concurred. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in your view.”

  Daniel’s brow rose. “Really? You’ve never genuinely been interested in anyone else’s opinion have you, Jared?”

  Jared snorted. Daniel had a point there. “Not much,” he agreed. “But you and Anton. You’re like brothers to me.”

  The hard glint in Daniel’s eyes softened. “Well, you’ve got what you wanted, mate,” he considered after a moment. “What’s your plan now?”

  “To enjoy her.” Jared’s response was immediate and Daniel burst into laughter at the sound of it.

  “Understandable.” Daniel nodded. “And then?”

  Jared pulled in a breath. “And then I train her up to really be mine.”

  Daniel pulled in a breath. “So, you’re going to keep her then? In spite of her husband? In spite of her kids?”

  A spike of rage rose in Jared, its ferocity taking him by surprise. “Those things are irrelevant now.”

  “Not to Sophie, they’re not.”

  Jared’s stomach clenched at the dose of reality. Trust fucking Daniel to deliver it, too. What the hell had he been thinking asking for his opinion? It’s not like Jared really cared. He’d always done whatever he wanted, regardless of other people’s opinions, and he always would. “Yeah, well. She’ll get used to it.”

  Sophie would have to.

  Daniel looked at him skeptically. “Whatever you think,” he concluded in the end. “Just remember, Anton and I are in it up to our necks for you, Jared.”

  He paused, ensuring his stare drilled into Jared before he continued. “Don’t fuck this thing up.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Sophie stretched out on the rug, naked, bound and helpless. The feeling had returned to her fingers, but her arms ached from being forced into the bondage for so long, and her feet were fast becoming cold. She buried her toes into the long fibers of the rug, edging herself up its length so they could benefit from more of the fibers, but the deed inadvertently stimulated her pulsing clitoris and reflexively, she bit down on the urge to moan. Fuck, that was so good. Sophie might be bound and tired, but she was also fucking horny. Having both Daniel and Jared’s cocks at the same time was irrefutably the dirtiest and most base fuck of her life, but rather than be disgusted with herself, all Sophie could think about was how hot and bothered the deed had left her. Not only was Jared’s cum leaking on her thigh, but she was still aware that Daniel’s was drying on her face. Sophie had been more than just wanton. She’d been completely wild—like a woman possessed.

  “There’s my little girl.”

  Sophie’s heart rate leaped at the sound of Jared’s voice. In the intensity of the memory, she’d not heard him coming up the stairs, yet now here he stood, towering over her again. She twisted her head, trying to catch his eyes. Trying to decide what his gaze told her about Jared’s mood. Did he look merciful and in the mood to allow Sophie the release she so badly craved, or, as she feared, was he just intending to torture her? The thrum of arousal was throbbing inside her core, drumming with need—with desire to be set free—and Sophie didn’t know how long she could go without satiating that desire.

  “Have you been a good girl?” Jared lowered to his haunches again, his blue gaze assessing.

  She panted at him. “Yes, Daddy. Yes, I have.”

  Jared’s brows knitted while his gaze ran up the length of her body. “But you have moved, haven’t you, little girl?”

  “Have you been rubbing that greedy little clit against your rug?” He shot the accusation at her.

  “No!” The word escaped her lips like an emphatic reflex. “No, Daddy. I swear it! I was just cold and wanted the rug for my toes.”

  Jared met her gaze for a moment, his eyes crawling along Sophie’s body until she could sense him appraising her feet. “Hmmm.”

  “Please.” All of a sudden, it was imperative that Jared heard her—that he understood her. The thought of being left unsatisfied made her want to cry, but worse than that was the thought of pissing him off again. If Jared was angry with her, if he punished her again in some unbearable way, Sophie just didn’t know if she was going to be able to handle it. Not now.

  Not anymore.

; Not when she was this desperate—this close to the edge.

  “Please believe me, Daddy. I swear I didn’t do anything. I didn’t come.”

  Jared’s lips curled and he reached for Sophie, brushing the loose strands of hair from her eyes. “Let’s get you up and see for myself, shall we?”

  She blinked at him, uncertain for a moment what Jared meant, but in one fell swoop, he lunged, tugging at her shoulders and pulling her up onto her knees. Sophie gasped at the change of tact. For so long she had been down on the rug, suffocating in the irritating fibers at her face and forced to bear the ignominy of the exposure and the bondage, and now—just like that—Jared had righted her. Sophie’s head spun as she blinked around the torrid pink hues of the walls, but there wasn’t much time to dwell on the matter. Almost at once, Jared was back with her. He crawled toward her, settling on his knees at her rear before his left arm snaked around her middle and massaged her vulnerable breast. Sophie groaned at the contact. Even now, Jared’s touch was so good.

  Too good.

  Too good to be the caress of her kidnapper.

  Too good for her to resist.

  “Let Daddy see just how wet you are, little girl. Knees apart.” Jared’s free hand tapped at her thigh impatiently, and Sophie inched her stance wider while his fingers pinched her nipple.

  It took him a few seconds to cocoon her body, the hand at her thigh drifting exactly where Sophie had known it would go. His fingers trailed a line over her smooth pussy, the sensation feathery and intense when they brushed over her throbbing clit.

  “Oh God.” Sophie gasped, arching away from Jared and toward that fingertip even though it had already moved on, and was even now pressing down her wet slit.

  Jared chuckled. “That’s a promising start,” he whispered into her right ear. “You’re still so needy for me. Perhaps you have been a good girl, after all?”

  Sophie’s lips parted and she intended to answer him, to defend herself, to reiterate her point that she’d definitely been good, but all coherent lines of argument vanished the moment Jared slid one, and then a second finger into her wet pussy. Her thighs buckled at the intensity of the sensation. Having been so recently filled with Jared’s cock, Sophie was soaked with desire, and yet her need was yet to be sated, and as his fingers pumped in and out of her, it became difficult to take a breath.

  “Is that good, little girl?” Jared’s tone was soft and mocking.

  “Oh fuck.” The words slipped from her mouth, even though Sophie knew Jared didn’t like them. Even though it would likely land her in more trouble.

  Somehow, it was impossible to contain them.


  She tensed at his hard tone, her pussy squeezing his digits instinctively. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she panted. “I… I just can’t.”

  He laughed softly. “You can’t what, little girl?”

  Jared’s breath was warm, tickling her nape while the question danced past her ear.

  “I can’t, Daddy. I can’t hold on.”

  “Oh, but you will,” he assured her in that goading tone. “You will learn to do as you’re told.”

  Oh God.

  This constant teasing and torment—it was unbearable. Surely it was easier to deal with the pain and punishment? At least, Sophie knew what to expect with that. And at least she was learning how to morph it into something hot and powerful.

  “Please, Daddy.” She was begging again, the words falling from her like water from an open faucet. “Please, may I come?”

  His fingers were drilling into her now, filling her before withdrawing and plunging north again, and every time they pursued her, his hand grazed her clit. It was heavenly, yet could prove to be the ultimate torture if Jared didn’t allow the release.

  “You need to come, baby?”

  Sophie squeezed her eyes closed for a second at his patronizing tone. Of course she wanted to fucking come. Hadn’t she just told him as much? Hadn’t she just begged him?

  “Please.” She was on the verge of tears. “Yes, please, Daddy.”

  “I know, little girl.”

  And just like that, his fingers were gone, his palm withdrawing completely as Jared rose from his place on the rug and came around to loom over her again. It took a moment, but Sophie eventually found the strength to lift her chin and meet Jared’s gaze. He was smiling at her agony and looked fucking gleeful.

  Her hands balled into fists at the realization.

  Jared was happy at the torture he was inflicting. “There’ll be no coming for you yet, little girl.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her, daring Sophie to challenge his decree, but lowering her gaze and trying to catch her breath as the disappointment washed over her, Sophie began to cry.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Sophie broke down in front of him, her head lowered while the tears came, and for a long moment, Jared just towered over her, watching. He couldn’t say he was especially aroused by her show of emotion, but neither was he moved. Jared enjoyed exerting his will over Sophie and it was something he intended to do whenever it suited him, so Sophie would just have to get on with it.

  That thought made him smile as time protracted.

  At length, the tears became stifled, and Sophie drew in a deep breath, shuddering as the avalanche of emotions she was bearing presumably landed over her again.

  “Do you feel better?”

  Sophie lifted her chin, and there was defiance burning in her eyes. “No, Daddy.” Her voice was croaky, but firm as her gaze drilled into him. “No, I do not.”

  Jared tilted his head at her. “Shame,” he murmured with a smile as he took a step toward her. “It did seem as though you needed to get that out of your system.”

  She inhaled once more. “Daddy.”

  His feet paused at the conviction in Sophie’s voice. It surprised him, given everything Sophie had been through—everything he had put her through—yet somehow, he met it with amusement. Though of course, he couldn’t let that show.

  “What is it, little girl?”

  “May I ask you a question, please?” She fluttered her lashes at him, her bound arms still forcing her arms back and causing her breasts to jut out in that way that hardened Jared’s cock instinctively.

  He pressed his lips together. Jared already knew what was probably on Sophie’s mind. “You may ask,” he told her. “Though I’m not promising you an answer.”

  Sophie nodded sadly. “Why am I not allowed to come?”

  Her eyes were plaintive orbs as she asked the question, the look of her making Jared’s lips twitch. He edged in her direction, ensuring he had her full attention before he answered.

  “Do you need me to help you understand, baby?” There was that teasing tone again, the one Jared knew she loathed, yet somehow gave him such a rush.

  She swallowed at his sudden proximity. “Yes, please, Daddy.”

  “Okay.” Jared fell back to his knees in front of her, hooking his thumb and forefinger gently at her chin. “I’ll try and make this simple for you.”

  Her lips parted, but she didn’t speak. Sophie’s gaze was fixed on his face, her thighs shaking, though Jared didn’t know if it was the pressure of the position she was forced to bear or the thrum of the pleasure he refused to permit her.

  “You’re not permitted any pleasure because Daddy doesn’t want you to come yet.”

  Sophie gasped, biting her lip at his words. “But, why, Daddy? Did I do something to displease you?”

  There was a genuine flicker of panic in her eyes with the question, something Jared hadn’t seen since yesterday.

  “No, little girl.” He couldn’t resist the smile that rose at that. “You haven’t upset me, at all. In fact, you did well with Daniel and me.”

  Her face visibly relaxed. “Then why are you punishing me, Daddy?”

  Christ, the way Sophie said that. Jared swore his cock grew with those words alone.

  “Oh, I’m not, little one.” He leaned dow
n and pressed a hot, chaste kiss at her forehead. “This isn’t a punishment.”

  Sophie tilted her head, blinking up at him. The bewilderment on her face was obvious. “B-but, I don’t understand.”

  The finger at her chin tightened a fraction. Not enough to hurt her, but just enough to garner her attention. “Who owns you, little girl?”

  Jared’s voice had lowered to the deep, edgy tone, and Sophie inhaled at the sound of it, telling Jared what he already suspected. She knew precisely what that tone inferred—what it meant he wanted.


  Sophie panted, though he noticed the way her nipples beaded as she spoke. “You.” Her voice was practically a whisper. “You do, Daddy.”

  “That’s right.” He stroked the side of her face. “I do, Sophie. I own your body and that means I own your pleasure, too. There’s no coming without my permission, but if you’re a good girl—if you keep being a good girl—maybe Daddy will let you come later.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Maybe, Daddy?”

  Jared nodded his head, arching his brow. “Maybe.”

  She sucked her lower lip between her white teeth, clearly contemplating Jared’s words. “But I’m so frustrated, Daddy.”

  Sophie’s face flamed with the admission, and he could tell how much she hated having to concede the point. Yet clearly, her desire was so great that Sophie no longer had a choice. It was absolutely wonderful to witness.

  “Are you?” Jared wasn’t even trying to suppress his glee anymore. He was just having too much damn fun at Sophie’s expense.

  She swallowed, permitting her eyes to close for the briefest time before they flickered open in front of him again. “Y-yes, Daddy.”


  She blinked at his response, her mouth open. “D-Daddy?”

  “I said good, little girl.” He smiled, shifting his hand to her neck as he drew Sophie closer toward him.

  She shuffled forward on her knees until only an inch separated them and if Jared leaned toward her, his shirt would brush against her hardened nipples.

  “I want you this way, Sophie. You can see that, can’t you?”


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