Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 14

by Felicity Brandon

  Jared eased from her tight hole before pumping two fingers back in. “Tell me then.”

  He leaned over her body again until his lips were at the side of her face while his fingers continued to stretch and fill her behind. “Tell Daddy what you want, little girl. What you need.”

  Sophie turned in his direction, her lips parted and her eyes half closed. It seemed as though the sensation his fingers were creating was so mesmerizing the poor little girl could barely even think, let alone respond.

  “Daddy.” It was all she managed to say.

  “Sophie.” Jared’s tone was firmer now and his fingers picked up their pace at the same time. “Do not make Daddy wait.”

  She forced her eyes open, blinking at him wildly. “I want it, Daddy, but please, I’m scared. You’ll never fit in there.”

  Jared smiled, pressing a kiss into the side of her clammy forehead. “Daddy will fit just fine, little girl. The plug has opened you up nicely for me and that greedy little cunt has left you soaking.”

  He curled his fingers inside her and right on cue, she gasped, her eyes widening with alarm. “You feel amazing, Sophie. Fucking amazing.”

  “Daddy, you’re too big.” Her plaintive tone sent Jared’s arousal soaring again. “Please.”

  “You’ll open for me.” He pinioned her with his stare, wanting her to know that whatever else he intended, he meant the words that were coming next. “And I will be gentle until you’re ready to take all of me.”

  Sophie sniffled, her face visibly relaxing, along with the muscles tensing at his fingers. “You promise, Daddy?”

  She was so vulnerable at this moment, so delicate and helpless, and while that was precisely how Jared wanted her, he was unexpectedly moved by her question. Sophie had to trust him—she had no other choice—yet the fact she looked to him for reassurance shifted something in his head. Something he hadn’t felt since they’d taken her from the house and he’d worried about her transit. It invoked a peculiar need in him to protect and nurture Sophie as well as use and abuse her, and the power of it took him by surprise.

  “I promise, baby.” He met her wide, brown eyes while the hand at her arse stilled. “You will yield to me, but I won’t injure you. I’ll take what’s mine and you are going to fucking love it.”

  Sophie pulled in a deep breath and Jared actually saw the moment she relinquished, the flicker of submission evident in her large, alluring eyes. Her tongue lapped at her lower lip for a second, before she gave her verdict. “Yes, Daddy.” Her lips twitched. “I trust you, Daddy.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Sophie had tried so hard to resist him. She’d tried to fight him off at her house, spinning a web of lies where she could to throw Jared off the scent about when Jason would return and then fleeing as soon as she’d had the chance, but Jared had been one step ahead of her the entire time. Sometimes several steps ahead. And now, as she leaned over the cold white table, a revelation flashed into her mind.

  Sophie had nothing left.

  Nothing left to fight him with.

  No resistance.

  Jared had bent her will from the very first kiss, molding it to suit himself. He’d captured her mentally long before he took her body, exposing and humbling her in ways she’d barely even known were imaginable a couple of days ago. And the worst of it was that while he’d done it all without her consent, Sophie had relished almost every moment.

  Surely that was lunacy?

  Maybe she was truly sick in the head?

  She didn’t know, and as his fingers eased from her behind and his face slipped from her line of sight, Sophie supposed there was little point of fretting about her mental health. If this was madness—if psychosis had actually taken control—then so be it. Let it take her, let it control her, so long as it helped her to surrender. So long as it brought the pleasure she craved. The pleasure that would wrap her in warmth and security. Her defiance was exhausting—and often painful—and in the end, it meant so little. Sophie always paid the price, in tears or in agony, and she would no doubt pay again. But now—now, if Jared was going to shove his enormous prick inside her virgin arse, then let the lunacy swallow her whole. Sophie sought the sanctuary it offered, the ability it had to ensure she let go and enjoyed her debasement—even if, in the end, it was only the madness keeping her afloat.

  Jared’s mouth was back between her cheeks then, the heat of his mouth capturing her attention as he lapped at her arse. Sophie’s eyes fluttered closed. The sensation—that sensation—was easily the most intense thing she’d ever experienced, although that accolade seemed to shift as fast as the hours did. When the heat of his mouth disappeared, she panted, knowing what was coming next.

  “Daddy wants this arse now, little girl.” Jared’s voice boomed from behind her, seeming to echo around the expensive décor. “And he’s going to have it.”

  She closed her eyes at the declaration, though the feeling of his cock at the place he promised to claim drew them wide open a moment. Jared pressed forward, causing panic to bloom in her chest. Jesus, he was so big. So fucking big! Sophie had been right all along. There was no way he was going to fit in there.

  Jared’s hand pressed down onto the table beside hers. “Relax, little girl. Try deep breaths for me.”

  “Daddy.” She was panting again, completely unable to compose herself now that his enormous cock was spearing her most sensitive place.

  Jared’s erection had become the center of her entire world, and even though he was probably not even an inch in position, it seemed as though he was stretching her to the breaking point.

  “Stop, please!” Sophie pushed back against him, using her elbows to try and rise from the damn table and be free of him. Let him punish her. Let him be upset and disappointed. Hell, Sophie would crawl straight back into the fucking cage herself if it meant avoiding the shaft that was threatening to split her in half. She just couldn’t take him. She couldn’t.

  “Sophie.” The low resonance of Jared’s growl raised the small hairs at the back of her neck. “Stop this, little girl.”

  “But, Daddy, it hurts!” She sounded pathetic and her toes curled as her own words whipped around her head, but somehow, that didn’t matter anymore.

  There was no pride in being Daddy’s little girl. Only depravity and surrender.


  She closed her eyes at the order, and all of a sudden, Jared’s body cocooned her, his face appearing in her peripheral vision and as she caught sight of his glower, something shifted.

  “Breathe.” Jared gave the command again, but his voice was gentle this time and Sophie pulled in a breath out of instinct. As she exhaled, she felt him ease further inside her.

  “Oh God.” She bit down at her lower lip, this time until she tasted blood.

  He leaned toward her until his lips grazed her ear. “Again.”

  “Fuck.” The word seemed to escape of its own accord while she complied and Jared’s monstrous cock slid deeper into her arse with each new exhalation.

  Sophie had no idea how far he’d possessed her as she struggled to pull in another breath but she couldn’t imagine anything or anyone ever being as deep. The act wasn’t so much painful as bloody overwhelming, her every sense focused on the intrusion.

  “Good.” He whispered the word. “That’s good, little girl. Keep breathing and let me in.”

  And she did. It was that moment perhaps more than any other that summated the whole ordeal for Sophie. That was the moment she surrendered. If she thought she’d conceded before this point, then clearly, she had been wrong—deluded perhaps—naive, but not now. Not anymore. There would be no innocence for Sophie now. No purity left in the world and only this base pursuit of pleasure remained.

  “Fuck, Sophie…”

  Jared’s chest rose from her back and gently he eased from her, before filling her arse again. She called out this time, the smooth thrust literally robbing her of breath while he conquered her, and w
hen Jared’s lunges became shorter, and more insistent, Sophie knew for sure—that was what he was doing. Jared was conquering her in a way no man had ever done before. No one had fucked her arse before—not even Jason—and Sophie was in no doubt, she would never be the same.


  His eyes opened as he plunged inside Sophie again. Her arse was so fucking tight and every time she contracted around him, Jared had to catch his breath.

  “Fuck, Sophie…”

  He lifted himself from her body, conscious of the fact she had to bear both their weight and eased his cock out and then back in her snug behind. Sophie was perfect, and so now, was his possession of her. She’d reacted initially with fight, but that was understandable. Jared had a good idea how overwrought this act would be making her feel, but he doubted she had any clue how fucking good it was for him.

  “You’re incredible.” Jared straightened his back, grabbing her pigtails while he pushed back inside her tight arsehole. Every time he pressed back inside, he could sense he stretched her a little further, made her a little more his, and the thought pushed him right back to the precipice.

  “Do you like Daddy fucking your arse, little girl?”

  He didn’t pull her hair hard this time, but enough to arch her back while he controlled her. Enough to get her attention—as if he didn’t have that already.

  “Daddy, I…” Sophie gasped when he filled her again. “I don’t know.”

  Jared smiled at the admission. “You will,” he assured. “Once you get more used to me taking you this way.”

  Releasing her hair, Jared’s hands moved to Sophie‘s hips and he held them tight as he drove forward into ecstasy. With a shudder, he came, the tension splintering his every thought for a second. Collapsing over the table, Jared just managed to catch his weight with one outstretched palm before they both folded onto the floor. Jared was still inside her as he guided her panting body onto the carpet below, and pulling her into his chest, he held her while the aftershocks washed over him.

  Save for their labored breaths, they were both quiet, but Jared’s grip around Sophie’s body never faltered. He knew he’d taken everything from her now. Everything she had to give—maybe even more than she had to give. Jared had befriended her, listened to the woman spill her heartfelt desires to him and then, when she’d least been expecting it, he’d swooped in and taken her as his own. He’d snatched her from the life she knew. She was his now.

  Jared tilted his head to gaze down at Sophie. Her eyes were closed, her body trying to curl into some type of fetal position, if only his arms would permit it. His right arm snaked around her middle, holding her a little tighter and his cock twitched inside her backside. By all accounts Sophie should hate him right now. He’d stripped everything she had away from her to use for his every devilish whim, but deep down, Jared knew she didn’t. Sophie had wanted those things and somewhere, buried in a dark place that even she didn’t visit, Sophie had wanted this, too. She needed to be owned this way.

  He shifted his right arm, trailing a light caress from her hip down the length of her thigh, and the gesture seemed to rouse her from her sex-imposed stupor. Sophie’s gaze fluttered open, her head lifting to watch the journey of his fingers.

  “There’s my little girl.”

  Her focus flitted in his direction and the vulnerability was back in her eyes again, stirring that need to nurture her all over again. Easing himself from between her cheeks, Jared propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at her. Sophie was no longer bound, but there didn’t appear to be any fight left in her anymore. She was obviously exhausted and neither of them had enjoyed much in the way of sleep last night.

  “Did Daddy hurt you?”

  It was such a fucked-up thing to ask in the circumstances. Hadn’t he just taken what he’d wanted regardless—just like he always did. Jared had never asked Sophie if she’d wanted to come with him into this warped little fantasy, and he knew that’s what it was, and still he didn’t care. He hadn’t asked because he didn’t care for the answer. Once he’d had his sights set on Sophie, that was the end of it. She’d sealed her own destiny the first day she’d ever pinged him a message on the fetish site.

  Sophie shook her head, though one of her hands shifted to her arse in what seemed like an instinctive act. “I-I don’t think so, Daddy.”

  He stared down at her large eyes and blushing cheeks. She had that wonderful look about her that women have when they’ve just been fucked. The ribbons had practically fallen from her pigtails, but it didn’t matter. Sophie was still his little girl.

  “I don’t think so either, baby,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her shoulder. “I think you’ll be fine after a good nap.”

  Sophie blinked up at him, her brows knitting. She looked utterly shell-shocked, as though she could scarcely comprehend what had just happened to her, let alone was capable of thinking about anything further.

  “Daddy.” She swallowed, blinking away what looked like tears.

  “Shhhh.” Jared reached for her, easing her body from the carpet and cradling her in his arms. “It’s all right. You did well, baby. Daddy couldn’t be any happier.”

  Sophie glanced in his direction and the tears were definitely there now, the first drops making a path down past her nose. “Please, I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Shhhh.” This time Jared lifted his hand and pressed his index finger lightly against her lips. “That’s enough, little girl.”

  “But, Daddy—”

  The hand at her lips shifted in a flash, hooking under her chin and holding Sophie’s head in place while his other arm supported her. “That. Is. Enough.”

  He watched as the flicker of protest was extinguished in Sophie’s watery eyes. “You’re tired and need some rest. That’s all.”

  Jared had been planning on making her lunch after this, but based on her responses, he was thinking better of it. He’d give her an hour or so to sleep off the morning of ritualized humiliation and sexual desire and then, once she was rested, he could feed and fuck her some more. And of course, there was still the matter of her punishment for defying him earlier. She pulled in a deep breath and as his hand fell away from her chin, she turned away from him, her eyes blinking into the soft light of the white blinds.

  “Come on, little girl.” The sound of his voice drew her attention back to his gaze. “Time to get you upstairs.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Sophie was back in his arms again before she even knew what was happening. Jared was so strong and she seemed so weak now. Naturally, he was physically stronger than her, but it was about more than just that. His will seemed stronger, too, and every time Sophie tried to push back, he broke her resistance down in a heartbeat. He carried her with seemingly little effort back to the pink room, the hue almost instantly making her headache return with a vengeance.

  “Here we are.” Jared murmured the words while he placed her down gently on the bed, and as she glanced up at his face, his expression was almost tender.

  Everything ached now. It wasn’t only her head, but after the rigors of the cage and then the frenzied fucking, it seemed like all of Sophie’s limbs were made of lead. She clenched the muscles between her legs gingerly. As if her sex wasn’t sore enough after all of Jared’s attention in the last few hours, now he’d fucked her backside, too. Sophie’s brow furrowed at the memory. What the hell had happened? One moment he’d been giving her what she needed and screwing her hard and fast over the table, and the next he’d been spearing her in the most animalistic way. It had been painful—an atrocious intrusion—and yet, Sophie didn’t regret it.

  She pulled in a breath while that fact reverberated.

  Jared hadn’t truly hurt her, and she was certain he could have if that had been his choice, but still—he’d carried on when she’d begged him to stop. He’d ignored her pleas, just like he’d done from the start—just like he always would do. A heaviness fell over her chest with that thoug
ht, the sensation making it difficult to take another breath. It was always going to be like this, wasn’t it? Until she got away—if, she got away at all— Sophie would always be at his mercy, available to satisfy Jared’s every dark whim, and Christ, half of the time she even fucking enjoyed it. Her head pounded at the weight of the contradiction. If this had to transpire—if this really was going to be her fate—then why couldn’t Sophie just be like other women.

  Normal women.

  Why couldn’t she resist the allure of Jared?

  Why did she fucking revel in her debasement so much?

  Fresh tears threatened at the questions, but she blinked them away hastily. Sophie had to stop doing this. She had to stop revealing herself to the man. She had to stop being so pitifully weak.


  What was that in his voice—concern? Sophie wanted to snort at that. It was a little too late to be worrying about her now.

  “Sophie, what’s wrong?”

  She blinked up at him, wondering how he could even ask such an inane question. What was wrong with her—well, let’s think. Perhaps it was the drug-induced abduction that was troubling her, or maybe all the fucked up and crazy things he’d done to her since then?

  “My head hurts, Daddy.” She swallowed at the admission.

  It was true at least.

  Jared’s brow furrowed while one of those giant palms rested gently against her forehead. “You’re dehydrated,” he concluded, though how he was deciding the verdict Sophie had no idea. “You should have drunk more at breakfast.”

  Her lips parted, her instinctive reaction to argue the issue, but what was the point? “Yes, Daddy.”

  His expression softened. “I’ll get you some water,” he told her softly. “There’s still half a jug by the window from last night.”

  Sophie’s gaze flitted to the place she recalled Jared leaving it, and sure enough, the jug of water was still there—just where he’d left it. As Jared rose from the bed and stalked toward the thing, a stark realization hit her. She was like that jug now—their fates were the same. They were merely possessions—things that could be picked up and then put down again—left somewhere until Jared needed them again. The pressure at her chest constricted until it was painful.


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