Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 12

by Felicity Brandon

  Sophie inhaled, her hands visibly shaking.

  “Go and take a look, little girl.” He lowered, pressing his palm into the small of her back and encouraging Sophie toward the thing until she shuffled forward, the chain jangling between her feet.

  “Oh God!” She pressed her palms to her mouth when they moved nearer.

  “Isn’t it lovely?” Jared’s tone was sardonic, but there was truth in it, too.

  The pen was beautifully crafted and completely bespoke. It had taken some weeks to build and hadn’t been cheap, but as Jared approached the structure now, it had all been worth it. He’d had the thing lined with soft white faux fur and satin, so his little girl would be snug inside, but inside she would be.

  Sophie turned back to regard him. “I can’t.” Her voice was shaky. “I can’t. Please, Daddy. Please don’t make me go in there!”

  If there had been any doubt about how much of a sick fuck Jared was, this was the moment that crystalized it for him. Sophie was a beautiful woman, and on the whole since he’d taken her, she’d been reasonably compliant, yielding to him wonderfully, but all of that changed nothing. Even though there was real terror dancing in her eyes, no compassion stirred in Jared. In fact, as he rose back to his full height and gazed down at her, the only thing stirring was his lust. He loved that flicker of panic he noticed, the way her breathing had accelerated and the fact she was having trouble getting the words out. He relished the adorable flush of her cheeks and the way her limbs trembled. It was perfect and it was turning him on.

  “You’re going in, Sophie.” Jared’s tone was stern. “You know you are.”

  Her face crumpled while her gaze flitted between the pen and the man who was going to force her into it. “But—”

  “But nothing,” he interrupted. “We both know you’re going to do as you’re told, so there really is only one question, little girl.”

  Jared’s voice thundered around the room and Sophie startled. “Are you going to obey the rules and be Daddy’s good girl, or do I need to make you go in?”

  There was silence while Sophie considered her albeit limited choices.

  “How long do I need to stay inside, D-daddy?”

  Jared wanted to laugh. Was Sophie really trying to negotiate her way out of this situation? Had she learned nothing about him over the past twenty-four hours? “You stay as long as I want you to stay.”

  Her eyes closed at his inevitable verdict.

  “But you should know by now, Sophie, if you’re a good girl then you’ll be rewarded.”

  Sophie’s gaze fluttered open again. “Yes, Daddy.”

  She sounded resigned—afraid, but resigned—and her tone was one of the sweetest noises Jared had ever heard, hardening his cock yet further.

  “Good girl.” He leaned toward her, raising his hand and brushing the side of her cheek gently. “Daddy can be gentle, you know that, and if you want that side of him, then you only have to do one thing, don’t you, Sophie?”

  Sophie glanced at him, tears welling in her eyes. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  Fuck, she looked so good like this. Her vulnerability and the ribbons in her hair were so damn good that at this rate, Jared couldn’t see himself getting any fucking work done.

  “What is it, baby?” His voice was softer now, trying to lull her into getting into the pen without a fight. Of course, Jared had the strength and the will to force her inside, but he would rather deal with things this way—the calmer, quieter way—if he could.

  “Be good?” Her brow rose with the response, as though she wasn’t sure if it was the correct answer.

  “That’s right, little girl.” Jared smiled down at her, caressing her hair from her face. “All you need to do is just be Daddy’s good little girl. Spend your time in the pen while I’m working and then—if you impress me—Daddy might make you come after lunch.”

  She glanced back down at the metal structure, presumably assessing it.

  “Can you do that?” Jared smirked. “Can you do that for Daddy?”

  Sophie nibbled at her lip. It was more than evident that she didn’t want to go in. That she was fearful of the confinement, of what it would mean, and in truth, she still didn’t know the half of it yet, but Jared could see he’d already won the battle. Sophie was going inside the pen and they both knew it. Now all Sophie needed to do was satisfy him completely and say the words aloud.

  She blinked up at him. “Yes, Daddy,” her tone was breathy, but he couldn’t say whether it was panic or arousal that inspired the response. “Yes, Daddy, I can do that.”

  Chapter Twenty


  There was no way Sophie was going in that thing—literally no way, except even as she knelt shaking beside it, Sophie knew that was bullshit, because she was going in, wasn’t she? Jared was going to make her, and in truth, while she could scream and shout and even try to run, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to truly stop him. He was too big, too fast, too strong—too much for her to contend with. Jared had been one step ahead the whole time, and this was just another example of the power he now wielded over her. Jared had known this thing was down here during the entire duration he’d held her. It had been here when they’d fucked, when he’d shaved her, when he’d forced her to eat in the kitchen down the hall, and all the while, he’d not said anything about it. Why would he? This thing—this cage—was his trump card and the gleeful expression on his face at this moment told Sophie everything she needed to know. Jared was excited about getting her inside.

  Jared couldn’t fucking wait.

  This was what he’d been waiting for.

  She glanced away, staring at the black metal construction Jared now wanted her to crawl inside and for a moment she nearly lost her breath. There were chains and cuffs dangling in the interior, new places to bind and control her and even though the thought filled Sophie with terror, there was that nagging sick part of her that was almost keen to try it.

  Sophie wanted to turn and run and cry, but at the same time, she was every inch as depraved as Jared, wasn’t she? She must be, or why would her body always respond in this carnal way to the debauched proposals he presented her with. Not that this was a proposal of course; this was very definitely an order.

  “Can you do that?” Jared was practically sneering as he asked the question. “Can you do that for Daddy?”

  Sophie pulled her lip between her teeth. She always seemed to do it when she felt nervous or out of control and since Jared came knocking at her door, that was almost all she had felt. Why was she even contemplating this?

  This wasn’t a decision—it wasn’t a choice. Jared had already chosen her fate and like it or not, Sophie was going inside the damn cage, and she was in no doubt that’s what the thing was. They’d bought a playpen for Billy when he was a toddler and it was nothing like this. It was a place he could stay and play and be safe while Sophie ironed. It wasn’t a damn prison. She took a breath to steady herself. Maybe it was better that she just acquiesced and did what he wanted? Sophie had tried to counter him upstairs and it had gotten her nowhere apart from back into Jared’s bad books.

  This was a game Sophie just couldn’t win.

  She glanced up to his expectant face. “Yes, Daddy,” her tone was breathy. “Yes, Daddy, I can do that.”

  He blew out a breath and stroked her shoulder in an almost tender way. “That does please me, Sophie.” Jared smiled. “You know I adore you, little girl and only want you to be safe?”

  Sophie suppressed the urge to laugh at that. Keep her safe? Who the fuck was Jared kidding? This had nothing to do with her safety and welfare, and everything to do with his twisted fetishes for bondage and age-play.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She wrung her hands out in front of her, trying to contain the anxious energy coursing around her body.

  It seemed odd not to have her hands bound anymore, but somehow, Sophie sensed that wouldn’t be a problem for long. Not based on the numerous cuffs hanging from the roof of the cage…
br />   “That’s good.” His voice had morphed into the seductive tone he seemed to employ whenever he was pleased with her. “Which reminds me, Daddy has one more present for you.”

  Sophie’s eyes widened at that. Experience was teaching her that Jared’s gifts were rarely good… unless she counted the mind-blowing orgasms he’d torn from her helpless body.

  “Stay right there, little girl.” He was already moving away from her in the direction of the large black desk and Sophie’s heart sped up while she watched him.

  Perhaps this was an opportunity to make a break for it? Sophie was effectively free, despite the cuffs at her ankles and she bet she could rise and hobble at speed if she had to. Her gaze darted between Jared and the door. His attention was momentarily focused on the top drawer of his desk and not on her, so she had a chance—this one chance. In her mind, Sophie imagined herself running, fleeing for the door and beyond, hoping she could somehow stay ahead of him and by some miracle, find her way out of the house via an unlocked exit. She shook her head at her dismal logic. As if any of that was going to happen. As if she could get away from Jared—as if he would leave a door unlocked when he had Sophie hauled up in the house.

  As if…

  “Here we are!” Jared’s excited tone drew her thoughts back to the moment and while he strode back toward her, Sophie saw her pathetic attempt to get away evaporate before her eyes.

  He was back with her a couple of long strides later, his large palm clutching something new. “I know you enjoy your gags, little girl, so Daddy bought this one especially for you.”

  Sophie’s heart pounded at his words and instinctively, she held her breath as his fingers uncurled to reveal the latest pink addition to her life. What Sophie found there nearly caused her heart to stop altogether. It was a pacifier—like the ones she had given to the children when they were babies, but this one was attached to a leather strap which looped around into the buckle she’d seen at the back of her ball gag.

  “My God!” She lifted her chin to look at Jared. “Is that a gag?”

  His expression darkened at her tone, or maybe it was just her choice of words. Either way, the sight of him sent her already panicking heart into a frantic spin.

  “Daddy,” Sophie added, hoping it would be enough to save her.

  “Indeed it is.” Jared took a step in her direction. “It’s for you, Sophie, and Daddy expects a little more gratitude from his little girl when he presents her with a gift.”

  Sophie gulped, the growl of Jared’s voice, the hammering of her heart and the prospect of what lie ahead all combining to give her the start of one of her bad headaches. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ve”—she hesitated, eyeing the pink pacifier gag in his hand again—“I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  When Sophie glanced back to Jared his lips were curling.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” He ran his fingers over the leather, holding it up for Sophie to see more clearly.

  The pacifier looked like a regular one that might be given to a child and Sophie tried to imagine what it would be like to have the thing shoved in her mouth. A hot rush of humiliation rushed to her core, tightening into that torrid, unbearable heat she found so impossible to reconcile. My God, he was going to use this thing on her, and worse, Sophie might even be turned on by the idea!

  “Sophie?” The unimpressed tone was back, drawing her focus back to Jared’s face.

  “I. I don’t know what to say, Daddy.”

  “Yes, you do.” He was behind her now, the gag hanging between the fingers of his right hand. “What do you say when Daddy buys you a present?”

  Fleetingly, Sophie closed her eyes. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Better.” Jared lowered to her height, his lips pressing into her nape, and despite all her horror at the reality of what awaited her, Sophie couldn’t deny how good Jared’s caresses were.

  It was like he was some sort of dark God who’d been sent to torment and then save her, all at the same time, and just like Sophie’s desires, the man was a total contradiction. One moment he was fierce and unyielding and the next, he presented her with this more tender side, and it was impossible to keep up.

  Perhaps that was the point? Jared probably wanted to keep her head spinning.

  “Open your mouth, little girl.”

  Sophie twisted at the instruction, but his free hand rose to her shoulder and held her firm.

  “No.” Jared’s voice was low but calm. “I didn’t ask you to move. What did I ask you to do, Sophie?”

  She pulled in a shaky breath. Sophie already knew where this was going. He was going to push the bloody pacifier into her mouth, wasn’t he and she’d be forced to wear it and to bear the embarrassment, because that’s how Jared wanted her. Locked in the bloody cage he called a playpen, no doubt bound and gagged like a small child. Hot, shameful arousal burned at her core as that scenario rolled out in her mind.

  Oh God, he was going to do it and Sophie was going to fucking enjoy it.

  “Open my mouth.” She whispered the words. “Daddy.”

  “And so?”

  Slowly, Sophie ordered her lips apart, kneeling there with her mouth agog while she waited for Jared’s next move. As if she didn’t know what it would be. As if it wasn’t obvious what was coming next.

  “Better.” His voice vibrated past her ear and a moment later the gag appeared in front of her eyes.

  Just the look of the pink pacifier heading toward her forced a strangled noise from Sophie’s throat and she caught sight of Jared leaning down over her shoulder to watch its descent.

  “You’ll find you won’t need your mouth open that wide,” he told her softly. “This is actually going to be a lot kinder to your jaw than the ball gag you chose yourself. It’s smaller and you can wear it for much longer.”

  Twisted arousal mingled with Sophie’s anxiety in the pit of her tummy, and any second, Jared would have the thing in place, the buckle fastened at the back of her head ensuring it stayed in place whether she wanted it there or not. Her nipples beaded at the denigration, her clit throbbing with fresh urgency, reminding her that her need had still not been satiated.

  And then it was done.

  Just as Sophie had imagined, the silicone part of the pacifier slid between her lips, the pink plastic pressing against her mouth while Jared secured the thing. She closed her eyes once it was in place, playing with the silicone in her mouth.

  Whatever had happened to her before—the ribbons, the sparkly fucking butt plug shoved inside her arse—none of it compared to the overwhelming humiliation of this moment.

  This was too much.

  “Let me look at you.” Jared’s tone was gleeful as he guided her around to face him and he chuckled at the way Sophie refused to meet his eyes.

  “Little girl. Look at me now.”

  Sophie could just about swallow with the pacifier between her lips and she forced the saliva down before she lifted her gaze to his. Her cheeks were burning hot with embarrassment and the beaming grin on Jared’s face did nothing to quell her shame.

  “Wonderful.” He pinched one, and then the other nipple while he assessed her. “You look fucking wonderful, little girl.”

  She blinked at him, still uncertain which of the two of them was the sickest and most deranged. Not that it mattered anymore anyway. Not that it was a bloody competition.

  “Now you’re ready for your playpen.” And with that, Jared steered Sophie on her knees toward the cage while he opened the black door.

  The gate swung open, the gesture seeming innocuous enough, but there was nothing innocent about what it represented for Sophie.

  Nothing innocent at all.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Jared turned Sophie back toward the pen, snaking one hand to squeeze her left breast while the other slid between her legs. He loved how smooth her pussy was, and gently, he stroked her lips before he eased down between them. Sophie gasped, the pacifier shoved between her teeth unable
to conceal the sound, and Jared was inclined to agree. She hadn’t been lying earlier about being desperate to come. Sophie was soaking with desire and as he crouched behind her body, two of his fingers pushed into her, filling her cunt and swelling his dick. He sighed into her hair, relishing the little breathy mewls that were coming from around the gag.

  “Is that good, baby?”

  Of course it was good. It was fucking good. Sophie’s budding, desperate nipples, her arching back and her drenched pussy all told him the answer. Jared’s left hand fell from Sophie’s bosom, grabbing at her arse and sliding between her cheeks to check on the pretty little plug he’d inserted. It was still there, just where he’d left it and he pushed down on the sparkly end, smiling at the way Sophie groaned at the pressure.

  “That good, huh, little girl?”

  She twisted to blink at his face.

  “Answer me, little girl.”

  Sophie’s brow knitted, her expression conveying her thoughts with comparative ease. How could she answer him with the pacifier stuck between her teeth?

  “You’d better try, beautiful,” he told her in a goading tone. “You’re already due another punishment for not obeying me upstairs. Don’t make it worse for yourself now.”

  Her gaze widened a fraction and Jared waited. He waited for the noises which he knew were going to drive him crazy and would be even better than merely the sight of Sophie in the gag, and his good little girl didn’t make him wait long. A string of scarcely recognizable consonants left her mouth and he grinned. Sophie was clearly trying hard to answer, and he swore he’d even heard a word resembling Daddy, but still, he couldn’t help but enjoy Sophie’s degradation. Her face flamed a deeper shade of red when their eyes locked and she was clearly aware of exactly what Jared was thinking.

  The thought emboldened him.

  As did the knowledge of what was to come next.

  “Daddy wants you to crawl inside like a good girl,” he demanded, pointing in front of the open gate of the pen as he slid from her tempting cunt.

  Sophie eyed him wildly, but after a second’s hesitation, she ceded, pressing her palms in front of her. Jared’s cock strained to be freed and allowed to fuck her face before he enclosed her in the pen, but he knew that would be counterproductive. Jared had just got the pacifier into place and the look of it was driving him crazy. The idea of removing it—even for a blow job—would have to wait. This moment was about an entirely different type of submission for Sophie.


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